The REAL Reason Shadiversity's Channels Are Dying [COMMENT COMPILATION]

Triple S Variety Channel
3 Apr 202424:21

TLDRThe transcript reflects a shift in the audience's perception of Shad, a content creator who initially gained popularity for his medieval and fantasy-themed videos. Viewers express disappointment as Shad's content evolves to incorporate controversial political and religious views, leading to a loss of respect and unsubscription from many who once enjoyed his work. Concerns about misogyny, bigotry, and the quality of his book are highlighted, with former fans lamenting the change in direction and the revelation of his conservative beliefs.


  • 📺 The speaker used to enjoy Shad's content, particularly the videos on swords and fantasy, but has since stopped watching due to Shad's disappointing behavior and controversial statements.
  • 🤔 Shad's early videos were seen as an inspiration for practical design and historical interest, but over time, inconsistencies and inaccuracies became more noticeable.
  • 🚫 The speaker stopped watching Shad due to offensive comments about women and a shift in content that no longer aligned with their personal values.
  • 🌟 Shad's book, 'Shadow the Conqueror,' initially motivated the speaker to read more, but later, the speaker felt betrayed by Shad's apparent bigotry and narcissistic attitudes.
  • 🎮 Disappointment was expressed over Shad's focus on padding content and rambling videos, which led to a decline in the quality and enjoyment of his work.
  • 🏰 The founding of Nights Watch was a turning point for the speaker, as it marked a shift towards content that was not engaging or interesting.
  • 🌈 Shad's reviews and opinions on LGBTQ+ characters and content showed a lack of empathy and understanding, pushing the speaker away from his channel.
  • 💔 The speaker felt let down by Shad's behavior and the realization that he would likely not accept or respect the speaker's identity and beliefs.
  • 📉 Shad's controversies and his grift became more apparent over time, reinforcing the speaker's decision to stop watching his channels.
  • 📚 The speaker's last memory of being invested in Shad's work was the announcement of his book release and the purchase of land to build a castle, but this was overshadowed by Shad's problematic behavior.
  • 🔄 The speaker's overall sentiment is one of disappointment and disillusionment, having moved on from Shad's content in search of more respectful and inclusive sources of information and entertainment.

Q & A

  • What was the initial appeal of Shad's content for the speaker?

    -The speaker was initially drawn to Shad's content because of the videos about swords and fantasy, finding them entertaining despite occasional factual inaccuracies.

  • What caused the speaker to stop watching Shad's content?

    -The speaker stopped watching Shad's content due to multiple reasons, including Shad's cringey comments about women, the speaker's personal growth away from that side of YouTube, and Shad's apparent shift in beliefs and content quality over the years.

  • How did Shad's early videos inspire the speaker?

    -Shad's early videos motivated the speaker to design and write with practicality in mind and to take a greater interest in history.

  • What was the speaker's reaction to the founding of Nights Watch?

    -The founding of Nights Watch marked a turning point for the speaker, as they began to feel that things were likely to go south with Shad's content and direction.

  • What specific incidents led the speaker to unsubscribe from all of Shad's channels?

    -The speaker unsubscribed from all of Shad's channels after a series of controversies, including his problematic opinions on women and the LGBTQ+ community, and his contentious relationship with AI image software.

  • How did the speaker's perception of Shad change over time?

    -The speaker's perception of Shad changed from initially enjoying his content and finding inspiration in it, to being disappointed and disturbed by Shad's problematic views and controversial content.

  • What was the speaker's reaction to Shad's book, 'Shadow the Conqueror'?

    -The speaker was initially motivated to take up reading again due to the book, but later found the content to be filled with problematic elements and disturbing themes, leading to disappointment.

  • How did Shad's political views and public persona influence the speaker's decision to stop watching his content?

    -Shad's increasingly overt political views and conservative stance, along with his problematic comments on various social issues, played a significant role in the speaker's decision to stop watching his content.

  • What other content creators did the speaker turn to after distancing from Shad?

    -After distancing from Shad, the speaker turned to other content creators such as Matt Easton and Skallagrim for their more mature and respectful approach to history and medieval content.

  • What was the speaker's overall sentiment towards Shad at the end of the transcript?

    -The speaker expressed a strong sense of disappointment and disillusionment with Shad, feeling that he had become a bigoted and divisive figure, and was glad to have distanced themselves from his content.



😔 Disillusionment with Shad's Content

The speaker expresses disappointment with Shad, a content creator they used to enjoy for his videos on swords and fantasy. They recount their reasons for distancing themselves from Shad's content, citing his inappropriate comments about women and his political views that diverged from their own. The speaker also reflects on how their growth and realizations about themselves led to a change in perspective, causing them to find Shad's content less appealing. They mention specific incidents, such as Shad's book and the founding of Nights Watch, as turning points. The speaker concludes by sharing their feelings of sadness and disappointment over the changes in Shad's content and persona.


😕 Shift in Content and Disapproval

The speaker discusses their initial interest in Shad's content due to its novelty and entertainment value, despite recognizing some inaccuracies. However, over time, they began to find Shad's content repetitive and boring, leading to a loss of interest. The introduction of political and conservative viewpoints in Shad's content further alienated the speaker, especially as these views conflicted with their own. The speaker also criticizes Shad's handling of criticism and his perceived hypocrisy, highlighting specific instances such as his stance on AI art and his controversial book. The paragraph ends with the speaker's decision to stop watching Shad's content due to these issues.


😞 Disappointment in Shad's Transformation

The speaker reminisces about their past enjoyment of Shad's medieval and fantasy-themed content, but expresses deep disappointment in his transformation. They detail how Shad's shift towards political commentary and his conservative and right-wing views made them uncomfortable and led to them unsubscribing from his channels. The speaker also criticizes Shad's approach to discussing sensitive topics, such as rape in media, and his lack of source-based evidence for his claims. They mention a specific incident where Shad's speculative statements were presented as facts, leading the speaker to lose trust in him as a resource. The paragraph concludes with the speaker's realization of Shad's problematic views and their decision to distance themselves from his content.


😠 Political Shift and Loss of Interest

The speaker describes their initial attraction to Shad's content due to its focus on medieval and fantasy topics. However, they express frustration and disappointment as Shad's content took a political turn, which the speaker found unsuitable and alienating. They mention Shad's engagement in internet discourse, his promotion of his political beliefs, and his criticism of 'woke' culture as key factors that led to their disinterest. The speaker also criticizes Shad's foray into writing, finding his book poorly executed and morally questionable. They conclude by expressing relief that they stopped watching Shad's content before becoming aware of his controversial views and behaviors.


😞 Disillusionment with Shad's Political and Religious Views

The speaker starts by recalling their enjoyment of Shad's medieval and fantasy content, but expresses disappointment as Shad's political and religious views became more pronounced and problematic. They detail Shad's shift towards discussing politics and his association with right-wing ideologies, which the speaker found off-putting and led to them unsubscribing from his channels. The speaker also criticizes Shad's handling of criticism and his promotion of his AI art, which they found off-putting. They mention specific instances where Shad's views on women and marginalized groups were revealed, leading the speaker to question his character and content. The paragraph ends with the speaker's decision to stop watching Shad's content and their relief in having made that choice.




Shadiversity refers to the YouTube channel run by Shad, the main subject of the video transcript. The channel initially focused on medieval weaponry and fantasy content but later shifted towards including political and controversial topics. In the transcript, viewers express disappointment with the change in content and direction of the channel.


Fantasy is a genre of fiction that features magical or supernatural elements, often set in imaginary worlds. In the context of the transcript, it relates to Shad's early content where he discussed and theorized about weapons and scenarios within fantasy settings. However, the term also takes on a negative connotation as viewers felt that Shad's content became less about the fantasy elements they initially enjoyed and more about promoting his personal views.


Misogyny refers to the hatred, contempt, or prejudice against women or girls. In the transcript, it is used to describe negative comments and attitudes that Shad has expressed towards women, which have led to viewers finding his content offensive and discriminatory.


Conservatism is a political and social philosophy promoting traditional institutions, practices, and values. In the context of the transcript, it is associated with Shad's shift towards more politically charged content, which often reflects conservative viewpoints. This change in content has alienated some viewers who did not subscribe to his channel for political discussions.

💡Political Commentary

Political commentary involves the analysis and discussion of political events, policies, and ideas. In the transcript, it is a key concept as viewers express their dissatisfaction with Shad's move from creating content about medieval and fantasy themes to discussing politics, which they feel is divisive and not in line with the original appeal of his channel.

💡Content Creator

A content creator is an individual who generates various forms of content, typically for online platforms such as YouTube. In the transcript, Shad is the primary content creator, and the viewers' opinions and experiences with his content form the basis of the discussion. The term is often used to describe individuals who produce regular content for audiences on the internet.


Unsubscription is the act of removing oneself from a subscription list, in this context, specifically referring to a YouTube channel. It implies that a viewer has chosen to stop following or receiving updates from a content creator. In the transcript, this action is taken by viewers who are dissatisfied with the direction Shad's content has taken.

💡Nights Watch

Nights Watch appears to be a specific part of Shad's YouTube channel or a series of videos that the viewers found uninteresting or problematic. It is mentioned as a turning point for some viewers, leading to their decision to stop watching Shad's content.


Medieval refers to the period in European history spanning from the 5th to the 15th century, known as the Middle Ages. In the context of the transcript, it relates to Shad's early content which focused on medieval weapons, castles, and historical elements. This aspect of his content was appreciated by viewers who were interested in history and fantasy.


Right-wing describes political views that generally support social and economic hierarchy, traditionalism, and a belief in the importance of national identity. In the transcript, it is used to describe the political orientation of Shad's content, which some viewers find objectionable and not in line with the historical or fantasy focus they initially enjoyed.


The individual expresses disappointment in Shad's content, noting a shift from enjoyable videos to problematic and biased material.

The user recalls Shad's early videos as inspirational, particularly in terms of practical design and historical interest.

The founding of Nights Watch is cited as a turning point, where the user began to feel Shad's content was heading in a negative direction.

The user unsubscribed from Nights Watch due to a lack of interest and perceived legitimacy in their content.

Shad's controversial opinions and behavior led to the user unsubscribing from all his channels.

The user criticizes Shad's approach to AI image software and his condescending attitude towards professionals.

The user reminisces about enjoying Shad's medieval and fantasy-themed content before becoming aware of his problematic views.

The user describes a sense of betrayal and disappointment at Shad's transformation from an entertaining content creator to someone with bigoted views.

The user notes Shad's tendency to be overly critical and dismissive of content created by others.

The user expresses concern over Shad's comments about women and the LGBTQ+ community, leading to a loss of respect and interest in his content.

The user criticizes Shad's book, describing it as cringey and poorly written, with distasteful elements.

The user highlights Shad's hypocrisy, particularly in his stance on freedom of speech versus his actions of censoring critics.

The user reflects on Shad's change in content focus from medieval history to political commentary, which led to a loss of interest.

The user expresses disappointment in Shad's handling of sensitive topics, such as rape in Wonder Woman 1984, and his subsequent critique of other media.

The user describes a shift in Shad's content from historical and fantasy focus to a more conservative and right-leaning perspective.

The user criticizes Shad's character creation in his book, describing the protagonist as embodying negative tropes while criticizing similar character types in other media.

The user discusses the negative impact of Shad's association with controversial figures and ideologies.

The user shares their experience of losing interest in Shad's content over time due to his increasingly apparent biases and problematic views.