The FUNNIEST DUI Test I've Ever Seen

Joe Bartolozzi
2 Apr 202426:50

TLDRThe video depicts a traffic stop where an officer encounters a highly intoxicated driver who comically fails multiple sobriety tests. Despite the driver's poor performance and clear inebriation, the officer maintains a professional demeanor throughout the encounter. The driver's attempts to perform tasks such as standing on one leg and following a moving object with his eyes are highlighted, showcasing the humorous and dangerous nature of driving under the influence.


  • 🚔 The video showcases a traffic stop where the driver is clearly intoxicated.
  • 🥃 The driver attempts to consume alcohol after being pulled over, possibly to argue he wasn't driving under the influence.
  • 🗣️ The driver engages in a lengthy conversation with the officer, revealing his nervousness and intoxication.
  • 📍 The location of the incident is mentioned as Anglewood Beach.
  • 🚗 The driver admits to speeding and provides an estimated speed that conflicts with the officer's radar reading.
  • 🎢 Anecdotes about witnessing dangerous behavior on social media platforms are shared by the driver.
  • 🍻 The driver discloses having six drinks in a short period, indicating a high level of intoxication.
  • 📋 The driver has recently moved and is not fully aware of the local vehicle registration requirements.
  • 👮 The officer conducts standard field sobriety tests to assess the driver's impairment.
  • 🤯 The driver struggles with the sobriety tests, displaying clear signs of intoxication.
  • 🚨 The video ends with the driver being arrested for DUI, despite his attempts to convince the officer of his sobriety.

Q & A

  • What was the reason for the traffic stop in the video?

    -The traffic stop occurred because the vehicle's driver had been speeding.

  • How did the driver attempt to justify their behavior during the stop?

    -The driver attempted to justify their behavior by claiming nervousness and even humorously suggesting they were drinking whiskey after being pulled over to avoid being accused of driving while intoxicated.

  • What was the driver's response when asked about the speed limit at Anglewood Beach?

    -The driver responded that they did not know the speed limit at Anglewood Beach.

  • What was the driver's estimated speed when crossing the bridge?

    -The driver estimated their speed at 40-55 miles per hour.

  • How many drinks did the driver admit to having in the script?

    -The driver admitted to having six drinks.

  • What was the driver's reaction to the officer's statement about the number of drinks?

    -The driver seemed surprised and questioned the officer's statement, indicating they did not believe they had consumed that many drinks.

  • What was the driver's reaction to the field sobriety test?

    -The driver struggled with the field sobriety test, showing clear signs of intoxication by not being able to follow the officer's instructions correctly.

  • What was the driver's attitude towards the officer during the interaction?

    -The driver maintained a casual and somewhat humorous attitude, even making light of the situation with jokes and comments.

  • What was the outcome of the traffic stop in the video?

    -The driver was arrested for DUI after failing the field sobriety tests and showing a blood alcohol concentration of 0.248.

  • What was the driver's concern after being informed about the arrest?

    -The driver was concerned about his girlfriend, who was waiting for him at home, and he requested that she be picked up since he was being arrested.

  • What was the driver's profession according to the script?

    -The driver identified himself as a software developer.



🚔 Traffic Stop and Intoxication

The video script begins with a scenario where an officer conducts a traffic stop on a speeding vehicle in 2022. The driver appears to be extremely intoxicated, and the conversation reveals the driver's lack of awareness about the severity of their condition. The driver attempts to use humor and deflect the situation by mentioning a video they saw on social media of a fatal accident. The officer tries to maintain a professional demeanor while dealing with the driver's erratic behavior and attempts to assess the situation. The driver's nervousness and repeated mention of a video they saw hint at a lack of understanding of the consequences of their actions.


📏 Field Sobriety Tests and Statistics

This paragraph delves into the administration of standard field sobriety tests and a discussion about drunk driving statistics in the United States. The officer and the driver engage in a conversation about the state with the most drunk drivers, with the officer mentioning that Wyoming has the worst record. The driver shares his personal history of moving between states and his experiences with law enforcement. The paragraph highlights the importance of these tests in assessing impairment and the officer's role in ensuring road safety.


👀 Failed Sobriety Test

The paragraph focuses on the driver's failed attempt at a sobriety test, specifically the horizontal gaze nystagmus test. The driver struggles to follow the officer's pen without moving his head, indicating a high level of impairment. Despite the officer's repeated instructions, the driver is unable to perform the test correctly, which further confirms the officer's suspicion of intoxication. The paragraph also touches on the entertainment aspect of such encounters, as the driver's actions are met with reactions from an audience, possibly from a body camera or a recording device.


🚶 Walking Test and Misunderstandings

This section of the script describes the driver's attempt at the heel-to-toe walking test, which is another standard field sobriety test. The driver's performance is poor, with him struggling to maintain balance and follow instructions. The paragraph also includes the driver's misconception that completing the test would allow him to avoid a DUI charge. The officer's patience is tested as he corrects the driver's misunderstandings and continues with the evaluation.


📋 Arrest and Consequences

The paragraph details the moment the officer informs the driver that he is under arrest for DUI. The driver's disbelief and attempts to negotiate or change the outcome are evident. The officer explains the procedure for impounding the vehicle and the driver's rights, while the driver expresses concern for his phone and his partner's well-being. The paragraph underscores the seriousness of drunk driving and its potential consequences, both legally and personally.


🥊 Drunken Ramblings and Wagers

In the final paragraph, the driver continues to engage in nonsensical and醉酒相关的 ramblings, suggesting an idea for a wager involving citizens and law enforcement. The driver's comments reflect a lack of understanding of the gravity of the situation and the potential dangers of drunk driving. The paragraph ends with the driver's continued struggle to comprehend the consequences of his actions and the reality of his impending arrest.



💡DUI Test

A DUI (Driving Under the Influence) test is a series of standardized measures used by law enforcement to determine whether a driver is impaired by alcohol or other substances. In the context of the video, the DUI test is central to the narrative as it showcases the driver's inability to perform simple tasks while being under the influence, highlighting the dangers and consequences of drunk driving.


Intoxication refers to the state of being under the influence of a substance, typically alcohol, that impairs mental and physical functions. In the video, the driver's extreme intoxication is evident through his slurred speech, lack of coordination, and inability to understand or follow instructions, underscoring the risks associated with driving while intoxicated.


Speeding is the act of driving a vehicle at a speed greater than the legal limit on a particular road or area. In the video, the reason for the traffic stop is the driver's speeding, which leads to the discovery of his intoxicated state.

💡Law Enforcement

Law enforcement refers to the government agencies and their personnel who enforce the law, maintain public order, and protect the citizens. In the video, the law enforcement officer is conducting a traffic stop and DUI testing, demonstrating the role they play in ensuring road safety and deterring dangerous behaviors such as drunk driving.

💡Public Safety

Public safety encompasses the protection of the general public from harm, including the promotion of healthy conditions and the reduction of risks that threaten life, health, and property. The video serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of public safety, illustrating the potential dangers and legal consequences of disregarding traffic laws and driving under the influence.

💡Resisting Arrest

Resisting arrest refers to the act of opposing, evading, or refusing to comply with the actions of a law enforcement officer during an arrest. In the video, although not explicitly stated, the driver's behavior throughout the encounter, including his inability to perform the tasks requested by the officer, could be seen as a form of passive resistance to the arrest.

💡Amusement Park

An amusement park is a recreational area featuring various attractions, such as rides and games, for the entertainment of visitors. In the video, the driver mentions an incident at an amusement park involving a person falling to their death, which he claims to have seen on social media. This serves as a tangential anecdote, illustrating the driver's impaired cognitive abilities and his tendency to share irrelevant information while under stress.


Whiplash, colloquially referred to as 'whipits', is the act of inhaling a substance, often butane or nitrous oxide, typically from a can or a balloon, to experience a brief, intense high due to the short-term oxygen deprivation to the brain. The term is mentioned in the video as the driver talks about a harmful and dangerous practice he has observed, adding to the portrayal of reckless and risky behaviors.


Vehicle registration is the process of recording a vehicle's existence with a government agency and obtaining a registration number or license plate. In the video, the driver's lack of registration for his vehicle is mentioned, indicating his failure to comply with legal requirements and adding to the list of infractions he is being questioned for.


Vehicle insurance is a contract between a person and an insurance company, where the company agrees to provide financial protection against physical damage or bodily injury resulting from traffic collisions and against liability that could also arise from incidents in a vehicle. In the context of the video, the driver is asked to present proof of insurance, which is a legal requirement for operating a vehicle and a measure to ensure financial responsibility in the event of an accident.


Officer conducts a traffic stop on a speeding vehicle in 2022.

Driver appears extremely intoxicated during the traffic stop.

Driver humorously attempts to drink whiskey post-traffic stop to avoid DUI charges.

Driver claims to be from Anglewood Beach and is unaware of the speed limit.

Driver admits to watching a video of a fatal accident involving whipits.

Driver estimates his speed at 40-55 mph during the traffic stop.

Driver has recently moved to Florida and is unregistered and uninsured.

Officer decides to administer standard field sobriety tasks despite the driver's intoxication.

Driver struggles with the first sobriety test, not following instructions properly.

Officer patiently repeats instructions for the sobriety test, showing professionalism.

Driver humorously attempts the heel-to-toe steps, showing his inability to follow instructions.

Driver displays a lack of understanding of the severity of his actions, focusing on being close to home.

Officer arrests the driver for DUI, emphasizing the danger of drunk driving.

Driver expresses concern for his girlfriend, who may be in need of assistance.

Officer maintains composure and professionalism despite the driver's intoxicated state.

Driver's car is to be towed and inventory is conducted for his belongings.

Driver's final attempt at humor and wit, showcasing his impaired judgment.