Plagiarism Detection with Copyleaks

3 Aug 202308:04

TLDREdmonton is partnering with Copyleaks to enhance academic integrity in classrooms. Copyleaks' AI-powered text analysis helps educators identify potential plagiarism and paraphrased content, ensuring original student work. Available as an add-on to Edmonton's digital curriculum programs, it will be integrated fully by the 2024-2025 school year. Educators can use it to guide discussions on academic integrity and promote good writing skills among students.


  • 🤝 Edmonton is partnering with Copyleaks to enhance academic integrity in classrooms.
  • 🏫 The partnership is aimed at secondary digital curriculum programs, offering an add-on to Edmonton's courseware and Apex courses.
  • 🧠 Copyleaks provides AI-powered text analysis to identify potential plagiarism and paraphrasing, ensuring the originality of student work.
  • ✍️ Educators can use Copyleaks to guide teachable moments and develop good writing skills among students.
  • 📚 The program includes a variety of activities like writing labs and assignments that are crucial for student learning and comprehension.
  • 🔍 Copyleaks can analyze student work in different formats such as Word documents, PDFs, free text, URLs, and source code.
  • 📈 The tool provides detailed reports highlighting identical matches, minor changes, paraphrasing, and potential AI-generated content.
  • 🚫 For the 2023-2024 school year, Copyleaks will be available for teacher accounts only, to assist during the grading process.
  • 📝 Teachers can export a comprehensive report to facilitate discussions with students about academic integrity and the authenticity of their work.
  • 📆 Full integration of Copyleaks with Edmonton's digital curriculum is expected for the 2024-2025 school year.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to introduce Edmonton's partnership with Copyleaks, an AI-powered text analysis tool designed to help educators address academic integrity and promote best practices in writing skills.

  • How does Copyleaks help in maintaining academic integrity?

    -Copyleaks helps in maintaining academic integrity by identifying potential plagiarism, paraphrasing, and AI-generated content. It verifies the authenticity of student work and empowers error-free writing.

  • What are the features of Copyleaks that will be available to educators?

    -Educators will be able to use Copyleaks to check student work through files (Word documents or PDFs), free text, URLs, and source code comparisons. It also provides insights into the origin of the content and helps guide conversations around academic integrity.

  • How will the integration of Copyleaks work with Edmonton's digital curriculum programs?

    -Initially, Copyleaks will be available on its native platform for use alongside Edmonton's secondary digital curriculum programs. A full integration with the courseware is expected in the 2024-2025 school year.

  • What types of activities are included in Edmonton's secondary digital curriculum programs?

    -Edmonton's secondary digital curriculum programs include a wide range of activities such as teacher-graded assignments like writing labs, which are critical for standards coverage and allow students to demonstrate comprehension and interact with teachers through written responses.

  • How can teachers use Copyleaks during the grading process?

    -Teachers can download a student's document, save it, and then upload it into Copyleaks for scanning. The tool will provide data and insights on the originality of the work, which can be used to guide discussions around academic integrity with students.

  • What does the Copyleaks report include?

    -The Copyleaks report includes a detailed analysis of the student's work, highlighting identical or similar content, minor changes, paraphrased sections, and omitted words. It also provides a copy of the paper and lists the websites where the information could have been found.

  • How do teachers address cases where the student work has high similarity scores?

    -Teachers use the Copyleaks report to facilitate a conversation with the student about the findings. The decision to address such cases depends on the school's policies and the teacher's judgment.

  • What is the significance of teaching students how to paraphrase and find resources?

    -Teaching students how to paraphrase and find resources is important to help them generate original content and understand the concept of academic integrity. It empowers them to produce authentic work and develop good writing skills.

  • How does the video demonstrate the process of scanning a student document with Copyleaks?

    -The video shows a teacher uploading a student's work, scanning it with Copyleaks, and reviewing the results. It highlights how the tool identifies identical content, minor changes, paraphrasing, and potential AI usage, providing a visual example of how Copyleaks works in practice.



📚 Addressing Academic Integrity with Copyleaks Partnership

This paragraph introduces Edmonton's new partnership with Copyleaks to tackle academic integrity in classrooms. It highlights the challenges posed by easy access to cheating sites and AI tools, and emphasizes the importance of educators using teachable moments to encourage best practices. The video will explore how Edmonton's secondary digital curriculum programs are integrating Copyleaks as an add-on to their courseware or Apex courses. This AI-powered text analysis tool helps identify potential plagiarism, paraphrasing, and AI-generated content, ensuring original student work and promoting error-free writing. The paragraph outlines how educators can use Copyleaks to guide students in developing good writing skills and discusses the upcoming full integration in the 24-25 school year.


🔍 How Copyleaks Works: Detection and Facilitation of Academic Integrity

This paragraph delves into the functionality of Copyleaks and its role in enhancing academic integrity. It explains how teachers can use Copyleaks to check student work through various formats like Word documents, PDFs, free text, URLs, and source code. The video provides examples of how Copyleaks detects similarities in student submissions and identifies potential AI-generated content. It also discusses the process of scanning documents and the different options available for educators to review and analyze student work. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of teacher guidance in facilitating student understanding of academic integrity and effective communication between teachers and students using Copyleaks' detailed reporting features.




Plagiarism refers to the act of using someone else's words, ideas, or work without giving proper credit or permission, effectively presenting it as one's own. In the context of the video, plagiarism is a significant concern in academic settings, where originality and authenticity of student work are highly valued. The video discusses how Copyleaks, an AI-powered text analysis tool, can help educators identify potential plagiarism in student submissions, thereby promoting academic integrity.

💡Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the commitment to maintaining honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility in academic environments. It encompasses a set of values that students, educators, and researchers are expected to uphold. In the video, the partnership between Edmonton and Copyleaks aims to reinforce academic integrity by providing tools that discourage cheating and plagiarism, and encourage original and ethical work from students.


Copyleaks is an AI-powered plagiarism detection software that offers text analysis to identify potential plagiarism and paraphrasing, uncover AI-generated content, and verify the authenticity of written work. In the video, it is highlighted as a new tool being integrated into Edmonton's digital curriculum programs to help educators ensure the originality of student submissions.

💡AI Tools

AI tools, or artificial intelligence tools, are software applications that use machine learning and natural language processing to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. In the context of the video, AI tools like Copyleaks are used to analyze text and detect instances of plagiarism, which would otherwise be difficult to identify manually.

💡Digital Curriculum

A digital curriculum refers to the use of digital resources and technology to deliver educational content and activities. It includes online courses, virtual classrooms, and digital assignments. In the video, Edmonton's secondary digital curriculum programs are being enhanced with the integration of Copyleaks to support academic integrity and improve writing skills.

💡Text Analysis

Text analysis is the process of examining and interpreting textual data to extract meaningful insights and identify patterns. In the context of the video, Copyleaks performs AI-powered text analysis to detect similarities between student work and existing content, helping to identify potential plagiarism.

💡Paraphrased Content

Paraphrased content refers to the act of rewording or rephrasing original text in a different manner while retaining the same meaning. It is a skill students need to master to avoid plagiarism and demonstrate their understanding of the material. The video discusses how Copyleaks can identify paraphrased content, which is crucial for maintaining academic integrity.


Authenticity refers to the quality of being genuine, original, and not copied or counterfeit. In an academic context, it is essential for student work to be authentic to demonstrate true understanding and mastery of the subject matter. The video highlights the importance of verifying the authenticity of student submissions through the use of Copyleaks.

💡Teacher-Graded Assignments

Teacher-graded assignments are tasks or activities that students complete as part of their coursework, which are then evaluated and given a grade by their teachers. These assignments are critical for assessing student understanding and providing feedback. In the video, teacher-graded assignments such as writing labs are mentioned as areas where academic integrity can be challenged, and where tools like Copyleaks can be particularly useful.

💡Proactive Guidance

Proactive guidance refers to the act of providing direction or advice in advance to prevent potential issues or to encourage positive outcomes. In the context of the video, proactive guidance involves using tools like Copyleaks to teach students about academic integrity and good writing practices while they are developing their skills.


Integration in this context refers to the process of combining different systems or tools to work together seamlessly. The video discusses the upcoming full integration of Copyleaks into Edmonton's secondary digital curriculum programs, which will allow educators to use the plagiarism detection tool directly within their existing course platforms.


Edmonton's new partnership with Copyleaks aims to enhance academic integrity in classrooms.

Academic integrity is becoming a crucial part of everyday conversation due to the rise of cheating sites and AI tools.

Copyleaks offers AI-powered text analysis to identify potential plagiarism and encourage error-free writing.

The tool is available as an add-on to Edmonton's courseware or Apex courses, supporting secondary digital curriculum programs.

Educators can use Copyleaks to proactively guide teachable moments and develop good writing skills among students.

Copyleaks allows educators to verify the authenticity of student work and uncover AI-generated content.

For the 2023-24 school year, Copyleaks will be available for teacher accounts only, providing insights for academic integrity discussions.

Teachers can upload student work documents, such as Word or PDF files, for plagiarism detection and analysis.

The software can detect if content was not necessarily written by a human, indicating potential AI usage.

Copyleaks provides a detailed report for teachers, highlighting similarities and potential sources of copied content.

Teachers can use the export report button to facilitate discussions with students about the validity of their work.

Copyleaks also supports the detection of paraphrasing, helping students understand and practice proper citation.

The tool is designed to empower educators and facilitate student conversations around academic integrity and good writing skills.

Full integration of Copyleaks with Edmonton's digital curriculum is expected in the 2024-25 school year.

Copyleaks can analyze various types of student submissions, including free text, URLs, and source code.

The platform helps educators ensure original student work, providing a powerful tool to address academic integrity challenges.

Copyleaks' AI technology aims to support greater student learning in conjunction with Edmonton's digital curriculum.