Master Character Consistency with DALL-E 3

Jose Najarro AI
22 Nov 202311:11

TLDRThe video script discusses techniques for achieving character consistency in AI-generated art. It emphasizes the importance of detailed and consistent descriptions, referencing previous images and Gen IDs, making incremental changes, using key identifiers, maintaining style consistency, and establishing a feedback loop. The creator shares their journey of refining prompts and incorporating Gen IDs and image references to improve character consistency, ultimately achieving a coherent visual representation across various scenes and styles.


  • 🎨 Consistency in character design does not rely on seed number or Gen ID, as OpenAI's generation is random.
  • 📝 Detailed and consistent descriptions in prompts are crucial for maintaining character consistency.
  • 🖼️ Referencing previous images and using Gen IDs can help in preserving the character's features across different generations.
  • 🚶 Incremental changes should be made to the character design, avoiding drastic shifts in appearance or actions.
  • 🔍 Key identifiers should be used to keep the character's distinctive traits consistent.
  • 🎭 Style consistency is important, and feedback loops are essential in refining the character's portrayal.
  • 🌟 Descriptive prompts can lead to more accurate and consistent character representations.
  • 📸 Using AI to study an image and generate a detailed prompt can improve character consistency.
  • 🏞️ Changing scenes and actions while keeping character features and art style consistent can create varied yet coherent character narratives.
  • 👥 Including ethnicity and skin tone in the prompt can add subtle but significant touches to character consistency.
  • 🔄 Feedback and prompt adjustments are vital for guiding AI in creating desired character consistency across different scenarios.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video script?

    -The main focus of the video script is to discuss methods for achieving character consistency in AI-generated images, specifically using Delite and OpenAI.

  • Is using a seed number or Gen ID necessary for maintaining character consistency in AI-generated images?

    -Using a seed number or Gen ID is not necessary for maintaining character consistency. OpenAI cannot keep the same seed number as it is always randomly generated. However, it might help with character consistency and could be useful in the future.

  • What are the six major steps suggested by OpenAI for achieving character consistency?

    -The six major steps are: 1) Detailed and consistent description, 2) Referencing previous images, 3) Incremental changes, 4) Using key identifiers, 5) Maintaining style consistency, and 6) Establishing a feedback loop.

  • How does the speaker demonstrate the importance of detailed descriptions in achieving character consistency?

    -The speaker demonstrates this by showing how vague prompts result in significantly different characters, and as the descriptions become more specific (adding details like age, hair color, eye color, etc.), the generated characters start to look more consistent.

  • What role does referencing previous images play in maintaining character consistency?

    -Referencing previous images, along with using the Gen ID, allows for minor adjustments to be made to the character without straying too far from the original design. This helps in maintaining the character's recognizable features across different images.

  • How does the speaker illustrate the concept of incremental changes?

    -The speaker illustrates this by showing how making small adjustments, such as changing the character's shirt color or facial expression, can help maintain consistency while still allowing for variety in the character's depiction.

  • What is the significance of a feedback loop in achieving character consistency?

    -A feedback loop is crucial as it allows for continuous refinement of the AI's output based on user input. By providing feedback on what should be kept the same and what should be changed, the AI can 'learn' to generate more consistent character images.

  • How does the speaker use the Gen ID to maintain character consistency across different scenes?

    -The speaker uses the Gen ID as a reference point, ensuring that the AI maintains the core characteristics of the character while making changes to the background or scene. This helps in creating a cohesive narrative for the character across various settings.

  • What is the speaker's strategy for testing different styles and actions while keeping character features intact?

    -The speaker's strategy involves using the same detailed prompt and Gen ID, but altering the actions or scenes requested in each prompt. This allows for experimentation with different styles and actions while ensuring that the character's defining features remain consistent.

  • How does the video script emphasize the importance of the prompt in achieving character consistency?

    -The video script emphasizes that the prompt is the most critical element in achieving character consistency. By providing a detailed and consistent description, and by including the Gen ID and specific actions, the AI can generate images that are consistent with the user's vision.

  • What is the viewer's suggestion that the speaker incorporates to improve character consistency?

    -A viewer suggested using GPT Vision in combination with the Gen ID, prompt, and action to generate better images. This suggestion was incorporated by the speaker, who noted the importance of keeping track of subtle features like skin tone to maintain high character consistency.



🎨 Achieving Character Consistency in Delite

The paragraph discusses the process of achieving character consistency in Delite, a generative AI tool. It highlights the importance of detailed and consistent descriptions, referencing previous images, and using Gen ID for maintaining consistency. The speaker shares their experience of gradually refining the character description to achieve a consistent look across different images. They also emphasize the significance of feedback loops and incremental changes in the character design process.


🖌️ Enhancing Character Consistency with Open AI and Gen ID

This paragraph delves into the use of Open AI and Gen ID for enhancing character consistency. It demonstrates how studying an image and generating a descriptive prompt can lead to a more consistent portrayal of a character in different scenarios. The speaker illustrates this by asking Open AI to redraw a character in various contexts, such as walking in the park or riding a bike, and notes the importance of maintaining character features and art style across different prompts.


🌲 Adapting Character Scenarios While Preserving Consistency

The final paragraph focuses on adapting character scenarios while preserving consistency. It describes how the speaker achieves this by providing detailed prompts that include character features, art style, and specific actions or environments. The speaker experiments with changing the setting from a forest to a nighttime park, city scene, and beach, ensuring that the character's facial features and art style remain consistent across these varied scenes. This approach results in a cohesive character narrative that can be easily followed.



💡Character Consistency

Character consistency refers to the ability to maintain a character's attributes, features, and personality across different instances within a narrative or medium. In the context of the video, it is crucial for creating a cohesive and recognizable character, especially when using AI tools like DALL-E for visual representation. The video emphasizes the importance of detailed descriptions and incremental changes to achieve this consistency.

💡Seed Number

A seed number is a value used in generative AI models to initiate the random number generation process, ensuring that the output is reproducible given the same seed. In the video, it is mentioned that DALL-E does not allow users to keep the same seed number, as it is randomly generated, which means that achieving character consistency relies more on detailed descriptions and prompts rather than seed numbers.


Prompting in the context of AI refers to the process of providing inputs or instructions to the AI system to guide its output. Effective prompting is essential for achieving desired results, as it shapes the AI's understanding of the task at hand. In the video, the creator discusses the importance of proper prompting to maintain character consistency, using detailed and consistent descriptions in prompts to guide the AI's generation process.

💡Gen ID

Gen ID, or Generation ID, is a unique identifier assigned to each output generated by AI models like DALL-E. It allows users to reference specific outputs for further modifications or requests related to that output. In the video, the creator uses Gen ID to reference previous images and make incremental changes, which is a key strategy for maintaining character consistency.

💡Incremental Changes

Incremental changes refer to the process of making small, gradual adjustments to a base model or output, rather than drastic alterations. This approach is highlighted in the video as a method for preserving character consistency, as it allows for the refinement of character attributes without losing the established visual identity.

💡Key Identifiers

Key identifiers are distinctive features or characteristics that are essential for recognizing a particular entity. In the context of the video, key identifiers are the specific details that help maintain the consistency of a character's appearance and attributes. These identifiers are crucial when working with AI to ensure that the generated images align with the desired character concept.

💡Style Consistency

Style consistency refers to the uniformity in the artistic or visual style applied to a character or object across multiple representations. In the video, maintaining style consistency is important for ensuring that the character's depiction remains recognizable and cohesive, regardless of the variations in scenes or actions.

💡Feedback Loop

A feedback loop is a process where the output of a system is returned to the input as part of a cycle, allowing for adjustments and improvements based on the results. In the context of the video, the feedback loop involves providing the AI with information on what to keep the same and what to change in the generated images, thereby refining the output for better character consistency.

💡Reference Images

Reference images are visual examples used as a guide for creating new content with similar characteristics or style. In the video, reference images play a crucial role in achieving character consistency by providing a visual benchmark for the AI to follow when generating new images.

💡Descriptive Prompts

Descriptive prompts are detailed instructions given to an AI system that describe the desired output in a comprehensive manner. These prompts are vital for guiding the AI to generate content that aligns with specific requirements, especially when aiming for character consistency. The video highlights the importance of descriptive prompts in the process of refining and achieving consistent character depictions.


Character consistency in Delite is achievable without using a seed number or gen ID, but with proper prompting and descriptive techniques.

Open AI's response to achieving character consistency includes six major steps, emphasizing the importance of detailed descriptions and a feedback loop.

Incremental changes and key identifiers are crucial for maintaining character features and style consistency.

Reference previous images and use gen IDs to ensure consistency in character depiction across different prompts.

Detailed descriptions lead to more consistent character portrayal, as seen in the progression from vague to specific prompts.

The use of a feedback loop helps to refine character depiction by communicating with Open AI about what should be kept the same or changed.

Vision can be utilized to study an image and generate a descriptive prompt for recreating the character in different scenarios.

Maintaining character features and art style across different actions and scenes enhances consistency.

The combination of a descriptive prompt, gen ID, and action can generate high consistency in character depiction.

Changing minor elements like shirt color while keeping the character features and style consistent demonstrates the adaptability of the system.

Viewer suggestions can improve the process of achieving character consistency by incorporating additional details like skin tone.

Using the same prompt with variations in the scene or setting allows for incremental changes that maintain character consistency.

The importance of detailed and consistent descriptions is reiterated when trying to adapt the character to new scenes like a nighttime park or a city.

The process of achieving character consistency is an iterative one, requiring continuous refinement and feedback.

The video aims to provide comprehensive guidance on character consistency, potentially being the last resource one needs on the topic.