[PoE] Build overview - Strength stacking Deadeye wander - Build - Stream Highlights #847

14 May 202411:23

TLDRThis video provides an in-depth overview of a strength stacking Deadeye Wander build in Path of Exile. The character is primarily a mapper with the potential for bossing if invested in. The build focuses on stacking strength for increased damage, utilizing a combination of Iron Will, Battlemage's Cry, and cluster jewels for maximum effect. Key gear includes the Ondar's Ward Weaver wand, Iron Fortress chest, and a Blizzard Crown helm. The build is not tanky but offers a good balance of damage and survivability, with plenty of room for further optimization and upgrades.


  • 🏹 This character is a strength stacking Ranger, focusing on attack power through strength.
  • 🎯 The build is optimized for mapping rather than bossing, but with investment, it can handle bosses and Uber content.
  • 🗺 The character progression starts as a Ranger and follows the strength pathing to maximize the benefits from cluster jewels.
  • 💎 Utilizes three cluster jewels for increased effect of strength, life, and attributes, enhancing the character's overall power.
  • 🔄 Features two 'Split personalities' nodes for strength and life, extending the character's survivability and damage potential.
  • 🛡 The build includes 'Emperor's Mastery', 'Emperor's Might', and 'Forbidden Flesh' for additional strength and life scaling.
  • 🏹 'Champion of the Cause' and 'Inertia' are key nodes for strength stacking, enhancing the character's damage output.
  • 🗡 The gear includes a crafted 'Onor Hoarder' wand for chaos conversion and strength stacking mods, emphasizing damage.
  • 🛡 'Iron Fortress' chest piece provides significant tankiness with reduced extra damage from critical strikes.
  • 💧 Flasks are optimized for survivability with 'Mage Blood' and 'Diamond Flask' for armor, movement speed, and critical strike chance.
  • 🌐 The build is not extremely tanky but has good resistance and chaos resistance, allowing for survivability in end-game content.

Q & A

  • What type of character is featured in the video?

    -The character featured in the video is a strength stacking Ranger with a focus on mapping and not primarily a bossing character.

  • What is the main theme of the character build in the video?

    -The main theme of the character build is strength stacking, with the character utilizing the Deadeye ascendancy for a fast mapping experience.

  • What are the key features of the character's passive skill tree?

    -The passive skill tree features a lot of strength pathing, three cluster jewels for increased effect of strength, life, and attributes, and nodes like Emperor's Mastery, attributes, and life from the Forbidden Flesh ascendancy.

  • What is the role of the cluster jewels in this build?

    -The cluster jewels in this build provide bonuses such as increased effect of strength, life, and attributes, enhancing the character's overall strength stacking strategy.

  • How does the character deal with boss fights if it's not primarily a bossing character?

    -While not a bossing character, the character can handle boss fights by spending enough currency on gear upgrades to increase its damage output and survivability.

  • What is the significance of the 'Battle Mage's Cry' support gem in this build?

    -The 'Battle Mage's Cry' support gem is used with 'Call to Arms' support to provide a constant buff that increases damage, which is crucial for both spell and attack damage due to the strength stacking focus.

  • What unique item is mentioned in the video for dealing only chaos damage?

    -The unique items mentioned are 'Original Sin' and 'Alberon's Warpath' boots, which when combined, allow the character to only deal chaos damage and set nearby enemies' resistance to zero.

  • How does the character ensure it always has 150% effectiveness on its war cries?

    -The character uses a 'Red Banner' war cry with the 'Infinite Power' modifier, ensuring that every war cry counts as if shouted at the maximum number of mobs, maintaining 150% effectiveness.

  • What is the purpose of the 'Thread of Hope' jewel in the build?

    -The 'Thread of Hope' jewel is used to pick up nodes like 'Iron Will' for strength bonus damage and other valuable nodes, enhancing the character's damage output.

  • What are some of the gear pieces mentioned in the video?

    -Some gear pieces mentioned include an 'Onor Hoarder' wand, a crafted 'Alberon's Warpath' boots, a 'Blizzard Crown' with crafted life and resistances, and an 'Iron Fortress' chest piece with reduced extra damage from crits.

  • What is the character's approach to flasks and survivability?

    -The character uses a combination of flasks like 'Briar' for damage while moving, 'Mage Blood' for critical strike chance and movement speed, and 'Diamond' flasks for armor and movement speed, along with 'Molten Shell' for additional survivability.



🏹 Strength Stacking Ranger Overview

The speaker introduces a character overview video for a Strength stacking Ranger, a character they have played extensively in the current league. This character is a mapping-oriented strength-based attacker, utilizing the Deadeye ascendancy. The speaker clarifies that while the character can perform boss kills with sufficient investment, it is not primarily a bossing character. The character's skill tree is discussed, emphasizing the pathing for strength nodes and cluster jewels to maximize strength and life gains. Key features include chain killer explosions, single-target barrage, and Iron Will for bonus damage. The build also makes use of Battlemage's Cry with Call to Arms support for consistent damage boosts.


🛡️ Gear and Mechanics Breakdown

The speaker details the character's gear, starting with a crafted wand that only allows chaos damage, which is essential for this build. The gear includes strength stacking mods, power charges, and chaos penetration. A crafted helmet with critical strike chances and multiplies, a chest with reduced extra damage from crits, and strength damage bonus are highlighted. The amulet provides attribute and strength bonuses, while the rings and gloves are crafted for strength and life. Flasks are chosen for survivability and movement speed. The speaker also discusses the potential for further upgrades and the build's overall tankiness, mentioning that while it's not extremely tanky, it provides a good balance for mapping and survivability.


🗡️ Combat Strategy and Performance

The final paragraph focuses on the character's combat strategy and performance. The speaker mentions the use of Pantheon choices for stun immunity and burning immunity, and they provide a brief overview of the character's stats, including chaos penetration and the number of times they have died. The speaker concludes by sharing their enjoyment of playing the character, the number of kills achieved, and a good kill-death ratio. They also include some random footage of the character in action, showcasing its capabilities in combat.



💡Strength stacking

Strength stacking refers to the strategy of accumulating strength points to enhance the character's damage output in the game. In the video, the character is a strength stacking Ranger, which means the player focuses on increasing strength to boost attack power. This is evident when the player mentions having '2721 strength' and utilizing strength to increase melee physical damage, which also applies to spell damage.


The Deadeye is a notable Ascendancy passive for the Ranger class in the game, which offers bonuses to damage and certain skills. The player chose the Deadeye angle to go faster in the league, indicating a preference for a playstyle that emphasizes speed and efficiency in gameplay. The script mentions 'we went for the deadeye angle so what is this character', showcasing the character's specialization.


A mapper in the context of the game is a character build designed to efficiently traverse and complete maps. The player describes their character as a mapper, not a buser, meaning it is optimized for mapping rather than for speedrunning boss encounters. The script states 'this is a mapper it's not a buser', highlighting the character's primary purpose.

💡Cluster Jewels

Cluster Jewels are a type of item in the game that provide various bonuses when placed in the cluster jewel slots on the Atlas. The player mentions getting 'a lot of strength pathing to three cluster Jewels', indicating the use of these items to increase strength and other attributes, which is crucial for the strength stacking strategy.

💡Iron Will

Iron Will is a notable passive skill on the skill tree that grants increased melee physical damage and applies a portion of that bonus to spell damage. The player uses Iron Will to stack strength for damage, as mentioned in 'stacking strength for Iron Will strength bonus damage applies to all spell damage as well', showing how it synergizes with the build's focus on strength.

💡Battle Mage's Cry

Battle Mage's Cry is a war cry that grants increased damage and other bonuses for a short duration. The player uses it with 'Call to Arm support automated' to constantly have the damage boost active. The script includes 'Battle Mages cry with call to arm support automated so it's just popping off all the time', illustrating its importance in maintaining high damage output.


A warcry in the game is an ability that provides various benefits when used, such as increased damage or defense. The player's build revolves around maximizing the effectiveness of warcries, as indicated by 'we use red L Banner war cry, have infinite power so every war cry counts as if you shouted at the maximum possible number of mobs'.


Onslaught is a buff in the game that grants additional action speed and movement speed for a short duration. The player mentions 'Onslaught' as part of their gear setup, which is crucial for the fast-paced playstyle they are aiming for with the Deadeye mapper build.


Tailwind is a notable passive skill that grants increased movement speed. The player has 'Tailwind Ricochet', which not only provides the movement speed bonus but also allows projectiles to pierce through enemies, enhancing the character's mobility and damage potential.

💡Focal Point

Focal Point is a support gem in the game that increases the damage of attacks against marked enemies. The player uses 'Focal Point for Mark effect for single Target', indicating its role in boosting the build's single-target damage capability.

💡Endless Munitions

Endless Munitions is a notable passive skill that causes attacks to fire an additional projectile. The player mentions having 'Endless Munitions two projectiles', which contributes to the build's overall damage by increasing the number of projectiles fired.


Introduction to a Strength stacking Ranger character overview video.

The character is a strength stacking attack-based Deadeye Wander.

The character is primarily a mapper but can do buses with enough investment.

All challenges and conditional T7 bosses have been completed with the character.

The build uses a strength stacking tree with three cluster jewels for increased effect.

Two split personalities with strength and life nodes are utilized.

Champion of the Cause and Inertia notables are used for strength stacking.

The build uses Battle Mage's Cry with Call to Arms support for increased damage.

Red L Banner War Cry is used for 150% effectiveness.

Thread of Hope and Iron Will are key nodes for the build.

The gear includes an Onor's Weaver wand crafted for 4,700 divines.

Original Sin and Replica Alberon War Path build means no non-chaos damage.

Chaos penetration on the wand works with Original Sin.

Iron Fortress chest with reduced extra damage from crits.

Red Bade Banner provides infinite power for War Cry.

Amulet with high attribute and strength mods, and a ring with Essence multi.

Barrage gloves for single-target damage with void manipulation and volatility.

Mage Blood and Diamond flasks for survivability.

Snapshot of the build and its upgrades in the description.

The build is not extremely tanky but has decent survivability.

Kills and deaths statistics of the character.