OpenAI’s GPT-4o: The Best AI Is Now Free!

Two Minute Papers
14 May 202409:14

TLDROpenAI has launched GPT-4o, a groundbreaking AI chatbot with enhanced capabilities that include significant improvements in math skills and a new real-time conversational speech feature. This version is faster, cheaper via its API, and now available for free, making it accessible to a wider audience. GPT-4o can engage in natural-sounding discussions, solve math problems, generate caricatures from photos, and even read personalized bedtime stories. It also aids in job interview preparation, language translation, and coding assistance. The AI's ability to understand and convey emotion, as well as its application in education, makes it a versatile tool. With its deployment to various platforms, including a standalone Mac OS app, GPT-4o is set to revolutionize how we interact with AI, offering a more human-like experience and making advanced AI technology available to everyone.


  • 🚀 OpenAI has released a new version of their AI chatbot, GPT-4o, with significant advancements.
  • 📈 GPT-4o has improved math skills and set a new record on the GP QA dataset with PhD level questions.
  • 🗣️ A standout feature is real-time conversational speech, allowing for natural back-and-forth discussions.
  • 🤖 It can handle interruptions and is interactive, assisting with tasks like job interview preparation and studying.
  • 🎨 The AI can generate a caricature from a photo and has text-to-3D object capabilities, including font creation.
  • 📚 It understands emotions and can adjust its responses accordingly, providing a personalized experience.
  • 🧒 Particularly beneficial for education, GPT-4o can act as a patient teacher for subjects like mathematics.
  • 🎓 Renowned mathematician Terence Tao considers chatbots like GPT-4o as colleagues, highlighting its advanced capabilities.
  • 💻 GPT-4o can assist with coding by explaining code snippets and their functions.
  • 🌐 Language translation is seamless, demonstrated with real-time translation from Italian to English.
  • 🎤 The AI has the ability to sing, adding a creative and emotional dimension to its interactions.
  • 🆓 GPT-4o is now available for free, making advanced AI capabilities accessible to a wider audience.
  • 🔗 Users can upload files for free interaction, and custom GPTs can be deployed for others to use.

Q & A

  • What is the newest version of OpenAI's AI chatbot called?

    -The newest version is called GPT 40.

  • What improvements does GPT 40 have over previous versions?

    -GPT 40 has significant enhancements in math skills, a new feature for real-time conversational speech, and the ability to understand and respond to emotions.

  • How does GPT 40's real-time conversational speech feature benefit users?

    -It allows for natural-sounding voice responses, interactivity, and the ability to be interrupted by users at any time.

  • What other capabilities does GPT 40 have besides conversational speech?

    -GPT 40 can generate caricatures from photos, convert text to 3D objects, create new fonts, and perform real-time emotion detection.

  • How can GPT 40 assist in education?

    -GPT 40 can help prepare for job interviews, study mathematics, assist in real-time study sessions, and provide personalized education experiences, especially for those who cannot afford a personal teacher.

  • What is the significance of GPT 40's ability to explain the purpose of mathematical concepts?

    -This feature is crucial for understanding the application of mathematics in real-life scenarios, making the learning process more meaningful and relatable.

  • What is the 'O' in GPT 40 said to represent?

    -The 'O' in GPT 40 represents 'Omni', indicating its multifaceted capabilities.

  • How does GPT 40's coding assistance work?

    -GPT 40 can analyze a piece of code and explain its functionality, making it a useful tool for programmers.

  • What language translation capabilities does GPT 40 have?

    -GPT 40 can perform real-time language translation, demonstrated with Italian to English translations in the script.

  • How does the availability of GPT 40 for free impact users?

    -Free users can now access the advanced capabilities of GPT 40, including uploading files, interacting with PDFs, and asking questions about photos, without any cost.

  • What is the significance of GPT 40's deployment for educators and students?

    -The free availability of GPT 40 allows educators and students, especially those who cannot afford subscriptions, to access advanced AI capabilities for teaching and learning.

  • What additional feature is mentioned for GPT 40 users?

    -A standalone Mac OS app is also in development, which will further enhance the accessibility and utility of GPT 40.



🚀 Introduction to GPT 40's Groundbreaking Features

The video begins with the exciting announcement of GPT 40, the latest version of OpenAI's AI chatbot. It boasts significantly improved capabilities, including enhanced mathematical skills and a new dataset that tackles PhD-level questions in subjects like chemistry and physics. The highlight is the introduction of real-time conversational speech, allowing for natural back-and-forth discussions and interactivity. This feature is not only impressive for its ability to answer questions in a human-like voice but also for its potential applications, such as job interview preparation, studying mathematics, and even playing games like Rock Paper Scissors. Additionally, GPT 40 can generate caricatures from photos, create new fonts, and understand emotions, making it a versatile tool for various tasks. The video also mentions the educational potential of GPT 40, suggesting it could serve as a personal teacher for children worldwide.


🌟 GPT 40's Practical Applications and Accessibility

The second paragraph delves into the practical applications of GPT 40, including coding assistance, language translation, and real-time emotion detection. It demonstrates the AI's ability to analyze and explain code, translate languages, and detect emotional states based on voice cues. The paragraph also emphasizes the speed and efficiency of GPT 40, highlighting its ability to solve complex tasks and assemble robotic components. The video script mentions the upcoming release of a standalone Mac OS app and the AI's ability to sing, marking a new milestone in AI development. The narrator expresses enthusiasm for the AI's potential to democratize access to advanced AI capabilities, particularly in education, and invites viewers to experience the technology through provided links. The paragraph concludes with a call to action, encouraging viewers to subscribe and explore the advancements in AI through the video series and Microsoft Azure AI.




GPT-40 refers to a hypothetical advanced version of an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI. In the script, it is described as having incredible capabilities, including significant improvements in math skills and real-time conversational speech. It represents a leap in AI technology and is a central focus of the video's discussion on the future of artificial intelligence.


API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate and interact with each other. In the context of the video, the mention of a cheaper API version of GPT-40 suggests that developers can access the advanced capabilities of the AI at a reduced cost, facilitating broader use and integration.

💡Real-time conversational speech

This term refers to the ability of the AI to engage in natural-sounding, back-and-forth discussions in real time. It is a key feature of GPT-40 that allows for more interactive and dynamic communication. The script illustrates this with examples such as solving math problems and playing games like Rock Paper Scissors, showcasing the AI's versatility and interactivity.


A caricature is a form of art that exaggerates or distorts the features of the subject for humorous or satirical effect. In the video script, it is mentioned that GPT-40 can generate a caricature from a photo, demonstrating the AI's advanced image processing and creative capabilities.

💡Text-to-3D object capabilities

This refers to the ability of the AI to convert textual descriptions into three-dimensional models or objects. The script highlights this feature as part of the AI's advanced capabilities, suggesting that GPT-40 can create new fonts and other 3D objects, indicating a high level of understanding and manipulation of spatial data.

💡Emotion detection

Emotion detection is the process of identifying and responding to human emotions through various cues, such as voice pitch or speed of speech. The script mentions that GPT-40 can understand if a person is nervous based on their breathing and can adjust its responses accordingly, showcasing the AI's sensitivity to human emotional states.

💡Personalized bedtime story

A personalized bedtime story is a narrative created specifically for an individual, tailored to their interests and experiences. In the video, GPT-40 is described as being able to read a personalized bedtime story about robots and love, emphasizing the AI's ability to provide customized content and its potential as a storytelling tool.


Mathematics is a field of study that involves the properties of numbers, quantities, shapes, and patterns. The script discusses GPT-40's ability to assist with mathematical problems, including solving equations and providing real-life examples of mathematical concepts, highlighting the AI's educational applications.


Coding refers to the process of writing computer programs or creating software. The video script mentions that GPT-40 can analyze a piece of code and explain its function, such as fetching and smoothing weather data, demonstrating the AI's understanding of programming languages and its potential utility in software development.

💡Language translation

Language translation is the process of converting text or speech from one language to another. The script describes a demonstration of GPT-40's real-time language translation capabilities from Italian to English, emphasizing the AI's ability to facilitate communication across different languages.

💡AI as a teacher

The concept of AI as a teacher refers to the use of artificial intelligence to educate and guide learners. The video script discusses how GPT-40 can serve as a personal tutor for students, helping them with their studies in real time, and how it can be particularly beneficial for those who cannot afford a personal teacher, underscoring the potential of AI to democratize education.


OpenAI has announced the newest version of their AI chatbot, GPT-4o, which is now available for free.

GPT-4o has significantly improved capabilities, including a huge jump in math skills and a new record on the GP QA dataset.

The API version of GPT-4o is faster and cheaper, offering real-time conversational speech.

Users can interact with GPT-4o naturally, even interrupting it at any time.

GPT-4o can help prepare for job interviews, study mathematics, and even play games like Rock Paper Scissors.

The AI can generate a caricature from a photo and has text-to-3D object capabilities, among other features.

GPT-4o understands and responds to emotions, advising users to slow down if they are nervous.

The AI can read personalized bedtime stories, providing a friend-like interaction.

GPT-4o can study and solve mathematical problems in real time, understanding handwritten equations through a camera.

The AI can help students worldwide, acting as a super smart and infinitely patient teacher.

GPT-4o can explain the purpose of mathematical concepts and provide real-life examples.

The AI can quiz users in real time, such as identifying the hypotenuse in a triangle.

GPT-4o will not judge users, allowing for a supportive learning environment.

The AI can help with coding by explaining code snippets and their functions.

Language translation is also a feature of GPT-4o, demonstrated with real-time Italian to English translation.

GPT-4o can detect emotions in real time and respond accordingly.

Despite some minor glitches, GPT-4o is highly impressive and will be accessible for users to try soon.

GPT-4o can solve complex tasks, such as assembling robotic cows, which other AIs have struggled with.

Free users can upload files and interact with various formats like PDFs and photos.

Paid users are expected to have a higher limit on the number of prompts they can run.

A standalone Mac OS app for GPT-4o is in development.

The availability of GPT-4o for free is a significant step towards making AI accessible to everyone, including students and teachers.

GPT-4o represents a leap from text-based interactions to more human-like, conversational AI.