Running a Hugging Face LLM on your laptop

Learn Data with Mark
4 Aug 202304:35

TLDRThis video tutorial guides viewers on downloading and utilizing a large language model from Hugging Face, emphasizing the process of obtaining an API key, selecting a suitable model based on parameter size for consumer hardware, and downloading necessary files. It demonstrates how to run the model offline, initializing it with the Transformers library, and creating a pipeline for interaction. The video also explores the model's capability in answering questions and handling personal data securely, showcasing its potential for text generation and summarization tasks.


  • 🌟 Hugging Face is a platform known for hosting open-source large language models.
  • 🚀 The video tutorial guides viewers on how to download a language model onto their local machine.
  • 📋 To access Hugging Face's models, one must generate an access token from the Hugging Face website.
  • 🔑 The access token should be stored as an environment variable for secure access to the Hugging Face API.
  • 📈 When choosing a model, it's recommended to pick one with a lower number of parameters for better performance on consumer hardware.
  • 💾 Multiple files including the main PyTorch file and configuration files need to be downloaded for the model to function properly.
  • 📂 The downloaded files are stored in a cache folder specific to the model's name under the Hugging Face directory.
  • 🛠️ Before running the model, it's suggested to verify that it can operate offline by disabling Wi-Fi and checking for connectivity.
  • 🧠 The model is initialized using classes from the Transformers library, with the appropriate class chosen based on the model type.
  • 🏗️ The pipeline for the model takes some time to set up, but it can continue to work even if the version check fails.
  • 🤖 The language model can be used to ask questions and generate responses, as well as process and summarize custom data inputs without the need for external API calls.

Q & A

  • What is Hugging Face and what is its significance in the context of the video?

    -Hugging Face is a platform known for hosting open-source large language models. In the video, it is presented as a source to download language models for personal use and experimentation.

  • How does one obtain a Hugging Face key?

    -To obtain a Hugging Face key, one must visit the Hugging Face website, navigate to their profile, click on 'Access Tokens', and create a new token. A name and role (at least 'read') are required to generate the token.

  • What is the recommended way to store the Hugging Face API key?

    -It is advised to store the Hugging Face API key as an environment variable, using a naming convention like 'HUGGING_FACE_API_KEY', which can then be accessed using 'os.environ.get'.

  • What is the suggested model to download for consumer hardware?

    -The video suggests choosing a model with 7 billion or fewer parameters for consumer hardware, such as laptops. A specific example given is 'fast chat t53b', which has 3 billion parameters.

  • What types of files are associated with a Hugging Face model?

    -A Hugging Face model typically includes a main file (e.g., for PyTorch) and several configuration files. These files are necessary for the model's operation and are downloaded from the platform.

  • How can one verify that a model is running locally and not accessing the internet?

    -The video suggests disabling Wi-Fi before running the model to ensure that it operates solely on the local machine. This can be confirmed by checking for an IP address before and after disabling the internet connection.

  • What classes from the Transformers library are used to initialize the model?

    -The video mentions importing 'AutoModel' and 'AutoTokenizer' classes from the Transformers library to initialize the language model and its tokenizer.

  • What is the purpose of the pipeline in the context of the model?

    -The pipeline in the video is used to process the model's input and output. It is created after initializing the tokenizer and model, and it facilitates tasks such as text-to-text generation.

  • How can the model be used to answer questions about specific data?

    -The model can be utilized to answer questions by providing context with specific data. This allows for the generation of responses based on the given information without the need to send data to an external API.

  • What is an example of a question the model was asked in the video?

    -In the video, the model was asked about the competitors to Apache Kafka, to which it responded with a list of open-source message brokers and streaming platforms.

  • How can the model's response be improved?

    -The model's response can be improved by ensuring it has access to up-to-date information. In the video, it provided some outdated competitors to Apache Kafka, suggesting the need for more current data.



🤖 Introduction to Hugging Face and Model Download

This paragraph introduces Hugging Face as a hub for open-source large language models. It outlines the process of downloading a model onto a local machine and interacting with it. The script details the steps to set up a Jupyter environment, obtain a Hugging Face API key, and download a model with a lower number of parameters suitable for consumer hardware. It emphasizes choosing a model like 'fast chat t53b' with three billion parameters and describes the necessity of downloading associated configuration files. The paragraph also explains how to organize the model files and provides instructions on how to verify the model's offline functionality.

💻 Offline Model Initialization and Connectivity Check

This section describes the process of initializing the downloaded model. It explains how to disable Wi-Fi to ensure that the model operates offline and provides functions to check and toggle connectivity. The script then demonstrates how to use classes from the Transformers library to create a tokenizer and model instance, depending on the model type indicated on the Hugging Face website. It also briefly touches on the pipeline creation process and its dependency on internet connectivity for potential updates.

📊 Model Interaction and Data Privacy

The paragraph focuses on interacting with the model by asking it questions, such as identifying competitors to Apache Kafka. It discusses the model's response quality and the potential for it to be outdated. The script then explores the advantage of using the model with personal data, ensuring privacy by not sending it through an API. An example is given where the model is provided with fictional personal information and asked to confirm the absence of a sister, demonstrating the model's ability to process and respond to custom data inputs.



💡Hugging Face

Hugging Face is an open-source platform that hosts a variety of large language models. In the context of the video, it is the source from which the user intends to download a language model for offline use. The platform is known for its contributions to the field of natural language processing and machine learning.

💡Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. In the video, the user opens a Jupyter Notebook to begin the process of downloading a language model from Hugging Face, indicating its role as a tool for interactive computing and data science.

💡Hugging Face Hub

Hugging Face Hub is a platform that allows users to share, discover, and use pre-trained models, datasets, and other machine learning artifacts. In the video, the user accesses the Hub to download a specific language model, showcasing its utility for machine learning practitioners seeking to incorporate pre-built models into their projects.

💡Access Token

An access token is a security token used to grant access to specific resources or functionalities of a software system. In the context of the video, the user generates an access token on the Hugging Face website to authenticate their requests to download a language model. This is a crucial step in ensuring secure and authorized access to the platform's resources.

💡Model Parameters

Model parameters in machine learning are the values that are learned during the training process and are used to make predictions or decisions. In the video, the number of parameters is mentioned as an indicator of model size and complexity, with the suggestion to choose a model with 7 billion or fewer parameters for optimal performance on consumer hardware.


PyTorch is an open-source machine learning library used for applications such as computer vision and natural language processing. In the video, PyTorch files are mentioned as one of the components that need to be downloaded, indicating its role as a foundational framework for running and training neural networks.

💡Configuration Files

Configuration files are used to store settings and parameters for software programs or systems. In the context of the video, these files are part of the necessary downloads for the language model, ensuring that the model operates correctly with the specified settings and configurations.

💡Transformers Library

The Transformers library is a Python package developed by Hugging Face, providing a wide range of state-of-the-art pre-trained models for natural language understanding and generation. In the video, the user initializes the model using classes from the Transformers library, highlighting its importance in facilitating the use of complex machine learning models in a user-friendly manner.

💡Text-to-Text Generation

Text-to-text generation is a machine learning task where the model generates text based on input text, often used for tasks like translation, summarization, or question-answering. In the video, the user is interested in this type of model, as indicated by the need to look for the model type on the Hugging Face website, and demonstrates its use by asking the model a question.


In the context of machine learning, a pipeline refers to a sequence of steps or stages in a process, often used to prepare and process data before it is fed into a model. In the video, the user creates a pipeline with the downloaded model, which is set up to handle the input and output of the language model for generating responses.

💡Data Privacy

Data privacy concerns the appropriate handling and protection of personal or sensitive information to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure. In the video, the user emphasizes the benefit of using the language model offline to maintain the privacy of their data, avoiding the need to send it out to an API where it could potentially be viewed by others.


Hugging Face is a hub for open source large language models.

The video tutorial guides on how to download a language model to your local machine.

To access Hugging Face's resources, one must generate an API key from their website.

The role 'read' is sufficient for basic access to Hugging Face resources.

It is advisable to store the API key as an environment variable for security purposes.

Models with a lower number of parameters are more suitable for consumer hardware.

The 'fast chat t53b' model with three billion parameters is recommended for laptops.

Multiple files including the main PyTorch file and configuration files need to be downloaded.

The model ID and file names are used to download the necessary components to the local machine.

Disabling Wi-Fi ensures that the model runs locally without internet access.

The model can be initialized using classes from the Transformers library.

The type of model (e.g., seq2seq LM or causal LM) is indicated on the Hugging Face website.

The pipeline creation may take some time, but it continues to work even if the latest version check fails.

The model can answer questions and provide information, such as competitors to Apache Kafka.

The model's response may need more up-to-date information for accuracy.

The model can be used to process personal data without sending it to an external API.

An example demonstrates the model's ability to understand context and answer questions based on provided data.

The video also references another tutorial on getting consistent JSON responses with Open AI.