🛡NIGHTSHADE PROTECTION HAS AI BROS BIG MAD🤬 #procreate #aiart #stablediffusion #nightshadeai #glaze

Friendly Neighborhood Artist
24 Oct 202306:13

TLDRIn this video, a neighborhood artist discusses the recent developments regarding Nightshade, a new tool from the creators of Glaze aimed at disrupting AI image models by making them 'confused' about what they see. Nightshade is designed to work specifically with CLIP models like Stable Diffusion, which is popular due to its privacy features and versatility. The artist explores community reactions, noting that while some are concerned about the aesthetic impact of Nightshade, including potential 'green haze' artifacts, others are more worried about the ethical implications of AI in art. The video highlights a significant divide between tech enthusiasts and artists, with a call to action for more ethical technology use and support for artist communities.


  • 🎨 The artist discusses Nightshade, a project by the same creators of Glaze, which aims to protect artwork from AI models by confusing them.
  • 🤔 Nightshade is based on CLIP models, similar to Stable Diffusion, which is widely used due to its privacy features.
  • 🚫 There is concern that Nightshade might not work on other AI models since their underlying code is not open source.
  • 😠 Professionals (referred to as 'the pros') are upset about Nightshade, as it could hinder their ability to create and use models.
  • 🧩 The artist has used Glaze on their work but is not fond of the artifacts it introduces, questioning if Nightshade will have a similar effect.
  • 🌿 The artist expresses a desire for Nightshade to be subtle enough not to detract from the art's appearance.
  • 😡 There is a debate between those who see the use of AI in art as unethical and those who accuse the critics of being Luddites, or anti-technology.
  • 💰 The artist criticizes the attempt to sell AI-generated work at the same price as hiring a real artist, arguing for the superior quality of human-made art.
  • 📈 The artist hopes for a shift in discourse that might lead to the development of tools that prevent AI from misappropriating artists' work.
  • 📈 The artist also hopes that professionals will move on to other pursuits once there are ways to protect artwork from being commandeered by AI.
  • 📢 The artist encourages fellow artists to subscribe to their Reddit for updates and to check out the 'artist hate' subreddit for discussions on contentious topics in the art world.

Q & A

  • What is Nightshade and how is it related to Glaze?

    -Nightshade is a new project by the creators of Glaze, intended to disrupt how AI models, like those used in Stable Diffusion, interpret images. It aims to 'poison the water hole' by confusing these models about what they perceive in the artwork.

  • Why are some people opposed to the use of Nightshade in artwork?

    -Some individuals, particularly within the AI and tech communities, are opposed to Nightshade because it potentially hinders the development of AI models by obscuring the data they rely on to learn and generate new content, effectively acting as a form of digital sabotage.

  • How does the creator of the transcript feel about the effects of Nightshade and Glaze on their artwork?

    -The creator is concerned about the visual impact of Nightshade and Glaze on their artwork, particularly the ugly artifacts and green haze introduced by Glaze, which they find unattractive and detrimental to the artwork's appearance.

  • What is the difference in application between Nightshade and other AI models like Dolly and Mid Journey according to the transcript?

    -According to the transcript, Nightshade is designed specifically for use with Stable Diffusion because it's based on CLIP models. The effectiveness of Nightshade on other AI models like Dolly and Mid Journey is uncertain since their internal workings and code aren't open source.

  • Why do some individuals prefer using Stable Diffusion for their AI-generated artwork?

    -Stable Diffusion is favored by many because it allows for more privacy in usage and the ability to create not-safe-for-work content, features that may not be as freely available or permitted in other AI models.

  • What ethical concerns does the speaker raise about AI technology in the arts?

    -The speaker criticizes AI technology for not being developed with artists in mind, suggesting that it commoditizes and exploits artistic content without considering the ethical implications or the original artists' rights and concerns.

  • What are the implications of AI-generated artworks on the livelihoods of human artists, according to the transcript?

    -The transcript implies that AI-generated artworks are undermining the value of human-created art by offering a cheaper alternative that competes directly with traditional artists for commissions and recognition, potentially displacing them in the market.

  • What is the general sentiment on the subreddit 'air war' regarding Nightshade?

    -The sentiment on the 'air war' subreddit is mixed, with some users optimistic about Nightshade's potential to protect artists' rights and others skeptical about its effectiveness and impact on the art itself.

  • How does the speaker view the role of NFTs in the current landscape of AI and art?

    -The speaker notes a decline in the prominence of NFTs, suggesting that the focus has shifted more towards AI-generated artworks. They express concern that this shift continues to prioritize profit over artistic integrity and creators' rights.

  • What hopes does the speaker have for the future interaction between AI and artists?

    -The speaker hopes for a level of discourse that will eventually lead to solutions where AI can no longer exploit artists' work without permission, fostering an environment that respects and incorporates artists' rights within the technological advancements.



🎨 Nightshade: The Artist's Dilemma with AI Art Tools

The artist discusses a new AI tool called Nightshade, which is developed by the same team behind Glaze of Chicago. This tool is designed to 'poison' the water hole by confusing AI models, particularly those based on stable diffusion, which is popular due to its privacy features. The artist expresses concern about the ethical use of AI in art and the potential for AI to commandeer and exploit artists' work. They also mention the controversy around AI-generated art and its impact on professional artists, hoping for a discourse that leads to the development of tools that protect artists' interests.


🌿 Reddit Engagement and the Future of Nightshade

The speaker encourages their followers to subscribe to their Reddit account and another subreddit called 'artist hate', which discusses issues that artists dislike without the confrontational nature of other forums. They ask for opinions on Nightshade, expressing hope that the tool's effects won't be visibly detrimental to their artwork. The artist concludes by wishing their audience a good day and looking forward to future interactions.




Nightshade is referred to as a new project related to AI art protection. It seems designed to disrupt AI models' ability to interpret and replicate artworks without permission by 'poisoning the water hole.' The speaker discusses its potential effectiveness specifically against models based on CLIP, like Stable Diffusion, and expresses hope for its deployment to protect artists' rights without degrading the quality of their art.


Glaze appears to be an earlier project by the same developers as Nightshade, aimed at protecting artists' works from being exploited by AI models. The speaker has used Glaze on their own artwork but mentions dissatisfaction with the 'ugly artifacts' it introduces, highlighting a trade-off between protection and aesthetic quality.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a popular AI model mentioned in the script, noted for its privacy features and the ability to generate not-safe-for-work content, which is not typically allowed on other platforms. The video discusses its widespread use among artists and how Nightshade is specifically effective against it.

💡AI Bros

AI Bros likely refers to enthusiasts or proponents of AI technology, particularly those who prioritize technological advancement over ethical considerations. In the video, they are depicted as being upset about Nightshade, viewing it as a threat to their activities in AI-driven art creation.

💡Clip models

CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) models are a type of AI that interprets images based on textual descriptions. The script mentions that Nightshade's effectiveness could be linked to how it interacts with these specific types of models, as they are fundamental to the operation of tools like Stable Diffusion.

💡Ethical use of AI

The ethical use of AI is a central theme in the video, highlighting the conflict between technology developers and artists. The speaker advocates for AI technologies that consider the rights and contributions of artists, as opposed to being solely driven by tech-oriented perspectives.

💡Artwork protection

Artwork protection refers to technologies and methodologies aimed at preventing unauthorized use of artists' works, especially in the context of AI replication. Nightshade and Glaze are discussed as means of such protection, although there are concerns about their impact on the visual quality of protected artworks.

💡Reverse engineering

Reverse engineering in the context of the video refers to the process by which AI models are manipulated or disrupted to prevent them from successfully copying artists' works. It's portrayed as a countermeasure against AI's unchecked use in the arts.


A Luddite traditionally refers to someone opposed to technological progress. In the script, this term is used in a debate where AI proponents label those against the unregulated use of AI in art as Luddites, while the speaker turns this accusation back on the critics, suggesting their resistance to ethical considerations is backward.


Subreddit refers to a specific community within the Reddit platform where users discuss topics of mutual interest. The speaker mentions visiting the 'air war subreddit' to gauge opinions on Nightshade and also promotes another subreddit called 'artist hate,' which focuses on issues disliked by artists.


Nightshade is a new project by the creators of Glaze, aiming to 'poison the water hole' for AI art models.

The project is designed to confuse AI models by altering the data they see.

Nightshade is based on CLIP models, similar to Stable Diffusion, which is widely used for its privacy features.

There are concerns about the effectiveness of Nightshade on AI models that are not based on Stable Diffusion due to a lack of open-source code.

The artist community has mixed reactions, with some professionals expressing anger over the potential impact on their work.

The artist discusses the ethical use of AI technology in the context of art creation.

Some artists are worried that AI-generated art could devalue their work and the art market.

The speaker used Glaze on their work but was not satisfied with the artifacts it introduced.

There's a hope that Nightshade will not negatively affect the visual quality of the artwork.

The artist community is divided, with some seeing the development as an act against technological progress.

The discourse around AI in art is leading to a call for ethical considerations in technology development.

The artist expresses a desire for a solution that prevents AI generators from misappropriating original artwork.

There is a shift in focus from NFTs to AI-generated content, with concerns about the intentions of those entering the art space.

The quality of AI-generated art is questioned, with the artist asserting the superiority of human-made art.

The artist hopes for a shift in professional focus once a solution to the AI art issue is found.

An invitation for artists to subscribe to the speaker's work and engage in the 'artist hate' subreddit for discussion.

The speaker asks for opinions on Nightshade and its potential use in protecting artwork from AI models.

Concerns are expressed about the visual impact of Nightshade, hoping it won't be noticeable in the final artwork.