Why the political worldviews of young men and women are increasingly diverging | DW Analysis

DW News
1 Mar 202435:28

TLDRThe transcript discusses the growing gender divide where young men are falling behind in education, employment, and mental health, often embracing conservative views as a reaction to perceived threats to their status. Experts suggest that societal changes, economic challenges, and the rise of influencers like Andrew Tate contribute to this trend. Solutions involve addressing systemic issues, promoting understanding and compassion, and redefining masculinity to support both genders' progress.


  • 📚 Young men globally are falling behind in education, with women expressing more progressive views and men showing more conservative tendencies.
  • 🌍 The gender divergence is not confined to one country; it's a widespread phenomenon observed across various economies and cultures.
  • 🎓 Education systems seem to reward early maturation, which often benefits girls, leading to better academic performance compared to boys.
  • 💼 Economic shifts have resulted in fewer well-paying jobs traditionally held by men, affecting their status and ability to achieve societal expectations.
  • 🏠 Young men struggle with housing affordability and job stability, leading to increased stress and feelings of inadequacy.
  • 🚷 There's a growing concern about the role of social media and echo chambers in exacerbating polarization between genders.
  • 💔 Men's issues are often overlooked or stigmatized, leading to a lack of support and resources for those facing challenges.
  • 🔄 The backlash against women's rights is fueled in part by economic struggles and changing societal roles for men.
  • 🎭 Influential figures like Andrew Tate capitalize on these issues, potentially radicalizing young men with their messages.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Addressing these challenges requires acknowledging the struggles of young men and women, and working towards inclusive solutions that benefit both genders.
  • 🌐 Policymakers and society at large must focus on structural changes, economic growth, and cultural shifts to bridge the growing divide between young men and women.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue discussed in the transcript?

    -The main issue discussed in the transcript is the growing gender divide, particularly among the younger generations, where young men are struggling with education, employment, and societal status, leading to a rise in conservative attitudes and negative outcomes such as suicide and overdose.

  • How does the gender equality progress made by young women affect young men according to the transcript?

    -The progress made by young women in terms of gender equality is perceived by some young men as a threat to their status and opportunities, leading to a sense of economic struggle and a backlash against women's rights.

  • What are some of the key challenges young men face according to the transcript?

    -Key challenges faced by young men include lagging behind in education, struggling to find employment, difficulty achieving societal status, and a sense of being unneeded or worthless, which can contribute to mental health issues and suicide.

  • How does the transcript suggest we should address the issues faced by young men?

    -The transcript suggests that we should acknowledge the struggles of young men without undermining the progress made by women, and work towards solutions that benefit both genders, such as promoting economic growth, improving job opportunities, and challenging harmful cultural narratives.

  • What role do cultural entrepreneurs like Andrew Tate play in the conversation, according to the transcript?

    -Cultural entrepreneurs like Andrew Tate are seen as radicalizing young men and capitalizing on their struggles by providing answers and role models that appeal to their sense of being unaddressed and marginalized, potentially leading to more division and negative outcomes.

  • What is the significance of the term 'toxic masculinity' in the transcript?

    -The term 'toxic masculinity' is discussed as a concept that refers to rigid and inflexible ideas about male behavior and roles, which can lead to negative outcomes for both men and society. However, the transcript also notes that the term has become polarizing and may not be the most effective way to address the underlying issues.

  • How does the transcript address the concept of intersectionality in relation to the gender divide?

    -The transcript emphasizes the importance of considering intersectionality when discussing the gender divide, noting that class, race, and other factors play significant roles in shaping the experiences of both young men and women.

  • What are some policy suggestions mentioned in the transcript to help bridge the gender divide?

    -Policy suggestions include promoting economic growth, improving job opportunities, equal parental leave policies, recruiting more men into teaching and healthcare, providing more technical training and apprenticeships, and starting boys in school a year later due to their later maturation.

  • How does the transcript discuss the role of parents in addressing the gender divide?

    -The transcript suggests that parents play a crucial role in addressing the gender divide by educating themselves and their children about gender equality, challenging traditional gender norms, and supporting policies that benefit both genders.

  • What is the impact of corporate algorithms on the gender divide as discussed in the transcript?

    -Corporate algorithms, particularly those that create echo chambers and polarizing content on social media, are seen as contributing to the gender divide by reinforcing harmful narratives and making it more difficult for individuals to engage with diverse perspectives.

  • How does the transcript view the concept of zero-sum thinking in relation to gender equality?

    -The transcript criticizes zero-sum thinking as a barrier to achieving true gender equality, as it perpetuates the belief that progress for one gender must come at the expense of the other, rather than recognizing that both can thrive together.



🌍 Global Shifts in Gender Dynamics

This paragraph discusses the worldwide phenomenon of young men lagging behind women in various aspects such as education, mortality rates, and political participation. It highlights a Financial Times report showing young women becoming more progressive while young men adopt more conservative views. The conversation delves into the potential reasons behind this divide, including societal expectations, gender equality, and the influence of figures like Andrew Tate. It emphasizes the need to understand these shifts without radicalizing or misinterpreting the data.


📚 Education and Employment Disparities

The focus of this paragraph is on the educational disparities between young men and women, with boys falling behind across all levels and subjects in advanced economies. It also touches on the economic challenges faced by men, such as difficulties in finding employment and housing. The discussion includes the impact of these issues on men's mental health and societal status, as well as the importance of addressing both gender equality and men's issues in tandem to foster a more balanced society.


🗣️ The Crisis of Masculinity and Suicide

This paragraph explores the crisis of masculinity and its tragic consequences, such as high suicide rates among men. It examines the societal expectations of men and the impact of these expectations on mental health, particularly when men feel unneeded or worthless. The conversation also considers cultural shifts and the changing dynamics between men and women, highlighting the need for a more nuanced understanding of gender roles and the importance of addressing men's issues as part of the broader conversation on gender equality.


💼 Economic Struggles and Intersectionality

The discussion in this paragraph centers on the economic struggles of men, especially those from working-class backgrounds, and how these struggles contribute to the gender divide. It emphasizes the importance of intersectionality, acknowledging that class and race play significant roles in understanding the challenges faced by men. The conversation also touches on the benefits of a more equal society and the need to reframe the conversation around men's issues to foster greater understanding and support.


🚫 The Backlash and Toxic Masculinity

This paragraph delves into the concept of toxic masculinity and its role in the current gender divide. It discusses the negative impact of certain male role models and the influence of social media on young men's perceptions of gender roles. The conversation also addresses the need to challenge the zero-sum mentality and to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for both men and women.


🌐 Cultural Liberalization and Structural Drivers

The final paragraph of the discussion highlights the role of cultural liberalization in the polarization between young men and women. It identifies common structural drivers, such as economic stagnation and corporate algorithms, that contribute to the challenges faced by men across various countries. The conversation concludes with a call for action to address these issues and to foster a more equitable society for all.



💡Gender Divide

The term 'Gender Divide' refers to the differences and disparities observed between men and women, particularly in areas such as education, employment, and social attitudes. In the context of the video, it is used to describe the growing gap in educational achievement, progressive views, and societal roles, with young women becoming more progressive and young men seemingly adopting more conservative views. This divide is a central theme of the discussion, highlighting the complex interplay between societal changes and individual experiences.

💡Educational Achievement

Educational achievement refers to the level of success or progress attained by individuals in educational settings, typically measured by grades, graduation rates, and other academic milestones. In the video, it is noted that boys and men are lagging behind females in educational achievement across various age groups and subjects, which is a global phenomenon. This disparity is significant as it can impact future employment opportunities and social status.


Conservatism is a political and social philosophy promoting the maintenance of traditional institutions, values, and practices. In the video, the term is used to describe a shift among young men towards more traditional or conservative values, often in response to perceived threats to their status from progressive changes in society. This shift is contrasted with young women who are found to be more progressive on average.


Radicalization refers to the process by which individuals or groups come to adopt extreme or militant political or social ideologies. In the context of the video, radicalization is discussed as a potential factor contributing to the growing divide between young men and women, with some young men being influenced by radical figures who promote anti-women or misogynistic views.


Misogyny is the hatred, contempt, or prejudice against women or girls. It is a pervasive social issue that can manifest in various forms, including discrimination, objectification, and violence against women. In the video, misogyny is discussed as a factor that may be influencing young men's attitudes and contributing to the gender divide, with certain influencers being accused of radicalizing young men with their misogynistic views.

💡Status Anxiety

Status anxiety refers to the stress and concern individuals experience when they perceive a threat to their social standing or position. In the video, this concept is used to explain the feelings of insecurity among young men who may feel that their status, traditionally associated with being a male, is being undermined by the progress of women's rights and societal changes.

💡Zero-Sum Mentality

Zero-sum mentality is a mindset where one party's gain is seen as another's loss, implying that resources or advantages are finite and one person's success comes at the expense of another's failure. In the video, this term is used to describe the perception among some men that women's advancements in areas like the workplace and education come at the cost of men's well-being and opportunities.


Intersectionality is a concept that acknowledges the complex and interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender, creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage. In the video, intersectionality is used to highlight that the struggles of young men cannot be understood solely through the lens of gender, but also need to consider socio-economic and racial factors.


Patriarchy is a social system in which men hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege, and control of property. In the video, the concept of patriarchy is discussed as a system that has historically elevated men while oppressing women, and the shifting dynamics of this system are contributing to the current challenges faced by young men and women.

💡Toxic Masculinity

Toxic masculinity refers to a cultural concept of manhood that glorifies stoicism, strength, virility, and dominance, and is harmful to both men and women. In the video, the term is used to describe certain behaviors and attitudes that are considered harmful and destructive, particularly those that enforce rigid gender roles and contribute to the gender divide.


Young men globally are falling behind in education, employment, and social metrics compared to women, leading to a growing gender divide.

The gender equality movement has led to young women becoming more progressive, while some young men are turning more conservative.

Experts suggest that the issue of gender equality may be a driving factor in the divergence of views between young men and women.

Misogynistic influencers like Andrew Tate may be radicalizing young men, contributing to the growing divide.

Young men's issues are not receiving as much attention as women's, leading to feelings of being overlooked and unaddressed.

The education gap between boys and girls is a global phenomenon, not limited to any specific country or education system.

Biological differences, such as earlier maturation in girls, may contribute to their academic success over boys.

Economic changes have led to a decline in traditional male jobs, increasing the struggle for young men to achieve status and security.

Men's mental health issues, including high suicide rates, are linked to feelings of worthlessness and lack of purpose.

The shift in societal structures and expectations around gender roles is causing a crisis of masculinity for some men.

Intersectionality is crucial in understanding the gender divide, as class and race play significant roles in the struggles faced by men.

Educated men are more likely to support gender equality and feel less threatened by women's advancements.

The concept of patriarchy and its effects on both men and women need to be examined to address the current gender divide.

The term 'toxic masculinity' may not be helpful in bridging the gap between men and women, as it can create further division.

Cultural entrepreneurs exploit the struggles of young men for political or financial gain, exacerbating the gender divide.

Addressing the gender divide requires systemic changes, including economic growth and support for men in traditionally female-dominated professions.

Parental education and support are key in shaping young boys' understanding of gender equality and their own role in society.

Policymakers should consider regulating digital algorithms that contribute to polarization and echo chambers.

The growing gender divide is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach, addressing both structural disadvantages and cultural shifts.