Make Money With Blue Willow AI In 2024 (Step by Step)

Mr. Money
15 May 202309:41

TLDRBlue Willow is introduced as a revolutionary, free AI tool for image generation, similar to Mid Journey but without the cost. The video explains how to join the free beta via Discord and effortlessly create images by entering prompts. It further details a strategy to automate the process using another AI tool, Bing Chat, to generate prompts. This method not only simplifies image creation but also opens up avenues for making money by selling these images or prompts on platforms like Fiverr and Etsy. The video emphasizes the potential of Blue Willow combined with smart utilization of online marketplaces, presenting a lucrative opportunity for those willing to explore the intersection of AI and creativity.


  • 🌟 Blue Willow is a free AI tool that generates images based on prompts, similar to Mid Journey but without the cost.
  • πŸš€ To start using Blue Willow, visit and join the free beta which leads you to their Discord server.
  • 🌐 Once on Discord, users select their language preference and opt out of notifications if desired before being granted access.
  • πŸ€– The community-driven platform is supported by voluntary payments, emphasizing that there is no obligation to pay.
  • πŸ“Έ Users can create AI-generated images by typing 'imagine' followed by a prompt in the designated rookie channels on Discord.
  • πŸ”„ The process of creating images on Blue Willow closely mirrors that of Mid Journey, with users receiving multiple design options to choose from.
  • πŸ“ˆ To operate on autopilot, use Microsoft Edge to search for 'Bank chat', a chatbot that can generate prompts based on internet searches.
  • πŸ” By instructing Bank chat to research prompt creation for Blue Willow, users can learn and apply best practices for image generation.
  • 🎨 Opportunities to make money include selling AI-generated images on platforms like Fiverr and Etsy, where demand for digital and wall art is high.
  • πŸ’‘ Utilize search engines to identify popular art trends on Etsy, such as 'wall art', to tailor prompts for market demand.
  • πŸš€ Invest time in creating and selling AI-generated art, leveraging free tools like Blue Willow and research methods like Bank chat to generate income.

Q & A

  • What is Blue Willow and how does it differ from Mid Journey?

    -Blue Willow is a new AI tool that generates images based on prompts, similar to Mid Journey. The key difference is that Blue Willow is free to use, whereas Mid Journey now requires payment for its automated journey feature.

  • How can one access the free beta version of Blue Willow?

    -To access the free beta version of Blue Willow, users need to visit and join the beta program, which leads them to a Discord server where they can start creating AI-generated images.

  • What is the significance of the community support for Blue Willow?

    -Blue Willow is supported by the community with voluntary payments, meaning users can contribute financially if they wish to support the platform, but it is not a requirement for usage. This model helps keep the service free for all users.

  • How can users utilize Blue Willow on autopilot?

    -Users can utilize Blue Willow on autopilot by training another AI tool, such as Bank chat (which is similar to Chat GPT but uses the internet for information), to generate prompts for image creation. This is done by asking the AI to research and learn how to create effective prompts for Blue Willow.

  • What is the process for creating prompts for image generation with Blue Willow?

    -To create prompts for image generation, users can use an AI like Bank chat to search the internet for information on how to create effective prompts. They then use the learned information to generate specific, detailed prompts that include adjectives and references to create the desired images.

  • How can individuals monetize their skills with Blue Willow?

    -Individuals can monetize their skills by offering services on platforms like Fiverr or Etsy, where they can sell AI-generated images or prompts. They can also create digital art and wall art for sale as digital downloads.

  • What are some tips for creating effective prompts for AI image generation?

    -Effective prompts should be specific and detailed, using adjectives and references. Users should also utilize analytics from AI tools to understand what prompts work best for generating the desired images.

  • How does the use of Bing in conjunction with Bank chat aid in prompt creation?

    -Bing, when used with Bank chat, can search the internet for information on creating prompts for AI image generation. This allows for up-to-date and potentially more effective prompts compared to pre-uploaded information from other sources.

  • What is the potential earning from selling AI-generated art on Etsy?

    -The potential earning from selling AI-generated art on Etsy can be significant, as seen by the number of sales and the price per item. For example, a digital art piece priced at $5.75 that has been sold 121 times would earn the creator approximately $700.

  • What advice is given for those interested in pursuing a business with AI-generated art?

    -The advice given is to start investing time in learning and creating AI-generated art, using free tools like Blue Willow and platforms like Fiverr and Etsy for monetization. It is emphasized that with passion and dedication, individuals can find success in this field.



🌟 Introduction to Blue Willow AI and Its Free Beta

This paragraph introduces Blue Willow, a new AI tool that generates images based on prompts, similar to mid-journey but without the cost. It invites users to join the free beta at and explains the process of joining through Discord. The speaker also hints at teaching the audience how to use Blue Willow on autopilot and train another AI tool to generate prompts for it, which is a valuable skill that can be monetized.


πŸ“Œ How to Use Blue Willow AI for Creating Images and Monetizing

The second paragraph provides a step-by-step guide on how to use Blue Willow AI to create images by using the 'imagine' command in Discord's rookie channels. It also discusses how to create prompts for image generation by utilizing another AI tool, Bank chat (Bing), which can search the internet for information. The speaker demonstrates how to generate a hyper-realistic image of a dog in front of the Eiffel Tower using a detailed prompt. Furthermore, the paragraph explores ways to monetize these AI-generated images through platforms like Fiverr and Etsy, highlighting the potential earnings and market demand for such services.



πŸ’‘Blue Willow

Blue Willow is a new AI tool that generates images based on prompts provided by users. It is similar to Mid Journey but operates on a free model, unlike Mid Journey which now requires payment. The video script highlights how Blue Willow can be utilized to create images without any financial barrier, and how it can be integrated with other AI tools for automation and profit generation.

πŸ’‘AI tool

An AI tool refers to software that utilizes artificial intelligence to perform tasks, often automating complex processes or generating content. In the context of the video, Blue Willow is an AI tool that generates images from text prompts, showcasing the application of AI in the realm of digital art creation.

πŸ’‘Generate images

The process of creating visual content using AI, where text prompts are inputted and the AI produces corresponding images. This is a key function of Blue Willow and similar AI tools, which is emphasized as a way to produce digital art without the need for traditional artistic skills.


Prompts are the text inputs or descriptions provided to AI tools like Blue Willow to guide the generation of specific images. They are essential for directing the AI to create desired visual outputs and are a key aspect of utilizing AI image generation tools effectively.

πŸ’‘Discord server

A Discord server is an online community space where users can interact via text, voice, and video. In the context of the video, joining the Blue Willow Discord server is the entry point for accessing the free beta of the AI tool and engaging with its community.


Refers to the ability to operate a process or system with minimal or no direct human intervention. In the video, using Blue Willow on 'complete autopilot' suggests automating the process of creating and selling AI-generated images to earn money with minimal effort.

πŸ’‘Bing AI

Bing AI, also known as Bank chat, is an AI chatbot that can search the internet and provide information based on current data, unlike some other AI models that rely on pre-uploaded information. It is highlighted as a tool to learn and generate effective prompts for AI image generation tools like Blue Willow.


Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services, where individuals can offer and purchase a variety of services, including AI-related tasks. In the video, it is presented as a platform where users of Blue Willow can sell their skills in creating AI-generated images, tapping into the demand for such services.


Etsy is an e-commerce website focused on handmade or vintage items and craft supplies. In the context of the video, it is suggested as a platform for selling digital art created with AI tools like Blue Willow, providing another avenue for generating income from AI-generated content.


Monetization refers to the process of generating income from a product, service, or asset. In the video, it is discussed in the context of using Blue Willow to create and sell AI-generated images, emphasizing the potential to earn money from digital art creation.

πŸ’‘Community support

Community support refers to the backing or assistance provided by a group of individuals who share common interests or goals. In the context of the video, Blue Willow is described as being supported by its community through voluntary payments, highlighting the collaborative nature of its development and operation.


Blue Willow is a new AI tool that generates images based on prompts.

It is similar to Mid Journey but is free to use.

To use Blue Willow, join the free beta at which leads you to a Discord server.

The community supports Blue Willow with voluntary payments.

Creating prompts for image generation is a skill that can lead to earning money.

Using Microsoft Edge and searching for 'Bank chat' can help automate the process of creating prompts.

Bank chat is similar to Chat GPT but uses the internet for information, unlike Chat GPT which relies on pre-uploaded data.

Bing's AI can be used to learn how to create prompts for Blue Willow or Mid Journey.

Specific and detailed language with adjectives and references should be used in prompts for better image generation.

An example prompt led to the creation of a hyper-realistic dog sitting in front of the Eiffel Tower. is a platform where one can sell AI-generated art services for a profit. is another marketplace where digital art and prompts can be sold.

There are opportunities to earn money by selling digital downloads of AI-generated art without the need for physical printing.

Etsy has a large traffic source with 456 million total visits each month, making it a great platform for selling art.

Investing time in learning and using Blue Willow can lead to quick results and potential earnings.

The strategy of using Blue Willow and Bing's AI for prompt creation is easy and can be very effective.

Joining the Blue Willow free beta and using Bing's AI for prompts is a recommended approach to creating and selling AI-generated art.