I bought the most SATISFYING TECH on the internet.

27 Oct 202219:42

TLDRThe video script details an exciting journey of discovering and testing a variety of innovative and satisfying tech gadgets. From a pen-holding machine and a paint sprayer that defies gravity, to a multi-dimensional fidget spinner and a levitating plant, the script explores a range of products designed to amaze and delight. The experience culminates with the testing of a 3D chocolate printer, showcasing the pinnacle of satisfaction and technological innovation. The video promises a thrilling adventure through the world of cutting-edge gadgets, leaving viewers eager to see more.


  • 🛠️ The video discusses spending $5000 in 300 seconds on satisfying tech products found on the internet.
  • 🖋️ A machine that can hold a pen and write with perfect accuracy is mentioned, sparking excitement for its usage.
  • 🎨 A paint sprayer that consistently delivers a perfect coat of paint is highlighted, with claims of defying gravity in its application.
  • 🪀 The evolution of fidget spinners is explored, with a focus on a 2022 model that is multi-dimensional and luminous.
  • 🌱 A levitating plant is showcased as an example of tech integrating with nature, and a levitating platform for various objects is also mentioned.
  • ⏰ A clock with a levitating orb as its hand is presented as a costly but intriguing piece of technology.
  • 🍏 Kitchen gadgets, including an apple corer and a corn scraper, are tested for their ability to provide perfect cuts and increased satisfaction.
  • 🤖 A 3D printer capable of printing chocolate in any shape is discussed, emphasizing its potential for personalized treats.
  • 🧼 Hand towels in tablet form are introduced, demonstrating an innovative approach to convenience and hygiene.
  • 🎮 The unboxing and testing of various gadgets, from the cheapest to the most expensive, reveal a range of satisfaction levels.
  • 🕒 The video concludes with the anticipation of the arrival of the purchased products, hinting at the joy of unboxing and experiencing new tech.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the video?

    -The main purpose of the video is to spend five thousand dollars on various satisfying tech products available on the internet and then test them to see if they live up to their promises.

  • What are some of the kitchen gadgets featured in the video?

    -Some of the kitchen gadgets featured include an apple corer for perfect slices, a corn scraper, a banana slicer, and a high-cost vegetable cutter.

  • How does the levitating plant gadget work?

    -The levitating plant gadget works by using magnetic levitation, which involves a magnetic base and a plant pot containing magnets that are strong enough to counteract gravity and levitate the plant.

  • What is the price and main feature of the vortex shaker?

    -The vortex shaker costs forty dollars, and its main feature is the combination of a powerful motor and a uniquely shaped blade that creates a vortex inside the shaker to mix drinks more effectively than traditional shakers.

  • What is the price and main function of the airless paint sprayer?

    -The airless paint sprayer costs around seven hundred dollars, and its main function is to create a vacuum with the paint, allowing it to be sprayed out smoothly and quietly for an even coat.

  • How does the robot writing device operate?

    -The robot writing device operates by using the Inkscape software to convert images or designs into a path that the robot arm follows to draw or write with precision.

  • What is the price and unique feature of the levitating clock?

    -The levitating clock costs eight hundred dollars, and its unique feature is that it tells time with a levitating orb that moves around an LED ring, creating a visually appealing and mesmerizing effect.

  • What is the main function of the Miku formula?

    -The main function of the Miku formula is to create a mold of a product by using a vacuum to suck out all the air and heat a plastic sheet to seal around the product, allowing for efficient recreation of the product.

  • What is the price and main feature of the 3D chocolate printer?

    -The 3D chocolate printer is not explicitly priced in the script, but its main feature is the ability to print objects in various shapes, such as chess pieces or even a Pokemon character, using chocolate as the printing material.

  • How does the video mention using a VPN service?

    -The video mentions using a VPN service, specifically Surfshark, to change the viewer's location to the United States to access the US version of Netflix, which has a wider range of shows compared to the UK version.



🛍️ Tech Shopping Spree

The speaker is embarking on a shopping spree with a budget of five thousand dollars to purchase satisfying tech gadgets from the internet. The excitement is palpable as they discuss various products, including a pen-holding machine, a paint sprayer that defies gravity, and a multi-dimensional fidget spinner. They also reminisce about the fidget spinner craze and express curiosity about the latest gadgets. The paragraph is filled with anticipation and the joy of discovering new, innovative products.


🎉 Unboxing and Testing Gadgets

In this paragraph, the speaker dives into the unboxing and testing of various gadgets they've purchased. They express delight in the kinetic sand's unique texture and the precision of the fruit slicers. The speaker also experiments with hand towel tablets, fidget toys, and a pen that transforms when clicked. They discuss the satisfaction derived from the performance and design of these gadgets, rating them on a scale from one to ten based on their satisfaction level.


🤖 Robotic Assistance and Illusions

The speaker introduces a robot that can write and an airless paint sprayer that operates with impressive smoothness. They describe the robot's ability to draw precise circles and its competition with human drawing skills. The airless paint sprayer is highlighted for its industrial quality and quiet operation. Additionally, a magic trick-like gadget that creates the illusion of water flowing upwards is discussed, emphasizing the visual satisfaction it provides.


🕰️ Levitating Timepieces and 3D Printed Delights

The speaker discusses a levitating clock that uses a magnetic orb as its hand and a 3D printer capable of printing in chocolate. They express fascination with the clock's unique time-telling method and the precision of the 3D printer. The paragraph also touches on the use of a VPN to access region-restricted content, highlighting the convenience and affordability of such technology. The speaker concludes with a mention of their newfound interest in anime, thanks to an influence from Mr. Beast.



💡Tech Gadgets

The term 'Tech Gadgets' refers to technological devices or tools that are designed for specific purposes, often to make life more convenient or entertaining. In the context of the video, the main theme revolves around the exploration and testing of various tech gadgets that promise satisfaction and ease of use. Examples include a pen holding machine, a paint sprayer, and a 3D printer that can print chocolate.


The concept of 'satisfying' in the video pertains to the emotional response or sense of contentment that is derived from using the tech gadgets. It is often associated with the smooth operation, precision, or unique features of the gadgets. The video aims to find and test tech that provides this sense of satisfaction, as seen with the corn scraper and the apple corer that deliver perfect slices.


Innovation refers to the introduction of new ideas, methods, or products. In the video, innovation is a key concept as it highlights the novel and creative aspects of the tech gadgets being explored. The gadgets are designed with unique features or functionalities that set them apart from traditional tools, such as a levitating plant or a vortex shaker for drinks.


Productivity in this context is about the efficiency and effectiveness with which tasks are completed. The video discusses various tech gadgets that are meant to enhance productivity in different areas, such as a robot that can write with perfect accuracy or a kitchen gadget that quickly cores an apple. The focus is on how these gadgets can potentially save time and effort.


ASMR, or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, is a tingling sensation often experienced in response to certain auditory or visual stimuli. In the video, the term is used to describe the satisfying sounds and visuals produced by the tech gadgets in operation, such as the corn thresher or the apple divider, which can trigger a pleasurable response in some viewers.

💡Fidget Spinners

Fidget Spinners are small, handheld devices designed for focus and stress relief. In the video, they are mentioned as an example of a past trend that has evolved into more complex and multidimensional versions. The 2022 fidget spinner is showcased, emphasizing its intricate design and the satisfaction derived from its operation.


Levitation refers to the phenomenon of objects being suspended in the air without physical support. In the video, levitation is a key feature of several gadgets, such as the levitating plant and the clock with a levitating orb. These devices use magnetic or other technological means to create the illusion of defying gravity, adding an element of wonder and novelty to the products.

💡3D Printing

3D printing is a manufacturing process where an object is created by laying down successive layers of material. In the video, a 3D printer that can print chocolate is featured, showcasing the versatility and creativity of modern 3D printing technology. The printer is used to create various shapes, demonstrating how it can turn digital designs into tangible objects.


Automation refers to the use of technology to perform tasks with minimal human intervention. The video highlights several automated gadgets, such as the form box that can duplicate objects and the airless paint sprayer that operates with a vacuum mechanism. These devices exemplify how automation can streamline processes and enhance user experience.

💡Health and Fitness

Health and fitness are recurring themes in the video, as some gadgets are presented as tools for promoting a healthier lifestyle. For instance, the vortex shaker is introduced as a device that can mix protein shakes more efficiently, and the hand towel tablets are described as a quick and clean way to dry hands, suggesting their potential use in fitness settings.


Cost-effectiveness is the measure of the value obtained from the cost of goods or services. In the video, the presenter evaluates the tech gadgets not only on their functionality and satisfaction level but also on their cost-effectiveness. Gadgets like the fruit peelers and slicers are deemed cost-effective due to their affordability and practicality in daily life.


The transcript describes an individual's excitement about spending $5000 on tech gadgets within 300 seconds.

A gadget that can hold a pen and write with perfect accuracy is mentioned, evoking a sense of anticipation.

A paint sprayer that consistently provides a perfect coat of paint is discussed, with the claim that it defies gravity.

The evolution of fidget spinners is explored, with a focus on a 2022 model that is multi-dimensional and animated.

A levitating plant is highlighted as an example of unique tech, emphasizing the novelty of the product.

A clock with a levitating orb as its hand is described, costing $800 and adding a touch of modernity to timekeeping.

Kitchen gadgets are recommended for health transformation, including an apple corer and a corn scraper.

The appeal of a 3D printer that can print chocolate in various shapes is discussed, tying tech with culinary creativity.

The experience of unboxing kinetic sand is described, noting its moist feel and non-drying properties.

The use of a vortex shaker for mixing drinks is detailed, emphasizing its efficiency and spill-free design.

Fidget toys are evaluated for their satisfaction level, with a range of designs and mechanisms.

A special pen is highlighted for its ability to transform its structure when clicked, showcasing innovative design.

The transcript mentions a gadget that can levitate water, creating an illusion of defying gravity through a strobing light effect.

A high-end gadget, the Miku formulas, is described as capable of duplicating objects by creating molds from them.

A 3D printer that can print chocolate in various shapes and sizes is discussed, fulfilling a sweet technological fantasy.

The transcript touches on the use of a VPN to access region-locked content, demonstrating tech's role in media consumption.

The individual's satisfaction with the tech gadgets is emphasized, noting the joy found in their unique features and functions.