How to Use Smodin's Article Writer V2

10 Apr 202304:41

TLDRKevin from introduces Smodin's Article Writer V2, a tool that searches the web for relevant content based on a chosen topic and generates articles with sections comprising two to three paragraphs each. He suggests starting with a question as a title for better results. The process includes creating outlines that can be customized, and then generating the article. The tool provides references within the text, which users are encouraged to review to ensure the accuracy of the content. The AI content detectors mentioned are said to have a 94% accuracy rate across multiple tools, including GPT-3. Users can also expand on topics by asking questions in the chat section, which integrates Google data. The tool allows for the addition of new references and the extension of text length, as well as the regeneration of the article. Finally, users can download the generated article in HTML format for use on blogs or other platforms.


  • 📝 Use a good title, preferably a question, for better search results.
  • 🔍 Article V2 searches the web for relevant content based on your topic.
  • 📚 Start with a list of keywords or a preferred title to generate content.
  • 📈 Sections typically consist of about two to three paragraphs each.
  • 📋 Generate an outline first, then customize it as needed.
  • ✅ Click 'Generate Article' to produce the content based on your outline.
  • 🔗 References are provided; check them for the accuracy of claims.
  • 🔍 Use the 'Find Useful Information' or 'Find a Source' for additional research.
  • 💬 Ask questions in the chat section for further clarification, which includes Google data.
  • 📈 You can add extra information to the reference section to support your content.
  • 📏 Use the 'Expand Text' feature to increase the length of the content if needed.
  • ↻ Click 'Regenerate' to create a new version of the article, but note it will overwrite current changes.
  • 📁 Download the HTML version of the article for use in blogs or other platforms.

Q & A

  • What is the main feature of Smodin's Article Writer V2?

    -The main feature of Smodin's Article Writer V2 is its ability to search the web for relevant results directly associated with the user's chosen topic and then produce sections of the article with about one to three paragraphs each.

  • What type of title is recommended for better results when using Smodin's Article Writer V2?

    -It is recommended to use a question as the title because it tends to produce slightly better results as it is easier to find directly related content.

  • How many sections and paragraphs are typically involved in an article generated by Smodin's Article Writer V2?

    -Typically, an article generated by Smodin's Article Writer V2 involves about two to three paragraphs per section.

  • What is the next step recommended after starting with a title or list of keywords in the Article Writer V2?

    -The next recommended step is to get outlines, which allows users to make changes as desired. However, users can also skip to the end by clicking the 'Generate Article' button.

  • How can users customize the content generated by Smodin's Article Writer V2?

    -Users can customize the content by changing the outlines to suit their preferences. They can update sections like 'Challenges and Limitations' or 'Ethical or Legal Issues' to focus on different aspects of the topic.

  • What does Smodin's Article Writer V2 provide after generating an article?

    -After generating an article, Smodin's Article Writer V2 provides a list of the different outlines used, the title or keywords, and a generated article with sub-headers and references to the source material.

  • Why is it important to review the references used in the generated article?

    -It is important to review the references to ensure that the information supports the claims made in the article. Users can check the reference section to see the actual text used to produce the article and verify its accuracy and relevance.

  • What is the accuracy rate of AI content detectors mentioned in the script?

    -The script mentions that AI content detectors have achieved an accuracy rate of 94% on multiple tools, including GPT-3.

  • How can users find additional information or sources for the generated article?

    -Users can use the 'Find useful information for' or 'Find a source for' in the research section to expand on any topics. They can also ask questions in the chat section, which includes Google data for more insights.

  • How can users add additional information or references to the generated article?

    -Users can add additional information or references by clicking the plus icon next to the desired reference and adding the text as they wish. This can be done if they find relevant information that supports their article's content.

  • What happens if a user is not satisfied with the length of the generated text?

    -If a user is not satisfied with the length of the text, they can click the right button to expand the text. They can also adjust the stopping point to allow for a longer text length if desired.

  • How can users download and use the generated article for their blogs or other platforms?

    -Users can download the generated article and open the produced HTML file, which can then be used in any blog or other platforms as needed.



📝 Introduction to Article V2 on

Kevin introduces Article V2 on, a tool that searches the web for relevant results based on a user's chosen topic. He explains that the tool generates content in sections of about one to three paragraphs and recommends starting with a good title, preferably a question, for better results. Users can adjust the content by modifying the provided outlines and can skip to the end by clicking 'generate article'. The tool also provides a list of references used in the generated article, which users are encouraged to review for accuracy and relevance.



💡Smodin's Article Writer V2

Smodin's Article Writer V2 is a tool designed to assist in the creation of articles by searching the web for relevant content based on a chosen topic. It generates sections of text, typically one to three paragraphs, which can then be compiled into a complete article. This tool is particularly useful for content creators looking to streamline their writing process and ensure their articles are well-researched and relevant.

💡Relevant results

Relevant results refer to the search outcomes that closely pertain to the topic or keywords inputted into the Article Writer V2. The tool uses these results to generate content, ensuring that the produced article is pertinent to the user's chosen subject. In the context of the video, relevant results are crucial for creating an informative and engaging article.


A title in the context of the video is the heading or name given to an article. It is recommended to use a question format for the title as it tends to yield better results in terms of search engine optimization and engagement. The title serves as the first point of contact between the reader and the article, aiming to capture interest and set the stage for the content that follows.


Paragraphs are blocks of text that are part of an article. In the context of Smodin's Article Writer V2, each section of the article is composed of about one to three paragraphs. These paragraphs are generated based on the relevant results found for the chosen topic, providing a structured and coherent flow of information within the article.


Outlines are the structured summaries or frameworks that represent the main points or sections of the article before it is fully written. In the video, the tool generates a list of outlines that users can customize according to their preferences. This feature allows for flexibility in shaping the direction and focus of the article's content.

💡AI content detectors

AI content detectors are systems that use artificial intelligence to identify and analyze content, often to detect plagiarism, originality, or to evaluate the quality of the writing. In the video, the speaker discusses the power of such detectors and how they can be bypassed, which is a topic of interest for those concerned with content creation and its authenticity.


References in the context of the video are the sources of information that the Article Writer V2 uses to generate the article's content. These references are listed and can be reviewed by the user to ensure the accuracy and credibility of the information presented. They are important for maintaining the integrity of the content and providing a basis for the claims made in the article.


Accuracy, as mentioned in the video, refers to the precision or correctness of the information generated by the tool. The speaker mentions a '94% accuracy' rate, which indicates a high level of confidence in the reliability of the content produced by the Article Writer V2. Accuracy is a key factor in the trustworthiness of any automated content generation tool.

💡Research section

The research section is a part of the Article Writer V2 tool where users can find useful information or sources to support their article. This feature is particularly helpful when additional information or specific sources are needed to substantiate the content of the article. It allows for a more thorough and well-informed piece of writing.

💡Chat section

The chat section within the tool is an interactive feature that allows users to ask questions and receive answers that include Google data. This can be used to gain further insights or clarification on specific topics, enhancing the research and writing process. In the video, the speaker demonstrates how to use the chat section to inquire about the ease of bypassing AI content detectors.

💡Expand text

Expand text is a function within the Article Writer V2 that enables users to increase the length of a particular section of the article. This is useful when more content is desired or when the initial generation does not meet the desired length. The tool provides the option to adjust the text length associated with this feature to suit the user's needs.


Regenerate is an option in the Article Writer V2 that allows users to create a new version of the article based on the same topic or keywords. This can be done if the user is not satisfied with the current output or wishes to explore different angles or structures for the content. However, it's noted that this function will overwrite any current changes made to the article.


The download option in the video refers to the ability to save the generated article in HTML format. This allows users to access, edit, and utilize the content in various ways, such as publishing on a blog or incorporating into other digital platforms. Downloading provides flexibility in how the content can be used post-generation.


Smodin's Article Writer V2 searches the web for relevant results associated with your chosen topic.

It produces one to three paragraphs per section based on the topic.

Using a question in the title can yield better results as it's easier to find related content.

You can start with a list of keywords or a preferred title for the article.

Generating a three-section piece is a recommended starting point.

The next step is to get outlines, which can be customized as desired.

The 'Generate Article' button can be used to skip to the end of the process.

Outlines are used to generate the article and can be modified to suit the writer's needs.

Each generated article includes a list of references used to produce the text.

It's advised to review the references to ensure they support the article's claims.

The AI content detectors have an accuracy of 94% on multiple tools, including GPT-3.

If a source doesn't support a claim, additional research can be done using the 'find useful information' feature.

The chat section can be used to ask questions and includes Google data for comprehensive answers.

Users can add references to the article by clicking the plus icon and selecting the desired source.

The 'Expand Text' button allows for the continuation of the text if more content is needed.

The 'Regenerate' button can be used to create a new version of the article, overwriting current changes.

Articles can be downloaded in HTML format for use on blogs or other platforms. releases new site features daily, so interfaces may differ.

Subheaders within the text provide structure and easy navigation through the article.

The Article Writer V2 tool is designed to be user-friendly and adaptable to various writing needs.

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