How to Use Wordtune - Review & Tutorial

Skuba AI
28 Dec 202208:58

TLDRThe video script reviews WordTune, an AI rewriting and paraphrasing tool found at It highlights the basic editor for text input, the rewrite tool for sentence improvement, and the premium version's exclusive features like tone adjustment and text expansion/shortening. The script also discusses the free Chrome plugin for便捷的文本编辑体验 and the summarizer feature for condensing content. However, it notes the tool's time-consuming nature, high price plans, lack of a money-back guarantee, and some interface bugs as significant drawbacks, suggesting users consider other alternatives.


  • 📝 The AI rewriting and paraphrasing tool 'WordTune' can be accessed at
  • 🖋️ The WordTune editor is a basic text editor for copying, pasting, or writing text without a built-in grammar checker.
  • 📚 The free version of WordTune offers basic rewrite features, while the premium version includes additional options like casual and formal tones and the ability to shorten or expand text.
  • 💡 WordTune provides several rewrite suggestions for each sentence, allowing users to select the most contextually appropriate option.
  • ⏱️ The tool can be time-consuming as it requires users to review and select suggestions for each sentence individually.
  • 🎯 The rewrite tool excels at creating fluent English sentences that make sense to human readers, outperforming some other AI writing tools.
  • 🌐 The WordTune Chrome plugin allows for sentence suggestions within various online apps and forms, including Google Docs and Gmail.
  • 🔍 The summarizer feature identifies important sentences or 'spotlights' and condenses longer content into shorter summaries.
  • 💰 WordTune's pricing plans are relatively expensive compared to other AI writing tools, with a significant price jump between annual and monthly premium plans.
  • ⚖️ The lack of a money-back guarantee or refund policy can be a drawback for users considering the premium version.
  • 🐞 The interface and functionality of WordTune have some bugs to be addressed, such as issues with the Chrome plugin and the text editor loading.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the WordTune tool?

    -The main purpose of WordTune is to assist users in rewriting and paraphrasing text to improve sentence structure, paragraph flow, and overall quality of content.

  • How does the WordTune editor work?

    -The WordTune editor is a basic text editor where users can copy and paste existing text or write new text. It does not have a built-in grammar checker, but it can be used alongside tools like Grammarly for grammar assistance.

  • What features are available in the free version of WordTune?

    -The free version of WordTune offers basic rewriting features, along with casual and formal tone options for text.

  • What additional features are available in the premium version of WordTune?

    -The premium version of WordTune includes shortened and expanded features for text, as well as more advanced rewriting and paraphrasing options.

  • How does the rewrite tool in WordTune function?

    -The rewrite tool provides several suggestions for each sentence on how to rewrite or rephrase it. Users can select the suggestion that best fits the context of their paragraph or article.

  • What is the main limitation of WordTune in terms of efficiency?

    -The main limitation is that users have to go through each sentence individually, as there is no way to view all suggestions at a high level and choose the most suitable ones for the entire paragraph or article, which can be time-consuming.

  • How does the WordTune Chrome plugin enhance the user experience?

    -The WordTune Chrome plugin allows users to access WordTune's rewriting capabilities from within multiple online apps and forms, such as Google Docs and Gmail, making it easier to edit and improve text on the go.

  • What is WordTune's summarizer tool and how does it work?

    -The summarizer tool is a feature that allows users to upload a document or paste text, and it analyzes the content to find important sentences, creating a condensed summary of the original document.

  • How does WordTune's pricing compare to other AI writing tools?

    -WordTune's pricing is considered higher than some other AI writing tools in the market, especially when comparing yearly and monthly premium plans. It lacks a money-back guarantee, which can be a drawback for some users.

  • What are some of the issues mentioned with WordTune's interface and functionality?

    -The interface is described as clunky and not very fluid. There were issues with the Chrome plugin not working seamlessly within Google Docs and difficulties with the WordTune editor loading properly at times.

  • What is the recommendation based on the review of WordTune?

    -While the output quality of WordTune is slightly better than some competitors, the reviewer suggests looking elsewhere for a rephraser or rewriter tool due to WordTune's high pricing, lack of a money-back guarantee, and some functional issues.



📝 Introduction to WordTune: A Comprehensive Review

This paragraph introduces WordTune as an AI rewriting and paraphrasing tool, accessible at The reviewer demonstrates the basic editor functionality, which allows users to copy-paste or compose text. It is noted that the editor lacks a built-in grammar checker, hence the use of Grammarly is suggested. The core feature of WordTune, the rewrite tool, is highlighted for its ability to offer sentence and paragraph improvement suggestions. The free version capabilities are discussed, including the availability of basic rewrite features and the absence of premium features like casual and formal tones, as well as the shortened and expanded text options. The paragraph also touches on the limitations of the tool, such as the time-consuming process of reviewing each sentence individually and the absence of a high-level overview for suggestions. The impact of tone selection on sentence recommendations is also discussed, emphasizing the tool's proficiency in creating fluent English content and its advantage over other AI writing tools in terms of quality. Additionally, the paragraph introduces WordTune's free Chrome plugin, which facilitates the use of the tool across various online platforms, including Google Docs and Gmail, and mentions the ease of use and versatility of the plugin.


📋 WordTune's Pricing and User Experience Evaluation

The second paragraph delves into a critical evaluation of WordTune's pricing plans and user experience. It is noted that while the quality of WordTune's output is commendable, the pricing structure is considered expensive compared to other AI writing tools in the market. The paragraph discusses the different pricing plans, highlighting the significant price increase when switching from an annual to a monthly plan. The lack of a refund policy is pointed out as a major drawback, emphasizing that customers who commit to an annual plan with no money-back guarantee face a risk if the tool does not meet their expectations. The paragraph also addresses the tool's interface and performance issues, such as difficulties with the Chrome plugin and occasional page loading problems. The reviewer concludes by recommending potential users to consider alternative rephraser or rewriter tools due to WordTune's high costs and limited value addition from premium features. The free version's limitations, such as a daily limit of 10 runs, are mentioned, and viewers are encouraged to explore the tool within these constraints.



💡AI rewriting and paraphrasing

AI rewriting and paraphrasing refers to the process of using artificial intelligence to restructure and reword existing text. In the context of the video, this technology is embodied in the WordTune tool, which aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of written content by offering alternative sentence structures and wordings. The tool is designed to enhance the readability and engagement of text by providing several suggestions for each sentence, allowing users to select the most appropriate option based on their context and preferences.

💡WordTune Editor

The WordTune Editor is a basic text editing platform that allows users to either copy and paste existing text or compose new content. It is an integral part of the WordTune tool, which is designed for AI-based rewriting and paraphrasing. The editor serves as the primary interface where users interact with the AI to improve their text. However, it lacks built-in grammar checking, which the reviewer compensates for by using Grammarly alongside it.

💡Free version

The free version of WordTune is an accessible option for users that provides basic rewriting features. It enables users to experience the core functionality of the AI rewriting tool without any financial commitment. However, the free version comes with limitations, such as the number of rewrites or the absence of advanced features that are available in the premium version.

💡Premium version

The premium version of WordTune offers additional features beyond those found in the free version. These include the ability to shorten and expand text, as well as access to more advanced rewriting and paraphrasing tools. The premium version is designed for users who require a more comprehensive set of features to enhance their writing and is offered at a higher price point.

💡Chrome plugin

The Chrome plugin is an extension for the Google Chrome web browser that allows users to access WordTune's rewriting and paraphrasing features directly within various online applications and forms. This convenience tool enables users to integrate the AI capabilities of WordTune with other platforms, such as Google Docs and Gmail, for a seamless writing experience.


The summarizer is a feature within WordTune that analyzes text content to identify important sentences and create concise summaries. It aims to condense lengthy documents into shorter, more manageable pieces while retaining the core information. The summarizer can be particularly useful for quickly understanding the main points of a document without reading it in its entirety.

💡Price plans

Price plans refer to the different pricing structures offered by WordTune for its services. These plans determine the cost and duration for which users can access the tool's features, with options ranging from monthly subscriptions to annual plans. The video review discusses the affordability and value of these plans in comparison to other AI writing tools on the market.

💡User interface

The user interface is the system through which users interact with the WordTune tool. It encompasses the design, layout, and functionality of the platform, including the editor, the Chrome plugin, and the summarizer. A well-designed user interface should be intuitive, efficient, and visually appealing, enhancing the user experience.

💡Quality of output

Quality of output refers to the standard and effectiveness of the rewritten or paraphrased content produced by WordTune. It is a critical factor in determining the tool's usefulness and value to users. High-quality output should be fluent, coherent, and contextually appropriate, providing meaningful improvements to the original text.

💡Refund policy

A refund policy outlines the conditions under which a customer can receive a refund for a purchased product or service. It is an important aspect of customer service and trust, allowing users to try a product risk-free and request a refund if it does not meet their expectations.


The introduction of WordTune, an AI rewriting and paraphrasing tool, and its website is mentioned.

The basic editor in WordTune allows for copying and pasting existing text or writing new text.

WordTune lacks a built-in grammar checker, so Grammarly is suggested for use alongside.

The rewrite tool is the core feature of WordTune, offering sentence and paragraph improvement suggestions.

The free version of WordTune includes basic rewrite features and different tones for writing.

Premium version features like shortened and expanded text options are mentioned.

The tool provides multiple rewrite suggestions for each sentence, allowing for context-based selection.

The review points out that using WordTune can be time-consuming due to the need to review each sentence individually.

WordTune's rewrite suggestions are praised for creating fluent English and making sense to human readers.

The Chrome plugin for WordTune is introduced, allowing usage within multiple online apps and forms.

The plugin's capability to offer sentence suggestions within Google Docs and Gmail is highlighted.

WordTune also includes a summarizer tool that can process text, PDFs, and web links.

The summarizer identifies important sentences and offers a condensed version of the content.

The review notes that the summarizer may not capture the full essence of an article, especially with specific topics.

WordTune's pricing plans are considered expensive compared to other AI writing tools.

The lack of a refund policy for annual plans is seen as a significant drawback.

The interface of WordTune is described as clunky with some functionality issues.

The video concludes with a recommendation to consider other tools due to WordTune's pricing and potential bugs.