I Tricked the Internet with an AI Influencer

30 Apr 202315:16

TLDRIn a fascinating social experiment, the creator attempts to generate an AI influencer, April Isabella, from scratch. Using various AI tools to craft her persona, photos, and even scripted responses, the project explores the feasibility of AI in the influencer space. Despite facing challenges and skepticism, April's journey across different platforms raises intriguing questions about the future of AI and social media.


  • 🎭 The story revolves around the creation of a fake AI influencer named Michaela, who was initially presented as a 3D model and voice actor but not an actual AI or robot.
  • 🚀 Michaela was used as a marketing gimmick to collaborate with major brands like Calvin Klein, Prada, and Samsung, despite not being a real person or robot.
  • 🌟 The creator of the influencer, Michaela, is Trevor McFry and Sarah DahI, who tried to pass her off as an AI robot to gain attention and sell products.
  • 📸 The creator attempted to use various AI tools like DOLL and Mid Journey V5 to generate images for a new influencer named April Isabella, aiming to make her famous.
  • 🛒 The script discusses the process of creating an Instagram profile for April, using chatbots to write her bio and generate content that matches her quirky persona.
  • 🎉 Despite being AI-generated, April's Instagram posts started receiving likes and interactions, showing that AI can mimic human behavior to some extent.
  • 🤖 The creator also used chatbots to respond to Instagram DMs, further emphasizing the role of AI in creating the illusion of a real influencer.
  • 🎥 The experiment expanded to YouTube, where AI-generated drama videos were created and uploaded, but the channel did not see significant success.
  • 📊 The creator observed that people often did not notice the AI-generated nature of the content and instead engaged with the topics discussed in the videos.
  • 🔄 The challenge of creating a fully AI-run influencer was not fully successful on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, but it sparked interesting discussions and interactions.
  • 🎶 The final attempt to create an AI-generated song, following Michaela's footsteps, showcased the potential and limitations of AI in creative fields like music.

Q & A

  • Who is the main character of the video script?

    -The main character of the video script is Michaela, a fictional influencer created by Trevor and Sarah.

  • What was the purpose of creating Michaela?

    -Michaela was created as a marketing gimmick to sell products and collaborate with brands like Calvin Klein, Prada, and Samsung.

  • What was the creator's goal for the 30-day challenge?

    -The creator's goal for the 30-day challenge was to make an influencer that is run entirely by artificial intelligence.

  • How did the creator start April Isabella's Instagram profile?

    -The creator started April Isabella's Instagram profile by using chat gbt to write her bio and Mid Journey V5 to generate photos that matched the quirky white girl aesthetic.

  • What kind of content did April Isabella's Instagram posts feature?

    -April Isabella's Instagram posts featured content related to her listed hobbies, such as making candles, stargazing, volunteering with animals, shopping for vinyls, and playing games with friends.

  • What was the creator's experience with the brand manager?

    -The creator had a back-and-forth conversation with the brand manager, but it turned out to be a scam attempt, so the creator didn't provide any real personal information.

  • How did the creator promote private internet access during the video?

    -The creator promoted private internet access as a VPN service that hides your IP address and safeguards your internet connection, emphasizing its importance for protecting personal information online.

  • Why did the creator decide to try YouTube next?

    -The creator decided to try YouTube next to branch out from Instagram and test if the AI-generated content would be successful on a different platform.

  • What was the creator's experience with creating a drama channel on YouTube?

    -The creator's experience with creating a drama channel on YouTube was challenging, and the AI-generated videos did not gain much success, only resulting in a few subscribers.

  • What platform did the creator attempt after YouTube?

    -After YouTube, the creator attempted to gain success on TikTok by creating and posting short videos following trends and using popular sounds.

  • What was the final attempt to boost April Isabella's online presence?

    -The final attempt to boost April Isabella's online presence was to create a song with AI, using a website that generates music based on a provided picture.



🎬 Introduction to the AI Influencer Challenge

The video script introduces a social experiment where the creator aims to generate an AI influencer, inspired by the fictional character Michaela, who was created in 2016 by Trevor McFry and Sarah Dah. The creator plans to use AI and various online tools to build an influencer from scratch, with the goal of making her appear real and gain followers on social media platforms. The first steps involve using AI to generate images and writing a bio, highlighting the challenges and humorous aspects of creating a digital persona.


🌐 Navigating Privacy and Security in the Digital World

The second paragraph discusses the importance of using a virtual private network (VPN) when browsing the internet to protect personal information from hackers. The creator humorously compares not using a VPN to leaving a child unsupervised in a playground, emphasizing the risks involved. Private Internet Access (PIA) is promoted as a secure and transparent VPN service with a strong infrastructure and a no-logs policy, which has been audited and proven in court. The creator also mentions the ability to access content from different regions, a key feature for streaming services.


🎥 The Struggle of AI Content Creation on YouTube

In this section, the creator shares their experience of attempting to create content for a YouTube channel using AI. They discuss the process of generating drama videos, rebranding the AI influencer April Isabella, and the challenges faced in writing scripts, recording voiceovers, and animating videos. Despite the effort, the YouTube channel fails to gain significant traction, with only one comment and a few subscribers, leading the creator to question whether YouTube is the right platform for the AI influencer.


📣 The AI Influencer's Journey on TikTok and Music Creation

The creator's journey continues with exploring TikTok as a platform for the AI influencer. After researching trends and creating multiple TikTok videos, the creator finds that only a few videos receive views and the account gains minimal followers. Undeterred, the creator decides to try music creation, using a website that generates songs based on images. The result is a humorous and chaotic song that showcases the limitations and unexpected outcomes of AI-generated content.

🏆 Conclusion and Reflection on the AI Influencer Experiment

The video concludes with a reflection on the AI influencer experiment. Despite the challenges and the lack of success on various social media platforms, the creator remains optimistic about the potential of AI in content creation. The experiment highlights the complexities of generating authentic and engaging content using AI, as well as the public's reaction to AI-generated personas. The creator acknowledges the limitations and the ethical considerations of such an endeavor, leaving viewers with a sense of curiosity and anticipation for future developments in AI and social media.



💡AI Influencer

An AI Influencer refers to a virtual character or persona that is created and operated using artificial intelligence technologies. In the context of the video, the creator aims to develop an influencer entirely run by AI, challenging the authenticity and originality of online personas. The AI influencer, named April Isabella, is designed to mimic human behavior and interaction on social media platforms to explore the possibilities and ethical considerations of AI in the influencer marketing space.

💡Marketing Gimmick

A marketing gimmick is a promotional strategy or ploy that is unconventional and designed to attract attention, often by exploiting popular trends or creating a sense of urgency. In the video, the concept of a fake influencer, Michaela, is revealed to be a marketing gimmick created to sell products, highlighting the sometimes deceptive practices in the influencer marketing industry.

💡3D Model

A 3D model refers to a digital representation of a character or object created using 3D modeling software. These models can be used in various media, including video games, movies, and online content. In the video, the mention of a 3D model pertains to the creation of the AI influencer's visual appearance, which is a crucial component in making the influencer seem lifelike and believable to the audience.

💡Voice Actor

A voice actor is a professional artist who provides voices for characters in various forms of media, such as animated films, video games, and commercials. In the context of the video, the term refers to the person who lends their voice to the AI influencer, bringing the virtual character to life and allowing it to interact with the audience through speech.

💡Social Media

Social media refers to web-based applications and platforms that enable users to create and share content or participate in social networking. In the video, social media is the primary platform where the AI influencer operates, using it to build a following and engage with an audience, just like a human influencer would.


A chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the internet. They are often used for customer service, entertainment, or as a marketing tool. In the video, the chatbot is utilized to generate responses to Instagram DMs and to create content for the AI influencer's social media posts, demonstrating the role of automation in managing online personas.


An influencer is an individual who has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of their authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with their audience. In the video, the term is used to describe both real and AI-generated personas that leverage their online presence to promote products or ideas.

💡Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a service that creates a secure and encrypted connection over the internet, allowing users to protect their online identity and activity from being tracked or intercepted. VPNs are used to ensure privacy and security while browsing the web, and they can also be used to access region-restricted content.


A scam is a fraudulent or deceptive act designed to cheat people out of their money or personal information. In the video, the term is used to describe a situation where the creator pretends to give out personal information to a supposed brand manager, highlighting the potential dangers and scams that can occur in the influencer and marketing space.


YouTube is a video-sharing platform where users can upload, share, and view videos. It has become a popular platform for content creators to build audiences and generate revenue through advertising, sponsorships, and other means. In the video, YouTube is explored as a potential platform for the AI influencer to expand its presence and reach a wider audience.


TikTok is a social media platform known for its short, entertaining videos often set to music. It has迅速成为全球热门的社交媒体应用之一, 允许用户创作和分享短视频, 通常配以音乐和各种特效. In the video, TikTok is considered as another platform for the AI influencer to potentially grow its following and engage with a younger demographic.


Michaela, a fake influencer created in 2016, is used as a marketing gimmick.

The creator aims to make an AI influencer that is entirely run by artificial intelligence.

April Isabella is introduced as the AI influencer, generated using Mid Journey V5.

April's Instagram profile is created with a bio written by chat gbt, focusing on quirky interests.

AI-generated photos are posted on April's Instagram, aligning with her bio's hobbies.

Chat gbt is used to respond to Instagram DMs, making the AI influencer seem legitimate.

A sponsor is interested in April, but it's revealed to be a scam attempt.

Private Internet Access VPN is promoted for safeguarding personal information online.

April's Instagram account is tested for authenticity with friends, showing mixed results.

YouTube is attempted as a platform for April, focusing on drama videos.

AI-generated videos on YouTube, using scripts and avatars, fail to gain significant traction.

TikTok is explored as the next platform for April, with 10 videos made and little success.

The challenge to create a viral AI influencer concludes with a pivot to music creation.

A song is generated using AI with a picture of Michaela, aiming for a unique approach.

The AI-generated song receives a mixed reaction, highlighting the experimental nature of the project.

The project showcases the potential and limitations of AI in creating social media influencers.