Online workshop: How to use SciSpace tools for research

SciSpace (formerly Typeset)
20 Oct 2023121:02

TLDRThe online workshop introduced AI tools for research, highlighting the benefits of SciSpace in simplifying literature review and research tasks. Key features include a personalized library for organizing research papers, a co-pilot for in-depth Q&A, a paraphraser for enhancing writing, and a citation generator. The platform aims to increase research efficiency and reach, with plans to add more tools like automating research tasks and reviewing figures and tables.


  • 📚 The online workshop focused on leveraging AI tools for research, co-hosted by the Faculty of Engineering and School of Business and Management Institute Technology.
  • 🤖 Introduction of SciSpace tools that aim to make literature review and research processes easier and more efficient.
  • 🎤 Speeches by key personnel including Professor Dr. NCH Sisomphol, the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, and Mr. Har Fitra, the Technical Product Manager of SciSpace.
  • 🌐 Discussion on the importance of literature review in research and how technological advancements can aid in this process.
  • 📈 Highlight of the challenges faced by researchers such as the overwhelming growth of scientific articles and difficulty in understanding complex jargon.
  • 🔍 SciSpace's solution to these challenges by providing a platform for finding, analyzing, and writing research papers with AI assistance.
  • 📊 Features of the platform include personalization, the ability to manage and organize collections of papers, and AI summarization of papers.
  • 🔗 Explanation of how SciSpace can be integrated into web browsing for literature review and research with the Chrome extension.
  • 🎯 Future plans for SciSpace include enhancing the platform with more writing tools, automating research tasks, and expanding the scope of question answering capabilities.
  • 💡 The importance of user feedback in the development of SciSpace tools, emphasizing the role of the research community in shaping these AI tools.
  • 📝 Details on how to provide feedback and suggestions to the SciSpace team for continuous improvement of the platform.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the online workshop discussed in the transcript?

    -The main focus of the online workshop is leveraging AI tools for research, specifically showcasing the capabilities of SciSpace tools in aiding the research process.

  • Who are the hosts and supporters of this online workshop?

    -The workshop is co-hosted by the Faculty of Engineering, Universo, and School of Business and Management Institute Technology B, and supported by SIPAS.

  • What roles do Professor Dr. NCH Siso Stamp and Mr. Har Fitra play in the event?

    -Professor Dr. NCH Siso Stamp is the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs for the Faculty of Engineering, Universo, while Mr. Har Fitra is the technical product manager from SciSpace.

  • What is the significance of the literature review in the research process?

    -The literature review is crucial in the research process as it helps researchers understand previous studies, identify gaps in the existing knowledge, and determine the unique contributions of their research.

  • How does SciSpace aim to simplify the research process?

    -SciSpace aims to simplify the research process by providing a platform that allows users to find, analyze, and write research papers more efficiently through AI-powered tools and features.

  • What are some challenges faced by researchers in the current scientific literature landscape?

    -Challenges include the overwhelming growth of scientific articles, difficulty in understanding complex jargon, time-consuming tasks of sifting through papers, and the tedious process of citation.

  • What is the purpose of the 'Trace' feature in SciSpace?

    -The 'Trace' feature allows users to easily navigate through chains of research-related materials by linking different papers, authors, and topics, making it easier to follow the research trajectory.

  • How does the 'Co-pilot' tool assist in reading and understanding research papers?

    -The 'Co-pilot' tool acts as an assistant to help users read and comprehend research papers by providing summaries, explanations, and answers to specific questions directly from the text without needing to read the entire paper.

  • What is the role of the 'Ask Co-Pilot' feature in SciSpace?

    -The 'Ask Co-Pilot' feature allows users to pose specific questions to the AI, which then scans through the relevant sections of the uploaded paper to provide detailed answers, complete with citations for verification.

  • How does SciSpace handle the issue of language diversity in the research community?

    -SciSpace supports multiple languages, allowing users to interact with the platform, ask questions, and receive outputs in their preferred language, making scientific interactions more accessible globally.



🎤 Introduction and Event Overview

The paragraph introduces the online workshop on leveraging AI tools for research, co-hosted by the Faculty of Engineering and School of Business and Management Institute Technology B. The event is supported by Sipas, and the speaker, Lis Jaati, extends appreciation for everyone's presence and gratitude to the key personnel involved. The introduction sets the stage for the workshop's agenda and speakers, highlighting the collaborative nature of the event.


📚 Research Atmosphere and Faculty Support

This section discusses the efforts of the School of Business and Management Institute Technology B in nurturing a research atmosphere. It emphasizes the support provided to faculty members and the organization of seminars to enhance knowledge on research processes and tools. The speaker, AI, introduces the research and knowledge unit's role in coordinating research activities and the importance of literature review in research, highlighting the technological advancements that facilitate easier literature review.


🤖 AI Tools for Research: Overview and Challenges

The paragraph presents an overview of the challenges faced in the world of scientific literature, such as the overwhelming growth of research articles, difficulty in understanding complex jargon, and the tedious task of going through research papers. It introduces SI Space as a solution to these challenges, emphasizing its ability to simplify literature review and provide in-depth insights without opening the research paper. The speaker also touches on the citation process and how SI Space can assist in academic standards compliance.


🔍 SI Space Features: Co-Pilot and Literature Review

This section delves into the functionalities of SI Space, particularly the Co-Pilot tool, which assists in reading research papers. It explains how users can upload papers, ask questions, and receive summarized answers from AI. The Literature Review tool is introduced as a valuable feature for discovering and reviewing relevant papers. The speaker also mentions the Trace feature for easy navigation through research papers and the platform's ability to handle multiple languages, emphasizing the goal of making scientific interactions more accessible and efficient.


📈 SI Space in Action: Demonstrating Co-Pilot

The speaker demonstrates the Co-Pilot tool's capabilities by uploading a paper and showcasing its features. These include asking specific questions, summarizing and explaining text, and providing mathematical explanations. The tool's ability to handle complex equations and tables is highlighted, along with its language capabilities. The demonstration underscores the practicality of SI Space in understanding and interpreting research papers more efficiently.


🌐 Expanding Reach: Language and Accessibility

This part emphasizes the global reach of SI Space, highlighting its support for over 75 languages. The speaker demonstrates how the platform can summarize a paper's introduction in Indonesian, showcasing its multilingual capabilities. The goal is to make AI and research accessible worldwide, regardless of language barriers. The speaker also mentions the platform's ability to upload and review papers in any language, further enhancing its global appeal and utility.


📑 Library Feature: Organizing and Analyzing Documents

The Library feature of SI Space is introduced, explaining how users can upload their papers for analysis and organization. The speaker demonstrates how to use the Library for searching and extracting data from uploaded papers, as well as the ability to ask research questions directly from the Library. The feature allows for the creation of folders to categorize papers, enabling users to manage their research materials efficiently within the platform.


🔗 Chrome Plugin and Future Plans

The paragraph discusses the SI Space Chrome plugin, which allows users to access the platform's features on any web page. The plugin enables users to conduct literature reviews and use the Co-Pilot tool across the internet. The speaker also shares future plans for SI Space, including the development of more writing tools, the ability to ask questions about figures and tables, and the automation of research tasks. The goal is to increase productivity and outreach for researchers, with a focus on continuous improvement based on user feedback.


📝 Paraphraser Tool: Enhancing Writing

The Paraphraser tool is introduced as a feature that assists in rewriting and improving the quality of written content. The speaker demonstrates how the tool can adjust the tone, expand or condense text, and provide variations of a sentence or paragraph. The tool supports multiple languages and aims to help users enhance their writing for research papers, presentations, or any other purpose, making the content more formal, academic, or creative as needed.


🔄 Citation Generator: Streamlining References

The Citation Generator tool is highlighted as a valuable feature for researchers, allowing them to generate citations in various formats for different types of sources, including web pages, journal articles, books, and conference proceedings. The tool simplifies the citation process, ensuring accuracy and adherence to academic standards. The speaker demonstrates how to use the tool by extracting citation details from a webpage and generating a citation in the desired format.


🚀 Future Developments and Closing Remarks

The speaker concludes by discussing future developments for SI Space, including plans to enhance the platform's capabilities with new features and integrations. The emphasis is on increasing productivity and outreach for researchers and creating a comprehensive workspace for scientific research. The speaker invites feedback from users to continue improving the platform. The session ends with thanks to the speakers and participants, and a reminder for attendees to fill out a participation form.



💡Online Workshop

An online workshop is a virtual event where individuals gather through the internet to learn and discuss a specific topic. In the context of the video, the online workshop is focused on leveraging AI tools for research, aiming to provide participants with insights on how to use these tools effectively in their academic and professional pursuits.

💡AI Tools

AI tools refer to software applications that utilize artificial intelligence to perform tasks, analyze data, or provide insights. In the context of the video, AI tools are being discussed as aids for research, potentially helping to streamline literature review, data analysis, and other research processes.


Research is the systematic investigation and study of materials and sources to establish facts and reach new conclusions. In the video, research is the central focus, with the discussion revolving around how AI tools can enhance the research process, particularly in the fields of engineering and business management.


SciSpace is a platform mentioned in the video that provides AI-driven tools specifically designed to assist with research activities. It includes features like literature review, question-answering, paraphraser, and citation generation, aiming to streamline the research process and make it more efficient.

💡Literature Review

A literature review is a comprehensive analysis of previously published writings pertaining to a specific topic or research question. It is a critical part of the research process that helps identify existing knowledge gaps and sets the stage for new contributions. In the video, literature review is one of the key features of the AI tools discussed, enabling researchers to efficiently synthesize and understand relevant scholarly works.


In the context of the video, Co-Pilot refers to an AI-powered feature within the SciSpace platform that assists users in reading and understanding research papers. It provides summaries, answers to specific questions, and helps users navigate through complex research materials by offering explanations and related papers.

💡Content Marketing Strategies

Content marketing strategies are methods employed to create, distribute, and manage content in order to attract, engage, and retain a target audience. In the context of the video, content marketing strategies are part of the discussions on how to effectively promote and communicate the benefits of AI tools like SciSpace to potential users.

💡Technical Product Manager

A Technical Product Manager (TPM) is a professional who is responsible for guiding the development and release of technology products. They work closely with cross-functional teams, including engineering, design, and marketing, to ensure that products meet customer needs and business objectives. In the video, the TPM is likely involved in the development and presentation of the AI tools featured in the online workshop.

💡Research and Knowledge Unit

A Research and Knowledge Unit is a specialized group or department within an educational or organizational institution that focuses on fostering a research-oriented environment and supporting scholarly activities. In the video, the unit is responsible for organizing seminars and workshops, like the online workshop on AI tools for research, to enhance the research capabilities of faculty members and students.

💡Vice Dean of Academic Affairs

The Vice Dean of Academic Affairs is a high-ranking academic administrator responsible for overseeing academic programs, faculty development, and student academic progress within a faculty or institution. In the context of the video, the Vice Dean delivers a welcoming speech, highlighting their support for the online workshop and the importance of leveraging AI tools in research.


Online workshop on leveraging AI tools for research.

Event co-hosted by Faculty of Engineering, Universo and School of Business and Management Institute Technology B.

Welcome speech by Professor Dr NCH Siso Stamp the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs Faculty of Engineering, Universo.

Introduction of research and knowledge unit at SPM aimed at nurturing research atmosphere and supporting research conducted by faculty members.

Discussion on the importance of literature review in research and how technology can assist in making the process easier.

Presentation of SciSpace tools for research by Mr. Har Fitra, Technical Product Manager, and Mr. Rohan Sici, Research Scientist.

SciSpace's mission to make scientific interactions quicker, more accessible, and efficient.

Challenges faced in the world of scientific literature such as the rapid growth of articles and difficulty in understanding heavy jargon.

Introduction of Co-pilot, a tool to assist in reading and understanding research papers by providing simple explanations and answers from AI.

Demonstration of Co-pilot's features including summarizing texts, explaining math and tables, and generating citations.

Explanation of how SciSpace can act as a personal assistant for research by managing and organizing collections of important papers.

Discussion on the Trace feature which allows users to easily navigate through research papers and related literature.

Presentation of the Literature Review tool which enables faster discovery of relevant papers and latest research.

Showcase of the Library feature in SciSpace that allows users to upload, organize, and get insights from their own research papers.

Introduction of the Chrome plugin that allows users to access SciSpace's functionalities anywhere on the web.

Discussion on future plans for SciSpace including tools for reviewing draft articles and increasing outreach for authors.

Q&A session where participants can ask questions and get insights directly from the presenters.