Moonstruck (1/11) Movie CLIP - Johnny Proposes (1987) HD

14 Jan 201403:09

TLDRIn a humorous and heartfelt exchange, Loretta proposes to Johnny amidst a reflective discussion on her previous marriage and the importance of luck in relationships. Johnny, initially surprised, reciprocates her feelings, and in a romantic gesture, they become engaged amidst applause and music, symbolizing a new beginning filled with hope and love.


  • 💡 The conversation begins with a health concern about not getting enough blood to the scalp.
  • 🎂 There's a mention of using dessert as a remedy, but the speaker decides against it.
  • 💍 A marriage proposal is unexpectedly made, catching the recipient off guard.
  • 🥀 Loretta, the proposer, reveals she was previously married and believes her previous marriage was unlucky.
  • 🌃 The location of their previous marriage, city hall, is considered the source of bad luck.
  • 🔄 The belief is expressed that the start of the previous marriage was flawed, indicating a宿命论 view on relationships.
  • 🎶 A song on the floor is mentioned as a good choice, symbolizing a positive memory or connection.
  • 👖 The song is linked to a pair of pants, suggesting it might have been bought around the same time.
  • 💎 The importance of a ring in a marriage proposal is discussed, emphasizing its symbolic significance.
  • 🧎 A man is described as praying, possibly indicating a moment of desperation or contemplation.
  • 💍 Johnny proposes to Loretta in a public setting, showing a grand gesture of commitment.
  • 👏 Loretta accepts Johnny's proposal, agreeing to become his wife, which is met with applause and celebration.

Q & A

  • What issue is the character facing at the beginning of the transcript?

    -At the beginning of the transcript, the character is expressing discomfort, mentioning that their scalp is not getting enough blood.

  • What does the character suggest as a possible remedy for their discomfort?

    -The character suggests having some dessert as a possible remedy for their discomfort.

  • What significant question is asked in the transcript and what is the response?

    -The significant question asked in the transcript is 'Will you marry me?', and the response is an affirmative one, with Bobo being asked to take the card away.

  • What does Loretta reveal about her previous marriage?

    -Loretta reveals that she was previously married and her husband died. She believes their marriage was bad luck, starting from when they got married at the city hall.

  • Why does Loretta think her first marriage was bad luck?

    -Loretta thinks her first marriage was bad luck because they didn't do it right from the start, implying that the circumstances and decisions made during their marriage were unfavorable.

  • What song are they discussing when Loretta and Johnny have their conversation?

    -They are discussing a song that Johnny knows and that he helped pick out. It came with two pairs of pants.

  • What does Johnny say about luck in relation to marriage?

    -Johnny says that for luck, a man falls in love with a woman and should 'nail her down', implying that he believes in securing the relationship and ensuring commitment.

  • What does the pinkie ring symbolize in the conversation between Loretta and Johnny?

    -The pinkie ring symbolizes the proposal of marriage from Loretta to Johnny. It is a non-traditional choice for an engagement ring, but it represents her intentions.

  • How does Johnny propose to Loretta?

    -Johnny proposes to Loretta by getting down on one knee in front of everyone, offering her a ring and asking her to marry him.

  • What is the outcome of Johnny's proposal?

    -Loretta accepts Johnny's proposal, agreeing to marry him and become his wife, which is met with applause and celebration.



💍 Marriage Proposal and Luck

The paragraph revolves around a conversation between Loretta and Johnny, where Johnny proposes to Loretta. Loretta shares her past, mentioning her deceased husband and her belief that their marriage was cursed from the start. The discussion touches on superstitions and the importance of luck in relationships. Johnny emphasizes the tradition of offering an engagement ring as a symbol of commitment. The scene culminates in a public marriage proposal, with Loretta accepting Johnny's proposal amidst applause and musical celebration.




The scalp is the skin covering the cranium, and in this context, it is mentioned to express a physical discomfort or issue. It relates to the main theme of the video as it sets up a scenario where one character is experiencing a health concern, which could symbolize deeper personal or emotional issues.


Dessert refers to a sweet course consumed at the end of a meal. In the script, it is used to illustrate a moment of temptation or indulgence, which can be seen as a metaphor for giving in to desires or making decisions that may not be the best.


The act of marrying refers to the social and legal recognition of a couple's commitment to each other. In the video, marriage is a central theme, symbolizing love, commitment, and the crossing of personal thresholds. The characters' discussions around marriage reflect their views on relationships and their readiness to take on such a significant commitment.


Proposing, in the context of marriage, is the act of formally asking someone to enter into a marriage. This keyword is significant as it indicates a major turning point in the narrative, where characters express their intentions and desires for the future.


A husband is a man who is legally married to another person. In the script, the mention of a husband sets the stage for the exploration of past relationships and their impact on the characters' present decisions and emotions.

💡bad luck

Bad luck refers to a series of unfortunate events or circumstances that are perceived to be due to chance rather than skill or intention. In the video, the concept of bad luck is used to express the characters' feelings of misfortune and their attempts to change their circumstances.

💡city hall

City hall typically refers to the administrative center of a city where public services and official ceremonies, such as marriages, take place. In the context of the video, it represents the formal and official beginning of a relationship, which can carry symbolic weight regarding the characters' commitment and the societal recognition of their union.


A song is a musical composition with lyrics, often used to convey emotions or tell a story. In the video, the song serves as a backdrop to the characters' interactions, enhancing the mood and providing a subtle commentary on their feelings and situations.

💡nail down

The phrase 'nail down' is an idiom that means to fix or secure something firmly. In the context of the video, it metaphorically refers to the idea of solidifying a relationship or ensuring its stability and longevity.


A ring, specifically an engagement ring, is a symbol of commitment in the context of marriage. It is traditionally presented as a token of love and a promise of future union. In the video, the ring is a central symbol of the characters' intentions and the seriousness of their proposal.


Applause represents the approval, support, or positive reaction from an audience or onlookers. In the video, it signifies a moment of triumph or acceptance, reinforcing the importance of social validation in personal milestones and achievements.


Praying is the act of communicating with a higher power or divine entity, often seeking guidance, blessings, or expressing gratitude. In the context of the video, praying can symbolize hope, faith, and the seeking of spiritual support during significant life events.


Concern about scalp not getting enough blood

Mention of having dessert and its potential impact on health

Unexpected marriage proposal

Loretta's revelation about her previous marriage and her deceased husband

Belief in bad luck associated with the previous marriage

Discussion on the importance of doing things right from the start

Reference to a song and its significance in the conversation

Mention of Johnny and the association of luck with a song choice

The concept of luck in marriage and its impact on the relationship

Doreen's win and its connection to the ring discussion

Explanation of the significance of a ring in a marriage proposal

Loretta's acceptance of Johnny's marriage proposal

Johnny's full name mentioned during the proposal

Loretta's commitment to be Johnny's wife

Audience's applause as a sign of approval and celebration

Reference to following the jack as a metaphor for moving forward

Music playing as a backdrop to the scene, adding to the atmosphere