Tell Me About Yourself | Best Answer (from former CEO)

The Companies Expert
27 Jun 201905:15

TLDRIn this video, the former CEO shares the best approach to answering the common job interview question 'Tell me about yourself.' He suggests starting with a reference to one's resume, then briefly discussing experiences in chronological order, and ending with a statement about excitement for the opportunity. The goal is to efficiently communicate how one's qualifications align with the job requirements, focusing on recent experiences relevant to the position.


  • 📝 The 'Tell Me About Yourself' question is often the first one asked in job interviews, serving as an icebreaker.
  • 🎯 Recruiters and hiring managers aim to narrow down from numerous candidates to select the most suitable one for the position.
  • 🧐 Candidates should be aware that there may be hidden criteria beyond the posted job requirements that influence the hiring decision.
  • 💼 Assuming the hiring manager has read the candidate's resume, the content within it has not led to their elimination.
  • 🕰️ When responding to 'Tell Me About Yourself,' candidates should chronologically summarize their resume, starting with the oldest experience.
  • ⏱️ The summary should be concise, ideally taking no more than 45 seconds to a minute.
  • 🔚 End the summary with a statement that connects the candidate's experiences to the current opportunity and expresses enthusiasm for the position.
  • 🧠 Interviewers retain only a small percentage of what they hear, so candidates should emphasize their qualifications multiple times.
  • 🚀 Focus the conversation on the current opportunity rather than past experiences to demonstrate how the candidate meets the job's requirements.
  • 📈 This advice is part of a series on common job interview questions, with insights from experience on both sides of the hiring process.
  • 🔔 The presenter, Bill, invites viewers to engage with the content by liking, subscribing, and supporting the channel for additional content.

Q & A

  • What is the most common job interview question?

    -The most common job interview question is 'Tell me about yourself.'

  • Why is 'Tell me about yourself' usually asked at the beginning of an interview?

    -It is typically asked as an icebreaker to initiate the conversation and make the interviewee comfortable.

  • How does a hiring manager's perspective affect the way they evaluate candidates?

    -Hiring managers often view the process as an elimination game, narrowing down from numerous applicants to select the most suitable candidate based on both posted and hidden criteria.

  • What is an example of a hidden criterion that might influence a hiring decision?

    -A hiring manager's personal preference, such as being a fan of a specific sports team, could lead to the elimination of candidates who support a rival team.

  • Why is it important to assume that the hiring manager has read your resume?

    -Assuming they've read your resume means the content you've included has not led to your elimination, making it safe to reference and discuss during the interview.

  • How long should your response to 'Tell me about yourself' be in a job interview?

    -Your response should be approximately 45 seconds to a minute, summarizing your resume and relevant experiences.

  • What is the purpose of answering 'Tell me about yourself' in a job interview?

    -The purpose is to communicate how you meet the job qualifications and are the right fit for the position.

  • How can you ensure your 'Tell me about yourself' response stands out to the interviewer?

    -By summarizing your resume in a concise manner, focusing on the most relevant experiences, and ending with a statement that connects you to the opportunity.

  • What is the significance of mentioning your qualifications multiple times in the interview?

    -Since people tend to retain only a small proportion of what they hear, repeating your qualifications ensures that the information registers with the interviewer.

  • Why should you avoid discussing irrelevant past experiences in your 'Tell me about yourself' response?

    -Irrelevant past experiences can waste time and distract from the main goal of demonstrating how you meet the qualifications for the current position.

  • What is the main goal of the new YouTube series mentioned in the transcript?

    -The main goal is to provide insights and guidance on common job interview questions and the hiring process, drawing from the expertise of the speaker who has experience in both hiring and being hired.



📝 Mastering the 'Tell Me About Yourself' Interview Question

This paragraph discusses the common job interview question 'Tell me about yourself' and offers strategies for answering it effectively. It emphasizes understanding the perspective of recruiters who have to evaluate numerous candidates based on both posted and hidden criteria. The key advice given is to use the content of one's resume as a guide, discussing experiences in chronological order and concluding with relevance to the current opportunity. The paragraph highlights the importance of focusing on the present and the job at hand rather than delving into distant past experiences.



💡Job Interview

A job interview is a formal meeting between a potential employer and a candidate to assess the candidate's suitability for a job position. In the context of the video, the interview is the primary setting where the discussed strategies and tips are applied. The video aims to equip job seekers with effective ways to answer the common 'tell me about yourself' question, which is often the first question asked in an interview to break the ice and initiate the conversation.


An icebreaker is an activity or question designed to ease initial social interactions and help people become more comfortable with each other in a group setting, such as a job interview. In the video, the 'tell me about yourself' question serves as an icebreaker, allowing the candidate to introduce themselves and set the tone for the rest of the conversation.


A resume is a document that outlines a job applicant's professional experience, education, skills, and achievements. It is a critical tool used by job seekers to present their qualifications and make a case for their candidacy. In the video, the resume is the foundation for the candidate's response to the 'tell me about yourself' question, with the speaker advising to use the content of the resume to structure the answer in a way that highlights relevant experiences and qualifications.

💡Elimination Game

An elimination game refers to a process where multiple options are narrowed down to a single choice or winner. In the context of the video, the hiring process is likened to an elimination game, where the recruiter or hiring manager sifts through numerous applications to select the most suitable candidate for the job. The video emphasizes the importance of understanding this perspective to effectively communicate one's suitability for the position.

💡Hidden Criteria

Hidden criteria refer to the unspoken or unofficial requirements that employers may use to evaluate job candidates, in addition to the posted job requirements. These criteria can include personal preferences or subjective factors that are not explicitly stated in the job description. The video highlights that understanding and addressing these hidden criteria can be crucial for a candidate's success in the hiring process.

💡Chronological Order

Chronological order is the arrangement of events or information in the sequence in which they occurred or were created. In the context of the video, the speaker advises job candidates to discuss their experiences in chronological order when answering the 'tell me about yourself' question, starting with the oldest and moving towards the most recent, to provide a clear and concise professional history.


Qualifications are the skills, education, and experiences that make a candidate suitable for a particular job. They are the criteria that employers look for when assessing whether a candidate can perform the duties and responsibilities associated with the position. The video emphasizes the importance of clearly communicating one's qualifications during an interview to demonstrate how they meet the job's requirements.


A position refers to a job role or opening within an organization. In the context of the video, the position is the specific job that the candidate is applying for, and the video provides strategies for candidates to effectively communicate their suitability for that particular role during the interview.


An opportunity in the context of the video refers to the chance or prospect of employment that the candidate is seeking. It is the potential job offer or the career advancement that the candidate hopes to achieve through the interview process. The video advises candidates to express excitement and interest in the opportunity to learn more about the position and how they can contribute to the organization.

💡Postgraduate Level

Postgraduate level refers to the educational stage that comes after completing an undergraduate degree, typically involving more advanced and specialized studies such as a master's degree or a doctorate. In the video, the speaker mentions teaching interview strategies at the postgraduate level, indicating a high level of expertise and experience in the subject matter.


The most common job interview question 'Tell me about yourself' is often used as an icebreaker.

There are numerous ways to answer this open-ended question, and many resources available for guidance.

Recruiters and hiring managers aim to narrow down a large pool of candidates to select the most suitable one.

Candidates may not be aware of the hidden criteria used by recruiters to make their selections.

It is assumed that the interviewer has read the candidate's resume before the interview.

Using content from one's resume is a safe approach to answering 'Tell me about yourself'.

The purpose of answering this question is to demonstrate how the candidate meets the job qualifications.

Candidates should avoid discussing irrelevant past experiences and focus on the opportunity at hand.

Summarizing one's resume in 45 seconds to a minute is an effective strategy for the 'Tell me about yourself' question.

People tend to retain only a small proportion of what they hear, so emphasizing qualifications is crucial.

The interviewee should aim to steer the conversation towards the job opportunity and their suitability for it.

This advice is part of a new YouTube series focusing on common job interview questions and the hiring process.

The presenter, an expert in the field, has experience in both hiring and being hired and teaches at a postgraduate level.

Viewers are encouraged to engage with the content by liking, subscribing, and supporting the creator on Patreon.

The presenter, Bill, thanks the viewers for watching and emphasizes the value they bring.