OpenAI’s GPT-4o release 'could spell trouble' for Apple and Google, strategist says

Yahoo Finance
14 May 202408:17

TLDROpenAI's unveiling of their new flagship chatbot model, GPT-4o, has raised concerns about its potential impact on tech giants like Apple and Google. During a live stream, CTO Mira Moradi showcased the model's capabilities, highlighting its ability to integrate voice, images, videos, and text in a humanlike interaction. Analyst Patrick Morehead suggests that while the technology is promising, its adoption has been slower than expected. He warns that if Apple and Google do not adapt to the changing landscape, they risk losing ground to OpenAI, which could monetize its technology through various means, including service payments and advertising. There is speculation that Apple may partner with OpenAI, possibly integrating its technology into future products. Morehead also discusses the potential for ARM to license its intellectual property for AI chips, which could further shake up the tech industry.


  • 🚀 OpenAI has unveiled a new flagship chatbot model named GPT-4o, which is expected to be smarter and faster than its predecessors.
  • 📅 The announcement's timing coincides with Google IO and Apple WWDC events, suggesting a strategic move to influence the tech industry's competitive landscape.
  • 🤖 The new model integrates voice, images, videos, and text, offering a more humanlike interaction mode.
  • 🧐 Despite the hype, there is skepticism about the real-world impact of AI advancements, with some questioning where the promised revolution is.
  • 📈 The technology's adoption is often slower than anticipated, and it may take years to become mainstream in consumer and business sectors.
  • 📱 The new model is faster to use and could potentially replace or challenge existing big tech voice assistants.
  • 💰 If OpenAI can attract and retain users, it could monetize the platform through service payments, advertising, or referrals to profitable companies.
  • 🔍 There are speculations that Apple might partner with OpenAI, which could have significant implications for both Apple and Google.
  • 🤝 A potential partnership could involve Apple offering cloud-based services powered by OpenAI, or a financial deal similar to the one Google has with Apple for search services.
  • 📈 Investors are keen to see tangible AI advancements, and there's a possibility that ARM could license its intellectual property for AI accelerators in various devices.
  • ⚖️ The balance between on-device and cloud-based AI capabilities is crucial for tech companies, with Apple focusing on on-device AI for its competitive edge.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of OpenAI's GPT-4o release in the context of the tech industry?

    -The release of GPT-4o by OpenAI is significant as it introduces a new flagship chatbot model that is smarter and faster. It could potentially disrupt the tech industry by challenging the dominance of established players like Google and Apple in the fields of search, advertising, and intelligent assistant experiences.

  • How does the timing of OpenAI's announcement affect Google and its upcoming Google IO conference?

    -The timing of OpenAI's announcement, just before Google's IO conference, is strategic. It puts pressure on Google to innovate and respond to the new developments in the AI chatbot space, potentially affecting Google's advertisers and search dominance.

  • What are the potential implications of the GPT-4o model for Apple's ecosystem?

    -The GPT-4o model could impact Apple by influencing the definition of the best intelligent agent or assistant experience. If Apple does not innovate or align with OpenAI, it could face challenges in maintaining its competitive edge in the market.

  • How does the adoption of AI technology typically unfold in the market?

    -AI technology often takes longer to be adopted by the general public and businesses than initially anticipated. While it may seem to come overnight in Silicon Valley, widespread consumer and business adoption usually occurs years later.

  • What is the current state of AI integration in corporate America?

    -AI, such as chat GPT, is being used as a tool and is being integrated to some degree in Corporate America. However, its widespread impact on daily life and business operations is still unfolding.

  • What are the potential monetization strategies for OpenAI's GPT-4o model?

    -OpenAI could monetize GPT-4o through service payments, advertising, or by directing users to other chatbots for companies that generate revenue, such as food services or airlines.

  • How concerned should big tech investors be about the increasing use of OpenAI's chatbot?

    -Investors should be cautious as the increasing reliance on OpenAI's chatbot could pose a risk to big tech companies like Apple and Google. If these companies do not adapt or partner with OpenAI, they could face challenges in maintaining their market positions.

  • What are the odds of Apple partnering with OpenAI for its upcoming phone cycle?

    -The odds are estimated to be about 50-50 that Apple and OpenAI will collaborate, possibly in the form of cloud-based services or a deal similar to the one Google has with Apple for default search on the iPhone.

  • How important is on-device AI for Apple's strategy?

    -On-device AI is crucial for Apple, as the company's strength lies in its hardware and the integrated user experience. Apple needs to enhance its on-device AI capabilities to stay competitive in the market.

  • What is the potential role of ARM in developing AI chips?

    -While the probability of ARM creating and selling actual AI chips is low, there is a high probability that they will license their intellectual property to enable other companies to build AI accelerators for various devices.

  • What does the future hold for Siri in the context of generative AI?

    -There is an expectation that Siri will be re-launched at Apple's WWDC, potentially incorporating generative AI and possibly with assistance from OpenAI, to enhance its capabilities and compete with other AI assistants.

  • How does the investment bubble in technology affect the adoption and monetization of AI?

    -The investment bubble can create initial excitement and adoption, but it often leads to a trough of disillusionment. To sustain growth, companies need to deliver on the promises of AI technology and find effective monetization strategies.



🚀 OpenAI's New Flagship Chatbot: Chat GP40

The video script begins with a discussion on OpenAI's recent unveiling of a new flagship chatbot model, Chat GP40, during a live stream conference with Chief Technology Officer Mira Moradi. The chatbot is praised for its ability to solve linear equations and its confidence in doing so. Patrick Morehead, founder and CEO of More Insights and Strategy, joins the conversation to discuss the potential impact of this new model on the competitive landscape, especially considering upcoming events like Google IO and Apple's WWDC. Morehead highlights the strategic timing of the announcement and the integration of voice, images, and text in a humanlike interaction mode. Despite the initial hype around Chat GP40, Morehead expresses skepticism about the immediate transformative impact on everyday life, noting that technology adoption often takes longer than expected. He also discusses the potential risks for big tech companies if users increasingly rely on OpenAI's chatbot over their own voice assistants.


🤖 The Future of AI and Big Tech: Partnerships and Risks

In the second paragraph, the conversation shifts towards the potential partnership between Apple and OpenAI, and the implications it could have for both companies, as well as for Google. Morehead suggests that while there is a risk of users shifting towards OpenAI's chatbot, it may not be an immediate concern. He proposes that if Apple and Google do not address this potential shift, it could lead to trouble in the long term. Morehead also touches on the possibility of a deal similar to the one where Google pays Apple to make Google Search the default on iPhones. He emphasizes the importance of on-device AI for Apple and predicts a relaunch of Siri with generative AI capabilities at WWDC, possibly with OpenAI's assistance. The discussion also includes the potential for ARM to license its intellectual property for AI accelerators, which could be used in various devices and data centers, and the desire from investors to see more tangible AI advancements.




OpenAI is a research and deployment company that develops artificial intelligence technologies. In the context of the video, OpenAI is unveiling a new chatbot model called GPT-40, which is a significant advancement in AI technology. It is presented as a potential disruptor in the tech industry, particularly for companies like Apple and Google.


GPT-40 refers to the new chatbot model unveiled by OpenAI. It represents a leap forward in AI capabilities, being described as 'smarter' and 'faster'. The model's ability to solve linear equations and its human-like interaction mode are highlighted, suggesting a high level of sophistication and potential impact on the tech industry.

💡Google IO

Google IO is Google's annual developer conference where they announce new products and technologies. In the script, it is mentioned that OpenAI's announcement of GPT-40 is strategically timed just before Google IO, suggesting that OpenAI is trying to influence the narrative and possibly steal some of Google's thunder.

💡Apple WWDC

Apple WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference) is an annual event where Apple showcases its latest software and technologies. The script discusses the potential impact of GPT-40 on Apple, as it may redefine what is considered the 'best intelligent agent or assistant experience', which is directly relevant to Apple's ecosystem.

💡Voice Assistant

A voice assistant is a software agent that uses voice recognition to interpret and carry out spoken commands. In the video, there is a discussion about the potential risk that OpenAI's GPT-40 poses to established voice assistants from big tech companies like Apple and Google, as it could shift user reliance towards a more advanced AI model.


Monetization refers to the process of generating revenue from a product or service. The script explores how OpenAI could potentially monetize GPT-40 through various means, such as service payments, advertising, or by directing users to other chatbots for companies that generate revenue.

💡AI Chips

AI chips are specialized hardware designed to efficiently run AI algorithms. The transcript mentions a report about ARM developing AI chips, which is a significant development in the hardware space that could enable more powerful AI capabilities in devices.

💡Intellectual Property

Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions and artistic works. In the context of the video, it is suggested that ARM might license its intellectual property to companies like Apple, Qualcomm, AWS, and Azure, allowing them to build AI accelerators using ARM's technology.

💡Investment Bubble

An investment bubble occurs when asset prices rise to levels that are significantly higher than their intrinsic value, often followed by a crash. The script uses the term to describe the hype around AI technologies and the need for companies to manage expectations and the potential for disillusionment.


Siri is Apple's voice assistant technology. The video suggests that Apple may relaunch Siri with improved AI capabilities, possibly with the help of OpenAI, to stay competitive in the market where voice assistants are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

💡On-Device AI

On-Device AI refers to AI capabilities that are integrated directly into a device, such as a smartphone or tablet, rather than relying on cloud-based services. The script discusses the importance of on-device AI for Apple, as it is a key differentiator for their products and a critical aspect of the user experience.


OpenAI unveils a new flagship chatbot model called Chat GPT-40, which is claimed to be smarter and faster.

The release of Chat GPT-40 is strategically timed just before Google IO and Apple WWDC, potentially impacting their competitive landscape.

Chat GPT-40 integrates voice, images, videos, and text in a humanlike interaction mode.

Despite the hype, the real-world impact of Chat GPT on daily life and corporate America remains limited.

Technology adoption is often slower than initially anticipated, with a potential 'trough of disillusionment' to follow the initial excitement.

Chat GPT-40 is faster to use in software and services on smartphones compared to building new physical products.

There is a risk for big tech investors as users may increasingly rely on OpenAI's chatbot and less on big tech voice assistants.

OpenAI could potentially monetize its platform through service payments, advertising, or directing users to other profitable chatbots.

There's a possibility of Apple partnering with OpenAI, which could have significant implications for both Apple and Google.

The speculated partnership could involve cloud-based services, with Apple needing assistance in certain AI areas.

A potential deal might be similar to Google paying Apple for default search on iPhones, but with a focus on AI services.

Apple's strength lies in on-device AI, not cloud-based services, which could be a challenge if they don't improve in this area.

Expectations are high for a Siri relaunch at WWDC, possibly incorporating generative AI with potential help from OpenAI.

The complexity of integrating multiple AI models for different tasks on-device and in the cloud is a significant challenge.

OpenAI's current financial situation involves significant losses, which could be invested into infrastructure, advertising, or strategic partnerships.

Reports suggest ARM may develop AI chips, but the likelihood of them selling physical products is low, with a higher probability of licensing IP for AI accelerators.

Investors are keen to see tangible AI advancements, even if it's in the form of specific AI intellectual property within processors.