I Found The DUMBEST Soldier 76 Cheater in Overwatch 2

22 May 202319:56

TLDRThe video script details a player's encounter with a Soldier 76 character in Overwatch 2 who is suspected of cheating. The player, initially impressed by the Soldier's performance, soon becomes suspicious when the character doesn't sprint out of spawn and blames the team's Winston for losses. The video captures the Soldier's poor gameplay, including standing still in spawn, missing obvious shots, and displaying a lack of awareness. The player humorously discusses the Soldier's tactics, suggesting that even with cheats, the player's skill level is so low that it's embarrassing. The summary also touches on the Soldier's inability to hit targets that are invisible or using abilities like Sombra's translocator, and the frustration of the team dealing with a cheater in a competitive game.


  • 🎮 The player encountered a Soldier 76 character in Overwatch 2 who was blatantly cheating, immediately killing the entire team after spawning.
  • 🤨 The cheater tried to blame their team's Winston for the losses, despite their own obvious use of cheats.
  • 👀 The cheater's behavior was suspicious from the start, not even sprinting out of the spawn, which raised doubts about their play.
  • 😅 The cheater's lack of skill was evident, as they stood in the spawn area, unable to effectively play the game.
  • 🚀 The cheater's actions were so extreme that they fed themselves to the enemy team, further highlighting their cheating.
  • 😓 The player humorously reflects on how using cheats might be a way for the cheater to avoid feeling bad about their lack of skill.
  • 🤔 The video suggests a rule of thumb that players below a certain skill level might be cheating, as they wouldn't be able to compete otherwise.
  • 😒 The cheater's choice of Soldier 76 as their character for cheating is questioned, as it's not the most effective character for such behavior.
  • 🤯 The cheater's inability to hit targets, even with aim cheats, is pointed out, showing the incompetence despite using hacks.
  • 😤 The cheater's lack of awareness and constant getting 'smoked' by the enemy team is a recurring theme throughout the script.
  • 🤷‍♂️ The player ponders the ethics of drawing games with cheaters, suggesting it might be a small form of resistance against their actions.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue the narrator has with the Soldier 76 player in Overwatch 2?

    -The narrator accuses the Soldier 76 player of cheating by murdering the entire team right after spawn and blaming the loss on their Winston. The player's suspicious behavior, such as not sprinting out of spawn, confirms their doubts.

  • Why does the narrator believe the Soldier 76 player is cheating?

    -The narrator points out that the Soldier 76 player is not performing actions expected of a skilled player, such as sprinting out of spawn, and instead stands still and misses obvious shots, which are signs of aimbot cheating.

  • What does the narrator think about the Soldier 76 character in relation to cheating?

    -The narrator humorously suggests that Soldier 76 might be one of the worst characters to cheat with because the character's abilities do not lend themselves well to the typical advantages of cheating, such as tracking projectiles through walls.

  • How does the narrator feel about the cheating player's skill level?

    -The narrator feels that even with aimbot cheats, the cheating player's skill level is so low that they would not be able to compete in higher-ranked games.

  • What is the narrator's opinion on the cheating player's behavior of blaming others?

    -The narrator finds it ironic and amusing that the cheating player is blaming their teammate Winston for the team's losses, instead of acknowledging their own cheating.

  • What does the narrator suggest about the mentality of cheaters in games?

    -The narrator speculates that cheaters might use cheats to avoid feeling bad about their actual skill level and to maintain a sense of competence in the game.

  • Why does the narrator express disappointment with the team's aggressive play?

    -The narrator is disappointed because the team is going hard on the attack despite the presence of a cheater, which they feel is unnecessary and could be seen as rewarding the cheater.

  • What is the narrator's view on the concept of 'drawing' games when a cheater is present?

    -The narrator believes that 'drawing' or intentionally extending a game where a cheater is present can be a way to waste the cheater's time as a form of protest and retribution.

  • How does the narrator react to the cheating player's lack of awareness during the game?

    -The narrator is both amused and frustrated by the cheating player's lack of awareness, as they miss obvious targets and get caught out by basic game mechanics.

  • What does the narrator find particularly funny about the cheating player's actions?

    -The narrator finds it hilarious that the cheating player is aiming for headshot hitboxes that aren't there, showcasing the crude and ineffective nature of their cheating method.

  • What does the narrator imply about the cheating player's potential knowledge of the game mechanics?

    -The narrator implies that the cheating player might not have a deep understanding of the game mechanics, as they fail to recognize situations where they have an advantage or where their actions make no sense.



😡 Cheating in Games: A Player's Frustration

The first paragraph describes a player's experience with a cheater in a game, who not only sabotaged his own team but also blamed others for the team's poor performance. The cheater is identified as 'Hollywood Soldier,' who is suspected of using aimbot cheats and not playing the game as intended. The video's narrator, Kiri, initially thought the cheater was exceptionally skilled but soon realized the deceit. The summary highlights the player's amusement at the cheater's lack of skill despite using cheats and the absurdity of blaming others for the team's losses.


🤬 Cheater's Behavior and Team Dynamics

The second paragraph focuses on the cheater's in-game behavior, which includes standing in the spawn area without engaging in combat effectively. The narrator expresses frustration at the cheater's lack of awareness and the negative impact on the team's morale. The summary also touches on the cheater's apparent belief that the team's Winston player is the problem, despite the cheater's own obvious cheating. The paragraph ends with a commentary on the cheater's poor choice of character for cheating and the humor derived from their inability to hit shots even with aim assistance.


🤔 Speculating on Cheating Tactics

The third paragraph delves into the narrator's speculation about the cheater's tactics, suggesting that the cheater might be using a bot or some form of automated aiming system. The summary discusses the narrator's observations of the cheater's odd behavior, such as shooting at invisible characters and missing obvious shots. The paragraph also includes the narrator's thoughts on how cheaters might be identified and the importance of reporting them to maintain fair play in the game.


😤 The Ethics of Cheating and Player Response

The fourth paragraph discusses the ethical implications of cheating in games and how other players react to it. The narrator questions why some players might draw or concede a match when facing a cheater, arguing that it's better to waste the cheater's time as a form of resistance. The summary addresses the frustration of dealing with cheaters, especially in lower ranks where their presence is more noticeable and disruptive. It also reflects on the challenge of recognizing cheating in higher ranks and the importance of using good judgment when reporting suspected cheaters.




A cheater in the context of the video refers to a player who uses dishonest methods or software to gain an unfair advantage in a game. In the script, the term is used to describe a player who is suspected of using aimbots or other cheating software to perform actions that would be impossible or highly unlikely without such assistance. This is a central theme of the video, as the narrator discusses the player's actions and the impact on the game.

💡Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 is a first-person shooter game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. It is the sequel to the popular game Overwatch and continues the team-based multiplayer gameplay. The video script discusses an incident within Overwatch 2, making it a key concept as it provides the setting for the entire discussion.

💡Soldier 76

Soldier 76 is a character in the Overwatch game series, known for his versatility and balanced abilities. In the video, the cheater is using this character, which is significant because it suggests that even a well-rounded character like Soldier 76 can be exploited through cheating, undermining the game's balance and fairness.


An aimbot is a type of cheating software used in first-person shooter games that automatically aims the player's weapon for them, often with perfect accuracy. The script describes the cheater as possibly using an aimbot, which is a key element in the discussion of how the player is gaining an unfair advantage.


Blaming, in this context, refers to the act of accusing another player of causing the team's poor performance. The cheater is described as blaming the Winston player for the team's losses, which is a common tactic used by cheaters to deflect attention from their own actions.


In video games, 'spawn' refers to the point where a player re-enters the game after being eliminated. The script mentions the cheater 'murdering the entire team coming off of spawn,' which illustrates the cheater's aggressive and unfair playstyle.

💡Hardcore Cheating

Hardcore cheating implies the use of advanced or particularly egregious cheating methods. The term is used in the script to emphasize the severity of the cheater's actions, suggesting that the player is not just bending the rules but blatantly breaking them in a way that significantly disrupts the game.


Flaming is the act of harshly criticizing or insulting another player, often in an online game setting. The script describes the cheater 'flaming' their teammate, which highlights the negative impact of the cheater's behavior on team dynamics and the overall gaming experience.

💡Gold Rank

In Overwatch's competitive ranking system, 'Gold Rank' is a skill tier that indicates a player's level of expertise. The video mentions the cheater being in 'Gold Rank,' which is significant because it suggests that the player is not only cheating to win but is also doing so at a relatively high level of play.

💡Projectile Tracking

Projectile tracking refers to the ability of a game to follow the trajectory of a thrown or fired object. The script humorously mentions this in relation to Soldier 76, suggesting that even with cheating, the player's actions are so obvious that they might as well have visible tracking on their projectiles.

💡AFK (Away From Keyboard)

AFK stands for 'Away From Keyboard,' a term used to describe a player who is not actively participating in the game. The script mentions instances where players go AFK, which is relevant to the video's theme as it shows the extent of the disruption caused by the cheater's actions.


The player immediately murdered the entire team after spawning, indicating a high level of suspicion.

The Soldier 76 player did not sprint out of spawn, which was a red flag for potential cheating.

The player's lack of movement and gameplay skills led to the suspicion of using cheats.

The player fed the enemy team and then blamed the tank, Winston, for the team's losses.

The Soldier 76 player's aim was so poor that it was evident they were cheating.

The player's inability to perform basic actions like dropping in some heels highlighted their incompetence.

The player's rank was speculated to be low, which would make even cheating less effective at higher levels.

The player's use of cheats was considered embarrassing due to the low skill level required in their matches.

The Soldier 76 character was deemed one of the worst for cheating due to the nature of the character's abilities.

The player's aim was so off that they missed shots that should have been easy, even with aim cheats.

The player's lack of awareness and repeated deaths were both amusing and frustrating to watch.

The player's behavior, such as standing in the open and not missing a shot, was a clear sign of cheating.

The player's name, 'Psycho', seemed fitting given their erratic and nonsensical actions in the game.

The player's repeated failure to utilize basic game mechanics, like sprinting, pointed to a potential bot.

The player's aim was so consistently off-target that it appeared they were using low-quality hacks.

The player's lack of reaction to obvious threats, like an invisible Sombra, suggested a disconnect from the game.

The player's repeated and blatant cheating led to discussions about the ethics of drawing games against cheaters.

The player's actions led to a debate on whether it's better to let a cheater win or to waste their time by drawing out the game.