No one is talking about the REAL issue - Gamers Nexus and Linus Tech Tips

16 Aug 202318:24

TLDRThe video discusses the ethical issues within the tech review niche, particularly focusing on Linus Tech Tips (LTT) and Gamer's Nexus. The speaker criticizes LTT for alleged fraudulent practices, such as biased reviews and lack of transparency regarding sponsored content. The critique extends to the community's reaction, highlighting the defensive stance taken by both large and small creators, including Steve from Gamer's Nexus. The video calls for a change in the industry, urging creators to avoid conflicts of interest by not accepting sponsorships from companies whose products they review.


  • 🎥 The speaker is considering making a video on the drama between Linus Tech Tips and Gamer's Nexus, highlighting broader ethical issues in the tech review niche.
  • 💭 The speaker previously raised concerns about Linus Tech Tips' (LTT) lack of integrity and reliable testing, but was ignored.
  • 🤝 The video is sponsored by, offering discounted Windows keys and other software.
  • 🧐 The speaker criticizes LTT for using an outdated and limited selection of games in their hardware reviews, which does not accurately reflect the performance of the products.
  • 💡 The speaker questions the resources and effort put into LTT's videos compared to smaller channels and the potential misrepresentation of product capabilities.
  • 📣 The speaker's original tweet calling out LTT as a 'fraud' was met with backlash from the community and other creators, including Linus and Steve from Gamer's Nexus.
  • 💸 Linus responded to the speaker's allegations by misinterpreting the definition of 'fraud' and threatening legal action for libel.
  • 🔄 The speaker points out hypocrisy in the community, as Steve from Gamer's Nexus also engages in questionable ethical behavior by accepting sponsorships from companies whose products he reviews.
  • 🚨 The speaker emphasizes that accepting sponsorships from companies whose products are being reviewed is immoral and a conflict of interest.
  • 📢 The speaker is not seeking attention or subscribers from the drama, but feels compelled to address the ongoing ethical problems in the industry.
  • 🌐 There are allegations of a hostile work environment and misconduct at LTT, which, if true, could have serious implications for the company.

Q & A

  • What was the main concern raised by the speaker about Linus Tech Tips (LTT) in 2021?

    -The speaker's main concern was that LTT was not testing current games at the time, and was using a small selection of games to make hardware recommendations. This, according to the speaker, led to an inaccurate portrayal of the actual performance of the products being reviewed.

  • How did the speaker describe the process of conducting hardware reviews with limited resources?

    -The speaker described the process as time-consuming and draining, involving running benchmarks, gathering data, creating graphs, filming, and forming an informed conclusion within a tight deadline of about a week.

  • What was the response from the community and other creators to the speaker's initial concerns about LTT?

    -The response was largely negative, with many people dismissing the speaker's concerns as an attempt to create drama or to gain views for their channel. Some also accused the speaker of being harsh in calling LTT a fraud.

  • What was Linus' response to the speaker's allegations?

    -Linus dismissed the speaker's concerns, stating that he doesn't usually reply to such allegations and that the speaker's definition of 'fraud' was incorrect. He also threatened the speaker with a lawsuit for libel.

  • What was the speaker's reaction to the community's and Linus' responses?

    -The speaker was disheartened by the community's reaction and continued to stand by their concerns, stating that they were not motivated by drama or personal gain but by a desire to highlight an ethical issue in the tech review industry.

  • What is the speaker's view on sponsored content in tech reviews?

    -The speaker believes that accepting sponsorships from companies whose products are being reviewed creates a conflict of interest and is immoral. They argue that this practice misleads consumers and undermines the integrity of tech reviews.

  • What was the irony in Steve from Gamer's Nexus criticizing the speaker for promoting a CD key website?

    -The irony lies in the fact that Steve himself was accused of the same thing - having a conflict of interest by reviewing products from companies that sponsor his channel. This was seen as hypocritical given that he was criticizing the speaker for a similar practice.

  • What was the speaker's reaction to the allegations made by a former LTT employee on Twitter?

    -The speaker did not take a side on the allegations but suggested that they should be investigated further and that judgments should not be made without evidence. They also highlighted the potential seriousness of the claims if proven true.

  • What does the speaker suggest as a solution to the ethical issues in the PC enthusiast creator niche?

    -The speaker suggests that tech review channels should stop accepting sponsorships from companies whose products they review to eliminate conflicts of interest. They argue that this is essential to restore integrity and trust in the industry.

  • What was the speaker's final message to the PC enthusiast community and creators?

    -The speaker's final message was a call for the community to be more open to criticism and to objectively consider concerns raised by smaller creators. They also urged creators to reflect on their practices and to prioritize the interests of their audience over sponsorship deals.

  • How does the speaker feel about the current state of tech reviews and the impact on consumers?

    -The speaker is concerned and disappointed with the misleading nature of current tech reviews. They believe that these practices harm PC enthusiasts by providing inaccurate information, which can influence consumers' purchasing decisions based on flawed or biased data.



🤔 Ethical Concerns in PC Enthusiast Review Channels

The paragraph discusses the ethical issues surrounding popular tech review channels, particularly Linus Tech Tips (LTT), and their integrity in providing reliable and unbiased reviews. The speaker raises concerns about LTT's choice of games for benchmarking, which may not accurately reflect the performance of hardware. They also mention past instances where LTT has been involved in sponsored content without clear disclosure, leading to a potential conflict of interest. The speaker emphasizes the importance of transparency and unbiased reviews for the benefit of PC enthusiasts.


💥 Confrontation and Community Reaction

This paragraph delves into the speaker's past confrontation with LTT and the community's reaction to their concerns. The speaker had previously called out LTT for what they perceived as fraudulent behavior in reviews, but their concerns were dismissed by both LTT and other creators. The speaker also highlights the hypocrisy of other tech channels, including Gamer's Nexus, which also engage in similar practices of sponsored content and potential conflicts of interest. The paragraph underscores the speaker's frustration with the community's lack of support for unbiased reviewing practices.


😤 Accusations and Defenses in the Tech Community

The speaker continues to critique the behavior of LTT and other tech channels, pointing out specific instances where they believe these channels have acted unethically. They mention a sponsored video by LTT for the RTX 3090 and question the integrity of reviews that are heavily influenced by sponsorships. The speaker also addresses accusations from Steve of Gamer's Nexus, who criticized the speaker for their own sponsorships, and highlights the double standards in the community. This paragraph emphasizes the need for ethical standards and transparency in the tech review industry.


🚫 The Unacceptable Status Quo in Tech Reviews

In the final paragraph, the speaker calls for a change in the status quo of tech reviews, stressing that it is immoral for review channels to accept sponsorships from companies whose products they review. They argue that this creates an inherent conflict of interest and undermines the trust of the audience. The speaker also brings up allegations of a hostile work environment at LTT, suggesting that the company's culture may be problematic. They conclude by expressing disappointment in the PC enthusiast community for not supporting unbiased review practices and urge other creators to reconsider their sponsorships to maintain integrity in their content.




YouTubers are individuals who create and upload content on the video-sharing platform YouTube. In the context of the video, the term refers to content creators who produce videos related to technology, particularly PC hardware and reviews. The script mentions the reluctance to engage in drama among YouTubers, highlighting the negative perception associated with public disputes among content creators.

💡Ethical problem

An ethical problem refers to a situation where actions or behaviors raise moral concerns or questions about right and wrong. In the video, the ethical problem pertains to the lack of integrity and reliable testing in the tech niche, specifically in PC hardware reviews. The script discusses how this issue negatively impacts PC enthusiasts by providing inaccurate information about products.

💡Conflict of interest

A conflict of interest arises when an individual or organization is involved in multiple interests that could potentially compromise their judgment or actions. In the video, the conflict of interest is highlighted in the context of tech reviewers accepting sponsorships from companies whose products they review. This situation may lead to biased reviews or unethical behavior.

💡Sponsored content

Sponsored content refers to promotional material created by content creators or influencers in collaboration with a brand or company. In the video, the script mentions sponsored content related to tech products, where reviewers may receive compensation or incentives to promote specific brands or products. The concern raised is about transparency and disclosure regarding sponsored content to maintain integrity and trust.


Fraud involves deception or dishonesty for personal gain, often resulting in harm to others. In the video, the term is used to criticize the lack of integrity and reliability in tech reviews, which misleads consumers about the performance and value of products. The script discusses instances where reviewers prioritize sponsorships or fail to provide accurate testing data, leading to fraudulent representations of products.


A reviewer is an individual or entity responsible for evaluating and providing feedback on products, services, or content. In the video, reviewers are discussed in the context of tech channels on platforms like YouTube, where they assess PC hardware and provide insights for consumers. The script raises concerns about the integrity and transparency of reviewers, particularly regarding conflicts of interest and biased reviews.

💡PC enthusiasts

PC enthusiasts are individuals who have a strong interest or passion for personal computers and related technology. They often engage in activities such as building custom PCs, overclocking hardware, and staying updated on the latest developments in the tech industry. In the video, the term refers to consumers who rely on tech reviews to make informed purchasing decisions, highlighting the negative impact of misleading or biased content on this community.

💡Tech channels

Tech channels are online platforms or content creators dedicated to producing videos related to technology, gadgets, and electronics. These channels often cover topics such as product reviews, tutorials, news, and discussions about the latest trends in the tech industry. In the video, tech channels on platforms like YouTube are discussed in the context of raising awareness about ethical issues and integrity in tech reviews.


Transparency refers to the quality of being open, honest, and clear in one's actions or communications. In the video, transparency is highlighted as essential in tech reviews, particularly regarding sponsorships and conflicts of interest. The script emphasizes the importance of disclosing relationships with brands or companies to maintain trust and credibility with the audience.


To mislead means to give the wrong impression or provide false information that leads others to form incorrect beliefs or make misguided decisions. In the video, the term is used to describe the effect of biased or inaccurate tech reviews on consumers. The script criticizes tech channels for misleading audiences by prioritizing sponsorships over objective testing and analysis of products.


The speaker is debating whether to make a video on the Linus Tech Tips and Gamer's Nexus drama, highlighting an ongoing ethical problem in the TAC niche.

The speaker previously raised concerns about the lack of integrity and reliable testing from LTT two years ago, but no one cared.

The video is sponsored by, offering discounted Windows 10 Pro keys and Office 2021 Professional with a coupon code.

The speaker tweeted in March 2021, calling Linus Tech Tips a fraud due to their selection of games for GPU recommendations, which did not reflect current games.

LTT was accused of not testing current games and using a small selection of games, thus not informing the actual performance of the product.

The speaker criticized LTT for promoting Intel products on Intel's official YouTube channel and reviewing Intel and competitor products on their own channel.

Linus responded to the speaker's tweet, arguing that fraud has to be wrongful or criminal deception for personal gain, and that LTT was not engaged in such behavior.

The speaker pointed out that LTT's behavior was misleading and misrepresented as reviews, which is considered fraud according to the definition Linus himself looked up.

LTT's review of the RTX 3090 was criticized for promoting DLSS and 8K gaming in a short review with few games, and directing viewers to a sponsored video.

Steve from Gamer's Nexus attacked the speaker for promoting a CD key website in their ads, implying a lack of high ground to criticize LTT's ethical issues.

The speaker defended their sponsorship, explaining that OEM key reselling is a legitimate business, and challenged Steve to provide proof of any illegal activities.

Steve's attack was seen as hypocritical, as he too reviews products from companies that sponsor his channel, creating a conflict of interest.

The speaker emphasizes that they are not interested in drama and are raising these issues because of the harmful effects on PC enthusiasts.

The speaker criticizes the entire PC Enthusiast Creator Niche for not taking their concerns seriously and continuing to engage in damaging behavior.

A former LTT employee's allegations of a hostile work environment and sexual misconduct at the company are mentioned, suggesting serious trouble for LTT.

The speaker calls for an end to the acceptance of sponsorships from companies whose products are being reviewed, as it creates a conflict of interest and is immoral.

Steve from Gamer's Nexus is challenged to stop getting sponsorships from companies whose products he reviews and to act as a true advocate for the PC Enthusiast Community.

The speaker concludes by urging all creators to reevaluate their practices and consider the impact on their audience.