I designed a Logo in 15 mins | Graphic Design Challenge!

Anik Jain
20 Nov 202320:23

TLDRIn this graphic design challenge, the designer takes on the task of creating a logo in just 15 minutes. The process begins with generating a fake brief from a website, which in this case, results in a brief for a fast fashion company named Poppy. The company's target audience is young adults, and they want a logo that conveys a sense of nostalgia while remaining approachable. The designer opts for a wordmark using the color purple and begins the timer as soon as they open Adobe Illustrator. After a quick research on fast fashion brands, the designer creates a unique logo with a playful and quirky style, using the letter 'P' from the company's name to create a brand pattern. The challenge is both stressful and fun, resulting in a logo that is vibrant, engaging, and suitable for the brand's identity. The designer also creates an emblem and a minimal brand mark for additional branding purposes. The video ends with a mockup showcasing the logo's application, making it look like a legitimate brand. The designer encourages viewers to try the challenge themselves, emphasizing the importance of spontaneity and creativity under time constraints.


  • 🎨 The challenge is to design a logo in under 15 minutes to test the designer's skills under time constraints.
  • ⏱️ The timer starts when the designer opens Adobe Illustrator, not when generating the brief.
  • 🌐 A fake brief is generated from a website for the purpose of the challenge to ensure spontaneity.
  • 📝 The brief for the challenge specifies designing a logo for a fast fashion company named Poppy, with a preference for a wordmark in purple.
  • 🔍 Research is conducted quickly into fast fashion brands to understand the market and typical logo styles.
  • 💭 The designer emphasizes the importance of considering the brand's values and target audience in the design.
  • 🔡 The chosen typeface is 'All Around Gothic' for its nostalgic yet approachable feel, fitting the brand's young adult demographic.
  • 🔄 The logo design process involves playing with the orientation of letters (some up, some down) to add a fun element.
  • 🎨 The color purple is used as specified in the brief, and adjustments are made to ensure the logo feels balanced and visually appealing.
  • 🧩 A brand pattern is created using elements of the logo, which can be used across various brand touchpoints.
  • 📜 An emblem and a minimal brand mark are also developed for versatile branding applications.
  • ⏲️ The challenge concludes with a sense of accomplishment despite the time pressure, showcasing the designer's ability to create under constraints.

Q & A

  • What is the challenge the designer is taking up in the video?

    -The designer is taking up the challenge of designing a logo in under 15 minutes.

  • How does the designer plan to generate the brief for the logo design?

    -The designer plans to generate the brief from a platform that creates fake briefs, specifically using 'goodbrief.com'.

  • What is the brand name generated for the logo design challenge?

    -The brand name generated for the logo design challenge is 'Poppy'.

  • What type of brand is 'Poppy' and what are its characteristics?

    -Poppy is a fast fashion brand that sells business clothing made with low-cost materials and is targeted towards young adults. It aims to convey a sense of nostalgia while being approachable.

  • What are the specific design preferences mentioned for the logo?

    -The design preferences mentioned for the logo include using the color purple and a word mark, without any icons or mascots.

  • How does the designer decide on the font style for the logo?

    -The designer decides on the font style by considering the brand's target audience and the need to convey a sense of nostalgia. They experiment with different fonts and settle on one that has a serif feel and is bold.

  • What is the deadline given for the logo design in the brief?

    -The deadline given in the brief is 5 days, but the designer has set a challenge to complete it in 15 minutes.

  • How does the designer approach the creation of a brand pattern?

    -The designer approaches the creation of a brand pattern by using the letter 'P' from the logo and manipulating it to create a seamless pattern that can be used in packaging and stores.

  • What is the final logo design outcome?

    -The final logo design outcome is a word mark for 'Poppy' with a unique typography that includes an inverted 'P' to create a fun and quirky feel. It also includes a brand pattern and a minimal brand mark.

  • What is the designer's recommendation for others interested in trying the challenge?

    -The designer recommends others to try the 15-minute logo design challenge, emphasizing the importance of having a fresh and new brief that is not pre-decided to keep the creative process spontaneous.

  • What was the source of inspiration for the designer to take up this challenge?

    -The designer got the idea for the challenge from a fellow designer named Abby Conic, who is mentioned as a fun and inspiring designer.

  • How does the designer describe the overall experience of the challenge?

    -The designer describes the overall experience as stressful but also fun and recommends others to take up the challenge to experience it for themselves.



🕒 Introduction to the 15-Minute Logo Design Challenge

The video begins with the host introducing a self-imposed challenge to design a logo within a strict 15-minute timeframe. The host, a logo designer, aims to test their skills under time constraints. They plan to use a platform called 'goodbrief.com' to generate a fake brief and will start the timer as soon as they open Adobe Illustrator. The host expresses their nervousness about the challenge and hints at a possible part two if this one is successful.


🎨 Generating the Brief and Selecting a Design Direction

The host generates a fake brief for a fast fashion company named 'Poppy,' targeting young adults with a sense of nostalgia and approachability. The brief specifies a word mark logo using the color purple. The host spends time researching fast fashion brands and their logos before starting the design process in Illustrator. They decide on a font style that evokes nostalgia and plays with the positioning of the letters to create a dynamic effect.


🔍 Refining the Logo and Exploring Variations

The host continues to refine the logo, experimenting with different font styles and letter positioning to achieve a nostalgic yet approachable look. They decide on a bolder font and play with the orientation of the letters to add a fun and unique touch to the logo. The host also addresses the need to align the logo elements properly and make adjustments for optical balance. They finalize the word mark and move on to color selection, choosing a vibrant purple to match the brand's identity.


🖌️ Creating a Brand Pattern and Emblem

With the logo design nearing completion, the host explores creating a brand pattern using the letter 'P' from the logo. They experiment with different pattern designs and settle on a seamless pattern that could be used across various brand touchpoints. The host also creates an emblem-like design that could be used on merchandise such as caps and t-shirts. They emphasize the need for a minimal brand mark for versatile branding purposes.


🏁 Finalizing the Design and Wrapping Up the Challenge

In the final moments of the challenge, the host quickly adds a mockup image to the design to showcase how the logo might appear in a real-world application. They express that the challenge was stressful but fun and encourage viewers to attempt the 15-minute logo design challenge for themselves. The host credits Abby Conic for the inspiration behind the challenge and concludes the video by reflecting on the process and the final outcome, which includes a logo, brand pattern, and emblem for the hypothetical brand 'Poppy.'



💡Graphic Design Challenge

A Graphic Design Challenge is a task or test set by a designer to improve their skills under specific conditions, such as time constraints. In the video, the challenge is to design a logo within 15 minutes, which tests the designer's ability to quickly generate creative and effective designs under pressure.

💡Logo Designer

A Logo Designer is a professional who creates visual symbols or icons that represent a company or brand. They use various design elements, such as typography, shapes, and colors, to convey the brand's identity. The video features a logo designer who is taking on the challenge to see how well they can perform within a limited timeframe.

💡Time Constraint

A Time Constraint refers to a limitation on the amount of time available to complete a task. In the context of the video, the time constraint is 15 minutes, which adds an element of urgency and efficiency to the logo design process, pushing the designer to make quick decisions.

💡Word Mark

A Word Mark is a type of logo that uses text to represent a brand's name. It is often used when the brand's name is unique or has significant meaning. In the video, the designer is instructed to create a word mark using the brand name 'Poppy' and incorporating the color purple.

💡Fast Fashion

Fast Fashion refers to the rapid production and retail of trendy clothing at low prices. It is characterized by quickly responding to the latest fashion trends. The video's brief mentions that the company 'Poppy' sells fast fashion business clothing, which influences the design's style and approachability.


Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editing software used by designers to create logos, illustrations, and other visual elements. In the video, the designer uses Illustrator to design the logo, starting the timer as soon as the software is opened to adhere to the time constraint.


Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible and appealing when displayed. In the video, the designer experiments with different fonts and styles to find the most suitable typography for the word mark that conveys a sense of nostalgia and approachability.

💡Color Palette

A Color Palette is a range of colors selected to be used for a specific design project. In the context of the video, the designer chooses a vibrant purple for the logo to align with the brand's preference and to reflect the fast fashion industry's dynamic nature.

💡Brand Pattern

A Brand Pattern is a repeating design element that can be used across various brand touchpoints, such as packaging, marketing materials, and in-store displays. The designer in the video creates a pattern using the letter 'P' from the brand name 'Poppy' to establish a cohesive visual identity for the brand.


An Emblem is a symbolic object or logo that represents a brand or organization. It often conveys deeper meaning or values associated with the brand. In the video, the designer creates an emblem for 'Poppy' using the brand's word mark and a pattern, which could be used on various merchandise items.

💡Brand Mark

A Brand Mark is a visual symbol or icon that represents a brand. It can be a logo, symbol, or a unique design element that becomes synonymous with the brand. The video's designer creates a minimal brand mark using the letter 'P' from 'Poppy' for use in various branding applications.


Graphic designer takes on a challenge to design a logo in under 15 minutes.

The designer uses a platform to generate a fake brief for the logo design challenge.

The brief generated is for a fast fashion company called Poppy, targeting young adults.

The company prefers a word mark logo using the color purple.

The designer conducts quick research on fast fashion brands and their logos before starting.

The design process emphasizes creating a sense of nostalgia while being approachable.

The designer selects the 'All Around Gothic' font for its nostalgic and youthful appeal.

The logo incorporates a unique design with the letter 'P' and an inverted 'P' to create a pattern.

The final logo design includes an emblem that could be used on merchandise like caps and t-shirts.

A minimal brand mark is created using just the letter 'P' for versatile branding applications.

The designer also creates a seamless pattern that can be used in packaging and in-store displays.

The challenge is completed with only 13 seconds to spare, showcasing the designer's efficiency under pressure.

The designer encourages others to take on the 15-minute logo design challenge to test their skills.

The process was stressful but also fun, demonstrating the excitement of working with time constraints.

The final logo design is assessed to ensure it aligns with the brief and brand values.

The designer iterates on the logo, adjusting the positioning and shape of letters for visual balance.

Color selection is critical, with the designer choosing a vibrant purple to match the brand's fast fashion identity.

The designer uses the radial tool to manipulate the logo's pattern, adding a dynamic element to the design.

A mockup image is quickly added to the design to visualize the logo in a real-world context.