Create Hyper-Realistic AI Influencers | AI Instagram Model | Step-by-Step Tutorial ✨

Mr Lemon
19 Aug 202313:14

TLDRThe video script outlines a step-by-step guide on creating hyper-realistic AI influencers, including generating a non-existent character's image, gathering target images, and using face-swapping technology to create consistent social media content. It further demonstrates how to produce AI-influencer videos and set up a social media presence, encouraging viewers to join the AI revolution and have fun creating virtual personalities.


  • 🎨 The process begins by gathering a source image for the AI-generated character, preferably a face looking directly into the camera like a passport photo but with a non-existent person.
  • 🖼️ Utilize AI image generators like Midjourney or free AI image generators to create or select the desired source image.
  • 🔍 For target images, use platforms like to find and generate images of models with similar features, such as blonde hair, for consistency.
  • 🔄 Face swapping is achieved through tools like the Insight face swap bot on a Midjourney Discord server, which requires creating a dedicated server and adding the bot.
  • 📂 Organize the images and other files in ordered folders for an efficient workflow.
  • 🎥 Video creation involves using the source image and target videos to generate hyper-realistic AI influencer videos through tools like Google Colab.
  • 🚀 The video generation process might require the replacement of the initial source image with one that better matches the face swap images for realism.
  • 🛠️ Tweaking the AI-generated images and videos involves adjusting prompts and using additional tools like Photoshop for minor corrections.
  • 🌐 Creating a social media presence for the AI influencer involves setting up an Instagram or TikTok profile with a bio and name that reflects the AI character's persona.
  • 👥 Engaging with the community, such as responding to DMs, is crucial for the AI influencer's interaction and growth.
  • 💡 The AI influencer creation process is part of a larger AI revolution, encouraging users to join and explore the possibilities of AI-generated content.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is creating hyper-realistic AI influencers, including generating AI-generated images and videos to mimic a non-existent person's social media presence.

  • Why is it important that the person in the source image does not exist?

    -It is important to ensure that the person in the source image does not exist to avoid misrepresentation and potential legal issues related to using someone's likeness without consent.

  • What is the purpose of using Midjourney for image generation?

    -Midjourney is used for image generation because it is an AI image generator that can create high-quality, realistic images based on the prompts provided by the user.

  • How does one gather target images for the AI influencer?

    -Target images are gathered by using a free AI image generator like and searching for models that match the desired appearance of the AI influencer. Users can then create unlimited images of the model by tweaking the prompts.

  • What is the role of the Insight face swap bot in the process?


  • How does one create a video with the AI influencer using Google Colab?

    -Google Colab is used to run a script that swaps the face in a target video with the AI-generated image of the influencer. This process requires uploading both the source image and target video to the platform and executing the appropriate code.

  • What is the significance of creating a social media account for the AI influencer?

    -Creating a social media account for the AI influencer allows the virtual character to have an online presence, where it can post content, interact with users, and potentially gain followers and influence.

  • Why is it necessary to maintain an organized workflow with ordered folders?

    -Maintaining an organized workflow with ordered folders helps in keeping track of the various images and videos created during the process, making it easier to manage, edit, and update the AI influencer's content.

  • How does the video creator ensure the AI influencer's images and videos are hyper-realistic?

    -The video creator ensures hyper-realistic results by carefully selecting and tweaking prompts for AI image generators, using high-quality source images, and meticulously face-swapping target images and videos with the AI-generated face.

  • What is the ethical consideration when creating AI influencers that resemble real people?

    -Creating AI influencers that resemble real people raises ethical concerns about consent, privacy, and potential misuse of someone's likeness. It's important to create AI influencers that are clearly fictional and not based on existing individuals without their permission.

  • How can users share their creations and experiences with the AI influencer?

    -Users can share their creations and experiences by posting about their AI influencers on social media platforms, engaging in discussions, and potentially collaborating with others interested in the AI Revolution.



🎨 Gathering Source Images for AI Influencer Creation

The paragraph begins by outlining the first step in creating hyper-realistic AI influencers, which is to gather a source image. The image should be of a face looking directly into the camera, akin to a passport photo, and the person depicted should not exist, meaning the image should be AI-generated. The speaker shares their process of searching for a face they liked to use as a reference and encourages the audience to do the same, saving the chosen image on their computer. They also mention the use of mid-journey for AI image generation and provide guidance for those without access to it, suggesting the use of free AI image generators and sharing a video about the best ones.


👩‍🎤 Collecting Target Images and Face Swapping with Insight Bot

This section details the process of gathering target images using, a free AI image generator, and searching for a model with specific characteristics, such as blonde hair. The speaker describes how they found a model, used the search function, and created unlimited images resembling the chosen model by tweaking the prompt. They also discuss downloading similar images of other blonde girls to use as target images. The paragraph then shifts to explaining the use of the Insight face swap bot on a mid-journey Discord server, walking through the steps of naming the bot, saving the source image, and performing face swaps with target images. The speaker emphasizes the importance of organizing the images in ordered folders and shares their experience with the face swapping process, including minor issues and the need for occasional manual editing with Photoshop.


📹 Creating AI Influencer Videos with Google Colab

The final paragraph focuses on the creation of AI influencer videos using Google Colab. The speaker guides the audience through the process of finding a target video, preferably one featuring a real person whose images were used to create the AI influencer. They share their method of obtaining a target video from TikTok using a downloader and recommend using an image that closely matches the AI influencer's appearance as the source image for the video creation. The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on using Google Colab, including uploading the source image and target video, running cells, and adjusting parameters to avoid errors. They also offer tips on file naming conventions and share the outcome of the video creation process, expressing excitement over the realistic face-swapped videos. The paragraph concludes with the speaker's intention to demonstrate the process with another target video and encourages the audience to join the AI revolution by creating their own AI influencers.



💡AI-generated images

AI-generated images refer to visual content created using artificial intelligence algorithms. In the context of the video, it involves using AI to generate a face that does not exist, which serves as a reference for creating a consistent character for social media. This process is crucial for the creation of a virtual influencer, as it allows for the development of a unique and realistic online persona.


Midjourney is an AI image generator platform used to create and refine AI-generated images. In the video, it is the tool of choice for generating the source image and for refining the AI-generated content to look more realistic. It is an essential component in the process of creating a virtual influencer, as it allows users to experiment with different prompts and generate a variety of images that can be used for the influencer's online presence.

💡Source image

A source image is the primary reference image used as a basis for creating or generating additional content. In the video, the source image is an AI-generated face that looks directly into the camera, akin to a passport photo. This image is vital as it sets the visual standard for the character's online identity and is used to create a consistent look for the AI influencer's Instagram images.

💡Target images

Target images are the reference images used to guide the style or appearance of the AI-generated content. In the video, target images are gathered from a free AI image generator,, and are used to create a model with specific features, such as blonde hair. These images help in refining the AI-generated content to match a certain look or style, which is essential in creating a believable and appealing AI influencer.

💡Face swapping

Face swapping is a technique that involves replacing the face in one image or video with another, typically using software to seamlessly integrate the two. In the video, face swapping is used to create a series of images and videos where the AI-generated face is placed onto different bodies or into different scenes, giving the illusion that the AI influencer is participating in various activities or exists in different environments.


GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control and collaboration that allows developers to store projects, track changes, and work together on software development. In the video, GitHub is mentioned as a platform where the link to the face swapping tool is hosted, and users are guided to follow the step-by-step guide provided in the description to set up the necessary bot for face swapping.


Discord is a communication platform designed for creating communities, where users can chat via text, voice, and video. In the video, Discord is used as a platform to host the Midjourney bot and the Insight face swap bot, which are essential for the AI influencer creation process. It allows users to interact with these bots directly, generating content and managing their AI influencer's online presence.

💡Google Colab

Google Colab is a cloud-based platform that allows users to write and execute Python code in a collaborative environment. In the video, Google Colab is used to create hyper-realistic AI influencer videos by swapping the face of a source image onto a target video. This tool is crucial for bringing the AI influencer to life in a dynamic and engaging way.

💡Social media account

A social media account is a user profile on a social networking platform that allows individuals or entities to connect, share content, and interact with others. In the video, creating a social media account is the final step in launching the AI influencer, as it provides the platform for the influencer to post content, gain followers, and engage with the online community.

💡Virtual influencer

A virtual influencer is a computer-generated character or persona that has a presence on social media, often with the purpose of influencing others' opinions, promoting products, or creating content. In the video, the main goal is to guide viewers through the process of creating a virtual influencer from AI-generated images, demonstrating how technology can be used to establish an online presence that did not previously exist.

💡AI Revolution

The AI Revolution refers to the significant impact and transformative changes brought about by advancements in artificial intelligence. In the video, the AI Revolution is exemplified by the creation of AI influencers, which showcases how AI can be used creatively and influentially in the realm of social media and content creation.


The process of creating hyper-realistic AI influencers and videos is introduced.

Gathering a source image is essential, preferably an AI-generated face looking directly into the camera.

Mid-journey is used for generating AI images, but free AI image generators are also mentioned as alternatives.

The importance of selecting the most realistic AI-generated image from multiple prompts is emphasized.

Gathering target images involves using a free AI image generator like to find a model with similar features.

Face swapping is achieved through a custom mid-journey Discord server and the Insight face swap bot.

Creating a Discord server and adding the necessary bots for image and video manipulation is detailed.

The process of face swapping multiple target images with the source image is described.

Video creation with Google Colab is introduced as a method to generate hyper-realistic AI influencer videos.

Finding a target video by using the model's name from and downloading their social media content is suggested.

Google Colab is utilized to replace the face in a video with the AI-generated influencer's face.

The importance of organizing files in ordered folders for efficient work is mentioned.

Creating a bio and name for the AI influencer by modifying an existing Instagram bio is discussed.

The final step involves setting up a social media account for the AI influencer on platforms like Instagram or TikTok.

The video creator received an inquiry from a viewer, leading to the creation of this instructional content.

The video aims to educate viewers on creating their own AI influencers and encourages joining the AI revolution.