Leaked Info Reveals BIG Open AI Event on Monday

MattVidPro AI
8 May 202416:13

TLDRInsider sources suggest that Open AI is planning an event to announce a new AI-based search project that could rival Google and Perplexity AI. The event, initially scheduled for May 9th, has been rescheduled for Monday, just before Google's IO keynote. While it's unlikely that GPT 5 will be released at this event, there are hints that a new model, possibly called GPT 4 Light, and a search engine announcement might be made. Additionally, a mysterious model known as 'I'm a good GPT2 D chatbot,' which is speculated to be an Open AI model, has been compared to GPT 4 Turbo, showing promising results. The summary also touches on concerns about Open AI's marketing tactics and the anticipation surrounding the future release of GPT 5.


  • 📅 Open AI is expected to have an event on Monday, possibly to overshadow Google's IO keynote which is on Tuesday, May 14th.
  • 🤔 While GPT 5 is anticipated, it's likely not to be released at the upcoming event as there are several announcements expected before its launch.
  • 🔍 Open AI is reportedly working on an AI-based search project that could rival both Google and Perplexity AI.
  • 📈 The new search product might include advanced image searching, widgets for weather, finance, and time zone differences, and follow-up prompts for more nuanced queries.
  • 🤖 There's speculation about the involvement of a new model, possibly called GPT 4 Light, which could be part of the search project.
  • 🔗 Open AI's search project is likely to be in partnership with Microsoft, indicating a joint competition with Google.
  • 📝 Recent observations include the registration of 'search.chatgp.com' and hints at different search models and engines that might be utilized.
  • 🗓️ The event's original schedule was for May 9th, but it was postponed to Monday, as confirmed by a reliable source.
  • 🤖 A chatbot named 'I'm a good gpt2 D chatbot' was discovered on the LM CIS Arena, which is speculated to be related to Open AI's upcoming announcements.
  • 📈 The 'I'm a good gpt2 D chatbot' is considered to be a strong language model, competitive with GPT 4 Turbo, and may be integrated into chat GPT.
  • 🚀 Anticipation is high for GPT 5, which is suggested to be significantly smarter than its predecessor, with Open AI's CEO indicating that current generative AI will be seen as 'laughably bad' in the near future.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the event that Open AI is planning on Monday?

    -The significance of the event is that it is expected to overshadow Google's IO keynote, possibly with a major announcement related to AI technology, potentially a new search AI product or a new model.

  • Why is it unlikely that GPT 5 will be released on Monday?

    -Sam Altman, the CEO of Open AI, has previously stated that there are several announcements and releases that need to happen before GPT 5 can be launched, indicating that it is too soon for GPT 5.

  • What is the potential announcement that Open AI might make on Monday?

    -The potential announcement could be about a new AI-based search project that rivals Google and Perplexity AI, which could include advanced image searching and other AI-powered widgets.

  • What is the role of Incog in the context of the video?

    -Incog is the sponsor of the video. It is a website that helps users protect their personal data from being stolen and misused by data brokers by automating the process of data removal.

  • What are the different models and search engines that Open AI's new search product might use?

    -The new search product might use models like GPT 3.5 or GPT 4 Light and search engines such as Bing, Sydney, or an internal search engine like Labrador.

  • What is the connection between the GPT 2-D chatbot and the new search product?

    -The GPT 2-D chatbot, which is a large language model competitive with GPT 4 Turbo, is speculated to be part of the new search product, possibly as an advanced search function or option within chat GPT.

  • What is the current status of the GPT 2-D chatbot on the LM CIS Arena?

    -The GPT 2-D chatbot, now named 'I'm a good GPT 2-D chatbot', is back up on the LM CIS Arena for comparison with other models but is no longer available for direct chat testing.

  • What is the general sentiment towards Open AI's approach to announcements and events?

    -The sentiment is mixed, with some viewers appreciating the hype and anticipation, while others find it disingenuous or feel that Open AI is engaging in marketing tactics that detract from their nonprofit status.

  • What are some of the future expectations for GPT 5?

    -GPT 5 is expected to be significantly smarter than GPT 4, with the CEO of Open AI suggesting that current generative AI will be seen as 'laughably bad' within a year, implying that GPT 5 will represent a major leap in AI capabilities.

  • What is the concern regarding the direction of Open AI's development and goals?

    -There is a concern that Open AI's focus may be shifting towards competition, marketing tactics, and achieving wealth and power, rather than solely focusing on creating beneficial AI technology.

  • How does the speaker view the potential of Open AI's future developments?

    -The speaker is excited about the future of Open AI and anticipates that their developments, such as GPT 5, will be impressive, while also noting the rapid progress of open-source alternatives.



📅 Speculation on Open AI's Upcoming Announcement

Insider sources suggest that Open AI is planning an event to potentially overshadow Google's IO keynote. Although many anticipate the release of GPT 5, it is believed to be too soon for such an announcement. Instead, two significant announcements are expected: an AI-based search project to rival Google and Perplexity AI, and a new model referred to as GPT 4 Light. The video also corrects the date of Google's IO event to Tuesday, May 14th, and discusses the potential features of the AI search product, such as advanced image searching and context-aware assistance for event planning.


🔍 Open AI's Search Project and Partnership with Microsoft

The video delves into the possibility of Open AI's search project being a direct partnership with Microsoft, which would position it as a competitor to Google's search engine. It mentions various Microsoft products and the potential use of different search engines and models, including Bing and Sydney. The video also discusses the discovery of a new model, 'GPT 4 Light,' and its potential role in the search project. Furthermore, it highlights the reappearance of a mysterious model, 'I'm a good GPT 2-D chatbot,' on the LM CIS Arena for comparative testing.


🤖 Comparing GPT Models and Open AI's Mysterious Approach

The video compares the responses from GPT 4 Turbo and the 'I'm a good GPT 2-D chatbot' to hypothetical questions, noting a preference for the latter's more creative and natural responses. It explores the idea that this chatbot might be integrated into Chat GPT or serve as an advanced search function within it. The video also touches on the public's perception of Open AI's mysterious and competitive nature, contrasting it with the expectations of a nonprofit company. It concludes with a teaser about the potential capabilities of GPT 5, as hinted by Open AI's CEO, Sam Altman.


🚀 Anticipation for GPT 5 and Concerns Over Open AI's Tactics

The video expresses anticipation for the release of GPT 5, which is expected to be a significant leap from previous models. It raises concerns about Open AI's marketing and competition tactics, suggesting they may not align with the public interest. Despite these concerns, the video acknowledges Open AI's track record of delivering on its promises and speculates on how quickly open-source alternatives might catch up. It ends with an invitation for viewers to join the conversation on social media and participate in live streams.



💡Open AI

Open AI is a research and deployment company that aims to develop artificial general intelligence (AGI) in a way that benefits humanity as a whole. In the video, it is mentioned as the organization that is planning an event to overshadow Google's IO keynote, suggesting a competitive stance in the AI industry.

💡Google's big IO keynote

Google's big IO keynote is an annual developer conference held by Google, where the company announces new products and discusses its future plans. In the context of the video, it is the event that Open AI is planning to follow with their own announcement to draw attention away from Google.

💡GPT 5

GPT 5 refers to the fifth generation of Open AI's Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a machine learning model for language. The video discusses speculation about whether GPT 5 will be announced at the event, but suggests it is too soon for its release based on previous statements made by Open AI's CEO, Sam Altman.

💡AI-based search project

An AI-based search project refers to the development of a search engine that uses artificial intelligence to enhance search capabilities. The video suggests that Open AI is working on such a project that could rival existing search engines like Google and Perplexity AI.

💡Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI is mentioned in the video as a competitor in the AI-based search space. It implies that there are several players in the market developing advanced AI technologies for search functionalities.


Incog is a service mentioned in the video designed to help users protect their personal information online. It allows users to request the removal of their personal data from data brokers, which is particularly relevant to the discussion on data privacy in the digital age.

💡GPT 4 light

GPT 4 light is speculated to be a new model or version of Open AI's language model that might be less resource-intensive than its predecessors. The video suggests that this model could be part of the new search product that Open AI is expected to announce.

💡LM CIS Arena

LM CIS Arena is a platform where large language models can be tested and compared. In the video, it is mentioned as the place where a mysterious model, possibly GPT 4 light, was found and later removed, sparking speculation about its origin and capabilities.

💡Search engine announcement

A search engine announcement refers to the expected public reveal of a new search engine technology by Open AI. The video discusses the anticipation surrounding this announcement and its potential impact on the search engine market.

💡Placeholder search

Placeholder search is a term used in the video to describe a potential feature of the new AI-based search product. It suggests a function where the search engine provides immediate, context-aware responses while more detailed results are being fetched.

💡Data privacy

Data privacy is a central theme in the video, especially in the context of online services and AI technologies. The discussion around Incog highlights the importance of protecting personal information from data brokers and the challenges faced by users in maintaining their privacy.


Open AI is expected to have an event on Monday, possibly overshadowing Google's IO keynote.

GPT 5 is not likely to be released at the event, as there are several announcements to be made before its release.

Open AI is working on an AI-based search project that could rival Google and Perplexity AI.

The new search product might include advanced image searching and context-aware capabilities.

Widgets such as a weather calculator, sports finance, and time zone difference app could be part of the AI search product.

The option to ask follow-up prompts in the search product is expected to be a significant feature.

There might be a new model announcement, possibly called GPT 4 Light, which could be part of the search project.

Open AI's search project is likely to be in partnership with Microsoft, using Microsoft products like Bing and Sydney.

The event's original schedule was for May 9th but has been pushed to Monday, just before Google IO.

GPT 2-D chatbot, a large language model competitive with GPT 4 Turbo, was found on the LM CIS Arena and later removed.

The GPT 2-D chatbot has reappeared on LM CIS Arena under a new name, indicating it might be an Open AI model.

The GPT 2-D chatbot's responses are more natural and creative compared to GPT 4 Turbo in hypothetical scenarios.

There is speculation that the GPT 2-D chatbot might be integrated into Chat GPT or be part of the new search product.

Open AI's approach to building hype and their competitive nature in the tech industry is discussed.

Sam Altman, Open AI's CEO, has hinted that GPT 5 will be significantly smarter than its predecessor.

Open source AI models have been able to catch up to and even surpass the capabilities of GPT 4, offering free and customizable alternatives.

The future of Open AI and the potential impact of GPT 5 on the industry is a topic of anticipation and concern.