MOONSTRUCK (1987) | Love Don't Make Things Nice | MGM

10 Jan 202304:08

TLDRThe script presents a tense and emotional dialogue between two characters grappling with guilt, love, and life choices. It explores themes of personal agency, the consequences of decisions, and the imperfections of human relationships. The characters confront their feelings, with one expressing a desire for control over their life and the other confessing a complex, painful love. The conversation culminates in an invitation to confront their shared reality, highlighting the raw and often messy nature of human connection.


  • 😔 Feelings of guilt and judgment are present in the conversation, highlighting personal struggles and societal pressures.
  • 🐺 The metaphor of a 'wolf' is used to describe a person's nature, suggesting an inherent wildness or unpredictability.
  • 👰 The topic of marriage is discussed, with an emphasis on making the right choice and the implications of marrying into a family.
  • 🔐 The concept of safety is questioned, with the idea that seeking safety can sometimes lead to danger or missed opportunities.
  • 💭 The possibility of self-reflection and change is explored, suggesting that individuals can alter their paths and destinies.
  • 🚫 The rejection of societal norms is evident, with a character asserting their right to make their own decisions.
  • 💔 The complexity of love is addressed, indicating that it is not always the solution to problems and can sometimes cause more harm than good.
  • 🌧 A sense of disillusionment and despair is conveyed, with characters expressing a loss of faith in the meaning of life.
  • 🔥 The theme of passion and desire is introduced, with characters grappling with their feelings and the potential consequences.
  • 🏠 A longing for home and comfort is expressed, reflecting a desire for security and familiarity in the midst of chaos.
  • 🎶 The use of music in the script suggests an emotional undercurrent and a reliance on artistic expression to communicate feelings.

Q & A

  • What emotion does the character express when they say 'you're making me feel guilty'?

    -The character expresses a sense of discomfort and unease, feeling as though they are being unfairly judged or accused.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'only God can point the finger' in this context?

    -The phrase implies that only a divine power has the authority to judge or condemn someone, suggesting that the character resents being judged by another person.

  • How does the character describe their self-perception with the words 'I'm a wolf'?

    -The character is acknowledging a fierce, strong, or potentially predatory aspect of their personality, indicating that they see themselves as someone who is not meek or submissive.

  • What deal was made between the characters regarding the Opera?

    -The deal was that if one character accompanied the other to the Opera, the other would leave them alone forever.

  • Why does the character feel that marrying the brother is 'selling their life short'?

    -The character feels this way because they believe they are settling for less than they deserve or truly desire, possibly due to a lack of love or compatibility.

  • What does the character mean when they say 'the past in the future is a joke to me now'?

    -The character is expressing a sense of disillusionment or detachment from their past and future, suggesting that they no longer find meaning or value in their previous experiences or expectations for the future.

  • How does the character's view on love differ from the conventional or 'storybook' version?

    -The character believes that love does not necessarily lead to happiness or perfection; instead, it can cause heartbreak, complications, and even lead people to make poor choices.

  • What is the significance of the invitation to 'come upstairs'?

    -The invitation is a turning point in the conversation, indicating a shift from conflict and tension to a more intimate and personal connection between the characters.

  • How does the character's declaration of love impact the dynamic between them?

    -The declaration of love changes the dynamic by introducing a deeper emotional connection, despite the character's earlier reservations and the complexity of their situation.

  • What is the underlying theme of the script regarding human nature and choices?

    -The script explores the idea that people are not solely defined by their nature or past mistakes, and that they have the power to make choices that can alter their path in life.



🖤 Complex Emotional Exchange

The paragraph depicts a tense and emotionally charged conversation between two individuals. The dialogue revolves around feelings of guilt, personal choices, and the consequences of those choices. One character expresses their belief that they are a 'wolf,' implying a predatory or dangerous nature, and the other is being pressured into a marriage that they do not seem to desire. The conversation touches on themes of fate, personal agency, and the impact of love on one's life. The character's contemplation of their life choices and their determination to change their luck indicate a struggle between accepting their nature and the desire to take control of their destiny. The conversation concludes with a declaration of love, but it's portrayed as something that complicates rather than perfects relationships, highlighting the complexity of human emotions and relationships.




Guilt refers to the feeling of having done wrong or failed in an obligation. In the context of the video, it is a central theme as the characters grapple with their actions and decisions. The line 'you're making me feel guilty' illustrates the emotional impact one character has on another, highlighting the complex interpersonal dynamics at play.


Choice is the act of selecting or deciding between alternatives. The script explores the concept of choice through the characters' decisions, such as the protagonist's contemplation of marrying or not. The phrase 'why didn't you wait for the right man, again' questions the character's ability to choose a different path, emphasizing the weight of decisions on one's life.


Nature, in this context, refers to a person's inherent qualities or tendencies. The script touches on the idea that 'my nature does draw me', suggesting that characters are influenced by their innate characteristics. However, it also presents the notion that individuals can resist their nature, as indicated by 'I can take hold of myself', indicating a struggle between inherent traits and personal agency.


Change denotes the process of becoming different or altering. The script suggests that individuals have the capacity to change their lives, as expressed by 'they could even change their luck'. This concept is integral to the narrative, as it reflects the characters' desire to alter their circumstances and the potential for personal transformation.


Love is a complex emotion often associated with affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect. In the video, love is portrayed as a powerful but disruptive force, as seen in the statement 'love don't make things nice it ruins everything'. This perspective challenges traditional notions of love, presenting it as a source of heartbreak and complication rather than solely a positive experience.


Perfection implies the state of being without fault or error. The script contrasts the idea of perfection with the reality of human experience, as indicated by 'snowflakes are perfect, Dawes are perfect not us'. This highlights the acceptance of imperfection as a natural part of being human and suggests that the pursuit of perfection is unrealistic and unattainable.


Ruin refers to the act of destroying or causing extensive damage to something. In the narrative, ruin is associated with the consequences of certain choices and actions, as seen in 'we are here to ruin ourselves'. This concept underscores the theme of self-destruction and the potential for individuals to undermine their own well-being.


Heartbreak is a profound emotional distress caused by a romantic disappointment or loss. The script addresses heartbreak as an inevitable part of human relationships, with the line 'it breaks your heart' emphasizing the pain that love can cause. This idea contributes to the overall message of the video, which suggests that emotional suffering is a fundamental aspect of the human experience.


To marry means to enter into a legally or formally recognized union with another person. In the video, marriage is a pivotal decision that one character faces, as indicated by 'you're gonna marry my brother'. The concept of marriage is explored in the context of personal fulfillment and societal expectations, highlighting the complexities and pressures involved in such a commitment.


Home represents a place of comfort, belonging, and familiarity. The script uses the desire to 'go home' as a metaphor for seeking solace and a return to a state of emotional security. This longing for home reflects the characters' internal struggles and their search for a place where they feel truly at ease and accepted.


In the context of the video, 'bed' is not just a place for sleep but also a symbol of intimacy and vulnerability. The line 'I don't want you in my bed' conveys a rejection of emotional closeness and signifies a turning point in the relationship between the characters. It underscores the tension and emotional distance that exists between them.


The theme of guilt and personal responsibility is introduced, emphasizing the weight of one's actions on their conscience.

A discussion on the nature of self-awareness and the ability to recognize one's own faults.

The metaphor of being a 'wolf' is used to describe a character's predatory nature.

The concept of marrying into a family is brought up, hinting at a potential change in the character's life circumstances.

The idea that waiting for the 'right man' is challenged by the reality of life's imperfect timing.

A deal is mentioned, suggesting a transactional element to the characters' relationship.

The character's desire for autonomy and control over their own decisions is expressed.

The philosophical question of the purpose of life and the role of fate is raised.

The character's disillusionment with life and the feeling of emptiness is conveyed.

The concept of love is explored, with the understanding that it is not always positive or 'nice'.

The impact of love on one's heart and life is discussed, highlighting its potential to cause pain and complications.

The imperfections of human nature are contrasted with the perceived perfection of inanimate objects.

The existential realization that the only constant is change and uncertainty.

A plea for intimacy and connection amidst feelings of isolation and despair.

The invitation to 'come upstairs' symbolizes a turning point in the characters' relationship.

The use of music to underscore emotional intensity and dramatic tension.