How to make good bots on

5 Feb 202416:43

TLDRThe video script offers a step-by-step guide on creating a good AI bot on a platform called Cru. It emphasizes the importance of choosing a name and photo for the bot, setting up an introduction and tags for better discoverability, and crafting a personality and appearance for the bot. The tutorial also suggests creating an example conversation to improve bot interactions, and using an AI image generator to design a profile picture. The goal is to make engaging and interactive bots for the community.


  • 📝 Start by choosing a name for your AI character, as it won't affect how the character acts.
  • 🎨 Select a photo or image for your character to increase user interactions.
  • 📌 Create an introduction for the character, displayed on its detail page and homepage.
  • 🚫 Rate your bot appropriately; for this example, 'Safe for Work' is chosen due to the platform's guidelines.
  • 🏷️ Choose tags that suit your character, but remember they don't affect the bot's behavior.
  • 🏳️ Define the character's traits such as being an original character (OC) or relating to royalty.
  • 🎉 Incorporate a unique aspect, like an anniversary, to make the bot more appealing.
  • 👤 Determine the bot's gender and public definition settings for transparency.
  • 🤝 Craft a greeting that sets the tone for user interactions.
  • 🌟 Develop a personality for the bot, using a balance of descriptive language and creativity.
  • 📖 Include an example conversation to guide the bot's responses and interactions with users.

Q & A

  • What is the first step in creating a bot on AI platforms like Cru according to the video?

    -The first step is choosing a name for the bot's character, as the name doesn't affect how the character acts.

  • Why is it recommended to have an image for the bot?

    -Having an image for the bot increases the number of interactions it will get from users.

  • What does the introduction section of the bot include?

    -The introduction section, displayed on the character's detail page and homepage, provides a brief description of the bot without including any prompts or influencing the character's behavior.

  • How does the bot's rating affect its visibility and user interactions?

    -The bot's rating determines its suitability for work environments. A 'safe for work' rating means the bot avoids sexual themes, while other ratings may allow for more adult content.

  • What role do tags play in the bot creation process?

    -Tags help users find bots by categorizing them. They do not affect the bot's behavior but rather influence when and how it appears in search results.

  • What considerations should be taken into account when choosing a gender for the bot?

    -The chosen gender should align with the bot's character and intended interactions. It can be any gender, including non-binary, and should serve the purpose of the bot effectively.

  • How does the bot's greeting influence user engagement?

    -The greeting is the first message the bot says and can be open-ended. It sets the tone for the interaction and can be tailored to the bot's character and scenario to increase user engagement.

  • What is the recommended length for the bot's personality description?

    -A personality description between 200 to 300 characters is recommended, as it provides enough information without being too lengthy.

  • How can the bot's appearance be defined within the creation process?

    -The bot's appearance is defined by specifying characteristics like hair color, hair length, dress color, and height, which helps in creating a visual image of the bot.

  • What is the significance of an example conversation in the bot creation process?

    -An example conversation is crucial as it provides the bot with a template for understanding and responding to user inputs, thus improving the quality and functionality of the bot.

  • How can creators generate a profile picture for their bot?

    -Creators can use AI image generators like Yudo AI to create a profile picture by specifying the desired characteristics of the bot's character, such as hair color and skin tone.



🤖 Introduction to Creating a Good Bot on Cru AI

This paragraph introduces the video's purpose, which is to guide viewers on how to create a good bot on Cru AI. The speaker shares their experience in making bots and suggests starting with choosing a name and photo for the character. They emphasize the importance of an image for increasing interactions and discuss the significance of the bot's introduction, which appears on the character's detail page and homepage. The speaker also mentions the need to set the bot's public settings for interactions.


🎨 Character Design and Personality

In this paragraph, the focus shifts to the design and personality of the bot. The speaker advises on selecting a name, such as Alice, and provides an example backstory, including the character being a maid for a year. They discuss the importance of the bot's greeting, which should be open-ended, and delve into the creation of the bot's personality. The speaker explains the difference between using attributes like 'hair color equals blonde' versus 'she has blonde hair', and how it affects the bot's memory and creativity. They also touch on the significance of physical attributes like hair length and dress color.


🌟 Developing the Bot's Personality and Scenario

The speaker continues with the development of the bot's personality, emphasizing the importance of a happy, excited, and comforting demeanor. They suggest adding facts about the bot, such as the one-year anniversary with the user, to make the bot more relatable. The paragraph also covers the creation of a scenario, which describes the current situation or scene for the bot, and the importance of an example conversation between the bot and the user. The speaker shares their preference for writing out the conversation manually rather than using the 'create and chat' method, although they acknowledge both methods' effectiveness.


🖼️ Adding a Profile Picture and Wrapping Up

The final paragraph discusses the addition of a profile picture for the bot using an AI image generator like Yudo AI. The speaker shares their experience with the generator and the creation of an image with specific features like blonde hair and light skin tone. Despite some limitations with the generator, the speaker is satisfied with the resulting image. They conclude the tutorial by expressing hope that viewers found it helpful and enjoyable, and encourage them to create bots for the community.



💡Cru AI

Cru AI refers to an artificial intelligence platform that enables users to create chatbots, which are AI characters designed for interaction. In the context of the video, the creator is providing a tutorial on how to effectively make a good bot using this platform, highlighting its features and capabilities.

💡Character Creation

Character creation is the process of designing and defining the attributes of an AI bot, including its name, appearance, and personality. This is a central theme in the video, as the creator walks through the steps of creating a bot on Cru AI, emphasizing the importance of choosing a name and selecting an image to enhance user interactions.


An introduction in the context of the video refers to the brief description or bio that is associated with the AI bot. This introduction is meant to provide users with an overview of the bot's characteristics and is displayed on the bot's detail page and homepage. The creator explains that the introduction does not influence how the bot behaves.


Rating in the context of the video pertains to the classification of the bot's content, determining whether it is suitable for work or contains adult themes. The creator discusses the importance of accurately rating the bot to ensure it aligns with the intended user interactions.


Tags are labels or categories that help users find specific types of bots on the Cru AI platform. They do not affect the bot's behavior but rather assist in searchability. The creator discusses the selection of tags and their role in making the bot discoverable by others.


Personality in the context of the video refers to the set of traits and characteristics assigned to the AI bot to define its demeanor and mode of interaction. The creator emphasizes the importance of detailing the bot's personality, which can range from happy and excited to comforting and cuddly, to create a more engaging and relatable character.


Appearance relates to the physical characteristics of the AI bot, such as hair color, dress, and height. These attributes contribute to the user's perception and interaction with the bot. The creator provides specific details about the bot's appearance, like 'her hair color blonde, her I don't know how I'm typing her hair, length you don't need to do in, centimeters or inches...'


Definition in the video refers to the public description of the bot's characteristics and settings, which other users can see. The creator discusses the choice of making this definition public to help others understand the bot's features and potentially inspire them in creating their own bots.


A greeting is the initial message or salutation that the AI bot uses when interacting with users. It sets the tone for the conversation and can be tailored to fit the bot's personality and the creator's vision. The creator suggests that the greeting can be open-ended and not confined to a specific setting.

💡Example Conversation

An example conversation is a scripted dialogue between the user and the AI bot that helps define the bot's interaction style and conversational abilities. The creator emphasizes the importance of this element in creating a realistic and engaging bot, suggesting that it can either be meticulously crafted or derived from actual chats with the bot.

💡Profile Picture

A profile picture is the visual representation or image associated with the AI bot. It adds to the character's identity and can influence user engagement. The creator discusses the process of selecting or generating an image for the bot, using an AI image generator to create a picture that matches the bot's described appearance.


The video provides a tutorial on creating a good bot on AI platform, Cru.

The importance of choosing a name and photo for the character to increase interactions.

An introduction to the bot is necessary and should not include an influence on the character's behavior.

The bot's rating should reflect its content accurately, with 'safe for work' being an option.

Tags on Cru AI do not affect the bot's behavior but help in searchability.

The significance of choosing the right tags for the bot to appear in relevant searches.

The impact of bot's gender choice on its interaction with users.

The importance of a public definition for others to see the options chosen for the bot.

The creation of a greeting for the bot that can be open-ended to fit various scenarios.

The role of personality in defining how the bot types and writes.

The distinction between using attributes like 'hair color equals blonde' versus 'she has blonde hair'.

The recommendation of a 200 to 300 character limit for the bot's personality.

The inclusion of an example conversation to improve the bot's interaction quality.

The process of creating a bot can be done by typing out a conversation or by chatting with the bot and adjusting responses.

The impact of a bot's appearance on its appeal to users.

The tutorial emphasizes the importance of an engaging and personalized bot to increase user interactions.

The finalization of the bot's creation by adding a profile picture and adjusting the details.