Langchain: PDF Chat App (GUI) | ChatGPT for Your PDF FILES | Step-by-Step Tutorial

Prompt Engineering
19 May 202346:23

TLDRThis tutorial demonstrates how to create a PDF chat application with a graphical user interface using Python and Streamlit. It guides users through the process of uploading PDF files, generating summaries, and interacting with the documents through natural language queries powered by OpenAI's API. The video covers the architecture of the app, including front-end and back-end development, and emphasizes cost-effective strategies for computing embeddings and storing knowledge bases. By the end, viewers are equipped to replicate the app and understand the concepts behind the technology.


  • 📄 The video tutorial guides users on creating a PDF chat application with a graphical user interface (GUI) using Python.
  • 🔍 The application allows users to upload PDF files and interact with them by asking questions directly related to the content.
  • 🛠️ Key technologies used in the process include Streamlit for the front end, and the OpenAI API for processing data and generating responses from the large language model.
  • 📈 The system works by breaking down the PDF into smaller chunks, computing embeddings for each, and storing them as a knowledge base.
  • 🔗 Users can upload a PDF, which is then read and processed by the application to provide summaries and answer questions based on the document's content.
  • 📊 The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide, including live coding, to help users understand and replicate the process of creating the chat app.
  • 📋 The architecture of the app involves both front-end and back-end development, with Streamlit used for the GUI and OpenAI API for data processing.
  • 🔄 The process includes uploading PDF files, dividing them into chunks, creating embeddings, and using a vector store as a knowledge base for semantic search.
  • 💡 The tutorial emphasizes the importance of understanding concepts like embeddings and vector stores for the effective functioning of the chat app.
  • 🚀 The final product is similar to existing chat PDF services, where users can interact with documents and receive responses based on the content and user queries.
  • 📝 The video script also discusses the cost implications of using the OpenAI API and provides tips on saving costs by storing computed embeddings on disk.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of the application being developed in the video?

    -The application is designed to allow users to upload PDF files and interact with the content by asking questions, which the application will answer by processing the PDF content and using a large language model.

  • What programming language is used to create the front end and back end of the chat app?

    -Python is used to create both the front end and back end of the chat app.

  • Which library is used to create the graphical user interface for the app?

    -Streamlit is used to create the graphical user interface for the app.

  • How does the app handle the uploading and reading of PDF files?

    -The app uses a file uploader in Streamlit for users to upload PDF files. Then, it utilizes the PDF reader from the PyPDF2 package to read the content of the PDF file.

  • What is the role of embeddings in the context of this application?

    -Embeddings are numerical representations of text that allow the application to process and compare text chunks. They are used to find similar chunks of text within the PDF for responding to user queries.

  • How does the application ensure context is maintained when splitting text into chunks?

    -The application uses a recursive character text splitter that creates an overlap of 200 tokens between consecutive chunks to maintain context, especially for information that spans multiple sentences or chunks.

  • What is the significance of storing embeddings on disk?

    -Storing embeddings on disk allows the application to avoid recomputing them every time a file is uploaded, which saves computation time and reduces costs associated with using the OpenAI API.

  • How does the application determine the most relevant documents to a user's query?

    -The application computes embeddings for the user's query and performs a semantic search on the knowledge base to find the top three most similar documents, which are then used as context for generating a response.

  • What is the function of the large language model (LLM) in the application?

    -The LLM uses the context provided by the most relevant documents, along with the user's query, to generate a response to the user's question.

  • How can the cost of using the OpenAI API be reduced?

    -The cost can be reduced by storing computed embeddings on disk and reusing them for subsequent uploads of the same file, thus avoiding the need to recompute embeddings for each upload.

  • What is the process for handling a user's query in the application?

    -The process involves accepting the user's query, computing embeddings for the query, performing a semantic search to find relevant documents, using those documents as context, and then generating a response through the LLM.

  • How does the application handle different models for the large language model?

    -The application uses a wrapper from LangChain that allows for the selection of different models from OpenAI, such as the default Davinci model or the more cost-effective GPT 3.5 Turbo model.



📂 Introducing the PDF Chat Application Concept

The paragraph introduces a concept of an application that allows users to upload PDF files and interact with them through a chat interface. The video aims to guide viewers through the process of creating such an app with a custom user interface, using Python for the backend and Streamlit for the frontend. The app will utilize a large language model for processing and generating responses. The end goal is to create a system similar to existing PDF chat applications, with the ability to ask questions and receive answers based on the content of the uploaded PDFs.


🛠️ Setting Up the Development Environment

This section focuses on setting up the development environment for the PDF chat application. It emphasizes the need for Python knowledge and outlines the process of installing required packages using pip and a requirements.txt file. The video also suggests creating a virtual environment for each project to avoid conflicts and discusses the structure of the project files, including the and requirements.txt files.


🌐 Understanding Streamlit for GUI Development

The paragraph explains the role of Streamlit in creating the graphical user interface for the PDF chat application. Streamlit is introduced as a package that allows the creation of beautiful GUIs within Python code. The video demonstrates how to create a basic structure for the GUI, including a vertical sidebar with interactive links. It also covers how to add a title, markdown text, and a header to the app, as well as how to handle user interactions such as uploading PDF files.


📄 Reading and Processing PDF Files

This part of the script discusses the process of reading and processing PDF files using the PDF reader from the PyPDF2 package. The video explains how to handle the uploaded PDF object, read its content page by page, and combine them into a single text object. It also addresses a potential error that may occur if no file is uploaded and provides a solution to check for the presence of a file before attempting to read it.


🔢 Splitting Documents into Chunks and Computing Embeddings

The paragraph delves into the technicalities of splitting the PDF content into smaller chunks and computing embeddings for each. It explains the concept of embeddings as numerical representations of text and the need for chunking due to the limited context window of large language models. The video introduces the recursive character text splitter from the Link chain library to divide documents into chunks with an overlap to maintain context. It also discusses the use of OpenAI's text embeddings for computing the embeddings of the chunks.


💾 Storing and Retrieving Embeddings for Efficiency

This section focuses on the process of storing computed embeddings to disk and retrieving them for future use to avoid redundant computations and costs. The video demonstrates how to use the file name and the pickle library to save and load embeddings. It also highlights the importance of checking if the embeddings file exists before recomputing embeddings and the use of environment variables to load the OpenAI API key for accessing the embeddings service.


💬 Accepting User Queries and Performing Semantic Search

The paragraph explains how to accept user queries and perform a semantic search on the knowledge base to find the most relevant documents. It describes the process of using the vector store's similarity function to compute embeddings for the user's query and find the top three most similar documents. The video also discusses the importance of the context window in large language models and the need to balance the number of documents returned with the model's capacity to process them without error.


🤖 Integrating the Large Language Model for Question Answering

This section introduces the integration of the large language model (LLM) from OpenAI for answering user queries based on the retrieved documents. The video explains how to load the LLM and use the question-answering chain from the Lang chain library. It also covers the process of feeding the top three documents and the user's question to the LLM to generate a response. The video further discusses the different types of chains available and the importance of selecting the appropriate model for the task.


💰 Analyzing Query Costs and Utilizing Different Models

The paragraph discusses the cost associated with each query and the use of different OpenAI models to optimize these costs. The video demonstrates how to create a callback to track the cost of each query and compares the costs of using different models. It also highlights the difference in response from the GPT 3.5 turbo model compared to the default model and how it can affect the accuracy and cost of the answers provided by the system.


🚀 Wrapping Up the PDF Chat Application Tutorial

In the concluding paragraph, the video wraps up the tutorial on creating a PDF chat application. It summarizes the steps covered in the video and emphasizes the learning outcomes. The video also promotes the creator's Discord server for further learning and discussion on AI topics, offers support through Patreon, encourages viewers to ask questions in the comments, and invites subscriptions to the channel for continued content.



💡PDF Chat App

The PDF Chat App is the central theme of the video, which refers to a software application that allows users to upload PDF files and interact with them through a chat-based interface. This application uses AI to understand and respond to user queries based on the content of the PDF documents. In the video, the creator guides the audience through the process of building such an app from scratch, making it a key concept for understanding the video's content.


Streamlit is an open-source Python library used for creating beautiful and interactive web applications quickly. In the context of the video, Streamlit is utilized to build the front end of the PDF Chat App, allowing users to upload files and interact with the application through a graphical user interface. Streamlit simplifies the process of creating web apps by allowing Python code to directly generate web content.


The OpenAI API refers to the set of tools and services provided by OpenAI that allow developers to integrate AI models like GPT-3 into their applications. In the video, the OpenAI API is used to process the data from the uploaded PDF files, create embeddings, and generate responses based on the user's queries. The API serves as the backbone of the AI functionality within the PDF Chat App.


Embeddings are numerical representations of words, phrases, or documents in a vector space, where each dimension represents a different feature or aspect of the text. In the video, embeddings are used to convert chunks of the PDF text into a format that can be understood and compared by the AI model. These embeddings are crucial for the semantic search and question-answering functionality of the PDF Chat App.

💡Vector Store

A vector store is a data structure or storage system that holds vector representations (embeddings) of documents or text. In the context of the video, the vector store is used to maintain a knowledge base of the uploaded PDF documents, allowing the app to perform semantic searches and retrieve relevant information in response to user queries.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is a variant of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) model developed by OpenAI, specifically designed for conversational AI. It is used in the video to power the AI-driven chat functionality of the PDF Chat App, allowing it to generate human-like responses to user queries based on the content of the uploaded PDF files.

💡Semantic Search

Semantic search is a method of searching for information based on the meaning of the search query, rather than relying on exact matches or keywords. In the video, semantic search is used to find the most relevant parts of the uploaded PDF documents in response to user queries, by comparing the embeddings of the query with those of the document chunks.

💡User Interface

The user interface (UI) refers to the space where users interact with the application, including the visual and navigational elements that allow users to input data and receive output. In the video, the user interface is a critical component of the PDF Chat App, as it is through this interface that users upload PDF files and submit queries for the AI to process.

💡Knowledge Base

A knowledge base is a collection of information or data from which answers to questions can be derived. In the context of the video, the knowledge base is formed by the uploaded PDF documents and their corresponding embeddings, which the AI uses to generate responses to user queries.


In the context of the video, a query refers to the question or request for information that a user inputs into the PDF Chat App. The app processes this query, using it to search the knowledge base and generate an appropriate response based on the content of the uploaded PDF documents.


Creating a PDF chat application with a graphical user interface (GUI) using Python.

Utilizing Streamlit for the front end to create beautiful and interactive user interfaces within Python code.

Integrating the OpenAI API to process data, create embeddings, and generate responses from the large language model.

Uploading and interacting with PDF files by dragging them into the chat application.

Dividing PDF content into chunks and computing embeddings to create a knowledge base for semantic search.

Using the recursive character text splitter from LangChain to divide documents into smaller, manageable pieces.

Storing embeddings on disk to save costs associated with repeatedly calling the OpenAI API.

Accepting user queries and using them to perform semantic searches on the knowledge base.

Feeding the top search results as context to the large language model to generate responses.

Implementing the question-answering chain from LangChain to integrate with the OpenAI language model.

Adjusting the model to use different versions of GPT, such as the GPT-3.5 turbo for cost-effectiveness.

Providing cost insights for each query to help users manage expenses when using the OpenAI API.

Demonstrating the application's ability to answer questions based on the uploaded PDF content, such as the number of states in the USA.

Discussing the potential of using this technology for creating chat applications that interact with documents.

Outlining the step-by-step process for creating a PDF chat application, from setting up the environment to deploying the final product.

Exploring the use of vector stores and embeddings for semantic search and document retrieval in chat applications.