Former TOP Prosecutor CUTS THROUGH Trump’s Conduct…

3 Apr 202408:57

TLDRThe video discusses the issue of gag orders in relation to Donald Trump, arguing that current measures are insufficient due to the unique threat his verbal attacks pose to public safety and the justice system. It suggests that judges and prosecutors should not be timid in applying full gag orders, as the First Amendment does not protect all political speech, especially when it endangers safety and undermines the integrity of trials and democracy.


  • 🚨 The primary purpose of gag orders in criminal cases is to protect the defendant from pre-trial publicity that could influence the trial's fairness.
  • 💡 Gag orders are typically issued to prevent the potential jury pool from being tainted and to ensure unbiased jurors.
  • 🤔 Trump's unique situation challenges the traditional rationale for gag orders, as he seeks to use his criminal trials for political gain on the campaign trail.
  • 🔒 The danger posed by Trump's verbal attacks and smearing of witnesses, judges, and prosecutors is a significant concern, with a history of his words inciting harmful actions.
  • 🎭 Examples of Trump's rhetoric leading to violence include the Walmart mass shooter, January 6th rioters, and harassment of election workers.
  • 🚨 Gag orders in Trump's cases aim to protect others from the effects of his words, not to shield him from pre-trial publicity.
  • 📝 Judges and prosecutors have been cautious with gag orders, often allowing Trump to continue attacking them, due to concerns about First Amendment rights.
  • 📈 The protection of political speech is highly valued under the First Amendment, but this should not extend to allowing Trump to interfere with the justice system.
  • 🔄 A potential remedy for a First Amendment violation is simply the removal of the speech restraint, which would not impact the trial's evidence or outcome.
  • 🛡️ The safety of individuals and the integrity of the judicial system and democracy are paramount, and a more comprehensive gag order on Trump could help protect these interests.

Q & A

  • What is the primary purpose of gag orders in criminal cases?

    -The primary purpose of gag orders in criminal cases is to protect the defendant from pre-trial publicity that might make the trial unfair by potentially tainting the jury pool and making it harder to find unbiased jurors.

  • Why don't the usual reasons for gag orders apply to Donald Trump?

    -The usual reasons for gag orders don't apply to Donald Trump because he wants to try the case on the campaign trail as the presumed Republican nominee, and he is not concerned about pre-trial publicity affecting the fairness of the trial.

  • What dangers does Trump's verbal attacks and smearing of witnesses, judges, and prosecutors pose to the justice system?

    -Trump's verbal attacks and smearing pose dangers to the safety of individuals and the integrity of the justice system by potentially influencing witnesses, jurors, and public perception, which can undermine the fairness and effectiveness of trials.

  • How have judges responded to Trump's violations of gag orders?

    -Judges have responded to Trump's violations of gag orders by imposing fines and expanding the scope of the gag orders to include additional individuals, such as family members of the judge and district attorney.

  • What is the误区 that judges and prosecutors often have regarding gag orders?

    -The 误区 that judges and prosecutors often have is that they want to exempt themselves from Trump's verbal attacks, and they are hesitant to issue full gag orders due to concerns about violating the First Amendment.

  • Why should judges and prosecutors not be afraid of issuing full gag orders?

    -Judges and prosecutors should not be afraid of issuing full gag orders because the remedy for a First Amendment violation is simply to remove the restraint on speech, which has no effect on the evidence or conviction in a trial.

  • What is the most critical issue regarding gag orders in Trump's criminal trials?

    -The most critical issue is not the First Amendment concern, but rather the safety of people, including judges and prosecutors, and the integrity of the justice system and democracy.

  • What did Judge Reggie Walton speak out about in relation to judicial safety?

    -Judge Reggie Walton spoke out about the real concern of judicial safety, highlighting that although judges have more security than regular folks, the safety of the system and democracy is just as important and may be more significant in the long run.

  • How does Trump's behavior affect the integrity of the courts and the trials?

    -Trump's bullying and smearing of judges and prosecutors can lead potential witnesses and jurors to question the protection they might receive, which hurts the integrity of the courts and the trials by undermining public trust and confidence in the justice system.

  • What is the main argument for completely gagging Trump?

    -The main argument for completely gagging Trump is to protect the safety of individuals and the integrity of the justice system and democracy, as his unchecked verbal attacks can lead to dangerous actions by his followers and erode public trust in the courts.

  • How can the public engage with the topics discussed in the script?

    -The public can engage with the topics discussed by following the speaker on Instagram @mest and continuing the conversation there, as well as sharing their thoughts and suggesting other topics for future discussion.



🚨 First Amendment and Gag Orders: The Trump Conundrum

This paragraph discusses the complexities surrounding gag orders in the context of Donald Trump's legal cases. It highlights the typical purpose of gag orders, which is to prevent pre-trial publicity from influencing the jury pool. However, it contrasts this with Trump's unique situation, where he actively seeks media attention and aims to try his case in the public eye through his campaign. The paragraph emphasizes the danger posed by Trump's verbal attacks on witnesses, judges, and prosecutors, and how these can incite harmful actions from his followers. It also critiques the hesitance of judges and prosecutors to impose full gag orders due to concerns over First Amendment violations, arguing that such restrictions are necessary to protect the integrity of the judicial system and the safety of individuals involved.


🛡️ The Importance of Unrestricted Gag Orders for Public Safety

In this paragraph, the argument is made that a full gag order on Trump is essential for the safety of the public, judges, and prosecutors, as well as for the preservation of the democratic system. It addresses the misconception that gag orders infringe upon the First Amendment, explaining that any violation would only lead to the removal of the restraint on speech, without affecting the trial's evidence or outcome. The paragraph also discusses the real-world implications of Trump's rhetoric, including threats and violence against those involved in his cases, and stresses that the judicial system's integrity is at risk. The narrative calls for judges and prosecutors to be courageous in their duties and to prioritize safety and the rule of law over the potential backlash from Trump's First Amendment claims.



💡Gag Orders

Gag orders are legal directives issued by judges to prevent parties involved in a case from making public statements that could potentially influence the outcome of the trial. In the context of the video, it's discussed how these orders are traditionally used to protect the defendant from pre-trial publicity but are also being used to protect the public from the potentially harmful effects of certain individuals' speech.

💡First Amendment

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the freedom of speech, religion, and the press, as well as the right to assemble and petition the government. In the video, it's argued that while the First Amendment is a critical aspect of U.S. law, its application to Trump's criminal trials has been misconstrued, and it should not shield him from gag orders that are designed to protect the integrity of the legal process and public safety.

💡Pre-trial Publicity

Pre-trial publicity refers to the dissemination of information about a legal case before it goes to trial, which can potentially influence the opinions of the public, the potential jury pool, and the fairness of the trial itself. In the video, the author discusses how traditional gag orders are meant to curb pre-trial publicity and ensure a fair trial.


In the context of the video, safety refers to the protection of individuals and the integrity of the justice system from the potentially harmful effects of certain public figures' speech. It encompasses both physical safety, such as threats and harassment, and the safeguarding of democratic institutions and processes.

💡System of Justice

The system of justice refers to the institutions, processes, and principles that govern the administration of law in a society. It includes the courts, judges, prosecutors, and the legal procedures that ensure fair trials and the enforcement of laws. The video emphasizes the importance of protecting this system from undue influence and harm, particularly from public figures who might undermine its integrity through their public statements.


A manifesto is a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, often associated with political or social movements. In the video, the term is used to describe the writings of the Walmart mass shooter, which echoed Trump's racist and anti-immigrant rhetoric, illustrating the real-world consequences of inflammatory speech.

💡Election Interference

Election interference refers to the illegal or unethical actions taken to influence the outcome of an election. In the context of the video, it's mentioned in relation to charges brought against Trump for allegedly paying hush money to an actress to keep quiet about an affair, which is considered a form of election interference.


SWATTING is a dangerous prank or crime in which someone falsely reports a serious crime at a particular address, leading to a law enforcement response, typically with a SWAT team. In the video, it's mentioned as one of the dangerous actions carried out by Trump's followers, inspired by his rhetoric.

💡Racist Harassment

Racist harassment involves abusive behavior motivated by racial prejudice. It can include verbal or physical attacks, threats, or other forms of intimidation targeted at individuals or groups based on their race or ethnicity. In the video, it's discussed in relation to the harassment and death threats directed at Georgia election workers, which were influenced by Trump's rhetoric.

💡Political Speech

Political speech refers to expressions or communications related to politics, policies, or political campaigns. It is afforded a high level of protection under the First Amendment. The video discusses the balance between protecting political speech and ensuring the integrity of legal proceedings, suggesting that Trump's speech about his criminal trials should not be protected under the guise of political speech.

💡Judicial Safety

Judicial safety pertains to the protection of judges from threats, harassment, and other forms of harm that could influence their decisions or impede the administration of justice. In the video, it's emphasized that judicial safety is a critical concern, and that the actions of public figures like Trump can undermine this safety, potentially affecting the integrity of the courts and the legal process.


Gag orders are typically used to protect the defendant from pre-trial publicity that could influence the trial's fairness.

The traditional reasons for gag orders do not apply to Donald Trump, as he actively engages in trying the case in the public eye.

The danger posed by Trump's verbal attacks and smearing of witnesses, judges, and prosecutors is a concern for public safety and the justice system.

Trump's rhetoric has been linked to violent acts, such as the Walmart mass shooting and the January 6th riots.

Gag orders in Trump's cases aim to protect others from the harmful effects of his words, rather than to shield him from publicity.

Judges have imposed gag orders on Trump in various cases, including the defamation case brought by E. Jean Carroll and the January 6th trial.

Trump's violation of a gag order led to him being fined in the E. Jean Carroll case, showing that judges are willing to enforce these orders.

Judges and prosecutors may be hesitant to issue full gag orders due to concerns about First Amendment violations and the special status of political speech.

The protection of political speech is high under the First Amendment, but it should not extend to allowing Trump to interfere with the justice system.

Trump's focus on his criminal trials in his political campaign is unusual and not a necessity for a successful political platform.

Judges and prosecutors should not exempt themselves from Trump's verbal attacks and should be willing to issue full gag orders to maintain the integrity of the courts.

The safety of the justice system and democracy is at risk due to Trump's bullying and smearing tactics.

The remedy for a First Amendment violation is simply to remove the restraint on speech, which has no bearing on the evidence or conviction in a trial.

Judges and prosecutors should not be afraid of issuing full gag orders, as any potential violation can be corrected without affecting the trial's outcome.

The media often focuses on the First Amendment concerns in relation to Trump's gag orders, but the real issue is the safety of individuals and the justice system.

Judges, like Reggie Walton, have spoken out about the importance of judicial safety in the face of verbal attacks from public figures like Trump.

The integrity of the courts and the overall democratic system is crucial and must be protected from harmful rhetoric and actions.