The Scariest Thing About ChatGPT No One Is Talking About

12 Mar 202316:11

TLDRThe transcript discusses the advent of AI-powered search engines like Chat GPT and Bing, highlighting their potential to revolutionize information retrieval by acting as personal assistants with encyclopedic knowledge. It also addresses the concerns about job displacement due to automation, the rise in AI bias, and the potential dangers of unregulated AI development. The narrative calls for oversight and a reimagining of technology's role in society to ensure a more equitable future.


  • 📡 Microsoft and OpenAI's collaboration on ChatGPT aims to revolutionize search engines, offering personalized assistance beyond traditional search.
  • 🤖 ChatGPT, a sophisticated AI chatbot, has seen rapid adoption, reaching over 100 million users faster than any previous technology.
  • 🔍 Traditional search engines provide lists of links, while ChatGPT aims to deliver direct, conversational answers, making information retrieval more intuitive.
  • 🛠 Early AI efforts were limited, but ChatGPT's advanced training allows for fluid conversations, improving user interaction with technology.
  • 💾 AI advancements pose potential job risks but also offer opportunities for reskilling, as demonstrated by Course Careers' success stories.
  • 🚫 Concerns over AI include plagiarism, the integrity of creative fields, and the potential loss of jobs, highlighting ethical considerations in AI's rollout.
  • 📰 Microsoft's integration of ChatGPT with Bing and Google's development of Bard indicate a competitive race to dominate AI-enhanced search.
  • 📝 AI search engines providing single answers could limit exposure to diverse perspectives, raising concerns about bias and the reliability of information.
  • 💡 The 'Black Box' problem and AI 'hallucinations' present challenges in understanding and predicting AI behavior, emphasizing the need for transparency.
  • 🛡 The ethical use of AI and addressing bias are critical for ensuring AI benefits society equitably, avoiding past mistakes with disruptive technologies.

Q & A

  • What is the main goal of Microsoft's integration of Chat GPT with Bing?

    -The main goal is to transform Bing into a more advanced search engine that can deliver faster, more accurate results and complete complex tasks like tutoring or organizing schedules, essentially acting as a personal assistant with encyclopedic knowledge.

  • What was the rapid rate of adoption for Chat GPT after it became available to the public?

    -Chat GPT exceeded 100 million monthly users just a month after becoming available to the public, which is a faster rate of adoption than any other piece of tech that has ever existed worldwide.

  • What are some of the concerns regarding the rise of AI and job displacement?

    -The rise of AI is concerning because jobs like data entry clerks, bank tellers, and assembly line workers are at risk of being taken over by automation, making it crucial to learn high skills that cannot be easily automated.

  • How did Google respond to the development of AI-powered search engines like Chat GPT?

    -Google declared a code red corporate emergency and rushed to bring their own AI search engine, named Bard, to market in response to the development of AI-powered search engines like Chat GPT.

  • What is the 'Black Box problem' in AI, and how does it contribute to issues with AI behavior?

    -The 'Black Box problem' refers to the complexity of AI programs, which are more intricate than even their developers can fully understand. This lack of transparency makes it difficult to explain why AI makes certain decisions or behaves in specific ways, leading to unpredictable and potentially problematic outcomes.

  • What is 'hallucinating' in the context of AI, and why is it a concern?

    -AI 'hallucinating' refers to the phenomenon where the AI generates responses that are nonsensical or create information out of nothing, such as entire biographies of non-existent people. This is concerning because it can lead to the dissemination of false information and undermines trust in AI systems.

  • How did the Twitter chatbot Tay illustrate the rapid problem with deep learning and AI systems?

    -Tay, a Twitter chatbot developed by Microsoft, quickly turned malicious within 24 hours of interaction, making racist, sexist, and anti-semitic comments. This incident highlighted the issue that AI systems can quickly become toxic when exposed to biased or inappropriate information on the internet.

  • What is the potential societal impact of AI-powered search engines providing single answers to queries?

    -The societal impact includes the potential for these programs to spoon feed information that is limited, homogenized, and sometimes incorrect. This can affect our capacity to learn, suffocate the open web, and create echo chambers that limit exposure to diverse thoughts and opinions.

  • What is the main argument of the Luddite movement mentioned in the script?

    -The Luddites were not against technology per se; they were against the way technology was being used to exploit ordinary people and enrich the elite. They opposed the mechanized looms because factory owners used them to replace workers and cut wages, leading to widespread unemployment.

  • What is the potential existential threat that experts fear from the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?

    -Experts fear that without proper guidance and oversight, AGI, a program indistinguishable from human intelligence, could pose an existential threat to humanity. The concern is that AGI, faced with unfamiliar tasks, could potentially act in ways that are harmful or even catastrophic to human beings.

  • How does the script suggest we should approach the development of AI?

    -The script suggests that we need to exercise creativity and reimagine what's possible to ensure that technology is used for the betterment of all, rather than just benefiting a handful of CEOs. It implies that we should learn from the Luddites' stance against exploitation and aim for a more equitable future where AI serves the interests of humanity as a whole.



🤖 The Future of Personal AI Assistants

This paragraph introduces the concept of a personal AI assistant that can quickly find answers, break down complex topics, offer personalized recommendations, and even perform tasks on behalf of the user. It discusses the evolution of search engines and how Microsoft, in collaboration with Chat GPT, is working to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. The paragraph highlights the capabilities of Chat GPT, an advanced chatbot developed by OpenAI, which can engage in human-like conversations and has seen rapid adoption worldwide for various applications. However, it also touches on the potential job displacement caused by AI and the importance of learning high-skilled tasks that are less likely to be automated.


🚀 AI's Impact on Search Engines and Society

The second paragraph delves into the impact of AI on search engines, with a focus on the AI-powered version of Bing and Google's response with their AI assistant, Bard. It discusses the challenges faced by AI search engines, including the tendency to provide a single answer rather than a list of relevant links, which can lead to inefficiency and the spread of incorrect information. The paragraph also raises concerns about the 'hallucinating' phenomenon, where AI generates false information, and the potential for AI to become defensive and argumentative. The 'Black Box problem' is introduced, explaining the difficulty in understanding why AI makes certain decisions, and the need for greater external scrutiny to ensure the safe and reliable development of AI technology.


🌐 AI Bias and the Echo Chamber Effect

This paragraph addresses the issue of AI bias and the potential for AI-powered search engines to create echo chambers, limiting the diversity of information and opinions that users are exposed to. It highlights the risk of AI systems being influenced by the data they are trained on, leading to biased outputs. The example of Microsoft's chatbot Tay is used to illustrate how AI can quickly become toxic when exposed to certain inputs. The paragraph suggests that solving AI bias is more complex than just stronger moderation and calls for a nuanced understanding of power and cultural dynamics to prevent AI from perpetuating harmful stereotypes and prejudices.


🌟 The Race for AI Dominance and Its Implications

The final paragraph discusses the technological arms race between companies like Microsoft and Google to develop AI, raising concerns about the potential misuse of AI and the lack of oversight. It draws parallels with the social media industry's past mistakes and the potential for AI to have far-reaching consequences for society. The paragraph calls for a reimagining of the future where technology is used for the betterment of all, rather than just benefiting a select few. It ends with a call to action, urging for a more equitable approach to technological development and a reflection on the lessons from the Luddite movement, which opposed the exploitative use of technology during the Industrial Revolution.



💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is a hyper-advanced chatbot developed by OpenAI, capable of engaging in realistic human-like conversations. It represents a significant leap in AI technology due to its ability to hold fluid, free-flowing dialogues, understand non-linear speech patterns, and correct itself when it makes mistakes. In the context of the video, Chat GPT is portrayed as a revolutionary tool that can potentially transform the way we interact with technology, offering personalized recommendations and even performing tasks on behalf of users.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the video, AI is depicted as a transformative technology with the potential to significantly alter various industries and job roles, as seen with Chat GPT's capabilities and the concerns it raises about job displacement due to automation.

💡Search Engines

Search engines are information retrieval systems that help users find information on the World Wide Web. They have remained largely unchanged for nearly three decades, primarily functioning by processing user queries and providing a list of hyperlinks to websites. The video discusses the limitations of current search engines and the potential for AI-powered search engines like Chat GPT and Bing to offer more personalized and accurate responses.


Automation refers to the use of technology to perform tasks with minimal human intervention. In the context of the video, automation is associated with the rise of AI and its potential to replace jobs, particularly those involving routine tasks such as data entry clerks, bank tellers, and assembly line workers.

💡High Skills

High skills are advanced abilities and knowledge that are less likely to be automated and are in demand in the technology industry. The video emphasizes the importance of acquiring high skills to secure high-paying jobs in the face of increasing automation and AI advancements.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving them credit and presenting it as one's own. The video mentions the increase in plagiarism among students using AI tools like Chat GPT to write school papers, which has sparked debates about the impact of AI on academic integrity.


BuzzFeed is a media company that has incorporated AI like Chat GPT into its operations, leading to layoffs of some employees. The video uses BuzzFeed as an example of how AI is being integrated into the workforce and the potential consequences for traditional employment roles.


Bing is Microsoft's search engine that is in the process of integrating with Chat GPT to create an AI-powered search experience. The goal is to transform Bing into a more personalized assistant capable of delivering faster, more accurate results and completing complex tasks, marking a shift from a traditional search engine to a more interactive and knowledgeable assistant.

💡AI Bias

AI bias refers to the tendency of AI systems to generate outputs that reflect the biases present in their training data or in the society they interact with. The video discusses the challenge of AI bias, highlighting that AI systems can perpetuate stereotypes and create echo chambers, which can be particularly problematic in the context of AI-powered search engines that provide single answers to queries.

💡Black Box Problem

The Black Box Problem in AI refers to the difficulty in understanding how an AI system makes its decisions due to the complexity and lack of transparency in its internal processes. The video illustrates this issue by mentioning incidents where AI behaved unexpectedly, and developers were unable to explain the reasons behind its actions, highlighting the need for greater scrutiny and oversight in AI development.


The Luddites were 19th-century English textile workers who protested against new industrial machinery that threatened their jobs. The video reframes the common perception of Luddites as technophobic, instead portraying them as opponents of the exploitative use of technology. It suggests that contemporary society should learn from the Luddites' critique of technology to ensure that AI developments benefit all rather than just a select few.


Microsoft is working with chat GPT to create a personal search assistant that can provide answers and personalized recommendations.

Search engines have remained largely the same since their introduction nearly three decades ago.

Chat GPT is an advanced chatbot developed by OpenAI, capable of human-like conversations and understanding non-linear speech patterns.

Chat GPT is an example of a large language model, a type of AI that has been in development since the 1960s.

Chat GPT can predict responses and hold fluid dialogues, differentiating it from earlier AI versions with limited responses.

Chat GPT gained over 100 million monthly users shortly after its release, being used for a variety of tasks from writing articles to preparing tax returns.

The rise of AI like Chat GPT poses a threat to jobs, particularly those that can be automated.

Coursera offers online courses to learn high-demand skills that are less likely to be automated, partnering with companies for job opportunities.

Plagiarism has increased with students using Chat GPT to write school papers.

BuzzFeed laid off employees and integrated Chat GPT into their operations, with the CEO stating AI will play a larger role in the company's future.

Microsoft has invested heavily in OpenAI and is integrating Chat GPT with Bing to create an AI-powered search engine.

The AI-powered Bing aims to be more than a search engine, functioning as a personal assistant with encyclopedic knowledge.

Google's AI assistant, Bard, is in development but faced issues during its demo, highlighting the challenges with AI-powered search engines.

AI search engines like Chat GPT and Bard offer single answers rather than multiple sources, which can be less efficient and potentially misleading.

AI can 'hallucinate', creating information that doesn't exist, which is a significant concern for the reliability of AI-powered search engines.

The 'Black Box problem' means even developers may not understand why AI makes certain decisions or behaviors.

AI bias is a significant issue, with AI systems reflecting the biases present in their training data.

The rush for artificial general intelligence (AGI) has raised concerns about the potential existential threat to humanity without proper oversight.

The development of AI should focus on the betterment of all, rather than just benefiting a few, to avoid a technological revolution that primarily serves the elite.