[PoE] Ranking all the Atlas strategies from Based or cringe - Stream Highlights #846

9 May 202410:52

TLDRIn this video, the host ranks various strategies in the game Path of Exile, considering both their efficiency in terms of Divine per hour and personal enjoyment. The strategies range from the simple and fun 'Barrel and Go' to the tedious 'Ultimatum'. The 'Blight' strategy stands out for its chill gameplay and consistent currency gains, while 'Expedition' tops the list with exceptional currency per hour. The host also mentions the variability in outcomes, as exemplified by a successful run by his girlfriend. Despite the burnout from extensive gameplay, the host promises to test more strategies in the future, including non-Atlas ones, to provide a comprehensive guide for players.


  • 📊 The video presents a tier list ranking for Atlas strategies in the game Path of Exile, considering both efficiency and enjoyment.
  • 🔍 The strategies were tested without current league mechanics to ensure their relevance in future gameplay.
  • 💰 Divine per hour numbers are included to measure the efficiency of each strategy.
  • 🎲 The presenter has tested 10 different strategies, providing both quantitative and qualitative assessments.
  • 🛢️ 'Barrel and Go' strategy yielded almost 16 Divines per hour and was considered fun and straightforward.
  • 🧙‍♂️ 'Ritual' strategy provided 10 Divines per hour but was not enjoyable, ranked as E due to the potential for a mirror drop.
  • 💥 'Breach' strategy was consistent and fun, ranking as a B despite not performing exceptionally well.
  • 🌿 'Blight' strategy was relaxing and required no fast character, offering a steady 12 Divines per hour.
  • 🚫 'Ultimatum' was not enjoyable and was given an F rank, even with the potential for Mage Blood drops.
  • 🚀 'Expedition' was the most lucrative strategy, reaching up to 27 Divines per hour with optimal execution.
  • 🌟 'Essence' was enjoyable and profitable, ranking as an A tier strategy.
  • 🔮 'Harbinger' was very profitable, with potential to reach 20 Divines per hour and a high chance for fracturing orb drops.
  • 🍎 'Harvest' was decent but tedious due to boss fights, ranking as an A tier for its tradeability.
  • 🔥 'Sear' was the least successful strategy, with a negative Divine per hour rate, earning an F tier.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is ranking all the Atlas strategies in the game Path of Exile from 'Based' or 'Cringe', providing both enjoyment and Divine per hour numbers.

  • What changes were made in the Path of Exile league that influenced the strategies?

    -There was a massive Scarab rework in the league, which affected how the strategies were tracked and executed.

  • How many strategies were tested for the video?

    -10 strategies were tested for the video.

  • What metric is used to measure the success of each strategy besides enjoyment?

    -Divine per hour numbers are used as a metric to measure the success of each strategy.

  • What was the Divine per hour number for the barrel strategy and how was the enjoyment factor?

    -The barrel strategy yielded almost 16 Divines per hour, and it was considered fun and no-brainer, reminiscent of past league strategies.

  • How did the ritual strategy perform in terms of Divine per hour and enjoyment?

    -The ritual strategy had 10 Divines per hour but was not enjoyable, placing it in the E tier.

  • What was the performance and enjoyment level of the breach strategy?

    -Breach performed decently with a B tier ranking, offering consistent fun similar to Legion.

  • How did the blight strategy compare to others in terms of Divine per hour and gameplay style?

    -Blight had a 12 Divine per hour rate with a chill and consistent gameplay style, requiring no fast character.

  • What was the ranking for the ultimatum strategy and why?

    -The ultimatum strategy was ranked as an F, as it was not enjoyable despite the potential for good currency with mage blood.

  • What was the highest Divine per hour number achieved in the video and with which strategy?

    -The highest Divine per hour number achieved was 27, with the Expedition strategy after optimizing with two gen artifacts.

  • How did the Harvest strategy compare to others in terms of tradeability and enjoyment?

    -Harvest was decent with most of the income coming from tradeable items, but the bosses were annoying to fight, placing it in the A tier.

  • What was the worst performing strategy and what was its issue?

    -The worst performing strategy was Sear, with a negative Divine per hour rate of -46, due to the time taken and lack of rewards.

  • What is the narrator's plan for future content regarding Path of Exile strategies?

    -The narrator plans to take a break from Path of Exile due to feeling burned out but will return to testing strategies in the future, including non-Atlas strategies.



😀 Path of Exile: Scarab Rework and Strat Tier List

The video script discusses the changes in Path of Exile's latest league, particularly the Scarab rework. The narrator has tracked strategies with a more rigorous approach, considering the same sample size and Atlas without incorporating current league mechanics. They present a tier list with 10 tested strategies, including Divine per hour numbers in the video thumbnails. The tier list is not solely based on efficiency but also on personal enjoyment of each strategy. The video provides a detailed breakdown of each strategy's performance and the narrator's experience with them.


😐 In-Depth Analysis of Path of Exile Strategies

This paragraph delves into the specifics of various strategies tested in Path of Exile. It starts with the barrel and go strategy, which yielded nearly 16 Divines per hour and was enjoyable due to its simplicity and lack of league mechanic involvement. The ritual strategy was less enjoyable, yielding 10 Divines per hour and was placed in the E tier due to its potential for mirror drops. The breach strategy was consistent and fun but underperformed, while Legion was similar in enjoyment and performance to breach. Blight was highlighted as a chill and consistent strategy with 12 Divines per hour, despite not requiring a fast character.


😡 Disliked Strategies and Personal Experiences

The narrator expresses a strong dislike for the ultimatum strategy, ranking it as an F despite the potential for mage blood drops. They found it unenjoyable and not as lucrative as other strategies. On the other hand, Expedition was a standout, offering the best currency per hour and the potential for even higher earnings with additional efforts. Essence was another enjoyable strategy with good bulk sales potential, while Harbinger was a top earner despite not receiving a fracturing orb. Harvest was decent but had annoying boss fights, and the narrator leans towards ranking it as an A due to its trading ease.

😔 The Disappointing Sear End Go Strategy

The script concludes with a discussion on the Sear end go strategy, which was a significant disappointment, resulting in a negative 46 thft per hour and no rewards after an hour of gameplay. The narrator humorously suggests there should be a tier below F for this strategy. They also mention that while the strategies tested may vary in outcome, farming 5-7 Divines per hour is respectable and can lead to obtaining a Mage blood in a reasonable timeframe. The video ends with the narrator expressing a need for a break from Path of Exile due to feeling burned out, but promises to return to testing strategies in the future.



💡Path of Exile

Path of Exile is an online action role-playing game developed and published by Grinding Gear Games. It is known for its complex skill system and deep character customization. In the context of the video, the game is the platform where the strategies discussed are implemented, and it is the main subject of the video's analysis.

💡Scarab rework

A 'rework' in gaming typically refers to a significant overhaul or redesign of a game element. In this video, the Scarab rework refers to changes made to the Scarab mechanics within Path of Exile during the league discussed. The Scarab rework has affected how players approach certain strategies, making it a key point in the video's analysis.

💡Divine per hour

Divine orbs are a type of currency in Path of Exile used for various purposes, including map upgrades. 'Divine per hour' is a metric used by the video creator to measure the efficiency of different strategies by counting how many Divine orbs can be obtained in an hour. This metric is central to the tier list being discussed, as it helps to rank the strategies based on their profitability.

💡Tier list

A tier list is a ranking system often used in gaming communities to categorize elements such as characters, items, or strategies into different levels of effectiveness or preference. In this video, the tier list ranks various Atlas strategies based on their performance and the creator's enjoyment, providing viewers with a guide to the most effective and enjoyable strategies in the current league of Path of Exile.

💡Strategies (Strats)

In the context of gaming, especially in strategy games like Path of Exile, a 'strategy' or 'strat' refers to a specific approach or method used by players to achieve certain goals, such as farming currency or progressing through content. The video script discusses and ranks different strats that have been tested for their efficiency and enjoyment factor.


Breach is a game mechanic in Path of Exile where players can manipulate time to gain various benefits. In the video, 'Breach' is mentioned as one of the strategies tested, with the creator providing insights into its performance and enjoyment level during the current league.


Legion is a content update in Path of Exile that introduced a new type of content where players fight against waves of monsters led by a 'Legion'. In the video, 'Legion' is discussed as a strategy and is compared with 'Breach' in terms of enjoyment and performance.


Blight is both a mechanic and a type of map in Path of Exile. It involves dealing with a spreading corruption that affects the map and its monsters. The video mentions 'Blight' as a strategy that offers a chill gameplay experience with consistent currency gains, making it a popular choice among players.


Ultimatum is a type of map in Path of Exile that involves completing various objectives to progress through the map. The video creator expresses a strong dislike for the 'Ultimatum' strategy, citing it as not enjoyable and ranking it at the lowest tier, despite the potential for good currency gains.


In the context of the video, 'Expedition' refers to a specific strategy within Path of Exile that involves running expeditions for currency gains. The creator found this strategy to be highly effective, yielding the best currency per hour among the strategies tested.


Harvest is a league mechanic introduced in Path of Exile, where players can grow and harvest crops to gain various benefits. In the video, 'Harvest' is discussed as a strategy that, while offering decent currency gains, is not as enjoyable due to the difficulty of fighting the bosses involved.


Essence is a type of item in Path of Exile that can be corrupted to create powerful modifiers on maps. The video mentions 'Essence' as a strategy that was fun and profitable, with the creator selling essences in bulk for significant currency gains.


Harbinger is a type of map in Path of Exile where players can receive various prophecies that lead to map drops. The video creator found the 'Harbinger' strategy to be very profitable, with the potential for high currency gains per hour, even without obtaining rare items like the 'Fracturing Orb'.


Introduction of the base or cringe tier list for this league.

Mention of the massive Scarab rework this league.

Explanation of the testing method: same sample size, same supporting Atlas, not tracking current league mechanics.

First strategy tested: barrel and go, yielding almost 16 divines per hour.

Barrel and go strategy rated as A tier.

Second strategy tested: ritual, yielding 10 divines per hour but rated E tier due to low enjoyment.

Third strategy tested: breach, consistent but not great money, rated B tier.

Fourth strategy tested: Legion, similar to breach but rated B tier due to nerfs and no divine drops.

Fifth strategy tested: blight, rated A tier for its consistent currency and relaxed gameplay.

Sixth strategy tested: ultimatum, rated F tier due to low enjoyment.

Seventh strategy tested: expedition, rated S tier for being the best currency per hour strategy.

Eighth strategy tested: essence, rated A tier for good money and fun gameplay.

Ninth strategy tested: Harbinger, rated S tier for its consistent money and potential for multiple mirrors.

Tenth strategy tested: Harvest, rated A tier for easy trading and good income from juice.

Final strategy mentioned: sear end go, rated F tier for poor performance and low rewards.

Closing remarks about the potential variability in results based on character speed and personal experience.

Mention of other strategies not tested this league and plans for future testing.

Announcement of taking a break due to burnout and plans to return for more testing.