Warren Buffett shares advice on becoming successful
- 😀 成功的定义:沃伦·巴菲特认为,如果你在65岁或70岁以后,那些你希望爱你的人真的爱你,那么你就是一个成功的人。
- 🏆 财富与幸福:巴菲特指出,他从未见过一个拥有许多人爱戴的人是不幸福的,而一些非常富有的人却没有人爱。
- 💰 投资自己:巴菲特强调,对自己进行投资是最好的投资,比如提高沟通技巧,可以显著提升个人价值。
- 🗣️ 沟通技巧:巴菲特建议,无论是写作还是口头表达,良好的沟通能力对成功至关重要。
- 🚗 照顾自己:巴菲特比喻说,我们应该像照顾一辆车一样照顾自己的身体和心灵,因为这是我们在这个世界上唯一的身体和心灵。
- 🤝 选择伙伴:巴菲特认为,选择与谁交往非常重要,应该选择比自己更优秀的人作为榜样和伙伴。
- 👫 配偶选择:巴菲特提到,选择一个比自己稍微优秀的配偶非常重要,这将影响你的生活方向。
- 💡 投资智慧:巴菲特警告,不要因为可以频繁交易就频繁交易,长期投资通常比短期交易更明智。
- 🍔 早餐习惯:巴菲特透露,他的早餐习惯很简单,喜欢吃他从小就喜欢的食物,如热狗、汉堡、可乐和冰淇淋。
- 🎓 教育价值:巴菲特认为,商学院是否值得上取决于个人,并非每个人都需要上大学。
- 🎵 音乐品味:巴菲特最喜欢的歌曲是《My Way》,这反映了他的个性和生活哲学。
- 🎬 电影选择:巴菲特最喜欢的电影是《桥》,因为它包含了许多人生的教训。
- 📚 书籍推荐:巴菲特推荐《聪明的投资者》这本书对他的生活影响最大。
- 📺 电视节目:巴菲特最喜欢的电视节目是Nebraskans,这可能反映了他对体育的热爱。
- 👛 钱包内容:巴菲特通常携带大约400美元现金和一张自1964年以来使用的美国运通卡,他更喜欢用现金支付。
Q & A
-巴菲特最喜欢的歌曲是《My Way》。
-巴菲特最喜欢的电影是《桥》(The Bridge on the River Kwai),因为电影中的教训和音乐都很吸引人。
-对巴菲特影响最大的书是《聪明的投资者》(The Intelligent Investor),作者是本杰明·格雷厄姆。
😀 成功的定义与个人投资
在第一段中,沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)分享了他对真正成功的定义,认为在65或70岁时,如果你拥有你所希望爱的人的爱,那么你就成功了。他强调了人际关系的重要性,并提到即使非常富有的人,如果没有人爱他们,他们也不会感到幸福。巴菲特给出了三条商业成功的建议:首先,投资于自己是最佳选择,特别是提高沟通技巧;其次,要像对待唯一一辆车那样照顾自己的身体;最后,选择与比自己更优秀的人交往,这对个人发展至关重要。他还提到了配偶选择的重要性,认为选择一个比自己稍好的伴侣非常重要。
😀 投资智慧与生活哲学
💡歌曲《My Way》
巴菲特最喜欢的歌曲是《My Way》。
Warren how would you define true success
well I've said many times that that if
you get to be 65 or 70 and later and and
the people that you want to have love
you actually do love you you're a
success I've never seen anybody that
reaches that age I mean I'm not talking
about somebody that's extreme poverty or
painters I'm gonna never seen anybody
that if they have a lot of people that
love them that there's other than happy
and I've seen some very very wealthy
people that they can testimonial dinners
doing named schools have sir and
everything there is nobody nobody loves
him you know their own kids would say
he's in the Attic he's in the Attic you
know okay what are say three pieces of
advice you would give to people who are
looking to succeed in business well I
by far the best investment you can make
is in yourself I mean that for example
communication skills I tell the students
that come that they're going to graduate
schools and business and they're
learning all these complicated formulas
all that if they just learned to
communicate better and both in writing
and person they increase their value at
least 50% no I mean if you can't
communicate somebody he says you know
it's like winking at a girl the dark
nothing happens you know basically and
and you have to be able to get get both
your ideas and and that's that's
relatively easy I did it myself with a
Dale Carnegie of course some people wish
I'd take it a shorter course not by
talking later on but it it's just hugely
important and you if you invest in
yourself nobody can take it away from
you I mean you and the second thing
which I'll get a certain criticism for
not living it but but I do tell the
those students you know that if I gave
you a car and it'll be the only car
you're getting them rest of your life he
take care of it like you can't believe
and he scratch you'd fix that moment you
read the owner's manual you keep it
garage into all these things and you get
exactly one mind of one and one body in
this world and and you can't start
taking care of it when you're 50 by that
time you little rust it out if you
haven't done anything so you know you
is really make sure that you just
remember that you just got one minor
body to get through life with him did it
do the most with it what about life
well I've advises you know the most
important thing aside from the things
I've talked about already is it's really
who you associate with you want to
associate with people that are better
than you are
I mean basically you'll go in the
direction of the people that you
associate with and and you want to have
the right heroes you want people if you
want to emulate somebody you better pick
very carefully who you want to emulate
and and when obviously you can't pick
your parents they're gonna have an
enormous influence on you but you don't
get a choice on that but you get choices
as you go down the line and you who you
who you admire who you who you want to
copy and the most important for most
people in terms of that decision is
their spouse it's also important to in
terms of a partner in business but the
partner in life is is the most important
you'll you want to pick a spouse that's
little better than you are and then he
or she and you hope they don't figure it
out too fast
great biggest mistakes people make when
investing well they they try to but they
they just don't realize that all you
have to do is just buy across the shin
of America and they never listen to
people like me or read the papers or do
anything subsequently they think they
think that because you can trade you
should trade they but you buy a farm you
buy an apartment house so you can't
resell it tomorrow I don't know the
costs of moving around or you now you
get something handed to you liquidity
you know which is instant and so and the
the cost of doing it or pennies you know
compared to other kinds of investment
activity so because they can so easily
move around they do move around and
moving around is not smarter than
investing you have a pretty cool morning
routine regarding what you have for
breakfast and how prosperous you feel
what is that well that way and and I was
actually send somebody over to them now
to get me something since since I sent
the publicity I
from earlier describing my habits at
McDonald's hey I know somebody happened
had somebody go in the office but that
was that was a more for entertainment
value I I actually I eat exactly what I
like to eat yep
if I liked it on my sixth birthday and
my sixth birthday party when we had hot
dogs and hamburgers and coke and ice
cream with chocolate I still like it and
I don't care about anything subsequently
that I discovered it all by the time I
was six and if somebody offered me a
deal when I was 20 and said you're gonna
live one year longer you know instead of
living to 88 you lived 89 or whatever it
may be if you eat nothing but broccoli
and Brussels sprouts and onions and all
these things and I I didn't take the
last year off it probably won't be that
good anyway you know I Manso I eat what
I like the III
I I am NOT venturesome in that area
like how you lumped in onions with
broccoli and Brussels sprouts never
heard them I just don't have like onions
I don't put them in the same category
you and George HW Bush I think it's
Business School worth it depends on the
person and much more than it depends on
the school I mean I wouldn't worry some
people are gonna get a lot out of
advanced education and some people are
gonna get very little and I don't even
think it's important that every person
go to college at all I'm you know we
have all kinds of jobs at 70 or so
thousand a year eighty thousand a year
that college training is is not abuse
and and I actually was not keen on going
to college myself yeah my dad kind of
jolly man when he can get me to do
anything but and if they'd had an SAT
test those days he would have taken the
test for me yeah but but because I just
I was I knew I could have a good time
and I liked investing and I didn't
really feel like I could read the books
so I don't you know it's it's a big
commitment to take four years and the
cost involved and maybe the loans
involved that everything I think
depending on
what your interests are in life I don't
think I don't think it's for everybody I
think it's for a lot of people but there
ought to be a reason you're going and I
didn't really see much reason
all right last questions the lightning
rounds there's a few do you ever drink
water only under duress what is your
favorite all-time song it's undoubtedly
it's my way
what about movie favorite movie well I
like the Bridge on the River Kwai
because of the lot there were a lot of
lessons in that pleasant was a you know
enormous Lee fascinating catchy tune
also catchy tune also the ending of that
was sort of the story of life you know
he created the railroad the enemy did
come in across it you know it got it
favorite book well the favorite book
from the best book that had the most
impact on my life was the Intelligent
Investor by bedroom I knew you were
gonna say that
favorite TV show it's probably going to
be Nebraskans some huge bowl gave him
winning and finally what are you carry
in your wallet and how much money do you
tend to carry around well I probably
carry maybe $400 oh yeah I actually my
what my wife likes to use a cash so I
just take home a chunk of cash every now
and then she doles it out she looks at
my billfold and sees whether all the
hundreds are gone six of you it's pretty
simple and a credit cards I've got an
American Express card which I got in
1964 but I I pay cash 98% of the time if
I'm an arrest always pay cash it's just
easier Warren Buffett thanks very much
4.8 / 5 (30 votes)


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