Stable Diffusion BEST TRICK!!! Prompt Matrix AND X/Y Plot - Super Easy Tutorial

Olivio Sarikas
6 Oct 202209:12

TLDRThe video script introduces viewers to advanced techniques for prompt crafting in text-to-image AI, aiming to enhance productivity and creativity. It demonstrates using 'prompts from file or text box', 'X Epsilon plot' for varying settings, and 'search and replace sampler' for modifying individual words in prompts. The video also explores 'prompt Matrix' for generating multiple combinations of words and styles, showcasing the potential for diverse outputs. The presenter encourages experimentation with these tools to streamline the AI art creation process and achieve a wide range of artistic results.


  • ๐ŸŒŸ Utilize the local stable diffusion for text to image creation to automate the prompt crafting process.
  • ๐Ÿ“„ Choose 'prompts from file' or 'text box' to input multiple prompts for batch processing.
  • ๐Ÿ”„ Update text files by removing and re-adding them to the system as it doesn't auto-update.
  • ๐ŸŽจ Experiment with various prompts to see how AI renders them with the same settings.
  • ๐Ÿ“Š Use X by Epsilon plots for testing prompts against different settings and sampling methods.
  • ๐Ÿ”ข Enter number values for CFG scale and steps in a specific format for precise control over variations.
  • ๐Ÿ  Draw a legend by checking the 'draw Legend' option for an overview of the rendered images.
  • ๐ŸŽญ Compare different sampling methods like Euler, ancestral, LMS, and Hoin to diversify the art style.
  • ๐Ÿ” Use 'search and replace sampler' (prompts to R) to replace individual words in your prompt for variations.
  • ๐Ÿ”ง Employ 'prompt Matrix' to try all possible combinations of suggested words or styles in prompts.
  • ๐Ÿš€ Boost productivity by generating variations of the same prompt with different styles, words, and arguments.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about being a highly productive prompt crafter and using automation in text-to-image generation.

  • What is the purpose of using a local stable diffusion model for prompt crafting?

    -The purpose of using a local stable diffusion model is to automate the process of prompt crafting, which can save time and allow for more experimentation in creating images.

  • How can one use a text file for generating multiple prompts?

    -One can use a text file by dropping it into the 'prompts from file' option, with each line in the text file representing a different prompt.

  • What is the significance of the 'script' section in the text-to-image tool?

    -The 'script' section is where the magic happens, allowing users to automate the process of prompt crafting by selecting various options like 'prompts from file', 'text box prompt', 'X Epsilon plot', and more.

  • How does changing the text file for prompts affect the generated images?

    -Changing the text file requires clicking on the 'X' to remove the old file and dropping in the new one, as the web UI does not update automatically. The AI will then generate images based on the new prompts in the file.

  • What is the X by Epsilon plot and how is it used?

    -The X by Epsilon plot is a feature that allows users to test different settings like seed variation, prompt variation, strength steps, and CFG scale. It helps in understanding how these settings impact the final image generation.

  • How can one test a prompt against different settings and sampling methods?

    -By selecting 'X by Epsilon plot' from the script options, users can input values for CFG scale and steps, as well as choose different sampling methods like Euler, ancestral, LMS, and Hoyne to see how they affect the generated images.

  • What is the search and replace (prompt s to R) feature used for?

    -The search and replace feature allows users to replace a single word in their prompt with multiple alternatives, generating images for each variation of the word.

  • How does the 'prompt Matrix' option work?

    -The 'prompt Matrix' option tries all possible combinations of suggested words in the prompt field. Users can enter their original prompt, followed by a vertical pipe character and then the different words or styles they want to combine.

  • What benefits does prompt automation offer to creatives?

    -Prompt automation offers benefits such as increased productivity, ease of testing different prompts, and the ability to create variations of the same prompt in different styles or with different words, all without manual effort.

  • How can users get an overview of the different variations generated?

    -By checking the 'draw Legend' option, users can get an overview of the different variations generated, which helps in identifying the best results and understanding the impact of each setting or change.



๐Ÿš€ Automating Prompt Crafting with Local Stable Diffusion

This paragraph introduces viewers to the concept of automating prompt crafting using the local stable diffusion tool. It explains the process of installing the automatic tool and encourages viewers to join a live stream for further insights. The main focus is on the text to image tab where users can either upload a text file with multiple prompts or manually input them line by line. The video emphasizes the flexibility of using a text file for easy prompt management and modification. It also discusses the variability in AI-generated images, even with the same prompt details, highlighting the importance of experimenting with different settings to achieve desired results.


๐ŸŽจ Exploring Variations with X Epsilon Plots and Sampling Methods

The second paragraph delves into the use of X Epsilon plots to test prompts against different settings and sampling methods. It explains how to input values for CFG scale and steps to explore a range of variations. The video demonstrates the process of setting up the X Epsilon plot with seed variation, seat variation, and other parameters. It also covers the use of different sampling methods such as Euler, ancestral LMS, and Hoin, showcasing how each method can significantly alter the style of the generated images. The paragraph concludes by discussing the prompt as R (search and replace) feature, which allows users to easily replace individual words in their prompts to create diverse variations. The video encourages viewers to experiment with different prompts and settings to enhance their creativity and productivity.



๐Ÿ’กPrompt Crafting

Prompt crafting refers to the process of creating specific and effective text inputs for AI systems, particularly in the context of text-to-image generation. In the video, it is emphasized as a time-consuming and experimental task, but one that can be streamlined through automation and the use of certain tools.

๐Ÿ’กLocal Stable Diffusion

Local Stable Diffusion is a type of AI model used for generating images from text prompts. It is mentioned as a tool that the video aims to help users utilize more effectively through the discussed techniques of prompt crafting and automation.


In the context of the video, 'Script' refers to a feature within the AI's interface that allows users to input and automate the process of generating images based on text prompts. It is where users can select different options like 'Prompts from file' or 'Text box prompt' to create variations of their desired images.

๐Ÿ’กCFG Scale

CFG Scale, or Context Free Grammar Scale, is a parameter that determines how closely the AI adheres to the original prompt when generating images. A lower CFG scale results in more creative freedom, while a higher scale ensures a closer match to the prompt.

๐Ÿ’กSampling Methods

Sampling methods refer to the algorithms or techniques used by the AI to interpret and generate images from the prompts. Different methods can produce distinctly different styles or qualities in the resulting images.

๐Ÿ’กPrompt as R

Prompt as R, or 'search and replace,' is a feature that allows users to replace specific words in their prompts with alternatives. This enables the generation of multiple images with variations in the text prompts without manually rewriting the entire prompt for each version.

๐Ÿ’กPrompt Matrix

Prompt Matrix is a tool that explores all possible combinations of suggested words or phrases added to the original prompt. It automates the process of testing different prompt variations to find the most effective or desired image results.

๐Ÿ’กX Epsilon Plot

X Epsilon Plot is a method within the AI system that allows users to experiment with different settings and parameters to achieve a range of image outputs. It includes options like seed variation, CFG scale, and steps, which can be adjusted to see how they affect the final image.


Automation in this context refers to the use of AI tools and features to streamline and simplify the process of creating images from text prompts. It reduces the manual effort required to experiment with different prompts and settings.


Productivity in the video's context is about maximizing the efficiency and output of image generation using AI tools. By leveraging automation and various AI features, users can produce more content in less time while exploring a wider range of creative possibilities.


Introduction to prompt crafting and its time-consuming nature

Use of local stable diffusion for automating prompt crafting

Explanation of the installation process with a reference to an installation video

Upcoming live stream announcement

Demonstration of the text to image tab and its functionalities

Option to use a text file or text box for inputting prompts

Advantages of using a text file for storing and modifying prompts

Process of updating prompts when changing the text file

Description of the X Epsilon plot feature for testing prompts against different settings

Explanation of how to use the CFG scale for variations

Instructions on entering number values for steps in the X Epsilon plot

Importance of drawing a legend for an overview of the rendered images

Comparison of different sampling methods and their impact on the final images

Use of the search and replace sampler for altering individual words in a prompt

Explanation of the prompt Matrix for trying all possible combinations of words in a prompt

Productivity boost through automated prompt variations and testing

Conclusion and encouragement for viewers to like and share the video