What is Glaze? How to use it to protect my art from AI scraping?

Friendly Neighborhood Artist
10 Jul 202310:43

TLDRIn this engaging video, the artist explores the use of 'Glaze,' a tool designed to protect artworks from being scraped by AI models, specifically focusing on preventing their styles from being appropriated by algorithms like Stable Diffusion. The presenter explains that Glaze embeds imperceptible changes into digital images, making them resistant to AI training but not altering their appearance to the human eye. Various settings and their effects on image quality are demonstrated, revealing that higher protection levels can sometimes distort the artwork. The video is an informative guide for artists seeking to safeguard their creative works against AI replication.


  • 🎨 Glaze is a tool designed to protect new artworks from being used by AI to create derivative styles, known as 'Laura'.
  • 🔍 Glaze functions by embedding changes that are invisible to the human eye but detectable by AI, preventing the AI from effectively using the artwork for training.
  • 🖼️ Examples shown indicate that Glaze-treated and untreated artworks look identical to the human eye, confirming its non-invasive nature.
  • 💻 The application of Glaze does not permanently alter the visual quality of artworks in a way noticeable by viewers, ensuring the artistic integrity remains intact.
  • ⏳ Adjusting Glaze settings can affect the protection strength and potential visibility of changes in the artwork, with higher settings providing stronger protection.
  • 🛠️ Glaze is not foolproof and is still undergoing tests against AI models that attempt to bypass its protections.
  • 📈 Glaze is specifically effective against 'style transfer' AI uses but less so against 'image-to-image' manipulations, like adding elements to existing images.
  • 🔬 Some experimental countermeasures against Glaze involve complex filtering techniques, suggesting ongoing arms race between AI developers and protective measures.
  • 👨‍🎨 Artists should consider the type of art and the specific settings in Glaze to minimize any unwanted visual changes when the protection is applied.
  • 🔄 Continuous adjustment and reapplication of Glaze might be necessary as AI technology evolves, indicating a need for ongoing vigilance by artists.

Q & A

  • What is Glaze and what purpose does it serve for artists?

    -Glaze is a technology designed to protect artists' works from being used by AI models without permission, specifically in creating fine-tuned styles known as 'Laura.' It helps prevent new artworks from being trained into AI systems, although it cannot protect artworks that have already been included in such models.

  • What does the term 'Laura' refer to in the context of AI and art?

    -'Laura' refers to a specific style or setting used in AI models like stable diffusion, where a user can input a command to generate art in the style of a specific artist. For example, a style called 'Laura for Ross Draws' can be used to generate images mimicking that artist's style.

  • Can Glaze prevent all forms of AI interference with artworks?

    -No, Glaze is not a permanent solution and primarily prevents new artworks from being trained into AI models. It does not guarantee protection against all types of AI interference, particularly with regard to image-to-image transformations.

  • What are the visible effects of applying Glaze on artwork?

    -While Glaze is designed to be undetectable to the human eye, different settings can lead to visible changes in the artwork, such as slight discolorations or artifacts. The visibility of these changes depends on the intensity settings used during the application.

  • Is there a way to completely remove the influence of Glaze once it has been applied?

    -Once applied, Glaze embeds certain properties within the image that are intended to disrupt AI processing. These cannot be removed or reversed, making it crucial for artists to choose the appropriate settings before applying Glaze to ensure minimal disruption to the visual quality of their artwork.

  • What are the limitations of Glaze when protecting old artwork?

    -Glaze cannot protect artworks that have already been incorporated into AI databases or models. It is only effective for new pieces, preventing them from being used in future AI training.

  • How does the application of Glaze affect the time taken to process artworks?

    -The application of Glaze, especially at higher settings, can significantly increase the processing time for artworks. Higher settings are more protective but also more computationally intensive, which can slow down computers.

  • What alternatives are mentioned for protecting artworks from AI scraping?

    -Aside from Glaze, the script mentions another tool called 'Mist,' which is an open-source solution developed to disrupt image-to-image AI attacks more strongly. However, it can also distort the image, which may not be desirable for all types of art.

  • How effective is Glaze in changing the style of art once it has been trained into AI models?

    -Glaze can influence how AI models interpret an artist's style over time. If an artist's work has been trained into a model and then protected by Glaze, future outputs may resemble a different style, such as Impressionism, rather than the artist's original style.

  • What are the considerations artists should keep in mind when using Glaze?

    -Artists should consider the balance between protection and visual integrity. Higher settings offer more protection but can alter the artwork more noticeably. Artists should experiment with settings to find an acceptable compromise that minimizes visual changes while providing sufficient protection.



🖼️ Introduction to Art Protection with Glaze

The video begins with an explanation of 'Glades' (likely 'Glaze'), a technology used to protect artworks from unauthorized AI replication. The speaker explains how Glaze prevents the creation of fine-tuned AI styles based on an artist's original work, referring to a process where artworks are uploaded into an AI system and manipulated. Although Glaze does not protect older artworks already absorbed by such systems, it is effective for new pieces. The video also mentions a comparison of original and glazed artworks, which are visually indistinguishable to the human eye. The effectiveness of Glaze against AI-based image manipulation, such as adding a hat to Michelangelo's image, is highlighted, alongside its limitations and the ongoing attempts by some developers to circumvent its protections.


🎨 Testing and Observations on Glaze Settings

The speaker experiments with different settings of Glaze on an artwork, noting the visual impacts at various levels of intensity. Starting with a medium quality render to save time, they observe significant visual distortions at lower settings, including color shifts and visible artifacts, which they describe as undesirable. The discussion includes a demonstration of the application process, the resultant aesthetic changes, and the trade-offs between image fidelity and protection strength. Despite some settings causing undesirable effects, the speaker continues to adjust the settings in search of an optimal balance that provides sufficient protection without severely compromising the artwork's visual quality.


👋 Conclusion and Community Engagement

In the concluding section, the speaker thanks the viewers for watching and mentions plans to post different versions of the tested images on the community tab for closer inspection by the viewers. They express a hopeful attitude toward finding a satisfactory setting for Glaze, emphasizing ongoing experimentation to achieve the best results. The video ends with a casual farewell and an invitation for the viewers to view the detailed results and engage further.




Glaze refers to a technology used to protect digital artwork from being utilized by AI in creating new artworks, known as 'Laura' styles in the script. It's designed to embed invisible modifications that are detectable only by AI, thus preventing the art from being used to train AI models without affecting its visual appearance to the human eye.


In the context of the video, 'Laura' represents a specific style or method used within AI models like stable diffusion to generate artworks. It suggests a technique where artists' styles are emulated by AI, which can be influenced by labeling the style during the AI's training phase, e.g., 'Ross draws' as mentioned in the script.

💡Stable diffusion

Stable diffusion is a type of AI model used for generating digital images based on textual descriptions. In the video, it is mentioned in relation to creating art in specific styles by feeding the model certain inputs, like the style of 'Ross draws.'


Referring to an artwork that has been processed by Glaze to contain invisible modifications. These modifications prevent AI from accurately training on the image's data while remaining imperceptible to the human eye, as discussed in the context of protecting the artist's original work.

💡Image to image

This refers to a type of AI operation where an existing image is modified based on new input, such as adding a hat to a portrait of Michelangelo as mentioned in the video. Glaze provides some protection against such operations, making them less effective or accurate.

💡Adverse noise

In the video, 'adverse noise' relates to unintended or disruptive information within an image caused by filters like guided filters. This can complicate the AI's ability to process the image cleanly, which is crucial when discussing ways to bypass Glaze's protections.


Artifacts in digital imaging, as mentioned in the script, refer to visible anomalies or irregularities in an image that can occur due to high levels of protection settings in Glaze. These are undesirable effects that can degrade the visual quality of the artwork.

💡Protection of art

This concept is central to the video's theme, where Glaze is described as a tool to prevent unauthorized use of an artist's work by AI systems in creating new artworks. It's highlighted as a response to concerns over digital reproduction and training on artists' original creations.

💡Training on art

Refers to the process by which AI models learn to generate new images by analyzing existing artworks. The video addresses concerns about AIs using artists' works without permission to improve their style generation capabilities, which Glaze aims to inhibit.

💡Render quality

In digital processing, render quality affects the resolution and detail of the final output. The video discusses varying render quality settings in the application of Glaze, balancing between protection level and the visual fidelity of the protected art.


Glaze is a method to prevent artwork from being used in AI model training, specifically targeting stable diffusion models.

The tool is designed to protect new artworks from being used to fine-tune AI styles, without affecting old art already in the system.

Glaze applies imperceptible changes that are detectable only by AI, effectively cloaking the artwork against machine learning.

Despite its effectiveness, Glaze is not a permanent solution but the best current option for artists to protect their works.

Current AI developers and programmers have not been able to circumvent the protective measures implemented by Glaze.

Glazed artworks look identical to their original versions to the human eye, ensuring the aesthetic integrity of the art.

A comparison between original and glazed artworks shows no visible difference, confirming the subtlety of Glaze's alterations.

Glaze protection does not interfere with normal image processing, like screenshotting or simple modifications.

Adjustments in Glaze's settings can lead to varying degrees of visibility in changes, allowing customization based on artist preference.

Higher settings in Glaze provide stronger protection but may introduce more noticeable changes to the artwork.

Artists need to experiment with Glaze settings to find the optimal balance between protection and visual fidelity.

Glaze can prevent an artwork from being used directly in AI applications like image-to-image generation but is less effective against text-to-image processes.

Other tools are being developed to complement Glaze, offering stronger disruption against different types of AI attacks.

Artists need to inform their audiences if they are using Glaze, as it might affect the artwork's visual appearance under certain settings.

While effective, the use of Glaze and similar tools may require ongoing adjustments as AI technology evolves.