gen z using a dumbphone—how and why

1 Jan 202308:00

TLDRJames, a Gen Z individual and computer engineer, shares his experience using dumb phones since 2017 to combat smartphone addiction and improve focus. He discusses the variety of dumb phones available, their regional compatibility, and personal reasons for choosing to disconnect, including the impact of technology on mental health and attention span. James also highlights the social interactions his choice of phone inspires and recommends books on intentional technology use.


  • 📱 The speaker has been using dumb phones since 2017, starting with the Nokia 3310 3G.
  • 💡 The main reason for using a dumb phone was to reduce addiction to smartphones and improve focus.
  • 📱 The speaker is an enthusiast who has tested various dumb phones from different regions.
  • 🌐 The compatibility of dumb phones can be confusing due to regional differences in cellular bands.
  • 🚫 The speaker has a landline but keeps the number private to maintain a level of disconnection.
  • 🔄 The speaker alternates between a smartphone and a dumb phone to balance connectivity and disconnection.
  • 🤔 The decision to continue using a dumb phone at 22 is based on valuing disconnection and managing attention.
  • 📚 The speaker is a computer engineer and appreciates technology but is critical of its current usage patterns.
  • 💭 The speaker believes that technology should improve lives but is concerned about its impact on mental health and focus.
  • 📱 The use of a dumb phone is a physical representation of the speaker's principles regarding technology use.
  • 📖 The speaker recommends books on intentional technology use, such as 'Digital Minimalism' by Cal Newport and 'Stillness in Focus' by Johann Hari.

Q & A

  • What is the main reason the speaker started using dumb phones?

    -The speaker initially started using dumb phones due to their cell phone addiction and being a poor student, wanting to be less reliant on their phone.

  • Which dumb phone model did the speaker start with and when?

    -The speaker started using dumb phones with the release of the Nokia 3310 3G in 2017 during high school.

  • How does the speaker feel about their general focus after using dumb phones?

    -The speaker noticed an increase in their general focus, but attributes this to the reduction in time spent on addictive smartphone activities rather than the use of dumb phones alone.

  • What is the speaker's current approach to phone usage?

    -The speaker uses a dual setup with a smartphone and a dumb phone, giving out the smartphone number to everyone and keeping the dumb phone number private for times when they want to be in isolation.

  • Why does the speaker value being disconnected?

    -The speaker values being disconnected as a way to conserve time and attention, and to avoid the distractions and potential negative impacts on mental health that come with constant connectivity and use of addictive services.

  • How does the speaker feel about technology in general?

    -The speaker enjoys technology and is a computer engineer, but is frustrated with how it's currently being used, particularly its impact on mental health and focus.

  • What are the names of the two books the speaker recommends for intentional technology use?

    -The speaker recommends 'Digital Minimalism' by Cal Newport and 'Stillness in Focus' by Johann Hari.

  • What is the main difference between the speaker's use of a dumb phone and a smartphone?

    -The dumb phone is used for intentional disconnection and to avoid distractions, while the smartphone is used for necessary communication and is managed with careful attention to time and focus preservation.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the design of smartphones?

    -The speaker believes that smartphones are designed to grab and take over your attention, which can be dangerous and lead to abuse of addictive services.

  • How does the speaker describe their lifestyle?

    -The speaker describes their lifestyle as intentional, valuing time and attention conservation, and they enjoy discussing old technology and meeting people who find their use of a flip phone cool.



📱 The Journey of Dumb Phone Enthusiasm

The speaker shares their personal experience with using dumb phones since 2017, starting with the Nokia 3310 3G. They discuss their motivations for choosing this lifestyle, including a desire to reduce phone addiction and improve focus. The speaker also mentions the variety of dumb phones they've tested and the challenges of finding the right one due to regional differences in cellular bands. They explain that while using a dumb phone did not directly increase their focus, it was part of a broader effort to reduce time spent on distracting activities like social media and video games. The speaker also appreciates the social interactions that come with using a dumb phone, as it often leads to conversations about intentional living and a simpler approach to technology.


💡 Reflections on Technology and Intentional Living

The speaker expresses their concerns about the current state of technology usage, particularly its impact on mental health and focus. They acknowledge the usefulness of services like social media, online shopping, and streaming platforms, but caution against their overuse and addictive nature. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being conscious about how we engage with technology and preserving our time and attention. They share their personal approach of using both a smartphone and a dumb phone to maintain a balance. The speaker also recommends books on intentional technology use and encourages following them on Goodreads for more recommendations. They conclude with a brief review of the actual dumb phone, acknowledging the oversight and promising to provide more information upon request.




A dumbphone, as opposed to a smartphone, is a basic mobile phone that provides limited functionalities such as voice calls and text messages. In the video, the speaker discusses their preference for using a dumbphone since 2017, citing reasons like reducing addiction to their cell phone and improving focus.


A smartphone is a sophisticated mobile device that integrates features of a computer, such as internet access and the ability to run apps, with traditional cell phone functions. In the context of the video, the speaker contrasts their experience with smartphones to highlight the benefits of using a dumbphone, such as increased focus and reduced screen time.


In the context of the video, addiction refers to the compulsive and excessive use of a device or service, such as a smartphone or social media, which can interfere with daily life and productivity. The speaker mentions their initial attraction to dumbphones as a way to combat their cell phone addiction.


Focus refers to the ability to concentrate on a particular task or activity without being distracted. The speaker in the video attributes their improved focus not solely to the use of a dumbphone but also to their conscious effort to reduce time spent on distracting activities like social media and video games.


Disconnection, as discussed in the video, is the deliberate act of isolating oneself from constant digital connectivity, often to improve mental health and the quality of life. The speaker values being disconnected and uses a dumbphone as a tool to achieve this, allowing them to control their availability and attention.

💡Social Media

Social media refers to online platforms that allow users to create and share content or participate in social networking. In the video, the speaker identifies social media as one of the addictive services that can consume significant attention and time, leading to a reduction in focus and productivity.

💡Intentional Lifestyle

An intentional lifestyle is a deliberate approach to living where individuals make conscious choices about how they spend their time and resources. The speaker enjoys meeting people who find using a flip phone or adopting similar practices cool, as it reflects an intentional and thoughtful approach to technology use.

💡Mental Health

Mental health refers to an individual's psychological and emotional well-being. The video discusses the negative impact of excessive technology use, such as through social media and smartphones, on mental health, emphasizing the importance of balancing digital consumption for overall well-being.

💡Screen Time

Screen time is the amount of time spent looking at, interacting with, or using electronic devices with screens, such as smartphones, tablets, or computers. In the video, the speaker expresses concern about the addictive nature of screen time and how it can detract from other important activities and negatively affect focus and mental health.

💡Digital Minimalism

Digital Minimalism is a philosophy and lifestyle choice that encourages the reduction of digital clutter and an intentional use of technology to improve focus, relationships, and overall quality of life. The speaker in the video recommends the book 'Digital Minimalism' by Cal Newport, which aligns with their approach to using a dumbphone and being mindful of technology consumption.


Attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on a particular object or activity while ignoring other irrelevant stimuli. The speaker emphasizes the importance of preserving attention as a valuable resource and how smartphones are designed to capture and hold attention, which can be detrimental if not managed.


The speaker has been using dumb phones since 2017 with the release of the Nokia 3310 3G.

The speaker is an enthusiast who has spent a lot of money on testing various dumb phones.

The availability and performance of dumb phones can vary greatly depending on regional cellular bands and carriers.

The speaker initially used a dumb phone to combat smartphone addiction and improve focus as a student.

Despite being 22 and using a dumb phone, the speaker noticed an increase in general focus by reducing time on addictive smartphone activities.

The speaker values being disconnected and uses a dumb phone for isolation without giving out its number.

The speaker enjoys the reaction of others when they see them using a flip phone and it facilitates interesting conversations.

The speaker is a computer engineer and appreciates technology but is critical of its current usage patterns.

Technology is seen as having negative impacts on mental health and focus due to overuse and addictive services.

The speaker believes that technology should improve lives, but the current use has drastic consequences.

The speaker uses a dumb phone as a physical manifestation of their principles on intentional technology use.

The speaker recommends 'Digital Minimalism' by Cal Newport and 'Still in Focus' by Johann Hari for intentional technology use.

The speaker has a Facebook and Twitter account but is careful to preserve time and attention.

The speaker encourages following them on Goodreads for more reading recommendations.

The phone review is briefly mentioned at the end of the transcript.