I Debunk EVERY Conspiracy About Catherine in ONE Video!

The Royal Rogue
24 Mar 202411:19

TLDRIn this video transcript, Jesús Enrique Rosas, the Royal Rogue, discusses the recent events surrounding Catherine and the Royal family, addressing various conspiracy theories related to Catherine's diagnosis video. He debunks claims about the video's authenticity, explaining the technical aspects of video compression and lighting that lead to perceived inconsistencies. Rosas emphasizes the importance of focusing on Catherine's message and her strength, and invites viewers to share their thoughts in the comments.


  • 💬 The speaker, Jesús Enrique Rosas, addresses his audience as 'Royal Roguies' and discusses recent events involving Catherine and the Royal family.
  • 🚀 He mentions that the situation has been intense, likening it to a 'blitzkrieg', but emphasizes resilience and readiness to face challenges.
  • 🐾 Jesús shares that he has been blocked by Piers Morgan, suggesting it may be due to his candid opinions about Morgan.
  • 🤔 Conspiracy theories surrounding Catherine's diagnosis video are discussed, with Jesús expressing his dislike for such speculation.
  • 🌿 One conspiracy theory claims that the foliage behind Catherine isn't moving, which Jesús attributes to the lack of wind and video compression.
  • 🎥 He debunks the idea that the video was shot in a studio with a green screen, arguing against the logic of such a conspiracy.
  • 🧣 Jesús also addresses the claim that Catherine is wearing the same sweater from seven years ago, providing evidence to the contrary.
  • 💍 The supposed 'disappearing' of Catherine's ring in the video is explained as a result of camera angles, lighting, and video compression.
  • 👫 Questions about William's absence in the video are dismissed, with Jesús suggesting that Catherine may have wanted to convey strength and independence.
  • 🎬 He discusses the technical aspects of video recording and compression, explaining how it can affect the perception of movement and details in a video.
  • ❤️ Jesús invites his audience to share their thoughts in the comments and signs off with a message of love and bliss.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the transcript?

    -The main theme of the transcript revolves around the speaker, Jesús Enrique Rosas, addressing various conspiracy theories related to Catherine and the Royal family, and providing his perspective on these matters.

  • How does the speaker describe the recent events involving Catherine and the Royal family?

    -The speaker describes the recent events as intense and overwhelming, akin to a blitzkrieg, indicating a rapid and forceful series of developments.

  • Why was Jesús Enrique Rosas blocked by Piers Morgan?

    -Jesús Enrique Rosas was blocked by Piers Morgan possibly due to him calling Morgan a 'two-faced weasel' and challenging the truth, which Morgan might not have appreciated.

  • What is the speaker's stance on conspiracy theories?

    -The speaker is critical of conspiracy theories and believes in debunking them using scientific reasoning and logical argumentation.

  • What is the speaker's explanation for the non-moving foliage in the background of Catherine's video?

    -The speaker attributes the non-moving foliage to the depth of field effect and video compression, which can make barely moving objects appear frozen in time.

  • How does the speaker refute the claim that Catherine wore the same sweater from seven years ago?

    -The speaker refutes this by pointing out differences in the fit, stripe width, and sleeves of the sweaters in the screenshots from seven years ago and the recent video.

  • What is the speaker's take on the disappearance of Catherine's ring in the video?

    -The speaker explains that the disappearance of the ring is due to the angle, movement, and video compression, which can cause the ring to visually blend into the background due to its color and blur.

  • Why wasn't William present with Catherine in the video?

    -The speaker suggests that Catherine might have chosen to appear alone to convey her message and demonstrate her strength, without implying any rejection of William's support.

  • How does the speaker interpret the change in lighting observed in Catherine's video?

    -The speaker attributes the change in lighting to natural outdoor elements, such as clouds covering or uncovering the sun, and the camera's automatic exposure adjustment, rather than studio lighting.

  • What is the speaker's overall opinion on the conspiracies surrounding Catherine's diagnosis video?

    -The speaker believes that the conspiracies are unfounded and result from either trolling or a misunderstanding of technical aspects of video production and compression.

  • How does the speaker suggest the audience respond to conspiracy theories?

    -The speaker encourages the audience to not shy away from debunking conspiracies using scientific reasoning and to critically examine the evidence presented.



🗣️ Addressing Conspiracy Theories and Personal Updates

The speaker, Jesús Enrique Rosas, known as the Royal Rogue, begins by expressing the intensity of recent events involving Catherine and the Royal family. Despite the challenges, he emphasizes resilience and readiness to face any situation. He shares a personal anecdote of being blocked by Piers Morgan, hinting at a disagreement, and suggests that the reason might be his forthright stance on the truth. The speaker then delves into debunking conspiracy theories surrounding Catherine's diagnosis video, addressing specific queries raised on social media about the video's authenticity. He explains the lack of movement in the foliage due to the video's compression and lack of wind, and counters the claim of Catherine wearing the same sweater from seven years ago by pointing out differences in the fit and design. The speaker also discusses the technical aspects of video compression and how it affects the perception of movement and details such as the disappearance of Catherine's ring in the video.


🔍 Debunking More Conspiracy Theories and the Importance of Personal Messaging

Continuing from the previous paragraph, Jesús Enrique Rosas further addresses and debunks more conspiracy theories related to Catherine's video. He tackles the claims about the sweater, explaining the differences in the fit and stripe width between the one from seven years ago and the recent one. He also discusses the disappearance of Catherine's ring in the video, attributing it to camera angles, movement, and the video compression effect. The speaker questions the motives of those spreading these conspiracy theories, whether they are trolling or genuinely misguided. He then moves on to discuss the absence of William in the video, suggesting that Catherine's solo appearance could be a deliberate choice to convey her strength and independence. From a communications perspective, he believes it was effective as it allowed the focus to remain solely on Catherine and her message, dispelling any perceived fear in her voice and emphasizing her hopefulness for recovery.


🌟 Final Thoughts and Engagement with the Audience

In the final paragraph, Jesús Enrique Rosas invites his audience, referred to as 'Roguies,' to share their thoughts on the discussed topics in the comments section. He reiterates his identity as the Royal Rogue and signs off with his signature phrase, 'Much Love, and Bliss.' The speaker also addresses another conspiracy theory about the strange shadows in the video, arguing that if the video was shot outdoors, the flickering light could be due to changing cloud cover or the camera's automatic exposure adjustment. He concludes by asserting that the theories suggesting artificial intelligence involvement or studio manipulation are unfounded, given the natural explanations for the observed phenomena.




The term 'Royalists' refers to supporters or adherents of a monarchy or royal family. In the context of the video, it denotes the group of people who are loyal to and supportive of Catherine and the Royal family. The speaker identifies himself as part of this group, indicating a strong alignment with their cause and a readiness to defend them against criticisms or conspiracies.

💡Conspiracy theories

Conspiracy theories are explanations suggesting secret plots or plans by individuals or organizations to cause or prevent events. In the video, the speaker addresses various conspiracy theories surrounding Catherine's diagnosis video, indicating a skepticism towards such explanations and a readiness to debunk them with logical arguments.

💡Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan is a British journalist and television personality who is known for his controversial opinions and confrontational style. In the video, the speaker mentions being blocked by Piers Morgan, which serves to establish the speaker's critical stance against mainstream media figures who may not align with his views.


In the context of the video, 'compression' refers to the process of reducing the size of digital video or image files, often for easier sharing over the internet. The speaker uses the concept of compression to explain why certain elements in Catherine's video, such as the foliage, may appear unmoving. This technical explanation helps to debunk the conspiracy theory that the video was fabricated using a green screen.

💡Depth of field

Depth of field is a photographic term referring to the range of distance within a scene that appears acceptably sharp and in focus. In the video, the speaker mentions the depth of field effect to explain why the background appears blurred and why the foliage behind Catherine seems unmoving, thus contributing to the conspiracy theories.


The 'sweater' is a piece of clothing mentioned in the video that became a point of discussion due to conspiracy theories suggesting it was the same one from seven years ago. The speaker refutes this theory by comparing screenshots and highlighting the differences in the sweater's design, using this example to critique the credibility of such conspiracy theories.


The 'ring' is a piece of jewelry that is the subject of another conspiracy theory in the video. The speaker explains that the ring appears to 'disappear' in the video due to camera angles, movement, and the compression of the video, rather than any nefarious or supernatural explanation.


William, presumably referring to Prince William, is mentioned in the context of Catherine's video message. The speaker questions why there are conspiracy theories arising from his absence, suggesting that Catherine's decision to appear alone demonstrates her strength and independence, rather than any discord within the relationship.


The 'shadows' are a point of contention in the video, with conspiracy theories suggesting they are evidence of AI manipulation or studio lighting. The speaker counters this by explaining that changing lighting and shadows can occur naturally outdoors due to factors like cloud movement and camera exposure settings, thus refuting the idea that the video was artificially created.


In the context of the video, 'communication' refers to the process of conveying messages effectively. The speaker discusses the strategic choice of Catherine to communicate her message alone, emphasizing the importance of focusing on her situation without distractions. This highlights the speaker's understanding of effective messaging and public relations.


Jesús Enrique Rosas, the Royal Rogue, addresses his audience amidst recent intense events involving Catherine and the Royal family.

Catherine and the Royalists are described as strong in the face of challenges.

The speaker has been blocked by Piers Morgan, which he wears as a badge of courage and honor.

The speaker criticizes Piers Morgan for potentially avoiding the truth and being two-faced.

Conspiracy theories surrounding Catherine's diagnosis video are discussed, with the speaker expressing his disdain for the situation.

Questions about the foliage not moving in the video are debunked by explaining the absence of wind and the effect of video compression.

The speaker argues that a green screen would likely have a more realistic, moving background, countering the conspiracy theory.

The claim that Catherine's sweater is the same one from seven years ago is refuted by pointing out differences in fit and design.

The speaker questions the motives of those spreading conspiracy theories, wondering if they are trolling or genuinely misguided.

The disappearance of Catherine's ring in the video is explained by camera angles, movement, and video compression.

The absence of William in the video is justified by the idea that Catherine may have wanted to deliver her message alone.

The speaker provides a communication perspective, suggesting that Catherine's solo appearance was a strategic choice.

Catherine's voice is described as not fearful, countering claims by conspiracy theorists.

The strange shadows in the video are attributed to natural light fluctuations and camera exposure settings.

The speaker invites his audience to share their thoughts on the matter in the comments section.

Jesús Enrique Rosas signs off with a message of love and bliss for his audience.