Complete Beginners Guide to Midjourney V6!

Tao Prompts
17 Feb 202432:13

TLDRThe video provides an in-depth tutorial on using Midjourney V6, a powerful AI image generation tool. It begins with the process of signing up for a Midjourney subscription through Discord and introduces the Midjourney server for guidance and updates. The core of the tutorial focuses on the art of 'prompting' the AI to generate specific images, starting with basic prompts and gradually adding details to refine the output. The video explores various features such as changing image mediums, styles, and using the 'remix' function for further customization. It also delves into advanced settings like stylization levels, aspect ratio, and the use of parameters to control the image generation process. The tutorial highlights the ability to generate text within images and how to use reference images for consistent styles. Finally, it touches on the Midjourney website's functionalities for organizing and filtering generated images, offering a comprehensive guide for beginners and a refresher for experienced users.


  • πŸ“Έ **Sign Up for Midjourney Subscription**: Start by creating a Discord account and linking it to Midjourney for access to the AI image generation tools.
  • πŸ” **Explore Midjourney Server**: Discover how to get started, view announcements, and find prompt tips in the Midjourney server within Discord.
  • πŸ’¬ **Interact with Midjourney Bot**: Use the bot to generate images by entering prompts and commands, like 'SL imagine', to create a variety of image styles.
  • 🎨 **Expand Imagery with Prompting**: Add details to your prompts to generate images with specific mediums, styles, and fine details like colors and objects.
  • 🌐 **Access Special Models**: Utilize the settings menu to switch between different models like 'v6' for general use or 'nii model' for anime/cartoon styles.
  • πŸ”§ **Customize with Parameters**: Tailor your image generation using custom parameters to adjust stylization, aspect ratio, and other features for your desired outcome.
  • βž• **Add Text to Images**: Include text in your prompts to generate images with specific words or phrases, which can be styled in various ways.
  • πŸ”„ **Experiment with Variations**: Use the 'VAR' buttons to create subtle or strong variations of your generated images for added diversity.
  • ↔️ **Image Outpainting**: Extend your images with the 'Outpainting' feature to add more to the borders in any direction.
  • πŸ”„ **Remix Mode**: Enhance control over image generation by using 'Remix Mode' to make adjustments to your prompts without retyping them.
  • πŸ”— **Use Reference Images**: Upload and use reference images to influence the style and texture of the AI-generated images, ensuring consistency in characters or themes.

Q & A

  • What is the first step to start using Midjourney V6?

    -The first step is to sign up for a Midjourney subscription, which requires having a Discord account and verifying your email address.

  • How do you link your Discord account to Midjourney?

    -After logging into Discord, go to and use the sign-in button on the bottom right, which should automatically prompt you to link your Discord account.

  • What is the purpose of the 'Explore' page on the Midjourney website?

    -The 'Explore' page displays a variety of images created by other users, allowing you to browse through the community's creations.

  • How do you access the private Midjourney bot for image generation?

    -Click on the 'show member list' button in the top right of the Discord server, find the Midjourney bot, right-click on it, and select 'message' to open a private message with the bot.

  • What is the command used to start generating images with the Midjourney bot?

    -The command to start generating images is 'SL imagine', followed by pressing space and entering your desired prompt.

  • How can you save an image generated by Midjourney?

    -If you're satisfied with the generated images, you can open the Midjourney website, go to the 'My Images' folder, select the image you like, and use the download button to save it to your computer.

  • What is the 'raw mode' option in Midjourney V6?

    -The 'raw mode' option provides the most direct interpretation of the prompt without adding extra flair or Midjourney's style to the image.

  • How can you add text to an image generated by Midjourney?

    -You can add text to your prompts by putting the desired words in quotation marks within the prompt. Midjourney will then generate images with the specified text.

  • What does the 'chaos' parameter control in Midjourney?

    -The 'chaos' parameter controls the amount of variation in the image generation process. A higher chaos value results in more unusual and unexpected outcomes.

  • How can you use reference images to influence the style of a generated image?

    -You can upload a reference image and use it to generate new images by pasting the image link at the end of your prompt. Additionally, you can use the 'D-SRE' parameter followed by the image URL to apply the style of the reference image to new prompts.

  • What is the 'remix mode' in Midjourney and how does it help with image generation?

    -Remix mode allows you to make adjustments to your prompt without having to retype it. It provides extra control over the images generated and can be used in conjunction with other features like panning and variations for more customized results.



πŸš€ Getting Started with Mid Journey Version 6

This paragraph introduces viewers to Mid Journey Version 6, a tool for AI image generation. It offers a comprehensive guide covering the software's features and tools, from basic photo generation to advanced features like expanding canvas, impasto painting, remixing, and using a consistent style. The tutorial also provides instructions on how to sign up for a Mid Journey subscription using a Discord account, navigate the Mid website, and start generating images by prompting the AI with a description.


🎨 Exploring Mid Journey's Art Styles and Settings

The second paragraph delves into the various art styles available in Mid Journey, such as anime, Western comic art, and landscapes. It explains how to adjust settings like stylization levels and raw mode to control the influence of Mid Journey's style on the generated images. Additionally, it covers the new feature of adding text to images and how to use custom parameters to tailor the AI's output to specific needs, including aspect ratio and stylization.


πŸ” Negative Prompting and Chaos Parameter

This section discusses the use of negative prompts to exclude certain elements from the generated images and the chaos parameter to control the level of variation and unexpected results in the image generation process. It also introduces the permutations feature, which allows for easy iteration through multiple prompts, and the prefer option set feature for saving and reusing sets of parameters.


βœ… Customization and Editing Features

The fourth paragraph outlines the customization options available for generated images, including upscaling, variations, and rerolls. It also introduces the very region feature for making specific adjustments to parts of an image and the image out painting feature for extending the borders of an image in various directions.


πŸ”„ Remix Mode and Advanced Image Manipulation

This part of the script focuses on the remix mode in Mid Journey, which allows for adjustments to the prompt without retyping it. It also covers the pan feature for extending images and the zoom buttons for changing the aspect ratio and filling in the borders. The paragraph explains how to use reference images to influence the style and content of new images and the consistent style feature for applying a style from one image to another.


πŸ“š Navigating the Mid Journey Website and Settings

The final paragraph provides an overview of the Mid Journey website, highlighting its utility for sorting and organizing generated images. It mentions the ability to filter images based on specific parameters and the search prompts tab for finding images by keyword. The paragraph also touches on the settings menu, including the generation speed options and the sticky style button, and it invites users to explore further with an advanced prompt guide.



πŸ’‘Midjourney V6

Midjourney V6 refers to the sixth version of a software or tool used for AI image generation. It is the central subject of the video, which provides a comprehensive guide on how to utilize the features and tools of this version. In the script, it is mentioned as the starting point for users looking to generate AI images or needing a refresher on the process.

πŸ’‘Discord account

A Discord account is a prerequisite for signing up for a Midjourney subscription. Discord is a communication platform that the software uses for its server and bot interactions. In the context of the video, users are instructed to sign up and verify their email address for a Discord account to access the Midjourney bot and its features.


Prompting is the process of entering a description of what the user wants the AI to generate. It is a fundamental aspect of using Midjourney V6, as it directly influences the outcome of the AI image generation. The script provides examples of prompting, such as describing a photo of a woman or specifying an anime art style.


Upscaling is a feature that allows users to increase the resolution of an image. The video discusses two types of upscaling: 'subtle' and 'creative'. Subtle upscaling maintains the original structure and detail, while creative upscaling may introduce new details and changes to the image. This feature is used to enhance image quality without losing the intended composition.


Parameters are specific settings that users can adjust to tailor the AI image generation process to their needs. The script mentions various parameters such as stylization levels, aspect ratio, and chaos level, which control different aspects of the generated images, like the degree of artistic flair or the randomness in the image generation process.

πŸ’‘Remix Mode

Remix Mode is a feature in Midjourney V6 that allows users to make adjustments to their prompts without retyping the entire prompt. It provides additional control over the image generation process and is particularly useful when generating variations or extending images. The script demonstrates how to use Remix Mode to change camera angles and add elements to images.

πŸ’‘Reference Images

Reference images are existing images that users can upload to Midjourney to influence the style or content of the AI-generated images. The video explains how to use reference images to apply specific textures or styles onto new objects or scenes. This feature is powerful for creating images that are consistent with a certain aesthetic or theme.

πŸ’‘Consistent Style Feature

The Consistent Style Feature is a tool that enables users to take the style from a reference image and apply it to an AI-generated image. This feature is demonstrated in the script where the style of an asphalt path in Arizona is mapped onto a different location, maintaining a similar visual style.

πŸ’‘Image Out Painting

Image Out Painting is a feature that allows users to extend the borders of an image in a specific direction, adding more content to the image. The script describes how this tool can be used to expand images and fill in the newly created areas with AI-generated content, such as adding more of a scene or context around the original image.


Variations refer to the slightly altered versions of the original image generated by Midjourney V6. The script explains that users can choose between subtle or strong variations, which introduce minor or more significant changes to the original image while preserving its overall structure and theme.

πŸ’‘Turbo Mode

Turbo Mode is one of the settings in Midjourney V6 that controls the speed of image generation. It is the fastest setting but consumes more GPU time. The video mentions it as an option for users who prioritize speed, although the default 'fast' mode is recommended as a balance between speed and resource usage.


Midjourney V6 offers a comprehensive guide for beginners on AI image generation.

To get started, sign up for a Midjourney subscription which requires a Discord account.

The explore page on Midjourney's website showcases images created by other users.

Subscription plans range from basic to standard, suitable for different levels of users.

The Midjourney server on Discord provides valuable information and resources for users.

Prompting is the key to generating AI images; it's where users describe what they want the AI to create.

Images can be generated in various mediums such as photo, watercolor, oil painting, and digital art.

Adding details to prompts refines the AI's output, such as specifying colors and objects.

Midjourney V6 includes a special model for anime-style images, accessible via the settings menu.

The stylize setting controls the level of Midjourney's style and creativity injected into the images.

Raw mode offers the most direct interpretation of prompts without additional Midjourney flair.

Text can be easily incorporated into images by including desired text within quotation marks in the prompt.

Custom parameters allow users to tailor the AI's output to their specific needs.

The aspect ratio parameter adjusts the width-to-height relationship of the generated images.

Negative prompts (no parameter) tell Midjourney what elements to omit from the generated images.

The chaos parameter introduces variation in image generations, with higher values leading to more unexpected results.

Permutations feature enables iteration through multiple prompts by placing variables within curly brackets.

The prefer option set feature saves custom parameter sets for easy reuse in future prompts.

The U and V buttons provide customization options for individual images in the grid, such as upscaling and variations.

The reroll button regenerates images based on the same prompt for different outcomes.

The very region feature allows for targeted adjustments to specific parts of an image.

Image out painting feature expands the borders of an image in the direction of the chosen arrow.

Zoom buttons and custom zoom feature can change the aspect ratio and remove black borders from images.

Remix mode enables adjustments and customizations to prompts without retyping them.

Reference images can be uploaded and used to influence the style and content of new AI-generated images.

The consistent style feature applies the style from a reference image to new AI-generated content.

The Midjourney website allows users to sort, filter, and manage their generated images efficiently.