Não tem aonde parar, esse é o B.O.!

25 Mar 202419:09

TLDRIn this engaging video, we join the life of a truck driver navigating the daily challenges and simple joys of life on the road. From the practicality of doing laundry while out for lunch, to the scenic beauty and unpredictable weather of Santarém, the driver shares their experiences with warmth and humor. The journey is filled with unexpected obstacles, including a struggle with a broken trailer in the midst of a downpour, showcasing the driver's resourcefulness and camaraderie with fellow road warriors. Throughout, the driver maintains a positive outlook, grateful for the small comforts and the thrill of the open road, offering viewers a genuine glimpse into the trucking lifestyle.


  • 😊 The person shares the convenience of multitasking, highlighting the practicality of having clothes washed while going for lunch.
  • 🌞 The setting is Santarém, and despite the messy state of their house, they express contentment with their freshly washed and scented laundry.
  • 🌦 Concerns about unpredictable weather affecting laundry drying time are mentioned, with a hope that it doesn't rain.
  • 👌 Emphasizes the comfort and satisfaction of sleeping in fresh, scented bedding inside their truck after a shower.
  • 🚗 The narrative transitions to a trucking journey, preparing for a delivery in São Paulo, highlighting the challenging and unpredictable aspects of truck driving.
  • 🛤 Describes a challenging part of their route through Rurópolis and dealing with difficult terrain, illustrating the demanding nature of trucking.
  • 🔧 Encounters mechanical issues with the truck, showcasing the hands-on problem-solving and resilience required in their line of work.
  • 🔨 Highlights the camaraderie and mutual support within the trucking community through a shared effort to fix the truck on the road.
  • 💨 Reflects on the unpredictability and hardships of trucking, like dealing with weather conditions and mechanical failures, but also the fulfillment it brings.
  • 🚴 Concludes with an appreciation for the day's work and looking forward to the next chapter, indicating a serialized narrative of their trucking adventures.

Q & A

  • What does the narrator refer to as a convenient aspect of their day?

    -The narrator finds it convenient that they can have their clothes washing while they go out to have lunch.

  • Where is the narrator currently located in the video?

    -The narrator is in Santarém.

  • Why is the narrator worried about leaving the laundry to dry for an additional 35 minutes?

    -The narrator is concerned that it might rain, which could hamper the drying process of the laundry.

  • What is the narrator's sentiment towards having everything smelling nice?

    -The narrator enjoys everything being fresh and scented, especially after taking a relaxing shower at night.

  • What delivery task is the narrator preparing for?

    -The narrator mentions preparing for a delivery task that needs to be finalized in São Paulo.

  • What difficulty does the narrator encounter on the road?

    -The narrator faces challenges with the road conditions, mentioning the truck jumping like a 'little goat' and dealing with a lot of water on the road.

  • What mechanical issue does the narrator face and how do they plan to address it?

    -The narrator faces a mechanical issue with the trailer's axle coming loose. They discuss securing it back with screws and possibly needing a jack to lift and repair it.

  • What weather condition does the narrator face while driving?

    -The narrator faces strong rains which make driving conditions difficult.

  • What is the narrator's attitude towards unexpected issues during their trip?

    -The narrator seems to take unexpected issues in stride, emphasizing the importance of being prepared and dealing with situations as they arise.

  • What are the narrator's final thoughts as they near the end of their journey?

    -The narrator looks forward to reaching their destination to relax, indicating a sense of accomplishment and readiness for a well-deserved rest.



😊 Daily Life and Travel Tales

The speaker shares a slice of their daily life, emphasizing the convenience of multitasking household chores, such as doing laundry while going out for lunch, highlighting the joy of practical living. The narrative then shifts to a travel log, detailing a journey from Santarém with a mix of humor and casual commentary on the weather, road conditions, and the challenges of maintaining cleanliness and comfort while on the road. The speaker touches on the unpredictability of weather in Santarém, expressing gratitude for the small wins like having freshly laundered clothes and blankets, and prepares for another trip to São Paulo, despite the bumpy roads and potential for rain.


🚛 Roadside Troubles and Teamwork

This segment captures an unexpected challenge faced during the journey, where the speaker's vehicle encounters a mechanical issue. The narrative vividly describes the process of diagnosing and attempting to fix the problem roadside, highlighting the camaraderie and mutual assistance among travelers. Despite the setback of a detached part from the vehicle, there's a focus on the collective effort to secure and repair the vehicle, showcasing the ingenuity and resourcefulness required. The speaker recounts the efforts to secure the vehicle's axle with tools at hand, the uncertainty of the repair, and the eventual successful teamwork that allows them to continue their journey.


🔧 Ingenuity in Overcoming Mechanical Failures

In this continuation, the speaker delves deeper into the resolution of the vehicle's mechanical failure. Despite the initial absence of proper tools like a jack, the collective problem-solving efforts of the speaker and others present lead to a makeshift solution. They manage to reattach and secure the vehicle's axle through improvisation and teamwork. This part of the narrative emphasizes the challenges of road travel, especially in remote or less developed areas, and the spirit of cooperation among road travelers. The speaker reflects on the unpredictability of such journeys and the importance of being prepared for any situation.


🛣️ Journey's End: Reflections and Gratitude

The final segment of the narrative brings the speaker's journey to a close, filled with reflections on the day's events and an expression of gratitude towards those who helped along the way. The speaker details the road conditions, the efforts of workers to maintain the roads, and the looming threat of rain as they approach their destination. There's a palpable sense of relief and accomplishment as they near the end of their trip, highlighting the beauty of the landscape and the kindness of fellow travelers. The speaker concludes with a heartfelt goodbye to the audience, promising more stories from their 'real-life novel' in future episodes, and leaves the listeners with well-wishes.




Practicality refers to the aspect of being practical or useful in real-life scenarios. In the context of the video, the speaker highlights the convenience of being able to do laundry while going out for lunch, showcasing how multitasking and efficient household management can enhance daily life. This concept is central to the theme of making the most out of one's time and resources.


Santarém is mentioned as the location where the speaker is currently based. It serves as a backdrop for the video's narrative, indicating the geographical context and possibly the cultural or regional specifics of the speaker's experiences. Santarém's mention helps viewers localize the story, adding a layer of relativity to the audience familiar with the area or interested in its specifics.


Weather plays a significant role in the video's narrative, with concerns about rain possibly affecting the drying of clothes and the overall journey. The unpredictability of weather conditions and their impact on daily activities and plans is emphasized, showcasing how external factors can influence personal and logistical decisions.

💡Truck life

The term 'truck life' refers to the lifestyle and experiences of those living or spending significant time in trucks, often due to occupational demands, such as truck drivers. The speaker touches on the comforts and challenges of this lifestyle, like enjoying fresh clothes out of necessity and dealing with space and resource limitations. It highlights the unique aspects of life on the road, including the sense of freedom and the need for practical solutions to everyday problems.


Laundry in this context symbolizes routine domestic tasks that continue despite the nomadic lifestyle of the speaker. The act of doing laundry and ensuring clothes are fresh underscores the importance of maintaining normalcy and personal hygiene, even in non-traditional living or working conditions. It's a link to the universally relatable chore, yet set against the unique backdrop of truck life.


The mention of a 'delivery' relates directly to the speaker's occupation and the purpose of their journey. It signifies the transport of goods from one location to another, which is the core of the trucking industry. This keyword contextualizes the video within the realm of logistics and freight transportation, illustrating the work-related challenges and objectives faced by the speaker.

💡Road conditions

Road conditions are a critical aspect of the video, affecting the speaker's ability to transport goods efficiently and safely. The narrative includes descriptions of navigating through challenging terrain, such as hills and areas with heavy rainfall, which illustrates the physical obstacles that can impact travel and delivery schedules. This aspect emphasizes the importance of adaptability and resilience in overcoming environmental and infrastructural hurdles.

💡Mechanical issues

Mechanical issues refer to the technical and maintenance-related challenges encountered with the vehicle, such as problems with the trailer's axle. The video illustrates how such issues can significantly disrupt travel plans and require immediate attention, highlighting the importance of mechanical knowledge and preparedness in the trucking profession. It reflects on the unpredictability and hands-on nature of dealing with vehicle maintenance on the road.


Teamwork is emphasized through the collaboration seen when facing mechanical problems and road challenges. The video showcases how the speaker and others come together to address and solve issues, reflecting the camaraderie and mutual support prevalent in the trucking community. This concept underlines the importance of cooperation and collective problem-solving in overcoming obstacles.


Adaptability is a key theme in the video, demonstrated by the speaker's ability to handle unforeseen events, such as weather changes and mechanical failures, with resilience and resourcefulness. It highlights the necessity of being able to adjust plans and actions according to changing circumstances, a crucial skill in both trucking and life in general. The speaker's experiences serve as examples of adapting to maintain progress towards their goals.


Enjoying the convenience of doing laundry while having lunch.

Sharing a warm greeting from Santarém and expressing gratitude for the current situation.

Discussing the unpredictability of weather and the challenge it poses for drying clothes.

Emphasizing the importance of having fresh and fragrant clothes and bedding in the truck for comfort.

Reflecting on the difficulties of maintaining cleanliness while on the road.

Preparing for a delivery in São Paulo and expressing readiness for the journey.

Describing the challenging terrain and the 'jumping' nature of the truck on rough roads.

Encountering flooded roads and the necessity to navigate through them.

Witnessing and assisting with a truck issue involving a detached trailer part.

Improvising solutions to fix the truck on the spot with limited resources.

Overcoming obstacles and expressing gratitude for the help received from others.

Continuing the journey despite the setbacks, showcasing resilience.

Capturing the essence of trucking life, including the camaraderie among drivers.

Reflecting on the unpredictability of trucking and the potential for incidents.

Looking forward to reaching the destination and the comforts of a well-deserved rest.