🛡How to use Nightshade and my reactions💀🤔 #aiart #stablediffusion #nightshadeai #glaze

Friendly Neighborhood Artist
26 Jan 202415:51

TLDRIn this video, the creator, Nimas, shares their experience using Nightshade, an AI art tool, to enhance images. They discuss the challenges of using the software, including long rendering times and the creation of visual artifacts. Nimas demonstrates the process by applying Nightshade to an image of Zora, comparing the results to a glazing technique. They find that Nightshade alone offers better results, with less distortion and fewer artifacts, but also note that the tool can be time-consuming and may not be suitable for all artists, especially those without high-end computers. Nimas concludes by suggesting that artists choose between Nightshade and glazing, rather than using both, as the combined effect can be less appealing. The video provides a candid look at the potential and limitations of using AI in art creation.


  • 🎥 The video is a tutorial on using Nightshade, an AI art tool, with the creator's personal experiences and reactions.
  • 💡 Nightshade's intensity setting controls how strong the visual changes will be when applied to an image.
  • 🕒 The processing time for Nightshade can be very long on high settings, even up to 426 minutes as experienced by the creator.
  • 🖥️ A medium intensity setting with a decent processor, like a 2080 RTX, should reduce the rendering time significantly.
  • 📂 The creator suggests selecting an output folder for the processed images to keep the workflow organized.
  • 🚫 Nightshade can add artifacts to the image, making it look like a bad jpeg in some cases.
  • 🤔 The creator questions the practicality of using Nightshade for artists with less powerful computers.
  • 🖌️ Glazing is another process that can be applied after Nightshade, but it may introduce further artifacts and distortion.
  • ⏱️ Both Nightshade and glazing processes are time-consuming, which could be a barrier for artists looking to post work quickly.
  • 💻 The creator had difficulty with installation and removal of related software, indicating a steep learning curve for some users.
  • 📉 The final output after using both Nightshade and glazing was not satisfactory for the creator, with the image quality deteriorating.
  • 👍 Despite the issues, the creator acknowledges that Nightshade might offer better results than glazing alone, depending on the user's preference.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is a tutorial on how to use Nightshade, an AI art tool, and the creator's personal reactions and experiences while using it.

  • Why did the creator have to redo the video?

    -The creator had to redo the video because they mistakenly picked the wrong microphone during the initial recording.

  • What does the intensity setting in Nightshade control?

    -The intensity setting in Nightshade controls how strong the changes made by the tool will be and whether it will add visual changes to the image.

  • What was one of the problems the creator faced while working with Nightshade?

    -One of the problems the creator faced was the long rendering time, which could take up to several days on high settings, making it impractical for use.

  • What does the creator suggest as the best setting to use for Nightshade?

    -The creator suggests using the default medium setting for Nightshade, as it provides a reasonable balance between quality and rendering time.

  • What is the creator's opinion on using both Nightshade and Glaze on an image?

    -The creator believes that using both Nightshade and Glaze on an image might not be necessary and could result in artifacts and a less appealing final product. They suggest choosing one or the other.

  • What is the creator's recommendation for artists with less powerful computers?

    -The creator implies that artists with less powerful computers might struggle with the long rendering times and suggests that the tool may not be as helpful for them as it is for those with more powerful hardware.

  • How does the creator describe the artifacts created by Nightshade?

    -The creator describes the artifacts created by Nightshade as visual distortions and discolorations that can make the image look like a bad JPEG.

  • What is the creator's final verdict on using Nightshade?

    -The creator's final verdict is that using Nightshade can be beneficial if managed correctly, but they caution that it adds artifacts and may not be suitable for all types of artwork.

  • What is the creator's view on the time consumption of rendering with Nightshade?

    -The creator views the time consumption of rendering with Nightshade as a significant drawback, especially for artists who need to post their work quickly or do not have high-end computers.

  • What is the creator's advice for using Nightshade effectively?

    -The creator advises using Nightshade on medium settings for a balance between quality and time, and suggests that artists should be cautious about the potential artifacts it can introduce to their work.

  • What is the creator's experience with installing and uninstalling Stable Diffusion?

    -The creator had difficulty installing Stable Diffusion on their own and needed a friend's help. They also found it complicated to uninstall and felt it was intrusive, like a virus.



🎥 Nightshade Tutorial Overview

The speaker, nimas, introduces the video as a tutorial on Nightshade, a process they had previously attempted but had to redo due to a microphone issue. They discuss the challenges of using Nightshade, including the software's space requirements and the time-consuming nature of the process. They also mention their previous failure with the software and decide to work on a different image, specifically a picture of Zora, to demonstrate the tagging and intensity settings of Nightshade. The speaker warns about the potential for long rendering times and shares their experience with the software's inefficiency, even on a powerful computer.


🖼️ Comparing Nightshade and Glazing Effects

The speaker compares the effects of Nightshade and glazing on an image. They express frustration with the long rendering times and the potential for artifacts in the final image. They show side-by-side comparisons of the original image, the Nightshade-processed image, and the glazing effect. The speaker concludes that Nightshade generally looks better than glazing, but both methods can introduce undesirable artifacts. They suggest that artists should choose one method or the other and caution against the time-consuming nature of both processes.


🕒 The Challenges of Glazing and Nightshade

The speaker discusses the practical difficulties of using both glazing and Nightshade on artwork. They express skepticism about the necessity of glazing over Nightshade and criticize the extended rendering times as impractical for artists who need to post their work quickly. The speaker shares their personal experience with the software, noting that even with a powerful graphics card, the rendering process is still slow. They also touch on the broader implications of AI models potentially bypassing these protective measures.


📈 Final Thoughts on Nightshade and Glazing

In the final paragraph, the speaker summarizes their findings and provides guidance for viewers. They state that Nightshade seems to offer a better visual outcome compared to glazing, but using both can result in a poor-quality image filled with artifacts. The speaker advises viewers to consider the quality trade-offs and the time investment required for each method. They end the video by encouraging viewers to subscribe for more content and express gratitude for their audience's engagement.




Nightshade is a term used in the video to refer to a specific AI art tool or process. It is a method for altering digital images, likely related to 'stable diffusion', another AI art technique mentioned. The video discusses the user's experience with Nightshade, including the time it takes to process images and the visual artifacts it can introduce. It is central to the video's theme as the main subject of the tutorial and review.


Glaze is another AI art tool mentioned in the video, which is used to modify images. It is discussed in comparison with Nightshade, with the speaker noting that it can create artifacts and may not always be necessary to use both tools on an image. Glaze is part of the video's exploration of different AI art techniques and their effects on image quality.


In the context of the video, artifacts refer to the unintended visual effects or distortions that can appear in an image after being processed by AI art tools like Nightshade or Glaze. The speaker discusses their disappointment with the artifacts as they can detract from the overall quality of the artwork, which is a significant concern when evaluating these tools.


Intensity is a parameter within the Nightshade tool that determines how strong the changes made to an image will be. The video mentions adjusting the intensity and its impact on the processing time and the visual outcome of the images. It is a key concept as it directly affects the user's control over the final appearance of their artwork.

💡Rendering Time

Rendering time is the duration it takes for the AI art tool to process and complete the changes to an image. The video emphasizes the frustration with long rendering times, especially when the results are not satisfactory. It is a critical aspect of the user experience with AI art tools and a common point of discussion in the video.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is an AI model for generating images from textual descriptions. Although not the main focus of the video, it is mentioned in passing, suggesting that the speaker has experience with a range of AI art tools. It provides context for the broader landscape of AI art technologies the speaker is engaging with.


The processor, specifically mentioned as the 2080 RTX and 280 RTX in the video, refers to the computer's hardware that executes the AI art tool's instructions. The speaker discusses how the quality of the processor can affect the rendering time and the feasibility of using these tools, highlighting the technical requirements for engaging with AI art.

💡Output Folder

An output folder is the designated location on a computer where the processed images are saved after being altered by the AI art tool. The video script mentions selecting an output folder as part of the process of using Nightshade, indicating it as a standard step in the workflow of AI art manipulation.


A tutorial, as implied by the video's title and content, is a type of educational content designed to instruct viewers on how to use a particular tool or software. The video is a tutorial on using Nightshade, providing step-by-step guidance and personal reactions, which is essential for viewers who are new to AI art tools.

💡AI Art

AI Art refers to the creation of artwork using artificial intelligence, which can include generating images, modifying existing ones, or creating art based on specific inputs. The video is centered around AI Art, specifically the use of Nightshade and Glaze tools to create or modify images, making it the overarching theme of the content.


Distortion, in the context of the video, refers to the visual changes in an image that may not be desirable, such as those introduced by the Nightshade tool. The speaker discusses the presence of distortion and its impact on the final image, which is a significant consideration when evaluating the effectiveness of AI art tools.


Nimas provides a tutorial on using Nightshade, an AI art tool, despite technical difficulties with the microphone.

Nightshade requires a separate folder and can take up significant space.

The intensity setting in Nightshade determines how strong the visual changes will be.

Nimas experienced issues with Nightshade not working as expected on the first attempt.

An image is tagged with a descriptor, such as 'swamp', which influences the AI's processing.

High intensity settings can lead to excessively long processing times, even up to 426 minutes.

Nimas recommends using medium intensity for a balance between quality and processing time.

Having a powerful processor, such as a 2080 RTX, doesn't necessarily prevent long rendering times.

Nightshade's default medium setting is suggested for most users due to the practicality.

Glazing is an additional step that can be applied after Nightshade, but it may introduce artifacts.

Nimas experimented with both Nightshade and glazing, noting the trade-offs in quality and time.

The final output after using both Nightshade and glazing was not satisfactory, with visible artifacts.

Nimas questions the practicality of using Nightshade for artists with less powerful hardware.

The process of installing and uninstalling Nightshade can be complicated and may require technical assistance.

Nimas expresses frustration with the time-consuming nature of rendering artwork with Nightshade.

A comparison of Nightshade and glazing shows that Nightshade alone may yield better results.

Nimas suggests that using both Nightshade and glazing might not be necessary and could degrade the artwork.

The video concludes with a recommendation to use Nightshade cautiously and consider its impact on the final artwork.