Lazy Way To Make Money Online With A.I For Beginners In 2024! ($100/Day)

Franklin Hatchett
3 Jan 202411:01

TLDRIn this video, the creator demonstrates how to leverage a newly released AI app for generating income online without the need for a personal website. The app, Printery, allows users to design various products like journals and stickers, utilizing its AI image generator to produce eye-catching visuals. The video highlights the simplicity and global accessibility of this method, showcasing the design process and suggesting platforms like Etsy for selling the products. Additionally, the creator introduces a tool called Gig Creator for Chat GPT, which streamlines the process of setting up Etsy shops and product listings, even offering these services on Fiverr for further monetization opportunities.


  • πŸš€ A newly released AI app is introduced for making money online without needing a website.
  • 🎨 The AI app, Printery, allows users to generate images within its platform for various products like journals, t-shirts, and stickers.
  • 🌐 The AI's capabilities are showcased by generating a fantasy art-style image of a lake with mountains.
  • πŸ“” The process of designing a journal cover using the AI image generator is demonstrated, highlighting the ease of use.
  • πŸ” The video emphasizes the speed and impressive advancements of AI technology in generating content.
  • πŸ›οΈ An example of monetizing AI-generated content is by selling products on Etsy through Printify.
  • 🎁 Another example is creating seasonal products like Christmas ornaments and selling them on various online marketplaces.
  • πŸ’‘ The concept of setting up Etsy shops for others using AI and selling these services on Fiverr is discussed.
  • πŸ“ˆ The potential to make significant profit margins by selling AI-generated products is highlighted.
  • πŸ”§ The use of Chat GPT's 'Gig Creator' tool is mentioned for automating the creation of Fiverr gigs offering Etsy shop setup services.
  • πŸŽ₯ The video concludes with a teaser for a future video diving deeper into AI and its money-making potential.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about making money online using a newly released AI app in 2024.

  • What is the AI app mentioned in the video?

    -The AI app mentioned in the video is Printery's AI generator, which allows users to generate images within the platform.

  • What are the benefits of using the AI app for making money online?

    -The benefits of using the AI app include not needing a personal website, the ability to create designs easily, and the potential for worldwide accessibility.

  • What types of products can be designed using the AI app?

    -The AI app can be used to design various products such as candles, journals, magnets, stickers, hoodies, sweatshirts, and t-shirts.

  • How does the AI image generator work in the video?

    -The AI image generator works by selecting a style and providing a prompt, which then generates an image based on the input. The user can enhance the prompt and generate the image within the platform.

  • What is the process for creating a product like a journal in the AI app?

    -The process involves selecting a product type (journal in this case), choosing a design style, using the AI image generator to create the cover design, and then potentially upscaling the image if needed.

  • How can the AI-generated products be sold?

    -The AI-generated products can be sold through online marketplaces like Etsy, using print-on-demand services provided by the platform, or on local trading websites similar to Craigslist or eBay.

  • What is the role of Chat GPT in the money-making process described in the video?

    -Chat GPT is used as a tool to create and set up Fiverr gigs, where users can offer services like setting up Etsy shops and designing digital products for clients.

  • How much profit can be made from selling a product through the AI app?

    -The profit margin can be set by the user, with an example given in the video where a 60% margin could result in approximately $11 USD profit per product sold.

  • What is the significance of the AI-generated Christmas ornament in the video?

    -The AI-generated Christmas ornament serves as an example of how the app can be used to create seasonal products that can be sold on various platforms, potentially providing a source of income.

  • What is the creator's recommendation for those interested in making money with AI?

    -The creator recommends subscribing to his channel for more in-depth tutorials on making money with AI, and checking out the creator of the Chat GPT plugin, West GPT, for additional tools and insights.



πŸš€ Introducing AI Money-Making with a New App

The video begins with the creator expressing excitement about a new opportunity to make money online using a recently released AI app. The creator emphasizes that this method does not require viewers to have their own website, addressing a common challenge faced by those looking to earn money online. The video is set in a hotel, where the creator wishes viewers a Happy New Year and promises to demonstrate how to capitalize on this AI tool in 2024. The creator shares an email from an affiliate marketing manager, which introduces Printery, a platform that now offers an AI image generator. The creator's first-hand experience with the AI generator is highlighted, showcasing the ease of creating designs for products like journals,θœ‘ηƒ›, and t-shirts. The focus is on the AI's capability to generate images, which is crucial for the money-making strategy discussed in the video.


🎨 Leveraging AI for Product Design and Sales

In this paragraph, the creator delves into the specifics of using the AI image generator on Printery to design a journal. The process of selecting a style, such as fantasy art, and generating an image is detailed. The creator expresses surprise and satisfaction with the AI's output, noting its potential for upselling and the convenience of using a single platform for design and generation. The video then transitions to discussing how to monetize the AI-generated content, with the creator explaining the listing process on Etsy and the potential profits from selling products with a 60% margin. The creator also explores alternative sales platforms like Trade Me and eBay, and introduces a new tool called Gig Creator by Frank, which automates the creation of Fiverr gigs for setting up Etsy shops and designing digital products.


🌟 Embracing AI for Entrepreneurship and Passive Income

The video concludes with the creator discussing additional ways to make money using AI, such as setting up Etsy shops for others and selling these services on Fiverr. The creator demonstrates how the Gig Creator plugin for Chat GPT can quickly generate a Fiverr gig, including packages, descriptions, FAQs, and order details. While acknowledging that some editing will be necessary, the creator emphasizes the time-saving benefits of using AI tools. The video ends with a call to action for viewers to subscribe and stay tuned for more content on leveraging AI for online income, and the creator promotes the creator of the Gig Creator tool, West GPT, encouraging viewers to check out his channel for more insights.



πŸ’‘AI app

The term 'AI app' refers to an artificial intelligence application that utilizes machine learning algorithms to perform tasks. In the context of the video, the AI app is a newly released tool that enables users to generate images and design products without the need for a website. It exemplifies the rapid advancements in AI technology and its growing accessibility to the general public for various purposes, including making money online.

πŸ’‘Quick AI

Quick AI refers to the rapid and efficient use of artificial intelligence tools to accomplish tasks, often with minimal effort. In the video, the presenter uses Quick AI to quickly generate images and designs for products, emphasizing the ease and speed at which one can produce content for online marketplaces, thus making money online in a relatively short amount of time.

πŸ’‘Online money-making

Online money-making refers to the process of earning income through the internet, often by leveraging digital platforms and tools. The video's main theme revolves around this concept, showcasing how the use of an AI app can facilitate the creation and sale of digital products, thereby generating income online. It highlights the potential of modern technology to simplify and expedite the process of monetizing creative ideas.


Printery is an online platform mentioned in the video that allows users to design and sell a variety of products, such as candles, journals, and clothing items. The platform's AI generator is a key feature that enables users to create unique images and designs for their products without having to manage inventory or possess advanced design skills. This service is integral to the video's narrative, as it is the primary tool used to create products for online sales.

πŸ’‘AI image generator

An AI image generator is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to create visual content based on user inputs or prompts. In the video, the AI image generator is a critical component of the Printery platform, allowing users to generate images for their products with ease. This technology showcases the capabilities of AI in the creative process and its potential to disrupt traditional design and content creation methods.


Etsy is an e-commerce website focused on handmade or vintage items and craft supplies. In the context of the video, Etsy is presented as a marketplace where users can list and sell the products they've created with the help of the AI app. It serves as an example of a platform where one can monetize their AI-generated designs, highlighting the intersection of technology and e-commerce.

πŸ’‘Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence-based chatbot that can interact with humans in a conversational manner. In the video, Chat GPT is utilized to create a Fiverr gig, automating the process of setting up an Etsy shop with SEO-optimized listings. This demonstrates the versatility of AI in different online applications, from content creation to service automation.


Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services, where individuals can offer their skills for a fee starting at $5. In the video, Fiverr is presented as a platform where users can sell services related to setting up Etsy shops and designing digital products, leveraging the AI tools discussed to provide these services efficiently.

πŸ’‘Digital products

Digital products refer to items that are intangible and delivered in a digital format, such as e-books, software, graphics, and other online content. In the video, digital products are the AI-generated designs for physical items like journals and ornaments, which can be sold on platforms like Etsy. The focus is on creating and selling these products without the need for physical inventory, highlighting the benefits of digital entrepreneurship.

πŸ’‘SEO listings

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, listings refer to the process of optimizing web content to rank higher in search engine results, thereby increasing visibility and attracting more traffic. In the context of the video, SEO listings are important for Etsy shops to ensure that their products are easily discoverable by potential customers searching for related items online.

πŸ’‘Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where businesses reward affiliates for each customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. In the video, the concept is briefly mentioned when the speaker talks about their affiliate marketing manager and promoting a product, indicating a secondary method of online income generation alongside the primary focus on AI-generated product design and selling.


The video introduces a method to make money online using a newly released AI app.

The AI app allows users to generate images without needing a personal website, simplifying the process for online income generation.

The AI generator is integrated within Printery's platform, enabling users to create designs for various products like candles, journals, and t-shirts.

The presenter demonstrates the AI's ability to generate a journal cover with a fantasy art style and an ocean scene.

The AI-generated image can be enhanced and customized directly within the Printery platform, showcasing the convenience of the tool.

The video also shows how to create a Christmas ornament design using the AI generator, illustrating the versatility of the tool.

The presenter explains how to monetize the AI-generated designs by selling them on platforms like Etsy, leveraging the print-on-demand service provided by Printery.

An additional method of profit is introduced: setting up Etsy shops for clients and selling these services on Fiverr.

The use of Chat GPT's gig creator plugin is highlighted, which automates the creation of Fiverr gigs for setting up Etsy shops.

The presenter emphasizes the potential of AI in simplifying and accelerating the process of online income generation.

The video serves as a tutorial for individuals looking to capitalize on the advancements in AI technology for business purposes.

The presenter's experience with the AI tool is shared, including his surprise at the quality of the generated images.

The video concludes with a teaser for a future content that will delve deeper into using AI for online income generation.

The presenter encourages viewers to subscribe and stay tuned for updates on the latest AI tools and strategies for making money online.

The video showcases the potential of combining AI technology with e-commerce platforms to create new income opportunities.

The presenter's excitement about the AI tool and its capabilities is palpable, indicating a significant shift in the ease of online business setup.