How To Make Money With Deep Dream Generator AI (Step By Step)

Mr. Money
22 Jan 202310:00

TLDRThe video script outlines a method for generating income using the Deep Dream Generator AI tool, which creates dream-like images from simple text prompts. The process is user-friendly, requiring no coding skills. The speaker suggests starting with the free trial and then considering paid packages for more credits. They also demonstrate how to use the tool and emphasize the uniqueness of the generated images. The monetization strategy involves selling custom portrait services on platforms like Fiverr, where artists can offer their unique styles. The script encourages finding a niche style, setting up a seller profile, and leveraging multiple freelancing websites to increase exposure and build a reputation. The potential earnings are illustrated with an example of a top-rated seller on Fiverr who has made over $45,000 from selling custom portraits. The video also mentions other AI tools like Mid Journey and suggests joining their Discord server for inspiration.


  • 🌟 The Deep Dream Generator is a unique AI tool that creates dream-like images without requiring technical skills.
  • 🎨 Users can start with a free trial on, generating designs with simple text prompts.
  • 💰 After the free credits are used, users need to purchase more energy to continue generating images.
  • 📸 There are multiple ways to generate images: from a text prompt, uploading a base image, or transforming an image into a deep dream.
  • 🔧 The tool is user-friendly, allowing for customization and experimentation with different styles and settings.
  • 🌐 Deep Dream Generator offers a distinctive style not found elsewhere, which can be leveraged for unique monetization opportunities.
  • 🏢 Selling custom portraits on platforms like Fiverr can be profitable; sellers can use the Deep Dream Generator to fulfill orders with minimal effort.
  • 📈 To maximize earnings, freelancers should establish a presence on multiple platforms and build a strong reputation with positive reviews.
  • 💵 Realistic earnings can be calculated by considering the number of sales, the price per service, and the commissions taken by freelancing platforms.
  • 🔍 Other AI tools like Mid Journey can also generate images from text, potentially offering even more creative possibilities.
  • 🚀 Consistency and uniqueness in style are crucial for standing out in a competitive market and attracting a steady stream of clients.

Q & A

  • What is the Deep Dream Generator AI used for?

    -The Deep Dream Generator AI is used for creating images in a dream-like style based on text prompts or base images, producing unique and visually compelling designs.

  • How user-friendly is the Deep Dream Generator?

    -The Deep Dream Generator is very user-friendly and does not require any technical skills or coding knowledge to produce stunning results.

  • How does one start using the Deep Dream Generator?

    -To start using the Deep Dream Generator, one can visit, explore the trending section, and begin generating images by either inputting a text prompt or uploading a base image.

  • What are the different options available for generating images with the Deep Dream Generator?

    -There are three options: generating an image from a text prompt, uploading a base image and choosing a style, or uploading an image and turning it into a deep dream.

  • What is the cost associated with using the Deep Dream Generator?

    -The app offers a free trial with limited designs. After using up the free credits, users need to purchase more credits or subscribe to a plan to continue using the service.

  • How can one monetize the Deep Dream Generator?

    -One can monetize the Deep Dream Generator by offering custom portrait services on freelancing platforms like Fiverr, utilizing the unique styles generated by the AI to attract clients.

  • What is the importance of having a unique style when selling custom portraits?

    -Having a unique style helps to stand out from the competition, attract more clients, and build a strong reputation in the market.

  • Which other AI tools can generate images from text?

    -Other AI tools that can generate images from text include MidJourney, DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion, and many others, each with their own distinctive styles and capabilities.

  • What is the potential earning from selling custom portraits using AI?

    -The earning potential can be significant, as demonstrated by top-rated sellers on Fiverr who have sold their services thousands of times, generating tens of thousands of dollars in revenue.

  • What are some tips for maximizing the reach and success of custom portrait services?

    -Maximizing reach and success involves connecting to multiple freelancing and marketplace websites, creating a unique style, and consistently delivering high-quality work to build a positive reputation.

  • How long does it typically take to create and deliver a custom portrait using the Deep Dream Generator?

    -Once a client's order is received, it should not take more than a few minutes to create and deliver the custom portrait using the AI tool.



🌟 Introducing the Deep Dream Generator: A Unique AI Tool for Monetization

The paragraph introduces the Deep Dream Generator, an AI-powered tool that creates visually compelling images in a dream-like style. It emphasizes the user-friendliness of the software, requiring no technical skills or coding knowledge. The speaker shares insights on how to access the tool and its various features, such as generating images from text prompts or uploading a base image to apply selected styles. The paragraph also touches on the potential to monetize this technology by leveraging its unique capabilities to create distinctive designs that can be sold online, particularly through platforms like Fiverr.


🚀 Maximizing Earnings with AI-Generated Custom Portraits

This paragraph delves into the specifics of using the Deep Dream Generator for earning money by offering custom portrait services on platforms such as Fiverr. It discusses the importance of standing out in a competitive market by developing a unique style and building a strong profile to attract clients. The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on setting up a gig, showcasing examples of AI-generated images, and fulfilling orders with minimal effort. Additionally, the paragraph explores the potential revenue from selling AI-generated portraits, citing examples of successful sellers and their earnings. It also suggests expanding to other freelancing websites and marketplaces like Etsy to increase exposure and client base, ultimately leading to higher earnings.



💡Deep Dream Generator

Deep Dream Generator is an AI-based tool that creates images in a dream-like, surreal style. It transforms input images or text prompts into unique visual content, often resulting in bizarre and eye-catching designs. In the video, the tool is used to generate images that can be monetized on various online platforms, such as Fiverr and Etsy, by offering custom portrait services with a distinctive style.


Monetization refers to the process of generating income from a product, service, or content. In the context of the video, it involves using the Deep Dream Generator to create unique images and selling them as custom portraits on online marketplaces. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to leverage the AI tool to earn money online by offering a specialized service.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. In the video, AI is utilized through the Deep Dream Generator to create unique and creative images, which are then used as a basis for generating income online.


Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services, where individuals and businesses can offer and purchase a wide range of services, including graphic design, writing, and voiceovers. In the video, Fiverr is presented as a platform where one can sell custom portrait services created using the Deep Dream Generator, with the potential to earn significant income based on the uniqueness and quality of the portraits.

💡Custom Portraits

Custom portraits are personalized visual representations of individuals, often created based on specific client requests or provided images. In the video, custom portraits are generated using the Deep Dream Generator, with the AI transforming regular photos into unique, dream-like images that clients can purchase as a personalized art piece.


Freelancing refers to the act of working as a self-employed individual, typically for different clients on a project-by-project basis. In the video, freelancing is discussed as a way to monetize the AI-generated images by offering services on platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and other freelancing websites, where one can sell their skills and time to create custom content for clients.


Upwork is a global freelancing platform that connects businesses and skilled professionals for project-based work. It is mentioned in the video as one of the many sites where freelancers can offer their services, such as creating custom portraits using AI tools like the Deep Dream Generator, and build a client base through positive reviews and exposure.


Etsy is an e-commerce website focused on handmade or vintage items and craft supplies. In the video, Etsy is presented as an alternative marketplace to Fiverr where artists and creators can set up shops and sell custom portraits generated by the Deep Dream Generator, reaching a wider audience interested in unique and personalized art.


Aesthetics refers to the visual aspects or the artistic style of a piece of work, which in the context of the video, relates to the different styles that can be achieved through the Deep Dream Generator. The video emphasizes the importance of finding a unique aesthetic to stand out from the competition and attract clients looking for custom portraits with a distinctive look.

💡Positive Testimonials

Positive testimonials are favorable reviews or feedback from clients who have used a service or product. In the video, positive testimonials are crucial for building trust and credibility as a freelancer offering custom portrait services. They serve as social proof and can significantly influence potential clients' decisions to purchase the service.


Using the Deep Dream generator to create unique designs and make money online.

Deep Dream is an AI tool that generates dream-like images without any technical skills or coding.

Accessing the trending section on Deep Dream website to see the latest designs by other users.

The app is free for the first few designs, after which a subscription is needed to buy more credits.

Three different options to generate images: from a text prompt, uploading a base image, or turning an image into a deep dream.

Customizing the AI model settings for a more personalized output.

The potential to make money by selling custom portraits on platforms like Fiverr.

Creating a unique style to stand out from the competition in the freelancing market.

Becoming a seller on Fiverr and setting up a gig to showcase Deep Dream generated images.

Expanding exposure by connecting to multiple freelancing websites and building a reputation.

The possibility of earning significant income through custom portrait services, as exemplified by top-rated sellers.

The importance of collecting positive testimonials to enhance the selling power of the service.

Alternative AI tools like Mid Journey that can also generate images from text with unique styles.

The strategy of maximizing reach by connecting to various online marketplaces beyond freelancing sites.

Consistency in producing and selling AI-generated portraits as a key to making progress in the market.