I got 1000 Subscribers, 4000 Watch Hours but I can't Monetize

Kevin Chee
27 Feb 202206:55

TLDRThe speaker shares their frustrating experience with YouTube monetization and AdSense account issues. Despite being eligible for monetization, they are unable to proceed due to complications with existing AdSense accounts linked to their email. Their attempts to resolve the matter through Google's support system prove futile, leading to a sense of demotivation and uncertainty about their YouTube channel's future monetization.


  • 🎉 The YouTuber has been eligible for monetization for two weeks but is facing difficulties in getting approved.
  • 🚫 The main issue is the inability to get an AdSense account approved due to existing accounts associated with the same email.
  • 🔍 Google's policy allows only one AdSense account per email, and the YouTuber has multiple accounts from before this policy was implemented.
  • 🤔 The YouTuber's attempts to close old AdSense accounts have been met with frustration and complexity.
  • 💻 Google tracks user activities, leading to the assumption that multiple Gmail accounts are connected, causing confusion.
  • 📧 The YouTuber received an email indicating a duplicate account but found it hard to close all associated Google products.
  • 🔄 After closing all accounts and reapplying, the YouTuber was rejected again without a clear reason.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ The YouTuber suggests that logging into the AdSense account could reveal the error, but further attempts to resolve the issue were unsuccessful.
  • 📞 Contacting AdSense support proved challenging as there seemed to be no direct way to communicate with a human representative.
  • 🔄 The YouTuber considered starting fresh with a new account, but even this option was hindered by the inability to close certain accounts.
  • 😞 The situation is demotivating for the YouTuber, affecting their desire to create content and achieve their goal of monetizing their channel.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue the speaker is facing with their YouTube channel?

    -The main issue the speaker is facing is that they are unable to get their YouTube channel monetized due to problems with their AdSense account.

  • How long has the speaker been eligible for YouTube monetization?

    -The speaker has been eligible for monetization for the last two weeks.

  • What was the initial problem with the speaker's AdSense account?

    -The initial problem was that the speaker had multiple AdSense accounts linked to their email, which goes against Google's policy of one AdSense account per email.

  • What was the speaker's first attempt to resolve the issue?

    -The speaker's first attempt was to close all their AdSense accounts, except for the one they wanted to use, based on the email provided by AdSense.

  • Why was the speaker's application to AdSense rejected after closing the accounts?

    -The application was rejected because AdSense specialists found that it did not meet their program criteria, but they did not provide a specific reason.

  • How did the speaker try to find more information about their rejected application?

    -The speaker tried to find more information by logging into their AdSense account and discovered that they still had a duplicated account somewhere.

  • What did the speaker find when they checked pay.google.com?

    -The speaker found that their account had two AdSense accounts, one for their mobile app and another one created in 2019 that they did not apply for.

  • Why is the speaker unable to close the unwanted AdSense account?

    -The speaker is unable to close the unwanted AdSense account because they cannot access it, and there is no way to contact AdSense directly for assistance.

  • What is the speaker's frustration with the AdSense support system?

    -The speaker's frustration is that AdSense only provides a community forum for support and does not offer direct contact with a representative to resolve their issue.

  • What is the speaker's current strategy to try and fix the problem?

    -The speaker's current strategy is to log into every Google account they can think of, check AdSense, close each account, and then reapply for a new account, hoping this will resolve the issue.

  • How is the situation affecting the speaker's motivation for creating content?

    -The situation is demotivating the speaker, making them not want to create their next video because their goal of monetizing their YouTube channel seems unreachable.



🚫 YouTube Monetization Challenges

The speaker expresses frustration with their inability to monetize their YouTube channel despite being eligible for the past two weeks. They detail the difficulties in getting their AdSense account approved due to pre-existing accounts linked to their email, which were created before the current policy of one account per email was implemented. The speaker describes their attempts to close old accounts and the complexity involved, only to be met with rejection from AdSense for unspecified reasons. They also discuss the lack of direct support from AdSense, which leaves them feeling helpless and demotivated, impacting their desire to create new content for their channel.


😤 Navigating Google's Monetization Policies

The speaker continues to struggle with Google's monetization policies, recounting their efforts to resolve the issue with duplicate AdSense accounts. They describe the process of attempting to close accounts, only to find that one of them cannot be deleted because it's linked to a mobile app. The speaker's frustration mounts as they realize they are stuck with an account created in 2019 that they never applied for and cannot access. Despite their optimism, the lack of direct communication with AdSense and the unhelpful automated responses leave them feeling lost and discouraged. The speaker's determination to find a solution is evident, but the situation is taking a toll on their motivation to produce content for their YouTube channel.




Monetization refers to the process of generating revenue from a digital platform, such as a YouTube channel, through means like advertising, sponsorships, and memberships. In the video, the creator expresses frustration over the difficulties they face in trying to monetize their YouTube channel, which is the main goal they aim to achieve but find it challenging due to issues with their AdSense account.

💡YouTube Channel

A YouTube channel is a public, personalized page on YouTube where users can upload, manage, and share their videos. In the context of the video, the creator discusses their journey and challenges in growing their YouTube channel and the desire to earn income from it, which is a common goal among content creators.

💡AdSense Account

An AdSense account is a Google service that allows website and app developers to earn money by placing advertisements on their platforms. In the video, the creator's inability to get their AdSense account approved is a significant obstacle in their monetization efforts for their YouTube channel.

💡Google Products

Google products refer to the various services and applications provided by Google, such as Gmail, YouTube, Google Drive, and more. In the video, the creator mentions needing to close all other Google products linked to their AdSense account as part of the process to resolve their account issues.

💡Duplicated Account

A duplicated account refers to having more than one account associated with the same service, in this case, AdSense. The video's creator discovers that they have multiple AdSense accounts, which is against Google's policy of having only one account per email, causing complications in their monetization process.

💡Community Forum

A community forum is an online platform where users can discuss and share information on specific topics. In the video, the creator mentions that Google's suggested solutions involve posting their issue on a community forum, which they find unsatisfactory as they prefer direct assistance from Google support.


Pay.google.com is a Google service that allows users to manage their payments and subscriptions for various Google services. In the video, the creator accesses this site to review their subscriptions and services, where they discover the existence of multiple AdSense accounts.

💡Account Closure

Account closure refers to the process of shutting down or deleting an account and its associated data. In the video, the creator's attempts to close their duplicate AdSense accounts are met with frustration as they encounter technical difficulties and a lack of support.

💡Review Process

The review process is the procedure by which an application or request is examined and evaluated for approval. In the video, the creator describes how their repeated attempts to reapply for an AdSense account are met with an increasingly lengthy review process, culminating in rejection.


Demotivation refers to a decrease in enthusiasm or a loss of incentive to continue with a task or goal. In the video, the creator expresses feeling demotivated due to the challenges and lack of progress in resolving their AdSense account issues, which affects their desire to create new content for their YouTube channel.

💡Customer Support

Customer support refers to the assistance provided by a company to its clients or users, typically through various communication channels. In the video, the creator is seeking direct customer support from AdSense to resolve their account issues but finds it challenging to get in touch with a human representative.


The speaker has been eligible for YouTube monetization for two weeks.

Despite eligibility, the speaker is unable to monetize their YouTube channel due to issues with their AdSense account.

The speaker discovers they have multiple AdSense accounts, which is against Google's policy of one account per email.

The speaker's attempts to close old AdSense accounts have been met with frustration and complexity.

Google's tracking of user activities led to the assumption that the speaker's multiple Gmail accounts are connected.

The speaker's initial application to open an AdSense account was rejected due to a duplicate account.

After closing all other AdSense accounts, the speaker's application was rejected again, this time without a clear reason.

The speaker found out they still had a duplicate account after checking their AdSense account, but were not provided with details.

The speaker's attempts to contact AdSense directly were unsuccessful, as there was no direct contact information provided.

The speaker discovered an additional AdSense account linked to their Google account that they did not apply for and cannot close.

The speaker's efforts to resolve the issue by closing all possible accounts and reapplying were in vain.

The account button for closing a duplicate account was grayed out, preventing the speaker from taking further action.

The speaker's repeated attempts to resubmit their application resulted in increasingly longer review times and rejections.

The speaker expresses concern that repeated submissions may lead to their application being ignored or appearing spammy.

The issue is demotivating for the speaker, affecting their desire to create content for their YouTube channel.

The speaker's goal of monetizing their YouTube channel seems unreachable due to the ongoing AdSense issues.

The speaker feels that YouTube and Google make their processes sound easier than they actually are, and that small YouTubers may not be adequately supported.

Despite the frustration and obstacles, the speaker is determined to continue searching for a solution to their monetization problem.