Make Money With Tome AI Instant Presentations (Step By Step Tutorial)

Mr. Money
16 May 202309:03

TLDRThe transcript discusses the potential of AI tools like Tome in creating presentations and their value in the market. It highlights how AI can streamline the presentation-making process, saving time and effort. The speaker suggests using AI for various tasks, such as copywriting and scriptwriting, and mentions the profitability of selling presentations on platforms like Fiverr. The importance of specificity in instructions to AI tools for better results is emphasized, and the need for human guidance in utilizing AI tools effectively is stressed.


  • 🤖 AI tools like Tome are revolutionizing the way presentations are created, offering a streamlined and efficient process.
  • 🌐 The website 'Future Tools' aggregates various AI tools, providing a one-stop platform for users to explore and utilize these technologies.
  • 💡 Tome can be used to create presentations for different purposes, such as school projects or corporate sales pitches, enhancing creativity and saving time.
  • 💸 Freelancing platforms like Fiverr offer opportunities to sell presentation services, with varying price points and packages depending on the complexity and number of slides.
  • 📈 By leveraging AI tools, individuals can start their own freelancing business, potentially earning significant income by creating presentations or other content.
  • 🆓 Tome offers a free package to allow users to explore its features before deciding to upgrade to a pro version, making it accessible for beginners and professionals alike.
  • 🎨 Tome provides templates and resources, eliminating the need to start from scratch and speeding up the presentation creation process.
  • 🔍 The effectiveness of AI tools is enhanced by the specificity of the user's instructions, leading to more detailed and tailored outcomes.
  • 👥 AI tools require human input and guidance, highlighting the ongoing importance of human creativity and decision-making in the use of technology.
  • 🚀 Freelancing and using AI tools can open up new opportunities for personal and professional growth, encouraging individuals to dedicate time to developing marketable skills.

Q & A

  • What is the primary function of the AI storytelling partner mentioned in the transcript?

    -The AI storytelling partner, Tome, can create text writing scripts and presentations to assist users in generating content for various purposes, such as school presentations or corporate needs.

  • What is the significance of the website 'Future Tools' in the context of AI tools?

    -The website 'Future Tools' serves as a comprehensive repository for a variety of AI tools currently available. It allows users to explore and select from different categories of AI tools, making it a convenient resource for those looking to utilize such technologies.

  • How can one potentially monetize their skills in creating presentations through platforms like Fiverr?

    -Individuals can sell their presentation creation services on platforms like Fiverr by offering different packages based on the number of slides and quality. Prices can range from $55 for a basic package to $750 or more for premium services, depending on the creator's expertise and the complexity of the presentation.

  • What are the benefits of using AI tools like Tome for presentation creation?

    -AI tools like Tome can significantly reduce the time and effort required to create presentations. They provide templates, images, and structure based on the topic, allowing users to focus on the content and details rather than the design and layout.

  • What is the importance of specificity when using AI tools?

    -Specificity is crucial when using AI tools because the more detailed and precise the instructions, the better the output. AI tools follow the input closely, so clear and specific directions result in a more tailored and high-quality end product.

  • How does the speaker suggest one should approach the opportunity to make money with AI tools?

    -The speaker encourages individuals to be dedicated and proactive in learning and utilizing AI tools for monetary gain. They suggest that with dedication and skill development, one can succeed in creating valuable content and services, such as presentations or copywriting, to sell on platforms like Fiverr.

  • What are some of the features and capabilities of Tome that can assist users in their projects?

    -Tome offers features such as template selection, image sourcing based on topic, text editing, and customization. It also provides tutorials and resources for users to learn how to use the tool effectively, including guides on getting started, customization, sharing, and more.

  • How much does it cost to use Tome's pro version?

    -Tome's pro version costs $8 per month, which provides access to advanced features and capabilities beyond the free package.

  • What is the potential earning from selling presentations created with AI tools like Tome?

    -The potential earning varies based on the complexity, quality, and appeal of the presentations. Some freelancers have been able to sell presentations for hundreds of dollars, with one example being $750 for a 10-slide presentation.

  • What is the role of human input in the effectiveness of AI tools?

    -Human input is essential for directing AI tools. While AI can process and generate content based on the instructions, it requires specific and detailed guidance from humans to produce high-quality, relevant output. This highlights the importance of human involvement in utilizing AI tools effectively.



🤖 AI Tools and Their Impact on Presentation Creation

The paragraph discusses the significant role of AI tools, particularly focusing on an AI storytelling partner named Tome, in creating presentations and text scripts. It highlights how these tools have revolutionized the way presentations are made for various purposes, whether for school or corporate use. The speaker also introduces a website called 'Future Tools' that compiles numerous AI tools in one place, suggesting it as a valuable resource for users. The potential to monetize presentations by selling them to companies or freelancers is also mentioned, with examples from Fiverr showcasing the pricing and sales of such services. The paragraph emphasizes the affordability and user-friendliness of AI tools like Tome, which offers a free package to start with and a reasonably priced pro version for more advanced features.


🚀 Maximizing Efficiency with AI-Assisted Presentation Tools

This paragraph delves into the practical application of AI tools like Tome in enhancing the efficiency of creating presentations. It illustrates how these tools can significantly reduce the time spent on finding images and crafting content by providing templates and relevant pictures based on the topic. The importance of detailed information in achieving better results with AI tools is stressed, as specificity leads to more tailored outputs. The paragraph also touches on the necessity of human guidance in utilizing AI, refuting the notion that AI can replace human creativity and input. Lastly, it encourages users to explore the potential of AI tools not only for presentations but also for other services like script writing and copywriting, highlighting the opportunities for making money and achieving success through dedication and skill development.



💡AI tools

AI tools refer to artificial intelligence software applications designed to assist with various tasks, such as creating presentations or writing scripts. In the context of the video, AI tools like Tome are highlighted for their ability to streamline the process of generating content, making it easier for individuals to produce professional presentations and scripts without extensive manual effort.


Tome is an AI storytelling partner mentioned in the video that specializes in creating presentations and scripts. It is an online platform that uses artificial intelligence to generate content based on user input, such as topics or specific information, making the process of content creation more efficient and accessible for users with varying levels of expertise.


Presentations are a visual and often interactive way to convey information, typically using a slide-based format. In the video, presentations are discussed as a product that can be created and sold using AI tools like Tome, with the potential for generating significant income based on the quality and complexity of the presentation.


Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services, where individuals can offer their skills in various categories, such as presentation creation, for a fee. The platform is mentioned in the video as a place where one can sell AI-generated presentations, highlighting the potential for leveraging AI tools to earn money from one's creative efforts.


Freelancers are self-employed individuals who offer their services, such as content creation or presentation design, on a project-by-project basis. The video discusses the opportunities for freelancers to use AI tools like Tome to enhance their productivity and competitiveness in the market, enabling them to deliver high-quality work more efficiently.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is utilized in tools like Tome to automate the process of content creation, making it easier for users to generate presentations and scripts without the need for extensive manual work.


Templates are pre-designed formats or layouts that serve as a starting point for creating new documents, presentations, or other content. In the video, templates are mentioned as a feature of AI tools like Tome, allowing users to quickly start a project with a structured layout and customize it according to their needs.


Customization refers to the process of modifying or adjusting a product or service to meet specific requirements or preferences. In the context of the video, customization is an important aspect of using AI tools like Tome, as it allows users to tailor the generated content to their exact needs, ensuring that the final product is unique and personalized.


Information in this context refers to the data or facts that are input into AI tools like Tome to generate content. The quality and specificity of the information provided to the AI tool directly influence the relevance and accuracy of the output, such as the content and design of a presentation.


Efficiency in the context of the video refers to the ability of AI tools like Tome to produce high-quality presentations in a shorter amount of time compared to traditional manual methods. This increased efficiency allows users to save time and resources while achieving their goals.


Monetization is the process of generating income from a product or service. In the video, monetization is discussed in relation to the use of AI tools for creating presentations and scripts that can be sold on platforms like Fiverr, turning a skill or service into a source of revenue.


AI tools have revolutionized the way presentations are created, with Tome being an AI storytelling partner that can generate scripts and presentations.

Tome can be used to create presentations for various purposes, including school projects or selling presentations to companies or freelancers.

There exists a website called Future Tools that compiles numerous AI tools, providing an easy-to-use platform for users to access and utilize these resources.

Creating presentations can be a lucrative business, as demonstrated by the high prices people are willing to pay for professionally made PowerPoint presentations on platforms like Fiverr.

Tome offers a free package for users to try out its features, with an affordable pro version available for more advanced capabilities.

The platform provides a variety of templates, eliminating the need to start from scratch and significantly reducing the time spent on creating presentations.

AI tools like Tome can assist in finding relevant images and information based on the presentation topic, streamlining the creation process.

The importance of specificity when using AI tools is emphasized, as detailed instructions result in more accurate and tailored outcomes.

AI tools require human guidance and input; they follow instructions but do not possess independent intelligence, highlighting the irreplaceable role of human creativity and oversight.

Tome is not only useful for presentation creation but also for script writing and copywriting, opening up multiple avenues for freelancers to explore.

The potential to earn substantial income through freelancing platforms is underscored, with examples of high payment for relatively short writing tasks.

Dedication and skill development are key to success in leveraging AI tools for income generation, encouraging individuals to invest time in learning and applying these technologies.

The new age of technology presents a wealth of opportunities for those willing to adapt and utilize AI tools to their advantage.

The transcript emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between AI tools and human creativity, where AI facilitates and accelerates the process but relies on human direction for quality results.

The ease of use and accessibility of AI tools like Tome make them valuable resources for a wide range of users, from students to professionals.