Summarize PDF Docs & Extract Information with AI & R | Step-By-Step Tutorial

Albert Rapp
17 Mar 202424:46

TLDRThis tutorial demonstrates how to harness R and AI to automate the extraction of information from PDF documents. The process is divided into two primary steps: first, using an AI chatbot to generate PDFs with fictitious product reviews, and second, employing another AI to programmatically extract details such as company names, product names, ratings, and improvement suggestions from these documents. The video showcases the use of the 'tidy chat models' package in R, which simplifies communication with various AI chat models and emphasizes the ease of switching between different models for diverse tasks. The tutorial also covers the creation of PDF files from text data and the subsequent extraction of structured information using AI, highlighting the potential for both generating and parsing documents in an automated workflow.


  • 😀 The video provides a step-by-step tutorial on using R and AI to extract information from PDF documents.
  • 🔍 The process is divided into two main steps: generating PDFs with AI and then extracting information from them programmatically within R.
  • 📚 The video uses the 'tidy chat models' package available on GitHub, which offers a unified interface to interact with different chat models.
  • 🔑 Environment variables and API keys are essential for authentication with AI services like Myal AI, OpenAI, and Anthropic.
  • 💡 The tutorial demonstrates setting up a chat with Myal AI, specifying the model, and adjusting parameters like 'temperature' for creativity.
  • ✍️ It guides through creating a system message to instruct the AI on generating fictitious product reviews with specific details.
  • 📝 The script explains how to structure user messages to prompt the AI to generate the desired content.
  • 🤖 The video shows how to perform the chat with AI, handle the responses, and extract the assistant's message.
  • 🖨️ It details creating a function to automate the generation of multiple product reviews and saving them as PDF files.
  • 🔎 The second part of the tutorial focuses on extracting information from PDFs using the PDF tools package and AI chat.
  • 📊 Finally, the video wraps up by demonstrating how to clean and structure the extracted data for further use.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the tutorial video?

    -The main purpose of the tutorial video is to demonstrate how to use R and AI to extract information from multiple PDF documents in a two-step process: first, generating PDF documents with AI, and second, automatically extracting information from these documents using another AI chat.

  • What is the role of the 'tidy chat models' package in this process?

    -The 'tidy chat models' package allows for communication with various chat models through a unified interface, simplifying the process of interacting with different AI APIs without needing to understand the specifics of each API.

  • How does one authenticate with the AI models like Myal AI or Anthropic?

    -Authentication with AI models like Myal AI or Anthropic is done using API keys which are extracted from environment variables set up in the R environment.

  • What is the significance of setting the 'temperature' parameter when generating PDF documents with AI?

    -The 'temperature' parameter influences the creativity of the AI. A higher temperature setting allows the AI to be more creative and deviate more from the instructions, while a lower setting makes the AI stick closer to the given instructions.

  • What does the system message in the chat object specify?

    -The system message in the chat object specifies the instructions that the AI should follow. It includes details on what should be included in each review, such as the company name, product name, rating, ways to improve the product, and particularly helpful features.

  • How can one ensure that the AI-generated content is unstructured for easier extraction practice?

    -To ensure that the AI-generated content is unstructured, the instructions should be given in a way that avoids structured headers or formats, challenging the AI to produce a natural, unstructured document.

  • What is the function of the 'perform chat' command in the process?

    -The 'perform chat' command is used to execute the chat, sending the data to the AI and receiving a response back. This is where the AI generates the content based on the messages and parameters set in the chat object.

  • How does the video demonstrate the creation of PDF files containing AI-generated reviews?

    -The video demonstrates the creation of PDF files by iterating over the generated review content and using functions to fill temporary documents with headers and content, which are then rendered into PDF files using the 'rmarkdown' package.

  • What is the purpose of using the 'PDF tools' package in the video?

    -The 'PDF tools' package is used to read the content from the generated PDF files. This is necessary for the second step of the process, where information is extracted from the PDF documents.

  • How can one switch between different AI models for extracting information from PDFs?

    -One can switch between different AI models by specifying a different vendor and model in the 'tidy chat models' package, adjusting the parameters as needed, and using the appropriate API keys for authentication.

  • What is the final step in the video for extracting information from PDFs using AI?

    -The final step involves wrapping the extraction process into a function that can iterate over multiple PDF files, sending the text content to the chosen AI model, and receiving the extracted information in a structured format.



🤖 Automating PDF Information Extraction with AI

The video tutorial introduces a two-step process for extracting information from PDFs using R and AI. Initially, an AI chatbot is used to generate PDF documents programmatically within R, leveraging environment variables and the 'tidy chat models' package from GitHub for a unified interface with various chat models. The process involves setting up API keys, selecting the AI model, and crafting system messages to instruct the AI on content creation. The example given involves generating fictitious product reviews with specific details to be later extracted.


📝 Generating PDFs and Extracting Chat Responses

This section details the process of generating PDF documents by performing a chat with the AI to receive responses, which are then saved and used to create PDF files containing product reviews. The video demonstrates how to use the 'extract chat' function to obtain the AI's response, which is a crucial step before creating the PDFs. It also explains how to iterate over a table of product ideas, using a function to generate reviews and saving them into a new variable for later use in PDF generation.


🖨 Creating PDF Files and Setting Up Information Extraction

The script outlines the technical steps to generate PDF files using R markdown and the 'knitr' package. It describes iterating over review content to create individual PDF documents named sequentially. The focus then shifts to extracting information from these PDFs using the 'pdftools' package in R. The process includes reading PDF content, which may involve multiple pages, and preparing it for AI-based information extraction, acknowledging the potential formatting issues that AI needs to overcome.


🔍 Switching AI Models for Information Extraction

The video demonstrates the flexibility of the 'tidy chat models' package by switching AI vendors and models for extracting information from PDF text. It highlights the ease of changing API keys, models, and parameters within the same interface. The example switches to using 'Anthropic' and its 'claude-v1' model, emphasizing the need to adhere to API documentation for correct parameters. The video also addresses troubleshooting API key issues and shows the successful extraction of information from a PDF review.


🔧 Wrapping Up the Process with Data Cleaning

The final part of the video script focuses on creating a function to extract information from multiple PDFs and cleaning the extracted data. It shows how to automate the process using a map function to iterate over PDF files and a custom function to handle the extraction. Afterward, the script discusses using 'tidyr' functions to split and clean the extracted summary column, removing unnecessary prefixes from the data and preparing it for further analysis or use.




R is a programming language and environment commonly used for statistical computing, graphics, and data analysis. In the context of the video, R serves as the primary tool for automating the process of generating and extracting information from PDF documents using AI. The script mentions using R for setting up the environment with necessary API keys and for creating PDF files programmatically.


AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the video, AI is utilized to generate PDF documents with fictitious product reviews and later to extract specific information from these documents. The script mentions AI chat models like chat GPT, myal AI, and anthropic, which are used for these tasks.


PDF stands for Portable Document Format, a file format that presents documents consistently across various platforms. The video's theme revolves around creating and extracting information from PDF files. The script details a step-by-step process of generating PDFs with AI-generated content and then using another AI to extract details from these PDFs.

💡API keys

API keys are unique identifiers used to authenticate requests to access an API (Application Programming Interface). In the script, API keys are necessary for the R environment to communicate with AI services like OpenAI's chat GPT, myal AI, or anthropic, enabling the process of generating and extracting information.

💡tidy chat models package

The tidy chat models package is a unified interface for interacting with various chat models programmatically. It simplifies the process of communicating with different AI APIs without needing to understand the specifics of each API. The video script mentions installing this package from GitHub to facilitate the chat with AI models within the R environment.

💡Environment Variables

Environment variables are a set of dynamic values that can affect the way running processes will behave on a computer. In the video, the script uses environment variables to store and access API keys needed for the AI services, which simplifies the process of managing credentials and avoids hardcoding sensitive information.

💡System Message

In the context of the video, a system message is a type of message set within the AI chat model to define the instructions or the task the AI is expected to perform. The script describes setting a system message to guide the AI in generating 500-word reviews for fictitious products, specifying details like company name, product name, rating, and areas for improvement.

💡Unstructured Document

An unstructured document is a document where information is not organized in a pre-defined format or database structure. The video emphasizes the creation of unstructured PDF documents to challenge and demonstrate the AI's ability to extract specific information without relying on structured headers or formats.

💡Chat Object

A chat object, as mentioned in the script, is a data structure that represents the ongoing conversation with an AI chat model. It contains the messages exchanged between the user and the AI, which can be manipulated and expanded upon as the conversation progresses.

💡Perform Chat

Perform chat refers to the action of executing a chat interaction with an AI model, which sends the prepared messages and parameters to the AI and retrieves its response. In the script, 'perform chat' is the step where the R environment sends the chat object to myal AI and receives a generated review back.

💡Extract Chat

Extract chat is a function used to retrieve and display the full chat conversation from the AI interaction. In the video, after performing the chat with the AI, the 'extract chat' function is used to output the conversation, including the AI's generated response, which is then used to create the PDF content.

💡PDF Tools Package

The PDF tools package is a collection of functions used to interact with PDF files, such as extracting text. In the script, it's mentioned as the method for reading the content from the generated PDF files, which is essential for demonstrating the AI's ability to extract information from them.


Anthropic is an AI research and development company that creates advanced AI models. In the video, the script discusses using Anthropic's AI model, CLAWSON, for extracting information from the PDF files. This showcases the ability to switch between different AI vendors and models within the tidy chat models package.


In the context of AI and APIs, a token refers to a unit of text that the AI generates in response to a request. The video script mentions that there is a cost associated with each token generated by the AI model, emphasizing the need to be mindful of the number of tokens used in interactions with AI services.


A tibble is a modern version of a data frame in R, which is used to store and manipulate data. The script describes creating and manipulating tibbles to organize information about products, store generated reviews, and manage the process of extracting information from PDFs.

💡Map Function

The map function in R is used to apply a function to each element of a list or vector. In the video, the script uses the map function to iterate over product ideas and generate reviews, as well as to process multiple PDF files for information extraction.

💡Walk2 Function

The walk2 function in R is used to iterate over two vectors simultaneously. In the context of the video, it's used to create PDF files by iterating over the review content and a vector of numbers to generate file names like 'review1', 'review2', and so on.


Quarto is a document preparation system that allows for creating dynamic content with R. In the video, the script mentions using Quarto to render temporary .rmd (R Markdown) files into PDF documents, which is part of the process of generating PDF files with AI-generated content.


Tutorial demonstrates using R and AI to extract information from PDFs in two main steps.

Step one involves using an AI chatbot to generate PDF documents programmatically within R.

The tidy chat models package facilitates interaction with various chat models through a unified interface.

Environment variables and API keys are utilized for authentication with AI services like Myal AI or OpenAI.

The video covers setting up the R environment with necessary packages for AI interaction.

A system message is defined to instruct the AI on generating fictitious product reviews.

The AI generates reviews that include company name, product name, rating, and areas for improvement.

A function is created to automate the process of generating multiple product reviews.

PDF files are generated from the generated reviews using R markdown and the quarto package.

The PDF tools package is introduced for reading content from PDF files.

A new chat is created to extract specific information from the PDF content using AI.

Different AI models like Anthropic's CLAWSON model are tested for PDF content extraction.

A function called 'extract PDF information' is developed to process multiple PDF files.

The video shows how to switch between different AI vendors and models using the tidy chat models package.

Data cleaning techniques are applied to refine the extracted information from the PDFs.

The tutorial concludes by summarizing the process of using AI for both creating and extracting information from PDFs.