Lexica For Beginners | How To Use Lexica.Art Tutorial

30 Mar 202308:58

TLDRThe video tutorial introduces Lexicon.art, a stable diffusion search engine for generating copyright-free images. It guides viewers on how to sign up, navigate the platform, and generate images using detailed descriptions and negative prompts. The video also explores the site's features like the history section, image variations, and advanced settings. Finally, it discusses the differences between free and premium memberships, highlighting the benefits of each.


  • 🎨 Lexica is a stable diffusion search engine that allows users to generate a variety of images without copyright concerns.
  • 📝 To begin using Lexica, users need to log in by visiting the website, lexicon.art, and clicking on 'Get Started' to proceed with email or Gmail authentication.
  • 🗂️ The homepage of Lexica offers options like Home, Generate, History, Likes, and Account for users to navigate and manage their generated images.
  • 🔍 Users can search for previously generated images or move to the Generate area to create new images by providing a detailed description and optional negative prompt.
  • 📸 Generated images are public for users with a non-paid plan, and they can be downloaded from the History section if needed.
  • 💡 The Generate area is the main feature where users describe the desired image and can also upscale images by adding more fine details or outpainting.
  • 🎨 Advanced settings allow users to adjust image parameters like contrast and provide the option to reference an existing image for the generation process.
  • 👨‍🎨 The script demonstrates the creative process of generating an image by using a detailed description and even attempting to create a humorous image with a specific prompt.
  • 💰 Lexica offers different membership plans, including Starter, Pro, and Max, with varying benefits such as private image storage and a higher number of generations per month.
  • 📌 Paid plans offer advantages like up to 30% savings with early payment and additional features compared to the Starter plan.
  • 📝 Users are encouraged to ask questions and provide feedback in the comments section of the video for further assistance.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the Lexica website?

    -The main purpose of the Lexica website is to allow users to generate a variety of unique images using a stable diffusion search engine based on the descriptions provided by the users.

  • How can users get started with Lexica?

    -To get started with Lexica, users need to visit the website, click on 'Get Started', and then continue with their email or Gmail account to log in and set up their profile.

  • What features are available on the home page of Lexica?

    -On the home page of Lexica, users can find features such as folders, home, generate, history, likes, and account options for navigation and image management.

  • How does the image generation process work on Lexica?

    -The image generation process involves users describing the image they want to generate in detail and adding a negative prompt if needed. Users then click on 'Generate', and the website creates several images based on the description provided.

  • What are the options available after an image has been generated?

    -After an image has been generated, users can click on it to view it, generate variations, upscale the image by adding more fine details, or download the image to their computer.

  • What is the difference between the free and paid plans on Lexica?

    -The free plan makes all generated images public, while the paid plans offer private image storage. Paid plans also provide more first-generation images per month, unlimited slow generations, and allow for parallel first generations.

  • How can users modify the generated images?

    -Users can modify the generated images by using the upscale feature to add more fine details, using the outpaint feature, or by using advanced settings to adjust contrast and other image aspects.

  • Can users reference their own images or external images for generation?

    -Yes, users can upload and reference their own images or external images to guide the generation process and create a specific look or style.

  • What are some benefits of upgrading to a paid plan on Lexica?

    -Upgrading to a paid plan offers benefits such as keeping images private, a higher number of first-generation images per month, unlimited slow generations, and the ability to run multiple first-generation processes in parallel.

  • How can users find previously generated images?

    -Users can go to the 'History' section to view and access their previously generated images for further editing or downloading.

  • What are some tips for writing effective descriptions for image generation on Lexica?

    -Effective descriptions for image generation should be as detailed as possible, specifying the elements, colors, and style desired. Including a negative prompt can also help clarify what elements to avoid in the generated image.



🎨 Introduction to Lexicon.art for Beginners

This paragraph introduces Lexicon.art, a stable diffusion search engine that allows users to generate a variety of images without copyright concerns. The speaker explains the ease of use and the public nature of generated images for non-paid users. The process of logging in and accessing the main features such as home, generate, history, likes, and account are outlined. The video's purpose is to guide beginners on how to utilize the platform to create and download images.


🔍 Exploring Lexicon.art's Features and Image Generation

The speaker delves into the specifics of navigating Lexicon.art, including searching for existing images, utilizing the history feature to revisit past images, and exploring the collect area. The memberships and their benefits are discussed, highlighting the differences between the starter, pro, and max plans. The main focus is on the image generation process, detailing how to describe the desired image and use negative prompts to refine results. The paragraph concludes with a demonstration of generating variations and upscaling images for higher resolution.



💡Lexicon.art website

The Lexicon.art website is a stable diffusion search engine that enables users to generate a variety of images based on textual descriptions. It is highlighted in the video as a platform that can produce copyright-free images, which users can utilize for various purposes. The website's primary function is to transform textual descriptions into visual content, as demonstrated when the speaker describes the process of generating images.

💡Copyright-free images

Copyright-free images refer to visual content that can be used without infringing on any copyright laws, meaning users are not restricted in their usage. In the context of the video, the Lexicon.art website generates such images, allowing users to freely apply them in different scenarios without legal concerns. This is a significant advantage as it eliminates the need for users to worry about copyright issues.

💡Image generation

Image generation is the process of creating visual content through computational means, often based on textual descriptions or data inputs. In the video, this concept is central as it describes how the Lexicon.art website operates, taking user-provided descriptions to produce corresponding images. The process is showcased through the steps of describing an image and using the website's tools to generate it.

💡Textual description

A textual description is a written account or explanation of an image, concept, or idea that one wishes to generate visually. In the video, textual descriptions are crucial as they serve as the input for the Lexicon.art website to produce images. Users must provide detailed descriptions to guide the website in creating the desired images.

💡Negative prompt

A negative prompt is a directive that specifies what elements should be excluded from the generated image. It is used to refine the output and ensure that the final image does not contain undesired features. In the context of the video, the speaker mentions the importance of adding a negative prompt to the description to guide the image generation process effectively.

💡Generate area

The generate area refers to the section or interface within the Lexicon.art website where users input their textual descriptions and negative prompts to create images. It is the active workspace where the image generation process is initiated. The video describes the steps of navigating to this area and using it to produce the desired visual content.


Variations refer to the different versions or modifications of a generated image that can be produced by making slight adjustments to the original description or using additional features on the Lexicon.art website. These variations allow users to explore different visual interpretations of their initial concept and choose the one that best fits their needs.

💡Upscale image

Upscaling an image involves increasing its resolution or quality by adding more fine details, often to enhance its visual appeal or to make it suitable for larger formats or higher-quality outputs. In the video, the speaker demonstrates how to use the Lexicon.art website's tools to upscale images, thereby improving their quality and detail.

💡Advanced settings

Advanced settings are optional configurations within the Lexicon.art website that allow users to fine-tune the image generation process. These settings can include adjustments like contrast levels or the ability to fix specific aspects of the image. The video touches on these settings as a way to further customize the generated images according to user preferences.


Memberships refer to the different subscription plans offered by the Lexicon.art website, which provide varying levels of access and features for users. The video discusses the benefits of these plans, such as the number of image generations per month, the privacy of generated images, and the ability to upscale images without limits.


Privacy in the context of the Lexicon.art website pertains to the control users have over who can view the images they generate. The video mentions that with paid memberships, users can keep their images private, meaning they are not publicly accessible, which is an important consideration for those concerned about the visibility of their work.


Introduction to using Lexicon.art website for generating copyright-free images.

Lexicon.art is a stable diffusion search engine for creating various images based on textual descriptions.

The website allows users to generate images without worrying about copyright issues.

Users can log in to Lexicon.art using their email or Gmail account for easy access.

The home page of Lexicon.art offers options like folders, home, generate, history, likes, and account management.

Users can search for previously generated images or move to the generate area to create new ones.

The history section allows users to revisit and download their previously generated images.

The generate area is the main feature where users describe the image they want to create and add negative prompts to exclude certain elements.

Generated images can be further refined by generating variations, upscaling, or using the outpaint feature.

Users can reference their own images or use an existing model to guide the generation process.

Advanced settings provide options to adjust contrast, fix common issues, and reference specific images for the generation.

The website offers different membership plans, including starter, pro, and max, each with varying benefits and limitations.

Paid plans offer advantages such as private image storage and more generations per month.

The video provides a comprehensive tutorial on navigating and utilizing the Lexicon.art platform for image generation.

The presenter demonstrates the process of generating an image, including the use of prompts and reference images.

The video concludes with an invitation for viewers to ask questions and engage with the content creator.