Study: GPT-4 outperforms Data Analysts

Luke Barousse
2 Apr 202411:33

TLDRA recent study has compared the performance of GPT-4, a large language model, with human data analysts. The research found that GPT-4 not only outperformed junior and intern data analysts but also matched the performance of senior analysts in terms of accuracy and efficiency. The study emphasizes that GPT-4 is faster and significantly cheaper, costing only about 2.5% of an intern's fee and 0.45% of a senior analyst's fee. However, the research also noted that while GPT-4 can handle specific, detailed questions, it may struggle with more open-ended, general inquiries that require deeper domain knowledge. The authors conclude that GPT-4 shows potential to assist human data analysts by making their work more efficient, rather than replacing the role entirely.


  • 🤖 GPT-4 was found to be faster and cheaper than human data analysts, especially when compared to senior analysts.
  • 📊 The study aimed to explore the use of large language models like GPT-4 to enhance data analysts' workflow rather than replace them.
  • 🔍 The research defined three major job scopes of a data analyst: data collection, data visualization, and analysis.
  • 💻 GPT-4 was given a prompt including a business question, database connection, and schema to generate Python code for data selection and chart drawing.
  • 📈 GPT-4's performance was evaluated using over a thousand questions across five domains and seven types of visualizations.
  • 📝 The model was able to generate visualizations and export data into text files, demonstrating its capability in data collection and visualization.
  • 🕒 GPT-4 completed the analysis phase in approximately a minute, significantly faster than human data analysts.
  • 💰 Cost analysis showed GPT-4 to be a fraction of the cost compared to intern, junior, and senior data analysts.
  • 📉 In terms of accuracy, senior data analysts outperformed GPT-4, while juniors and interns performed similarly or worse.
  • 🔑 The study highlighted that GPT-4 lacks domain knowledge, which is critical for experienced data analysts.
  • 🚀 The paper concluded that GPT-4 can aid human data analysts by making their work more efficient, rather than replacing the role.

Q & A

  • What was the primary aim of the research paper mentioned in the transcript?

    -The primary aim of the research paper was to explore how large language models, like GPT-4, can be used to enhance the workflow of data analysts by setting up a framework for their use in data analysis tasks.

  • What are the three major job scopes of a data analyst as outlined in the study?

    -The three major job scopes of a data analyst outlined in the study are data collection, data visualization, and analysis.

  • How did GPT-4 perform in terms of cost when compared to human data analysts?

    -GPT-4 performed significantly better in terms of cost, with its cost being approximately 2.5% of the cost of an intern, 71% of the cost of a junior data analyst, and 45% of the cost of a senior data analyst.

  • What was the time taken by GPT-4 to generate visualizations compared to human data analysts?

    -GPT-4 was able to generate visualizations in approximately a minute, which was faster than both the junior and senior data analysts who took more than 10 minutes, and comparable to the intern who took about the same time as GPT-4.

  • How did GPT-4's performance compare to human data analysts in terms of accuracy and validity of results?

    -The senior data analyst outperformed GPT-4 in terms of accuracy and validity of results for both the figure and data analysis. However, GPT-4 performed similarly or better than the junior and intern data analysts.

  • What was the conclusion of the research paper regarding the potential of GPT-4 to replace human data analysts?

    -The research paper concluded that GPT-4 can outperform an intern or junior data analyst and achieve comparable performance to a senior data analyst. However, further studies are needed before concluding that GPT-4 can replace data analysts.

  • What was the limitation of the benchmark test used in the study?

    -The limitation of the benchmark test was that the questions posed to GPT-4 and the data analysts were very specific, which may not reflect the more general and open-ended nature of real-world data analysis tasks.

  • How did the study address the lack of domain knowledge in GPT-4?

    -The study addressed the lack of domain knowledge in GPT-4 by allowing the use of an optional Google search API to extract real-time online information when generating data analysis, thereby providing the model with domain knowledge.

  • What was the final part of the analysis process that the study focused on after data visualization?

    -The final part of the analysis process focused on extracting major insights into a bullet-like format to facilitate action with the data.

  • Why did the research team open-source all their code for this study?

    -The research team open-sourced all their code to allow for validation of the questions and insights found from the analysis, promoting transparency and reproducibility of their results.

  • What was the main purpose of using GPT-4 in the context of this study?

    -The main purpose of using GPT-4 in the context of this study was to explore its potential to aid human data analysts by speeding up their processes and enabling more efficient working.

  • How did the study evaluate the performance of GPT-4 and human data analysts?

    -The study evaluated the performance of GPT-4 and human data analysts by comparing their cost, time taken for data analysis, accuracy, and validity of results based on a set of predefined questions and a benchmark test.



🤖 GPT-4 as a Data Analyst: Performance and Cost Analysis

The video script discusses a research paper that evaluates GPT-4's capabilities as a data analyst. It compares GPT-4's performance to human data analysts in terms of speed, cost, and accuracy. The paper outlines a framework for using GPT-4 in data analysis, which includes data collection, visualization, and analysis. GPT-4 was found to be faster and significantly cheaper than human analysts, especially senior ones. The study also explores the integration of online information through Google search to provide domain knowledge, although it was deemed not crucial for the dataset used. The research concludes that while GPT-4 can match or exceed the performance of junior analysts and is comparable to senior analysts, further study is needed before considering AI as a replacement for human data analysts.


📈 Analyzing GPT-4's Data Analysis Process and Results

The script details the process of using GPT-4 for data analysis, starting with a business question and a database schema. GPT-4 is prompted to write Python code for data selection and chart drawing, which includes saving the plot and data as files. The research team's code is open-sourced for validation. The study uses a list of over a thousand questions to evaluate GPT-4 and human analysts' performance across various datasets. The video demonstrates running the code, which involves choosing a database, providing a schema, and answering specific questions. The analysis includes comparing the cost and time taken by GPT-4 with that of intern, junior, and senior data analysts. GPT-4 outperforms in terms of cost and time efficiency, although the accuracy and validity of its results are mixed when compared to human analysts.


🔍 Practicality and Future of GPT-4 in Data Analysis

The video script addresses the practicality of using GPT-4 for data analysis by considering more general, open-ended questions for analysis. It discusses the results of evaluating GPT-4 against junior and senior data analysts across five practical questions. The study acknowledges the limitations of its analysis, given the small number of data analysts and questions used. It concludes that GPT-4 can outperform junior analysts and achieve comparable performance to senior analysts. However, the paper suggests that GPT-4 is not yet ready to replace human data analysts and instead, its purpose is to aid them in working more efficiently. The video host expresses a commitment to exploring the use of AI to enhance data analytics workflows.




GPT-4 refers to the fourth generation of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model, which is an advanced AI language model. In the video, GPT-4 is compared with human data analysts in terms of performance, cost, and efficiency. It is shown to be faster and cheaper, especially when compared to senior data analysts, which is significant in the context of the video's discussion on the potential of AI in data analysis.

💡Data Analyst

A data analyst is a professional who collects, processes, and interprets data to help businesses make decisions. In the video, human data analysts are compared with GPT-4 across various tasks such as data collection, visualization, and analysis. The comparison is made to understand how AI can augment or potentially replace certain aspects of a data analyst's role.

💡Data Collection

Data collection is the process of gathering and extracting data from various sources. In the context of the video, it involves using SQL to connect to a database and extract insights, which is a fundamental step in the data analysis process. GPT-4's ability to perform data collection is evaluated as part of the study.

💡Data Visualization

Data visualization is the graphical representation of information and data. It helps in understanding complex data through charts, graphs, and other visual means. In the video, GPT-4 is shown to use Python for creating visualizations, which is a key aspect of the data analysis process that the AI is compared against human analysts.


Analysis in the context of the video refers to the process of examining data to extract useful information, draw conclusions, and make decisions. GPT-4's analytical capabilities are assessed by how it processes the data and generates insights, which is a critical part of the study's comparison.


SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language for managing and manipulating relational databases. In the video, SQL is used by both human data analysts and GPT-4 to connect to databases and extract relevant data, which is a common task in data analysis.


Python is a high-level programming language widely used for general-purpose programming, including data analysis. In the video, GPT-4's proficiency in Python is highlighted, as it uses the language for data visualization and analysis, showcasing the AI's capabilities in handling complex tasks.

💡Cost Analysis

Cost analysis involves comparing the costs associated with different options or alternatives. In the video, a cost analysis is performed to compare the expenses of using GPT-4 with those of employing human data analysts at different experience levels, emphasizing the economic implications of AI in the field.

💡Domain Knowledge

Domain knowledge refers to the specific knowledge and expertise in a particular field or area. The video discusses how GPT-4, lacking human-like domain knowledge, can still perform data analysis tasks, but also explores the use of online information to provide it with additional context.

💡Benchmark Test

A benchmark test is a series of controlled tests that measure the performance of a system or component. In the video, a benchmark test is used to evaluate the performance of GPT-4 against human data analysts, including their ability to answer a set of over a thousand questions using various datasets.

💡AI in Workflow

AI in workflow refers to the integration of artificial intelligence tools and systems into the work process to improve efficiency and productivity. The video explores the potential of using AI, specifically GPT-4, to aid human data analysts in their work, aiming to enhance the workflow rather than replace human roles.


GPT-4 outperforms human data analysts in terms of speed and cost-efficiency.

The study aims to explore the use of large language models to enhance data analysis processes, not to replace human analysts.

GPT-4 is faster and significantly cheaper compared to senior data analysts.

The research paper sets up a framework for evaluating GPT-4's performance as a data analyst.

Data analysis involves data collection, visualization, and analysis, with GPT-4 excelling in Python for the second step.

GPT-4 is given prompts that include business questions, database connections, and associated schemas.

The research team open-sourced their code for validation and transparency.

Over a thousand questions were used to analyze the performance of GPT-4 and human data analysts.

Benchmarks cover five domains and seven common types of visualizations.

GPT-4's API is utilized to query databases and generate visualizations within seconds.

The study found that online research was not necessary for the dataset analyzed, as domain knowledge was less critical.

GPT-4's cost per instance is significantly lower than that of intern, junior, and senior data analysts.

GPT-4's performance in analysis was comparable to senior data analysts and superior to junior and intern analysts.

The study acknowledges the limited number of data analysts used and calls for further research.

GPT-4 achieved high scores in practical question analysis, sometimes outperforming senior data analysts.

The research concludes that GPT-4 can aid human data analysts by making their work more efficient.

The ultimate goal is not to replace data analysts but to assist them with AI for improved workflow.