LeonardoAI - Complete Tutorial / Guide

AI John
22 Feb 202318:25

TLDRThe tutorial offers a comprehensive guide on using Leonardo AI, an online stable diffusion platform with unique features and an intuitive interface. It covers the invitation process, exploring models, community feed, AI canvas beta for outward painting and masking, image generation with various settings, and creating custom models using training data sets. The guide also touches on optimizing prompts and using negative prompts for better image generation results.


  • 🌐 Leonardo AI is an online stable diffusion platform with a unique set of features and an intuitive user interface.
  • 🚪 Currently, access to Leonardo AI is by invitation only, but it's easy to get invited by providing your email and opting in.
  • 📌 The platform features various models, each trained on specific types of images, catering to different user needs such as portraits, vintage photography, and more.
  • 🖼️ Users can explore the Community Feed to see images created by others, and even recreate them using the provided seed number and model details.
  • 🎨 AI Canvas Beta allows for outward painting and image expansion, offering multiple options for users to refine and select their preferred image style.
  • 🖼️+ Users have a daily token limit for image generation, with options to adjust the number of images produced per prompt.
  • 📏 Image dimensions can be selected through presets, manual adjustments, or aspect ratios, with considerations for the models' trained resolutions.
  • 🔍 The guidance scale and step count settings allow users to control how closely the AI adheres to prompts and the level of detail in the generated images.
  • 🔄 Tiling feature enables the creation of images that can be seamlessly repeated to form a continuous design, ideal for wallpapers or patterns.
  • 🎥 The platform supports uploading personal images as a base for new creations, blending user prompts with the uploaded content.
  • 🛠️ Users can create and train their own models using their own image datasets, potentially contributing to the platform's community models.

Q & A

  • What is Leonardo AI and how does it differ from other AI platforms?

    -Leonardo AI is an online stable diffusion platform that stands out for its unique features and intuitive user interface. It offers a variety of models trained on specific types of images, allowing users to generate images based on their preferences. Unlike some other platforms, Leonardo AI provides a community-driven experience, enabling users to create and share their own models, as well as access models created by others.

  • How can one obtain an invitation to use Leonardo AI?

    -To get an invitation to use Leonardo AI, which is currently in an invitation-only access phase, one needs to visit leonardo.ai, input their email address, and click on 'Count Me In'. An invitation is typically sent within a week, although the exact timing may vary.

  • What are the 'Featured Models' on Leonardo AI and how do they function?

    -Featured Models on Leonardo AI are datasets trained on specific types of images. They serve as a starting point for users looking to generate images within certain styles or categories. Users can view examples of images created with each model and even generate images directly using these models.

  • How does the Community Feed work on Leonardo AI?

    -The Community Feed displays images created by other users. By clicking on an image, one can view the prompts and models used to generate it, including the base model and any fine-tuned models. This feature allows users to understand the process behind an image and even recreate it using the provided seed number.

  • What is AI Canvas Beta and how does it assist in image creation?

    -AI Canvas Beta is a feature of Leonardo AI that enables outward painting, allowing users to expand and modify existing images. Users can select an area of the image to expand, generate new options, and choose the one that best fits their vision. This tool also includes a masking feature for detailed image adjustments.

  • How does the image generation process work on Leonardo AI?

    -To generate an image, users start by specifying the number of images they want, selecting dimensions, choosing a model, setting the guidance scale and step count, and optionally enabling tiling. They then provide prompts to guide the image generation and can upload an image to use as a base. The 'Generate' button initiates the process, creating images based on the user's specifications.

  • What are tokens on Leonardo AI and how do they relate to image generation?

    -Tokens on Leonardo AI represent the user's allowance for generating or converting images. Users are granted approximately 250 tokens per day, which can be used to create or convert around 250 images. Each click of the generate button consumes tokens, so users must manage their usage throughout the day.

  • What is the purpose of the 'Prompt Magic' feature on Leonardo AI?

    -Prompt Magic is a tool that refines the user's prompts into a format that the AI can better understand. By generating additional sets of prompts based on the user's input, it helps users explore different ideas and enhance their image generation process.

  • How can users create their own models on Leonardo AI?

    -Users can create their own models by going to the 'Training and Data Sets' section and creating a new data set. They need to provide a name and a precise description, then upload between 8 to 15 images of the same type and size. Once the images are uploaded, users can train their model using the 'Train Model' button. The trained model is then added to the user's data sets for future use.

  • What are the considerations when selecting a model for image generation?

    -When selecting a model for image generation, it's important to consider the resolution the model was trained on, as this can affect the outcome of the generated images. Users should ensure that the resolution they set does not get changed when switching models, and they should choose models that align with the type of image they wish to create.

  • How can users share and explore models created by the community on Leonardo AI?

    -Users can share their own models with the rest of the community when generating a model. They can also explore community-created models through the Community Feed or by sorting models by popularity, category, or other criteria. This feature encourages collaboration and the sharing of creative ideas among users.



🚀 Introduction to Leonardo AI

This paragraph introduces Leonardo AI, an online stable diffusion platform with unique features and an intuitive user interface. It explains how to access the platform, which is currently invitation-only but can be easily joined by providing an email address and clicking 'Count Me In'. The speaker clarifies that they do not view Leonardo AI as a 'mid-journey killer' and believes it has its own purpose and customer base. The paragraph sets the stage for a comprehensive tutorial on how to use the platform and its various features.


🎨 Exploring Features and Models

The speaker delves into the features of Leonardo AI, starting with the 'Featured Models' section that showcases different data sets trained on specific types of images. Users can view examples created with each model to understand the kind of images they can generate. The Community Feed is introduced as a space to view and learn from images created by other users. The paragraph also touches on the AI Canvas Beta feature, which allows for outward painting and image expansion, as well as the masking tool for detailed image editing. The speaker provides practical guidance on how to use these features and the importance of selecting the right model for desired outcomes.


📸 Image Generation Process

This section outlines the image generation process in Leonardo AI, discussing the importance of the number of images generated per day, which is limited by the daily token allowance. The speaker explains the dimensions and aspect ratios available for image creation, as well as the guidance scale and step count, which control how closely the AI adheres to prompts and the level of detail in the generated images. The paragraph also covers the tiling feature for creating seamless, repeating images, the image upload feature for using existing images as a base, and the advanced settings for more control over the image generation process.


🔍 Customizing Prompts and Models

The speaker discusses the process of customizing prompts and selecting models for image generation. It explains the use of prompts and negative prompts to guide the AI in creating desired images, and the model selection process, which includes platform models, community models, and the option to create custom models. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of selecting the appropriate resolution and model for the best results. It also introduces the prompt generation feature, which helps users refine their prompts for better image generation, and concludes with a reminder to be mindful of resolution changes when switching models.

🛠️ Training and Data Sets

The final paragraph focuses on the training and data sets feature of Leonardo AI, which allows users to create their own models from images they upload. The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a new data set, the importance of precise descriptions, and the need for uniform image types and sizes. It also explains how to use images from the Community Feed or personal feed to train a model and the process of checking the job status. The paragraph concludes with a brief mention of the potential for sharing custom models with the community and a call to action for users to share tips and ask questions in the comments section.



💡Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI is an online stable diffusion platform that enables users to generate images based on specific prompts and models. It stands out due to its unique features and intuitive user interface. The platform is in invitation-only access, but users can easily get invited by providing their email address and clicking 'Count Me In'.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable diffusion is a type of AI model used for generating images from textual descriptions. It works by learning from a dataset of images and then creating new images based on the input prompts. In the context of Leonardo AI, stable diffusion models are used to produce various types of images, such as portraits, vintage photography, and more.


In the context of Leonardo AI, models refer to datasets that have been trained on specific types of images. Each model is designed to generate images within a certain style or theme, such as portraits, vintage photography, or paper art style. Users can select a model based on their desired output and see examples of images created with that model.

💡Community Feed

The Community Feed is a feature within Leonardo AI that displays images created by other users. It allows users to see the prompts and models used by others to generate their images, and even recreate them using the same settings. This feature fosters a collaborative and inspirational environment among users.

💡AI Canvas Beta

AI Canvas Beta is a feature in Leonardo AI that allows users to perform outward painting, which means expanding an existing image by generating new parts based on the original. Users can select a portion of an image and instruct the AI to expand it, providing multiple options to choose from for the final result.

💡Image Generation

Image generation is the process of creating new images using AI models based on textual prompts provided by the user. In Leonardo AI, this involves selecting models, setting parameters like the number of images, dimensions, and guidance scale, and then generating the images according to the user's specifications.


Tokens in the context of Leonardo AI represent the user's allowance for generating images. Users are granted a certain number of tokens per day, which they can use to create or convert images. Each generation action consumes tokens, and users need to manage their token usage wisely.

💡Guidance Scale

The guidance scale is a parameter in Leonardo AI that determines how closely the AI adheres to the user's prompts when generating images. A higher number means the AI will strictly follow the prompts, while a lower number allows more freedom for the AI to create images it thinks the user will like.

💡Step Count

The step count refers to the number of iterations the AI performs while creating an image. Each iteration allows the AI to add more detail to the image. A higher step count results in a more detailed image but takes longer to generate.


Tiling in the context of image generation on Leonardo AI is a feature that allows users to create images that can be repeated seamlessly. This is useful for creating patterns or wallpapers where the image needs to continue without visible breaks.

💡Prompt Generation

Prompt generation is a unique feature of Leonardo AI that assists users in refining their prompts. It can generate additional prompts based on the user's initial input, providing a variety of options to choose from and potentially sparking new ideas for image creation.


Introduction to Leonardo AI as an online stable diffusion platform with unique features and an intuitive UI.

The platform is currently invitation-only, but easy access can be obtained by entering your email address and clicking 'Count Me In'.

Featured models on the homepage provide various data sets trained on specific types of images, catering to different user needs.

Users can view the Community Feed to see images created by others, and even replicate them using the provided seed number and base model.

AI Canvas Beta allows for outward painting, enabling users to expand and customize images beyond their original dimensions.

The image generation process involves selecting the number of images, dimensions, aspect ratios, and considering the model's trained resolution.

Adjusting the guidance scale and step count allows users to control how closely the AI sticks to prompts and the level of detail in the generated images.

Tiling feature is perfect for creating wallpapers or images that can be seamlessly repeated.

Users can upload an image and use it as a base, giving more weight to that image than the prompts for the new image creation.

Advanced settings include using a fixed seed for identical image generation and a scheduler for selecting models or guidance files.

Prompts and negative prompts are used to guide the AI in what to include or exclude in the generated images.

Custom models can be selected or created by the user, with options to add to favorites or the community.

Prompt Generation is a unique feature of Leonardo AI that refines and expands on user prompts to provide more ideas and options for image creation.

Training and data sets allow users to create their own models from images they provide, ensuring a consistent type and size of images for training.

Community models are generated and shared by the Leonardo AI community, offering a wide range of styles and options for users to explore.

The tutorial emphasizes the ease of use and encourages users to share tips and ask questions within the community for further assistance.