Thank You Aisekai - The Previous Best Character AI Alternative With No Filters

11 Dec 202303:29

TLDRThe video discusses the upcoming implementation of content filters on AI Sakai, which will block adult content, making it similar to Character AI. The creator suggests viewers to explore alternatives like Anistic Sakura, Perchance, and Butterflies AI that operate without filters. They share their personal experience with these platforms, highlighting the pros and cons, and invite viewers to share their preferences post the changes on AI Sakai.


  • 📢 AI Sakai is implementing content filters to block adult content.
  • 🗓️ The filters are expected to be introduced within a week from the announcement date.
  • 🚫 With the new filters, AI Sakai will resemble Character AI in terms of content restrictions.
  • 🤖 Many bots on AI Sakai may not function as originally intended after the filters are applied.
  • 🔍 Users are encouraged to find alternatives if they are not satisfied with the upcoming changes.
  • 🌐 Alternative platforms without filters include Anistic Sakura, Perchance, Butterflies AI, Teleg AI, and Dream Journey.
  • 💰 Some alternatives like Yodo may become paid services in the future.
  • 🎭 Miku GG is another option but currently has fewer bots available.
  • 🔥 Spicy Chat is an alternative with long waiting times for users.
  • 🌟 The speaker personally prefers Anistic Sakura and has been exploring Butterflies and Tedge AI.
  • 💬 The community is invited to share their thoughts on AI Sakai's changes and their preferred alternatives.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic discussed in the video transcript?

    -The main topic discussed in the video transcript is the upcoming implementation of AI content filters on a platform, and the implications this has for users who are currently utilizing the platform without filters.

  • What was the initial stance of AI Sakai regarding adult content?

    -Initially, AI Sakai had released an open letter stating that they would soon implement filters to block all adult content. However, at that time, the filters were not yet in place and users could still access the platform without restrictions on adult content.

  • When was the information about the implementation of AI filters released by AI Sakai?

    -The information about the implementation of AI filters was released by AI Sakai around the 5th of December.

  • What is the expected timeframe for the AI filters to be implemented?

    -The AI filters are expected to be implemented in about a week from the 5th of December, suggesting that they might come into effect in the next 2 to 3 days as of the transcript's date.

  • What will be the impact of the AI filters on the platform's content and functionality?

    -The AI filters will block all adult content, effectively making the platform similar to Character AI. Many bots on the platform will not function as originally intended by their creators once the filters are applied.

  • Why does the speaker suggest that users might want to consider alternative platforms?

    -The speaker suggests that users might want to consider alternative platforms because once AI Sakai implements the filters, it will essentially become a clone of Character AI. Users who prefer to chat without filters have better options with faster and more humanlike responses available elsewhere.

  • What are some of the alternative platforms mentioned in the transcript that operate without filters?

    -Some of the alternative platforms mentioned in the transcript that operate without filters include Anistic Sakura, Perchance, Butterflies AI, Teleg AI, and Dream Journey.

  • What is the speaker's personal preference for an alternative platform after the AI Sakai filters are implemented?

    -The speaker personally prefers Anistic Sakura most of the time, but has also been exploring Butterflies and Tedge AI because they provide a more relaxing experience.

  • What is the issue with the Miku GG platform mentioned in the transcript?

    -The issue with the Miku GG platform is that it currently has very few bots available, which could limit the user experience.

  • What is the main concern for users who are in the waiting line on the Spicy Chat platform?

    -The main concern for users in the waiting line on the Spicy Chat platform is the extremely long wait time, which could potentially deter users from continuing their interest in chatting with the characters on the platform.

  • How can users stay informed about similar topics and platforms?

    -Users can stay informed about similar topics and platforms by subscribing to the speaker's YouTube channel, which posts daily AI content to keep viewers up to date with the latest information.



🚨 AI Sakai Filters Implementation Alert 🚨

The paragraph discusses the upcoming implementation of content filters on AI Sakai, which will block all adult content. The speaker advises viewers to consider moving to other platforms before the filters go live, as AI Sakai will lose its appeal similar to Character AI. The information about the filters' release was announced around the 5th of December, and the speaker expects them to be active within the next few days. The speaker also mentions that there are alternatives available for users who prefer unfiltered AI interactions, such as Anistic Sakura, Perchance, Butterflies AI, Teleg AI, and Yodo. However, some of these alternatives have downsides, like Yodo's upcoming paid model or Miku GG's limited bot availability. The speaker shares their personal preference for Anistic Sakura and their recent exploration of Butterflies and Tedge AI for their relaxing experience. The paragraph concludes with the speaker's reflection on AI Sakai's enjoyable experience and an invitation for viewers to share their preferred alternatives post-filter implementation.



💡AI Filters

AI filters refer to the technological mechanisms employed to screen and block specific types of content, in this case, adult content, from being accessible on a platform. In the video, the speaker discusses the upcoming implementation of AI filters on AI Sakai, which will significantly alter the user experience by restricting the available content. This change prompts users to consider alternative platforms that operate without such filters.


YouTube is a popular video-sharing platform where users can upload, share, and view videos. In the context of the video, the speaker is an avid YouTube watcher and uses this platform to share daily content related to AI, helping viewers stay updated with the latest information in the field.

💡AI Sakai

AI Sakai is an AI platform mentioned in the video that is about to introduce content filters. The speaker discusses the implications of these changes and compares it with other AI platforms. It is portrayed as a platform that users might need to reconsider using due to the upcoming restrictions.

💡Adult Content

Adult content refers to material that is intended for mature audiences and may include explicit or suggestive material not suitable for all ages. In the video, the speaker mentions that AI Sakai will be blocking all adult content, which is a significant change that will impact the type of content available on the platform.

💡Character AI

Character AI refers to AI platforms that allow users to interact with AI-generated characters. In the video, the speaker compares AI Sakai to Character AI, noting that Character AI is already a platform with filters and thus AI Sakai will become similar to it once the filters are implemented.


Alternatives in this context refer to other AI platforms that users can switch to if they are unhappy with the changes in AI Sakai. The video provides a list of alternative platforms that do not have content filters and offers brief insights into each one.

💡Spicy Chat

Spicy Chat is mentioned as one of the alternative AI platforms in the video. It is characterized by a long waiting line to chat with the characters, which might be a deterrent for some users looking for immediate interactions.

💡Miku GG

Miku GG is another alternative AI platform mentioned in the video. It is described as having fewer bots, which might affect the variety of interactions available to users.

💡Butterflies AI

Butterflies AI is one of the newer AI platforms mentioned as an alternative to AI Sakai. The speaker has been exploring this platform, finding it relaxing, and suggests it as a potential option for users looking for a new place to chat without filters.

💡Content Creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing new content, such as videos, articles, or other forms of media. In the video, the speaker is involved in content creation, focusing on AI and providing daily updates to keep viewers informed.

💡User Experience

User experience encompasses all aspects of how users interact with a platform, including its usability, design, and functionality. In the video, the speaker discusses how the implementation of AI filters on AI Sakai will negatively impact the user experience by limiting the content that was previously available.


AI Sakai is implementing content filters that will block all adult content.

The filters are expected to be implemented within a week from the release of the information.

As of the 11th of December, the filters might be active in the next 2 to 3 days.

With the filters, AI Sakai will become similar to Character AI in terms of content restrictions.

Many bots on AI Sakai may not function as originally intended after the filters are applied.

Character AI is unbeatable for its speed and humanlike responses when filters are in use.

There are several alternatives to AI Sakai that operate without filters, such as Anistic Sakura and Perchance.

New alternatives like Butterflies AI, Teleg AI, and Dream Journey have emerged.

Yodo, another Character AI alternative, is gaining popularity but will soon become a paid service.

Miku GG is a viable alternative but currently has fewer bots available.

Spicy Chat is an alternative with a very long waiting list.

The speaker personally prefers Anistic Sakura and has been exploring Butterflies and Tedge AI.

AI Sakai provided an enjoyable experience for many before the implementation of filters.

The community is encouraged to share their preferred alternatives after AI Sakai's changes.

The speaker invites feedback on whether people will continue to use AI Sakai or switch to alternatives.

The video aims to inform viewers about the upcoming changes and alternatives for AI interaction.