This Pastor Says Jesus Is The One Closing Down American Churches...

9 Apr 202419:59

TLDRThe video script critiques a pastor's argument that church closures are due to Jesus not wanting them as representatives or because they're unprepared for future challenges. It highlights inconsistencies in this belief, contrasting it with data showing that churches are closing due to a decline in religious affiliation, financial issues, and negative experiences. The critique emphasizes understanding real reasons behind the trend rather than relying on spiritual excuses.


  • 🎯 The speaker critiques arguments that God is closing churches due to their lack of alignment with biblical teachings or their unpreparedness for future challenges.
  • 📉 Data indicates that churches, particularly more biblically based Protestant ones, are closing at a faster rate, contradicting the idea of a divine purge of unbiblical churches.
  • 🔍 The increase in Americans with no religious affiliation and the decline in regular church attendance are significant factors contributing to church closures.
  • 🤔 The speaker questions the consistency of pastors blaming God for church closures while ignoring historical and ongoing issues within the church.
  • 💡 The lack of belief in religious teachings due to scientific understanding and common sense is cited as a major reason people leave the church.
  • 🏆 Despite claims against Prosperity Gospel, statistics show an increase in believers associating financial donations with divine blessings.
  • 🚫 Opposition to organized religion, citing reasons like hierarchical structures and scandals, is another factor driving people away from churches.
  • 🌀 Life changes, including increased busyness and family responsibilities, are leading causes for people to stop attending religious services.
  • 🌟 The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the real reasons behind the decline in church attendance and the closure of churches.
  • 📈 The disconnect between belief in prosperity and the financial struggles of churches is highlighted, showing a contradiction in teachings and reality.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the transcript?

    -The main topic is the reasons behind the closing of churches and the arguments some pastors give for this phenomenon, including the belief that Jesus is closing churches that do not align with His teachings or are not prepared for the challenges ahead.

  • According to the speaker, what are the two excuses given by Pastor Opa for the closing of churches?

    -The two excuses given by Pastor Opa are that Jesus is closing churches because He does not want them to be His representatives anymore due to their conduct, and secondly, that some churches are being closed because they are not ready for the weight of what is coming, meaning they have abandoned certain spiritual practices.

  • What does the speaker argue as the real reasons behind church closures?

    -The speaker argues that the real reasons behind church closures include a decline in religious affiliation, lack of belief, opposition to organized religion, life changes, negative experiences with church leadership, and financial issues.

  • How does the speaker respond to the argument that church closures are a fulfillment of prophecy or a refining process?

    -The speaker finds this argument inconsistent and hypocritical, pointing out that many pastors with differing doctrines are using these explanations without concrete evidence, and that such arguments often ignore historical context and the reality of the situation.

  • What percentage of US adults attend religious services regularly, according to the data mentioned in the transcript?


  • What factors have contributed to the decline in regular church attendance over the past two decades?

    -The decline in regular church attendance is primarily driven by an increase in the percentage of Americans with no religious affiliation, changes in life situations, and a shift from more fundamentalist to more progressive church models.

  • What does the speaker suggest is the main purpose of the church according to the New Testament?

    -According to the New Testament, the main purpose of the church is to make disciples.

  • What are some of the issues that young adults report as reasons for leaving the church?

    -Young adults report leaving the church due to perceived hypocrisy, judgmental attitudes among church members, the church being antagonistic to science, negative experiences related to the church's teaching on sexuality, and feeling that Christianity is exclusive or judgmental.

  • How does the speaker view the Prosperity Gospel and its growth?

    -The speaker views the Prosperity Gospel, which teaches that financial blessings come from increased donations, as biblically incorrect and contradictory to the teachings of Jesus. However, the speaker acknowledges its growth and popularity among some churchgoers.

  • What is the speaker's stance on using spiritual explanations for the decline in church attendance?

    -The speaker is critical of using spiritual explanations, such as the belief that God is refining the church or closing down certain churches, to account for the decline in church attendance. Instead, the speaker advocates for understanding and addressing the real factors contributing to this trend.



🤔 Critiquing Pastor Opa's Argument on Church Closures

The paragraph discusses a critique of Pastor Opa's argument on why churches are closing. The speaker, Brandon, challenges Pastor Opa's claim that God is closing churches for two reasons: first, that Jesus doesn't want them to represent Him anymore due to their conduct, and second, that some churches are closed because they are not prepared for the 'weight of what's coming'. Brandon argues that there is no data to support these claims and instead offers a more grounded explanation for the closures, such as changes in societal beliefs and church scandals.


🧐 Addressing the Shift Towards Progressive Churches

This paragraph explores the shift towards more progressive churches and the reasons behind it. Brandon argues that churches are moving away from certain biblical teachings to become more palatable to society. He suggests that this shift is due to societal advancements in science and morality, which have led many to question or reject certain aspects of the Bible. Despite his disagreement with Pastor Opa's views, Brandon acknowledges that the purpose of the church is to make disciples and questions whether God would prefer churches to close rather than adapt to modern society.


📉 Decline in Church Attendance and the Real Reasons Behind It

In this paragraph, Brandon presents data on the decline in church attendance and the real reasons behind it. He cites various sources, including Gallup, Pew Research Center, and the Christian Post, to show that the decline is driven by a variety of factors, including a lack of belief, opposition to organized religion, life changes, and issues with church leadership. He argues that these reasons are more plausible explanations for the closures than the spiritual excuses provided by Pastor Opa.


💡 The Impact of COVID-19, the Internet, and Young Christians' Perspectives

This paragraph delves into the impact of COVID-19 and the internet on church attendance, as well as the perspectives of young Christians. Brandon discusses how the pandemic and the availability of online communities have contributed to the decline in church attendance. He also addresses the concerns of young adults who feel that the church is antagonistic to science and judgmental on issues of sexuality. Brandon emphasizes the need for churches to be more open and accepting of questions and doubts to better engage the younger generation.



💡Church Closings

The phenomenon of churches shutting down, often attributed to various reasons such as financial struggles, changing societal values, or lack of attendance. In the video, the speaker criticizes the argument that these closures are divinely orchestrated, instead suggesting they are a response to practical issues and societal shifts.

💡Bad Arguments

Weak or illogical reasons presented in a debate or discussion. In the context of the video, the speaker addresses what he perceives as flawed reasoning behind the argument that church closures are a result of divine intervention.

💡Prophecy Fulfillment

The belief that current events are the realization of predictions made in religious texts. In the video, the speaker points out that various pastors and apologists are using the idea of prophecy fulfillment to explain the closing of churches, a notion the speaker finds inconsistent and unconvincing.

💡Refining Process

The idea of purifying or improving something through intense scrutiny or difficulty. In the video, the concept is used by some religious figures to describe the supposed divine intervention in the closure of churches, suggesting that this is a way to purify the faith.

💡Spiritual Gifts

In Christian theology, spiritual gifts are abilities given by the Holy Spirit for the common good. The video discusses how some churches have moved away from emphasizing these gifts, which is seen by the speaker as a response to societal changes rather than a divine directive.

💡Prosperity Teaching

A religious belief, particularly in some Christian denominations, that financial success and material wealth are signs of God's favor. The video highlights a contradiction in that while some pastors criticize this belief, its prevalence is increasing among churchgoers.

💡Lack of Belief

The diminishing conviction in religious teachings or the existence of a higher power. In the video, this is presented as a significant factor in the decline of church attendance and the closure of churches.

💡Cultural Shifts

Changes in societal values, behaviors, and norms over time. The video argues that cultural shifts, such as increasing secularization and the influence of the internet, play a major role in the decline of church attendance and the closure of churches.

💡Clergy Sexual Abuse Scandals

Instances of sexual misconduct by religious leaders, which have significantly damaged the reputation of religious institutions. In the video, such scandals are cited as contributing factors to the negative perception of organized religion and the subsequent decline in church attendance.

💡Christian Post

A news platform that covers issues related to Christianity and religious news. In the video, it is one of the sources that provide data on the decline in church attendance and the reasons behind it.

💡Barna Group

A research organization that focuses on the intersection of faith and culture. The video uses data from the Barna Group to discuss the reasons young adults are leaving the church, including feeling judged and unable to ask questions about their faith.


The discussion focuses on the reasons behind the closing of churches and criticizes the argument that God is responsible for it.

The speaker, Brandon, challenges the idea that Jesus is closing churches because they are not representative enough or not ready for future challenges.

The inconsistency among pastors from different backgrounds who blame each other for the closure of churches is highlighted.

Data and statistics are emphasized as the key to understanding the real reasons behind church closures, rather than spiritual excuses.

The speaker questions the historical consistency of Jesus' supposed intervention in church affairs, pointing out that there have always been problematic churches.

The shift of believers from fundamentalist to more progressive churches is noted as a significant trend.

The purpose of the church, as stated in the Bible, is to make disciples, and the speaker questions whether God would close churches that still preach the gospel.

The idea of Jesus physically shutting down churches is critiqued for its lack of biblical support and practical logic.

Statistics show that the kinds of churches closing fastest are often the more biblically based Protestant ones.

The decline in regular church attendance is attributed to the increase in Americans with no religious affiliation.

Lack of belief is cited as the main reason people leave the church, with 49% of respondents mentioning this as a factor.

Changes in life situations, such as getting too busy or family responsibilities, are also significant reasons for people leaving the church.

Disenchantment with the pastor or the church's stance on various issues is another reason for the decline in church attendance.

Young adults are leaving the church due to perceived hypocrisy, judgmental attitudes, and the church's antagonistic stance towards science.

The Prosperity Gospel is thriving despite being biblically incorrect, with a significant increase in believers associating donations with blessings.

The lack of funding is a major issue for churches, contradicting the belief that giving more will lead to financial prosperity.

The speaker calls for a better understanding of the real reasons behind the decline in church attendance and the closure of churches.

The importance of addressing the actual causes of change in predominantly Christian countries is emphasized.

The speaker encourages critical thinking and understanding over making spiritual excuses for the challenges faced by the church.