Inside Sweden’s copper mega-mine | DW News

DW News
25 Jun 202306:30

TLDRThe video script introduces Europe's largest open pit copper mine in Northern Sweden, highlighting the operation's scale and environmental efforts. It features Sophie Vestram, a driver of a massive Caterpillar 795 F truck, and discusses the process of obtaining a driver's license for such vehicles. The script also delves into the mining process, from the use of the world's largest excavator to the chemical separation of copper, emphasizing the mine's commitment to renewable energy and low carbon footprint. By 2030, the mine plans to transition all trucks to electric, furthering its green initiatives.


  • 🏭 Europe's largest open pit copper mine is located in Northern Sweden, showcasing the scale of industrial mining operations.
  • 🚜 The mine utilizes gargantuan trucks, such as the Caterpillar 795 F, which are as big as houses and can transport 600 tons of rock per trip.
  • 🔧 To operate these massive trucks, drivers must be at least 21 years old, have a regular car driver's license for three years, and complete specialized education on the spot.
  • 🏔️ The mine is hundreds of meters deep, and safety measures like slow driving and waving are crucial due to the steep paths and large vehicles.
  • 🔩 The world's largest stone mills process the rock, using as much energy as some cities, to extract copper for Europe's high-tech industries.
  • 🌿 The mining process has evolved to be more environmentally friendly, with a focus on reducing the carbon footprint and using renewable energy sources.
  • 💡 The electricity used in the factories comes from 100% renewable sources, such as nearby hydroelectric plants, which is important to the industry's customers.
  • 🏗️ The refining process involves several steps to enrich the copper, resulting in a final product that contains 25% copper and traces of silver and gold.
  • 🚛 The mine operates in three shifts, day and night, with women making up more than half of the drivers, challenging the stereotype of this being a male-dominated job.
  • ♻️ By 2030, the mine plans to transition all trucks to electric, marketing the copper as green, virtually CO2 free, and powered by 100% renewables.

Q & A

  • Where is Europe's largest open pit copper mine located?

    -It is located in Northern Sweden.

  • What is the depth of the copper mine mentioned in the script?

    -The mine is hundreds of meters deep.

  • What does the rock extracted from the mine supply?

    -The rock is processed to extract copper, which supplies Europe's high-tech industries.

  • What is the make and model of the truck driven by Sophie Vastram?

    -Sophie Vastram drives a Caterpillar 795 F truck.

  • What are the requirements to obtain a driver's license for the massive trucks?

    -One must be at least 21 years old, have a car driver's license for three years, and then receive specialized education and training on the spot.

  • How much rock does one truck transport per trip?

    -A truck transports 600 tons of rock per trip.

  • What is the role of the P&H excavator 4100 C10 in the mine?

    -The P&H excavator 4100 C10 is used to loosen new layers of stone for transport, with one load carrying 60 to 80 tons of rock.

  • How is the copper rock processed to separate copper from other substances?

    -The rock is put in water basins where it is chemically processed to separate the copper from other substances, resulting in a concentrated copper mixture.

  • What percentage of the final product consists of copper?

    -The final product has 25 percent copper.

  • How does the mine address its energy consumption and carbon footprint?

    -The factories consume massive amounts of energy but use electricity from 100% renewable sources, such as a nearby hydroelectric plant, to improve the mine's carbon footprint.

  • What is the gender distribution of the drivers at the mine?

    -Over half of the 60 drivers at the mine are women.

  • What are the plans for the trucks in terms of energy source by 2030?

    -By 2030, all the trucks in service will be electric, powered by 100% renewable energy sources, and marketed as green, virtually CO2-free copper.



🏭 Operations at Europe's Largest Copper Mine

The paragraph discusses the operations within Europe's largest open pit copper mine in Northern Sweden, where gargantuan trucks and excavators are used to extract rock from hundreds of meters deep. The extracted rock is processed in the world's largest stone mills to extract copper, which supplies Europe's high-tech industries. The focus is on the environmental impact of these operations and the efforts to maintain an eco-friendly approach. The narrative follows Sophie Vestram, a driver of one of the world's largest trucks, the Caterpillar 795 F, providing insights into the licensing process, the challenges of navigating the mine, and the impressive scale of the operations. The paragraph also touches on the constant changes within the mine, the use of renewable energy, and the importance of low carbon footprint products to the industry's customers.


🚜 Advancements in Heavy Machinery and Renewable Energy

This paragraph highlights the transition towards more sustainable practices in heavy machinery operation at the copper mine. It introduces the electric hybrid truck, which runs on a combination of diesel and electric power from renewable sources. The truck's capacity to run for 32 hours on a single tank of over 7,000 liters of diesel is noted, along with plans for future electrification. By 2030, the company aims to have all trucks in service be electric, powered by 100% renewable energy. This shift is expected to significantly reduce CO2 emissions, aligning with the demand for green copper products. The paragraph also emphasizes the role of women in traditionally male-dominated roles within the industry, showcasing diversity and inclusion in the workforce.



💡open pit copper mine

An open pit copper mine refers to a type of mining operation where copper ore is extracted from an open excavation or pit rather than underground. This method is typically used when the ore body is large or the depth of the deposit makes underground mining uneconomical. In the video, Europe's largest open pit copper mine is mentioned, highlighting the scale of the operation and its significance in supplying copper to high-tech industries.

💡environmentally friendly

Environmentally friendly refers to practices, processes, or products that minimize harm to the environment. This term encompasses a wide range of activities aimed at reducing negative impacts on ecosystems, air and water quality, and climate change. In the context of the video, it raises the question of whether the extraction of copper can be conducted in a manner that is less harmful to the natural environment.

💡Caterpillar 795 F

The Caterpillar 795 F is a specific model of a large, off-highway truck used in mining operations to transport large quantities of material, such as rock and ore. These trucks are known for their size, power, and capacity to move significant loads over rough terrain. In the video, the truck is described as being as big as a house and is used to transport 600 tons of rock per trip, illustrating the scale and efficiency of modern mining equipment.

💡driver's license

A driver's license is an official permit that certifies an individual's ability to operate a motor vehicle. The requirements for obtaining a driver's license vary by jurisdiction but typically include a certain age, passing a written test, and a practical driving examination. In the context of the video, obtaining a driver's license for a massive truck involves specific age and experience requirements, as well as specialized training.

💡renewable energy

Renewable energy refers to power sources that can be replenished naturally and sustainably, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy. These sources are considered more environmentally friendly compared to fossil fuels because they produce little to no greenhouse gas emissions. In the video, the use of renewable energy is highlighted as a key factor in reducing the carbon footprint of the mining operation and producing copper with a lower environmental impact.

💡hydroelectric plant

A hydroelectric plant is a power generating station that uses the potential energy of water to produce electricity. This is typically achieved by constructing a dam across a river, creating a reservoir, and then releasing water through turbines to generate electricity. Hydroelectric power is considered a clean and renewable energy source because it does not produce air pollution or greenhouse gases during electricity generation. In the video, the nearby hydroelectric plant is mentioned as a source of renewable energy for the mining operation, contributing to its green initiatives.

💡electric hybrid truck

An electric hybrid truck is a vehicle that combines an internal combustion engine with an electric motor to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. These trucks are designed to operate on a combination of diesel and electric power, with the electric motor providing assistance and the potential for the vehicle to operate on electric power alone under certain conditions. In the video, the electric hybrid truck is mentioned as a step towards more sustainable mining practices, with plans for all trucks to be electric by 2030.

💡chemical processing

Chemical processing refers to the transformation of raw materials or intermediate products into new substances through chemical reactions. This process is widely used in various industries, including mining, to extract valuable elements from ores or concentrates. In the context of the video, chemical processing is used to separate copper from other substances in the mined rock, resulting in a concentrated copper mixture.

💡conveyor belts

Conveyor belts are continuous loops of material that move goods or materials from one place to another. They are widely used in industries such as mining and manufacturing for the efficient transportation of bulk materials. In the video, conveyor belts are described as stretching for miles, transporting the copper-rich rock to the stone mill, highlighting the extensive infrastructure involved in moving materials within the mining operation.

💡refining process

The refining process refers to the series of steps taken to purify a substance, such as copper, from its raw or concentrated form. This typically involves physical and chemical methods to separate the desired metal from impurities and other substances. In the context of the video, the refining process is essential for producing high-quality copper suitable for use in various industries.

💡green copper

Green copper refers to copper that is produced using environmentally friendly and sustainable methods, with a focus on reducing the carbon footprint and minimizing environmental impact. This term implies that the copper is extracted, processed, and manufactured in a way that is less harmful to the environment compared to traditional methods. In the video, the company plans to market its product as green copper, which will be virtually CO2 free and powered by 100% renewable energy by 2030.

💡gender diversity

Gender diversity refers to the inclusion and representation of both men and women in various roles and industries, promoting a balanced and equitable workforce. It is important for creating an inclusive environment, fostering innovation, and ensuring that all perspectives are considered. In the video, it is mentioned that over half of the 60 drivers at the mine are women, challenging traditional gender roles and demonstrating the矿区's commitment to diversity.


Europe's largest open pit copper mine is located in Northern Sweden, showcasing the scale of industrial mining in the region.

The mine uses oversized excavators and trucks to load and transport rock, highlighting the heavy machinery involved in copper extraction.

The rock extracted from the mine is processed in the world's largest stone mills, emphasizing the vast infrastructure supporting high-tech industries in Europe.

Environmental concerns are addressed with a focus on finding ways to mine copper in an environmentally friendly manner.

Sophie Vestram drives one of the world's largest trucks, a Caterpillar 795 F, in the copper mine, challenging traditional gender roles in heavy industry.

To become a driver for these massive trucks, one must be at least 21 years old, have a car driver's license for three years, and undergo specialized education and training.

The trucks transport 600 tons of rock per trip, illustrating the immense capacity and efficiency of the mining operation.

Safety measures, such as slowing down and waving, are implemented in the mine to ensure visibility and alertness among drivers.

The world's largest excavator vehicle, the PNH excavator 4100 C10, can carry 60 to 80 tons of rock and can be operated electrically.

Explosions are a common occurrence in the mine, with new layers of stone being loosened every month for transport.

Conveyor belts stretch for miles, transporting copper-rich rock to the stone mill, which is also the largest of its kind in the world.

The refining process involves chemically processing the rock to separate copper from other substances, resulting in a concentrated copper mixture.

The factories consume massive amounts of energy, but the electricity comes from 100% renewable sources, such as hydroelectric plants, improving the mine's carbon footprint.

Customer demand for products with a low carbon footprint and high quality is driving the industry towards more sustainable practices.

Women make up more than half of the drivers in the mine, breaking stereotypes and demonstrating gender equality in traditionally male-dominated roles.

The truck Sophie drives is an electric hybrid, and by 2030, all trucks in service will be electric, powered by 100% renewable energy, marketing the product as green copper.

The mine's operations run around the clock, with drivers working in three shifts day and night, ensuring a constant supply of copper to meet demand.

The mine's use of renewable energy and focus on reducing its environmental impact exemplify the potential for industrial operations to coexist with environmental sustainability.