Is PHIND AI Search the New ChatGPT for Devs?

19 Apr 202314:07

TLDRThe video discusses a new AI search engine designed for developers, offering three modes: expert, concise, and creative. It compares the AI's capabilities to Chat GPT, highlighting its speed, privacy features, and up-to-date information from the web. The AI provides correct C++ code for a 'Hello World' program, includes source attributions, and offers alternative solutions. The video also explores the AI's handling of privacy, emphasizing its policy against selling user data. The AI's potential for creating a plugin between Flutter and C++ is tested, showcasing its ability to provide detailed explanations and code snippets, despite some limitations in handling complex tasks.


  • 🔍 The AI search engine is designed specifically for developers, offering three modes: expert, concise, and creative.
  • 📈 It compares to Chat GPT 4 in terms of output speed, with Chat GPT 3.5 being faster when using the paid version.
  • 🛠️ The AI provides correct and executable code samples, such as a simple 'Hello World' program in C++.
  • 🏷️ The AI includes URLs to source its output, attributing the information properly, which is a feature not found in Chat GPT.
  • 📖 The explanation of the code is detailed, including the purpose of each part of the code and how it works.
  • 📊 The AI search engine aggregates information from multiple sources, presenting a consolidated view on one page.
  • 💡 It offers alternative solutions and goes in-depth with explanations, enhancing the learning experience.
  • 📝 The AI provides instructions on how to build, compile, and run the code.
  • 🔒 The privacy policy is transparent, with a commitment to not selling user data and anonymizing search logs.
  • 🌐 The AI is trained on the latest information available on the web, offering up-to-date data and constantly updating its model.
  • 🔄 The AI struggles with complex prompts and is better suited for smaller components rather than large-scale programs.

Q & A

  • What is the new AI search engine mentioned in the transcript?

    -The new AI search engine mentioned is one built specifically for developers, allowing them to explore and ask various questions across three different modes: expert mode, concise mode, and creative mode.

  • How does the AI search engine compare to chat GPT in terms of speed and output?

    -The AI search engine's speed and output are comparable to chat GPT 4, but for faster results, chat GPT 3.5 is recommended, especially when using the paid version.

  • What are the three modes of operation provided by the AI search engine?

    -The AI search engine offers three modes: expert mode for in-depth information, concise mode for quicker and more straightforward answers, and creative mode which encourages users to apply their own thought process to the provided information.

  • How does the AI search engine handle user privacy?

    -The AI search engine claims not to sell user data and only collects anonymous information from search queries to improve its services. It does not associate searches with personally identifiable information such as IP addresses.

  • What is the main advantage of the AI search engine over chat GPT?

    -The main advantage is that the AI search engine is taught on the latest information available on the web, making it capable of providing up-to-date information, unlike chat GPT which is limited to data up to 2021.

  • How does the AI search engine provide explanations for its code examples?

    -The AI search engine provides explanations by sourcing information from various online platforms, attributing the sources, and offering a detailed breakdown of the code components and their purposes.

  • What is the significance of the URLs provided in the AI search engine's explanations?

    -The URLs provided in the explanations are sources from where the output is derived. This ensures proper attribution and allows users to verify the information or learn more on the topic from the original sources.

  • How can users provide feedback to the AI search engine?

    -Users can provide feedback through a thumbs up, thumbs down system, and by using the comment section to share their experiences and solutions found using the search engine.

  • What is the potential limitation of the AI search engine when it comes to building large-scale programs?

    -The AI search engine may struggle with complex prompts and is more suited for smaller components rather than large-scale programs. It is most effective when used for specific, well-defined tasks.

  • What is the recommended approach for creating a plugin that allows communication between a Flutter front end and a C++ back end?

    -The recommended approach is to use a method channel in the Flutter project, include the necessary modules, call the init method channel on create in the Dart code, and use the foreign function interface from Dart to create the bridge code to C++.

  • What is the main takeaway from the discussion about the AI search engine in the transcript?

    -The main takeaway is that the AI search engine is a powerful tool for developers that respects user privacy, offers up-to-date information, and provides detailed explanations and sources for its outputs. However, it is most effective for smaller tasks and components rather than large-scale program development.



🤖 Introduction to the AI Search Engine for Developers

The speaker begins by discussing a new AI search engine designed specifically for developers. They mention that, similar to chatbots, this platform allows for multiple threads and a variety of question types. The engine offers three modes: expert, concise, and creative, which will be explored further in the video. A key highlight is the AI's focus on user privacy and data handling, which is a concern for many users. The speaker then demonstrates the AI's capabilities by asking it to create a 'Hello World' program in C++, noting that the response is comparable to Chat GPT 4 in terms of output speed. The AI provides a correct and detailed answer, including a source URL, which is appreciated. The explanation of the code is comprehensive, and the AI even provides an alternative version of the program using the 'using namespace std;' directive. The speaker praises the AI for its depth and the provision of multiple sources.


📝 Reviewing the AI's Explanation and Privacy Policy

The speaker continues by discussing the AI's explanation of the 'Hello World' program, noting that it includes URLs for sources, which is a positive aspect not found in Chat GPT. They express concern about the AI not explaining what a string is, suggesting room for improvement. The speaker then addresses the absence of information on installing GCC or C++ compiler tools, which they don't see as a major issue. They transition to discussing the AI's privacy policy, emphasizing the importance of transparency and data protection. The AI claims not to sell user data and to use it only to improve services. The speaker appreciates the AI's transparency and its commitment to not selling user data to third parties. They also mention the follow-up questions feature, which could be derived from other users' queries, and encourage viewers to subscribe for more content.


🚀 Comparing AI Modes and Discussing Privacy

The speaker compares the AI's different modes, noting that the concise mode provides a quicker response but with fewer details. They express their preference for the creative mode, which allows for more personal input. The speaker then reiterates the importance of the AI's privacy policy, stating that it collects anonymous data to improve services but does not associate searches with personally identifiable information. They commend the AI for not selling data and for being transparent about its data practices. The speaker also mentions the AI's ability to provide up-to-date information from the web, which is a significant advantage over Chat GPT, which has a data cutoff in 2021. They encourage viewers to try the AI and share their experiences in the comments.

🛠️ Creating a Cross-Language Communication Plugin

The speaker challenges the AI to create a plugin that allows communication between a front-end Flutter program and a C++ back-end. The AI provides a general approach using method channels and the foreign function interface (FFI) from Dart. However, the speaker notes that the AI does not provide a complete example, unlike Chat GPT. After refining the prompt, the AI generates a program that creates a method channel in Flutter and a bridge to C++ using FFI. The speaker critiques the AI for not specifying the language used in the example code and for not providing a native C++ function for a Linux platform. They conclude that while the AI is effective for small components, it struggles with complex prompts and is not suitable for large-scale projects.



💡AI search engine

An AI search engine is an intelligent system designed to aid developers by providing them with relevant information, code examples, and resources. In the context of the video, it is a tool that the speaker explores and compares with other AI models like Chat GPT. The AI search engine stands out for its three modes - expert, concise, and creative - and its ability to handle complex queries related to programming and development.


Developers are professionals in the field of software or hardware creation, who write code, design systems, and build applications. In the video, the AI search engine is specifically tailored for developers, meaning it is designed to cater to their needs for coding assistance, problem-solving, and access to a variety of programming resources.

💡Expert mode

Expert mode is one of the three modes offered by the AI search engine, aimed at providing detailed and in-depth responses to queries, especially for complex topics that require comprehensive information. It is designed to give developers a thorough understanding and multiple solutions to their problems.

💡Concise mode

Concise mode is a feature of the AI search engine that offers a more streamlined and direct response to user queries. It is designed to quickly provide essential information without the additional details found in expert mode, catering to users who need a quick and straightforward answer.

💡Creative mode

Creative mode is another option within the AI search engine that focuses on generating innovative and novel solutions to problems. It allows for a broader range of ideas and encourages users to think outside the box, providing them with unique approaches and ideas that they might not have considered.


Privacy in the context of the video refers to how the AI search engine handles user data and the level of anonymity it provides. The speaker emphasizes the importance of privacy and appreciates that the AI search engine does not sell user data, ensuring that personally identifiable information is not associated with search queries.

💡Data model

A data model refers to the structured representation of data and the rules that govern the storage and manipulation of that data. In the context of the AI search engine, the data model is the foundation upon which the system operates, constantly learning and updating based on the latest information available on the web.

💡Flutter framework

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google, used for creating natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop platforms from a single codebase. It is mentioned in the video as the front-end technology that the speaker wants to use in conjunction with a C++ back-end.


C++ is a general-purpose programming language created as an extension of the C language, providing object-oriented features and low-level memory manipulation. It is one of the languages discussed in the video, where the speaker seeks to create a back-end component for a cross-platform application.

💡Method Channel

A method channel is a term used in the context of Flutter and Dart programming, referring to a communication channel that allows the exchange of data and messages between the Dart code (front-end) and native code (back-end), such as C++. It enables developers to invoke functions from one side of the app and receive results on the other.


A new AI search engine designed for developers is explored, offering three different modes: expert, concise, and creative.

The AI's output speed is compared to various versions of chat GPT, with chat GPT 4 being similar in speed.

The AI provides a correct 'Hello World' program in C++ and includes the iostream library for console output.

The AI's response includes URLs as sources, attributing its output, which is different from chat GPT's approach.

The AI explains the components of the C++ program, such as the iostream library and the main function.

An alternative version of the 'Hello World' program using the 'using namespace std;' directive is provided.

The AI offers a step-by-step process in concise mode, providing a more streamlined explanation.

The AI's creative mode condenses information, allowing users to apply their thought process to the provided code.

The AI's privacy policy is discussed, emphasizing that it does not sell user data and keeps searches anonymous.

The AI's data model is up-to-date, pulling from the latest web information, unlike chat GPT which is limited to data up to 2021.

An example of creating a front-end Flutter program that communicates with a C++ back-end is given, using method channels and Dart's foreign function interface.

The AI struggles with complex prompts, offering a high-level overview rather than a complete example program.

The AI's responses are praised for their explanations and attribution of sources, enhancing the learning experience.

The AI is recommended for small components rather than large-scale projects due to its limitations in handling complex prompts.

The video encourages viewers to try the AI search engine, share their experiences, and join the community for further discussion.