Israel: We'll respond 'in a way and time that suits us' | DW News

DW News
15 Apr 202422:44

TLDRIsrael is considering its response to Iran's missile and drone attack, with its war cabinet meeting to discuss potential actions. While no specific course was announced, Israel stated it would retaliate in a manner and timing of its choosing. International leaders are urging restraint, with the US emphasizing support for Israel's defense but not participating in military retaliation. Tensions remain as Israel weighs its options, including possible strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities, amid concerns of escalating conflict.


  • 📜 Israel is considering its response to Iran's missile and drone attack, without announcing a definite course of action.
  • 🇮🇷 Iran claims the attack was self-defense after the killing of several generals in an earlier attack on its diplomatic compound in Syria.
  • 💥 Israel's military reports only minor damage to the Desert Air Base from Iran's aerial assault.
  • 🔫 Israel and its allies shot down nearly all of the 300+ drones and missiles launched by Iran.
  • 🕊️ World leaders, including the US, are calling for restraint and calm in response to the situation.
  • 🇺🇸 The US has pledged to support Israel's defense but will not participate in military retaliation against Iran.
  • 🗣️ There is domestic pressure in Israel for a strong retaliation, with various opinions within the Israeli War Cabinet.
  • 🔄 Israel's options for response include cyber attacks, strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities, and targeting proxy groups.
  • 🌍 The UN has held an emergency meeting, with both Israel and Iran accusing each other of threatening peace in the Middle East.
  • 🔄 Iran has indicated that it considers the matter closed, but warns of an even harsher strike back if Israel retaliates.
  • 🤝 There is a call for maximum restraint and diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation and prevent a full-scale conflict.

Q & A

  • What was Israel's response to the missile and drone attack from Iran?

    -Israel's war cabinet met but did not announce a definite course of action, stating that they would respond in a way and time that suits them.

  • What did Iran say about its assault on Israel?

    -Iran claimed its assault was an act of self-defense after several of its generals were killed earlier in an attack on its diplomatic compound in Syria.

  • How successful was Israel's defense against the Iranian attack?

    -Israel and its allies shot down nearly all of the more than 300 drones and missiles launched by Iran.

  • What did Israel's president imply about the situation?

    -Israel's president suggested that options are open and that Israel is considering all options to protect and defend its people, emphasizing that they are not war seekers.

  • What was the United States' stance on the conflict between Israel and Iran?

    -The US said it will support Israel's defense but will not take part in any military retaliation against Iran, leaving the decision on the next step to the Israelis.

  • What were some of the potential targets discussed by the Israeli War cabinet for retaliation?

    -Some voices in the cabinet suggested striking Iran's nuclear facilities, while others discussed a more measured response to maintain international support.

  • What was the outcome of the United Nations emergency meeting regarding the attack?

    -Both Israel and Iran accused each other of being the main threat to peace in the Middle East, and UN Chief Antonio Guterres called for restraint from both sides.

  • How did other countries in the region react to the situation?

    -Jordan, which was in the flight path of some of the Iranian missiles and drones, downed some of them, and King Abdullah urged President Biden to prevent further action by Israel that could widen the conflict.

  • What did the international community, including the G7, focus on during their meeting about the conflict?

    -The G7 focused on condemning Iran and containing the conflict, emphasizing the need for maximum restraint and stability in the region.

  • What was the analysis of military expert Mike Martin on Israel's potential military response?

    -Mike Martin suggested that Israel has a number of military options, including cyber offensives and strikes on nuclear facilities, but any response should be limited to avoid fracturing relationships with America and Arab neighbors.

  • What was the main narrative shift that occurred due to the conflict?

    -The narrative shifted from the situation in Gaza to Israel being under attack, which could potentially rally world opinion in favor of Israel.



💥 Israel's Response to Iran's Attack

Israel is considering its response to Iran's missile and drone attack over the weekend. The Israeli war cabinet met without announcing a specific course of action but emphasized that Israel would respond in its own time and manner. Iran claims its assault was in self-defense after the killing of its generals in an attack on its diplomatic compound in Syria. Despite decades of hostility, this was Iran's first direct attack on Israel. World leaders, including the US, are calling for restraint and calm, urging Israel to consider all options to protect its people without escalating the situation further.


🌍 International Involvement and Concerns

The United States, particularly involved in the situation, has expressed a desire to prevent a broader conflict. US President Joe Biden urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to view the successful interception of most missiles and drones as a success and to avoid escalating the situation. A United Nations emergency meeting was called to address Iran's attack on Israel, with both countries accusing each other of threatening peace in the Middle East. UN Chief Antonio Guterres called for maximum restraint from all parties involved, and other nations, including Jordan, the UK, and France, have also shown support for Israel while urging for de-escalation.


🤔 Possible Israeli Retaliation and Considerations

Discussions within the Israeli war cabinet revolve around the scale and timing of a potential retaliation against Iran. Some cabinet members advocate for a memorable strike, while others suggest a more measured response to maintain international support. Options include targeting Iran's nuclear facilities, which have long been a point of contention. However, any Israeli response will likely need to be limited to avoid fracturing relationships with the US and Arab neighbors. The focus is on deterrence and protecting Israeli interests while considering the broader regional implications.


🔍 Analysis of Iran's Intentions and Escalation

The attack by Iran, while demonstrating capability, did not cause significant damage, suggesting a focus on sending a message rather than inflicting harm. Iran signaled its intent to respond to the attack on its consulate in Syria and has since stated that the matter is considered closed. The situation is complex, with potential for both military and diplomatic responses. The narrative has shifted from the conflict in Gaza to Israel being under attack, and it may take time to understand the full implications of the recent events. The Israeli leadership is currently pushing for war, but the unpredictability of such actions is a cause for caution.


📢 Diplomatic Efforts and Future Directions

The situation presents an opportunity for Israel to build on the security support it has recently gained by engaging in diplomatic efforts to address the ongoing conflict in Gaza. The release of hostages and a ceasefire are crucial first steps. The international community, including the G7 and the EU, has shown support for Israel and condemned Iran's actions, with some considering further sanctions against the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. However, maintaining open diplomatic channels and focusing on resolving the situation in Gaza is essential for long-term peace and stability in the region.




Israel is a country in the Middle East, known for its historical and religious significance, as well as its ongoing political conflicts. In the context of this video, Israel is weighing its response to an attack by Iran, highlighting the delicate balance of power and retaliation in the region.


Iran is a country in the Middle East with a complex relationship with Western countries and its regional neighbors, including Israel. The country's actions, such as the firing of missiles and drones at Israel, are often driven by a combination of political, religious, and strategic factors.

💡Missiles and Drones

Missiles and drones are military technologies used for offensive and defensive purposes. In this video, Iran's use of over 300 drones and missiles against Israel signifies a significant escalation in the conflict and a demonstration of its military capabilities.


Self-defense is the act of protecting oneself or one's property from harm. In international relations, it's a principle that allows countries to use force to protect their territorial integrity and citizens. Iran claims its attack on Israel was an act of self-defense, following earlier incidents.


Deterrence is a strategy in international relations where a country demonstrates its military strength or threatens action to discourage another country from taking hostile actions. In the video, Israel's consideration of a response is partly about maintaining deterrence against future attacks from Iran.

💡Nuclear Facilities

Nuclear facilities are sites where nuclear power or nuclear weapons are produced and maintained. They are significant in international relations due to the potential threat they pose if used for weapons of mass destruction. In the context of this video, there is mention of potential strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities, highlighting the high stakes in the conflict.

💡International Support

International support refers to the backing or endorsement from other countries on the global stage. It is crucial for a nation's foreign policy and military actions, as it can influence the legitimacy and effectiveness of those actions. In this video, Israel is considering its response with the knowledge that international support is not guaranteed.

💡United Nations

The United Nations (UN) is an international organization aimed at maintaining peace and security, and promoting human rights and social progress. In the video, the UN calls for restraint and de-escalation, reflecting its role in mediating conflicts and preventing further escalation.


A proxy is a third party that acts on behalf of another group or country, often in a conflict or political situation. Proxies are used to exert influence or carry out actions while maintaining a degree of deniability or distance from the primary actor. In the video, Iran's use of proxies like Hezbollah is mentioned, illustrating the complex nature of the conflict.

💡Cyber Offensive

A cyber offensive refers to aggressive or defensive actions taken in the digital domain, often with the intent to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer network. In the context of the video, it is one of the military options available to Israel, showcasing the modern dimensions of warfare beyond traditional combat.

💡Regional Conflict

A regional conflict is a dispute or war that affects multiple countries within a specific geographic area. The video discusses the potential for the conflict between Israel and Iran to escalate into a broader regional conflict, which would have significant implications for stability and security in the Middle East.


Israel is considering its response to Iran's missile and drone attack over the weekend.

Iran claims the attack was an act of self-defense after its generals were killed in Syria.

Israel's military reports only minor damage to its Desert Air Base from Iran's aerial attack.

Israel's war cabinet met without announcing a specific course of action but promises a response in due time.

This was Iran's first direct attack on Israel, marking a significant escalation in the conflict.

World leaders, including the US, are calling for restraint and calm in the situation.

Israel's president suggests all options are open and considers the attack a declaration of war.

The US pledges support for Israel's defense but will not participate in military retaliation against Iran.

Reports indicate varied opinions within Israel's war cabinet on the scale and timing of retaliation.

Some Israeli cabinet members advocate for a memorable strike, while others suggest a more measured response.

Israel's retaliation could potentially target Iran's nuclear facilities, a point of contention between the two countries.

Iran warns of an even harsher strike back if Israel retaliates.

Deterrence is a key factor in Israel's consideration for responding to Iran's attack.

International support for Israel's potential strike is limited, with the US and other allies urging restraint.

The UN calls for restraint, with both Israel and Iran accusing each other of threatening peace in the Middle East.

Jordan's King Abdullah warns that further action by Israel could widen the regional conflict.

Mike Martin, a war studies senior fellow, discusses Israel's military options and the potential targets.

Iran's attack on Israel was designed to demonstrate capability rather than cause significant damage.

The situation could escalate if Israel strikes targets that Iran considers existential threats.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may have political motives for escalating the conflict with Iran.

Despite the attack, there is still a possibility for diplomatic resolution and de-escalation in Gaza.